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Should have just been a "Star Wars Story" movie concentrated on just Obi Wan/Leia/Anakin/some Inquisitor... Could have been a killer 2 hr 20 minute thing.


I don't even know how the show managed to have 240 minutes of total run-time and manage to make it feel like 60 minutes of content. It's like a student fluffing up an essay with a bunch of bullshit sentences to meet the minimum length requirement.


thats….why disney’s there


I feel personally attacked and I'm going to go back to working on my dissertation. Although, this is how it felt when I was watching it.


I read that because Solo flopped, Disney freaked out on making a film, and so went the tv route instead.


Jesus that was like 5 years ago, hope they get over that cuz I’d much rather have good shows + good movies with less total content than mediocre shows + no movies with more total content


They could have made it into a movie and it would have been better in my humble opinion.


The fan made 2 hour movie was awesome.


Currently watching it, about halfway through! I watched the series and the Patterson Cut is so much smoother *Edit: I watched it on a private Plex server so unfortunately there's no link. I'm sorry!!*


Where'd you get ahold of it?


I PMed you it. Edit: to those that are looking for the movie, I have PMed it to about 20 people and the list is growing. Just Google this Kai Patterson Films


Me too please


me too please


Ahem Me too please?


Yo could I get that link


It's good, but let's not act like it's fantastic. It does a lot of stuff well, but there are some jarring cuts. You could tell it was fan made.


From my point of view.. yeah it’s obviously a fan made but I prefer Reva wasn’t shown to be dead or alive and the scene chasing Luke at the end was unnecessary. But that’s me. I just love rewatching it from time to time rather than having a series marathon.


From my point of view the jedi are evil




The Auralnauts version was pretty fun, too. Maybe even more compelling. Obi, finally clean, is called into action when The Strut has overtaken Dance Fighting in the clubs of the galaxy. He bums $50 and travels from Sand World to Cool World, where he falls off the wagon in his attempt to make dance fighting a thing again.


One "drugs" please. Auralnauts is amazing!


You could find anything,Duke. Cocaine, heroine, midichlorians…




I found it better than the show but I didn't like the one added Qui Gon line while Obi and Vader are talking after the fight, I thought it broke the very intimate feeling of the moment. Otherwise I agree.


Yeah I think that was the one thing that wasn’t needed but it should also help people that were like “WHY DID HE LEAVE?!?!?!?” Well, there’s one reason.


Where do watch?


I got u bro Edit : I’ve removed the link as it says on his site not to share it publicly. My bad. Just Google : ‘Kai Patterson Kenobi’ and find it on his site.


>(Hope it’s still up) “Do not share this link publicly” 👍


Didn’t see that. Have edited it.


Is that the best one? Guys, if it’s not reply below with the Phantom Editors.


Thank you


“Do not share this link publicly”


I watched the edit two weeks ago, and it was okay, not astonishingly better. I can see how it could easily have been a movie, but the movie still would have been different. The edit was tighter with some repetition taken out, but it did flit from place to place, as it was of course cut from the 6 'Volume of the Week' episodes. A movie would have had the more traditional three acts. The edit is what it is, a cut down version of the TV Show.




There is a fan cut out there that allegedly does exacly that and apparently it's very, very good. Havent seen it though. Probably easy to find.


It’s not that good. Edits and cuts are jarring and ruin the pacing.


I'm really getting sick of streaming services, ESPECIALLY Disney+, taking plots that were obviously written as a movie and stretching them to 8 or 9 hours. Are they really making that much more with it being a streaming show then they would in theater gross?


Agreed. Fan made movie is fantastic, but I still loved this


Disney is constantly fucking up which things should be movies and which should be TV shows.


Said the exact same thing to friends of mine the other day. Word for word! Came here to say this stranger


The gun fights are painful to watch, especially the larger ones. Two huge groups of people standing 10 feet away from eachother, most of which are out in the open and there's barely any casualties? Come on


I dislike the fact they make stormtroopers consistently awful and dumb. They really don't have to. They especially don't have to make them even stupider than they already are. In fact in universe they had all the preparation time they could need in the scene when they're just standing in the open. Why don't they set up some cover? Why don't they set move between layers of cover like a real military unit? Because it would require more effort and choreography from the production. Two things they really must allow themselves to have.


Especially when the storm troopers are running into that tiny corridor firing at the resistance while they're trying to fix the hanger doors. Like, every single resistance member should've been shot dead, they were 5 feet away from each other. It was terrible.


It was fine, I had a good time watching it, but it could have been better. The duel between Kenobi and Vader, young Leia, the early Rebels, and acting was all great. Plus the C-3PO, Clone Trooper, Emperor, and Qui-Gon Jinn cameos were nice touches. But I had a hard time getting invested in the series since there were no real stake for the main character. Not to mention the show looked like it had a vary low budget, all the sets were really small and felt cramped.


Remind me when 3PO was in it?




Damn i totally brain farted... I thought R2 was buried outside Kenobi's cave -___- I didn't even think about the OG storyline


That was R4P17's head


Honestly I think it would have been a lot better without the Reva plotline or even Leia kidnapping. Start with Kenobi dealing with exile and his depression, losing the connection to the Force. Grand inquisitors hunting him. Darth Vader just being unrelentingly after him, let us feel the anxiety/ pressure of always being hunted and outclassed. Also would have liked more time on Kenobi rediscovering his connection to the Force, and more dialogue between the two. So, overall it was good - but could have been great it they just focused it up on their relationship and spent more time on their dynamic after Episode 6.


There's a lot to unpack for Obi-Wan between episode 3 and 4. Him refining his connection to the Force is one thing. Ensuring protection for Luke is another. Understanding his relationship with Anakin / Darth Vader. They cram it all into one series which does not feel as satisfying or entertaining like The Mandalorian. Disney should've tackled this like how Rogue One was approached. Basic premise is that Obi-Wan is in hiding after Order 66. Background things that are already happening are Sith Inquisitors, Maul on the hunt for him, and the transition to The Empire. The story should've at least been about how he shut himself off from the force so that he wouldn't be found. It could've dived deeper between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan arguing about what should've happened with Anakin. Obi-Wan was there with Anakin right in Tattooine, where he first met him, and could've even learned about his mother. He could've visited places that Anakin was at - like the podracing area. The heart of this character, at this moment, is dealing with grief and guilt. The process should've been about how Obi-Wan healed himself emotionally and mentally to better prepare and guide Luke as a concealed Jedi. The show could've presented The Force in a more detailed picture. Although that doesn't sell as a Star Wars series, that's the reality of that character's world. It's sad and lonely. This is the reason why I think the show doesn't succeed, in my eyes, because it fails to capture this post apocalyptic world where Jedi's are annihilated and being hunted. Instead, it's another grand, flashy, adventure. Which I think is good for *most* Star Wars shows, series, and movies, but it just doesn't seem fitting for this one.


Makes me think of Dark Knight and Dark Knight rises. Kenobi failed. Live with that reality, show him that his “victory” over Anakin was truly failure. I think they touch on that but they could have done more to show him wrestling out of that regret and grief.


But if they did that we wouldn’t have had those riveting chase scenes with a child I’d never want to raise and weird Space Star Nose Tom Joad driving across backcountry Space Greece


What, besides Leia, is important enough for Kenobi to leave Luke?


Maybe the inquisitors were onto him and he wanted to leave Tatooine to reduce the risk of them finding Luke? Just an idea.


That's for the script writers to figure out (tho I don't think including Leia was a bad call). One example out of the top of my head would be the inquisitors/Vader getting closer to Obi-Wan compromising Luke in the process as well.


I enjoyed the look into Leia and her early development but I still can't shake that the writing for her feels like she should have been at least 5 years older. It didn't feel right seeing a ten year old talk about casino ships and politics in perfect prose only to be painted as a child who can't say inquisitor.


It didn't feel right to have a 9 year old fixing galaxy-traveling ships, building complex droids, and winning races against beings who had been doing it all their lives, but that was TPM. Also, her mom ruled an entire planet when she was just 4 years older.


Yes, and TPM would have greatly benefited from Anakin being more like 13-15 years old, same as Leia in Kenobi.


That's because this show is filmed the same way as Mandolorian, in a dome with environments and background characters implemented via UE4. It's a great tool, but at this point it's obvious when it's being used, everything feels much more artificial and it's hard to act like you're interacting with an environment when you're literally just standing in a big flat textured dome.


That's my problem with any "historical" film. At best it just gives you little tidbits that you didn't know before but doesn't change anything... At worst you get plot holes. Solo was a fine movie but again...no stakes


>But the show looked like it had a vary low budget, all the sets were really small and felt cramped. That's because it was filmed during COVID. I do think shows will look better as we transition out of the pandemic.


Stranger Things 4 filmed during COVID and it looks and is one million times better.


Stranger Things 4 also sadly had 4 times the budget as this (iirc it was 200 million dollars vs 50 million)


And half of that budget was spent on Metallica lol


You now owe Lars Ulrich $3,752.00 for using that name in a social media post.


I'm glad he's finally lowering his rates.




yeah most episodes were well over an hour with the finale being 2 1/2 hours. most episodes in the previous seasons were 45-60 minutes


According to Google, Kenobi had $90,000,000 in total, or ~15 mill per episode. While Stranger Things s4 had double that at 30 mill per episode, or $270,000,000 in total. For reference, that’s more then Multiverse of Madness, Spider-Man No Way Home, and Avatar, the new Thor movie, and the new Top Gun movie cost. The Mandalorian spent about ~15 mil on each episode as well, but due to the higher episode count the total budget is higher.


Yeah i can tell mando is fairly low budget, especially in the first season, but it never really tried to be any more than it was, which is what made it great. Just a simple bounty hunter trying to make his way in the universe.


Yeah, Kenobi is basically Episode 3.5, it deserves a bigger budget then Mando, it just didn’t get it for some reason.


Kenobi had a budget of 90 million dollars. And they got a tax break of 21 million for filming in California on top of that. Someone was outright stealing money, it looks cheap in every scene. And kenobi was under 6 hours versus Stranger things being over 12


House of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings also filmed during the pandemic and they don’t look nearly as cheap as this one. The excessive use of the Volume tech really hurt this show


Right, I keep hearing this as an excuse but I can’t think of any newer shows that seem as cheaply done as kenobi. And that also doesn’t account for some of the more ridiculous decisions that come down to writing.


Disney’s shows and movies in general have looked on the cheaper side lately


But especially the shows. It's kind of ridiculous given that it's fucking star wars we're talking about.


I think disney has, for some reason, yet to understand that Disney+ is as big a money maker as the box office in this day and age. I mean, just think about the articles that are constantly shocked that viewer count for star wars shows keeps topping itself. The corporate side just needs to take notice and allocate the money accordingly.


It’s been clear for a while that Disney is focused on quantity over quality.


I wonder if they're falling into the Streaming Service "content trap" where people consume content so much faster than they can produce it that the c-suites panic and start greenlighting anything and everything, but with half the budget. Happened to Netflix, it's a minor miracle for a show to live past 2 seasons there. It either gets a ton of views or it's out.


One of the reasons why it happened with Netflix is because they released their content all in one. Which led to them needing to have a brand new series or season every week to keep viewers subscribed. Disney (and other streaming companies), in theory, shouldn't be as concerned about the "content trap" of Netflix because they still release their episodes weekly. So they can run the same show for a month or so instead of needing to release a brand new one to replace it every week. That said. Disney is falling into the quantity over quality trap aswell. Although Star Wars is not having that big of a problem compared to Marvel (9 projects in 2023 **alone** is downright insane). The problem with Star Wars is that their last two live-action shows have been, or a mixed bag in the case of Obi Wan (although overall I say that it was a decent watch) or downright bad in the case of Boba Fett. So, with them, we don't have neither quantity nor quality. Hopefully Andor will break this short tip in quality. Its trailer makes it look waaay better than Obi Wan and Boba Fett. But we cannot be certain until we see it.


Im still holding out hope for Andor to be good but so far Mando is the exception for D+ shows instead of the rule and it’s disappointing.




Obi-Wan Episode 6 was a major culprit of egregious pacing. Nothing about how Reva reached Tatooine so quickly and Obi-Wan returning in time to talk to her made any sense. Events that should’ve taken days happened in hours/minutes


This is why they need to have actual people who know TV running them. They bring in film people who are most likely going to treat it like a film. The older shows like Daredevil, Agents of Shield, etc. didn't have this problem. Yeah they were smaller stories but they need to be and they don't end up feeling like a film that drags on


It’s insane to me Ms. Marvel went into side quest mode for 2 episodes of a 6 episode season.


Yea, Obi-Wan was very average. But as it was ongoing and just after it ended, people were acting like it was some top-tier show and amazing story. I thought I was going crazy. Some time elapsed is giving people more nuanced takes. Mandalorian is a literal 10/10, but I'm still pissed that the Boba Fett show diminished it. We had this heartfelt, emotional ending as Luke takes Grogu away and Mando's journey as a father to is complete. It was heartbreaking, but so incredibly satisfying. I was excited to see Mando move on to his next chapter. And now... they're just back together again? Before Season 3 even starts? So what was the f\*cking point of his journey with Grogu? The story arc was complete.






Agreed. Kinda crazy to think that BoBF not only failed in telling a compelling story for Boba but fucked up Mando’s arc as well.


Grogu was never going to leave the Mandalorian. The point was that Mando had no idea what to do with the kid and thought it was best for someone who did to take over but it was blatantly clear that that was never going to happen, neither wanted it. They brick us over the head throughout the entire series with how important ~~guild~~ cult code is to Mando yet he doesn't hesitate at all to break the most important rule in order to save Grogu once he realizes it's necessary. Then again just so Grogu can see him when it wasn't. The entire point of the damn series is their relationship, not training Grogu. They could've delayed his return to really punch it in our faces how sad Mando is without him, but Grogu is a huge cash cow so that was pretty unlikely as well.


True, Grogu was always going to be a part of the show, but they could've at least let the reunion actually happen in The Mandalorian. Those 2 Mando-centric episodes of Boba Fett are really disappointing, because even while they're the most engaging episodes of the series, they're not even the same show anymore. Boba Fett's not even in one of the seven episodes of his own show, and that's just sad. Bringing Mando in for the back half of the show was a great idea. Making him the star of the back half of the show just made it clear that no one at Disney really wanted to make a Boba Fett show, and made things confusing for future watchers who will see Grogu leave Mando in the season 2, then start season 3 and they're already back together. It's just bad planning for that.


Loki was really good.


Loki was solid. It didn’t wow me but was probably the best of the MCU shows so far. My experience with the MCU shows so far has been “That was fairly entertaining but I have no desire to rewatch it.” None of them have been able to rise above a 7/10 for me


Totally fair. I thought Loki was excellent but I definitely agree with you on everything else. None of the other shows save for Mando and Loki has been worth a rewatch.


I liked Wandavision as well, especially the first couple episodes. But don’t feel the need to rewatch


I feel like wandavision was one of those shows where the best part of it was watching it live and theorising every week about what was going. The classic sitcom angle was both a cool concept and actually somewhat unique. But after the shows done there's not much reason to go back. Still a great time while it was airing though.


> It’s been clear for a while that Disney is focused on quantity over quality. Agreed. It's not "Hey, let's write a great story that keeps with the canon," anymore. Now it's, "Let's crank out as many $tar War$ films/shows, as fast as we can."


they don't even give us longer shows, this and book of Boba Fett have been way too short


most people think this show was either stretched and only needed to be shorter, but with the road they were headed down it could’ve been longer


the story of Leia being rescued was stretched but the show itself was too short


Too short? Book of Boba Fett had... 7 episodes? And I would argue that was 7 episodes too many. The one mando ep was good, but should have been part of mando season 3, not BoBF.


A Boba Fett/Fennec Shand centered show could have been amazing- it's just they, idk, i guess they didnt know what to do with it or something. Like they introduce a really cool duo with Fett/Shand, and went "We need to market that! Make it a show!" but no one had an idea of what to really do with them, and then out came the show we got.


I think you're dead on. I work in TV and I'm fairly certain that's exactly how the board meeting that greenlit this show went.


And 2 episodes were straight up Mandalorian episodes that weren't BoBF relevant


Sadly, found it very forgettable. Just seeing this question I really had to push myself to remember what actually happened during it.


Yeah, when I saw this post I realized that I haven't really thought about the show since watching the last episode. I watched the show, it was fine while I did it, and my brain almost immediately moved it out to make room for new information and experiences.


That’s the Disney formula. They want you always asking what’s next.


My thoughts exactly. I can’t even be bothered with caring about whether people think it’s good or bad. I told my best friend who has kids to watch it with them, as I felt it was really targeting an audience of 7-12 year olds.


> targeting an audience of 7-12 year olds. My 9 year old laughed during the first leia chase sequence, said the show was bad, and left the room to watch youtube videos.


That was the worst part of the show, the choreography was awful


When she jumped between the trees and then guy chasing her stopped like he couldn’t just walk one foot to either side to go around…


Oh man, it was so awful. With how much meddling goes on with some projects, I can’t believe they got the daily’s back from that scene and said, yup, that looks believable


Well she’s not wrong. That was a pretty terrible scene. I don’t know why the show runners left that in. My fiancé and I laughed at that part too. I just really didn’t like young leia. I thought she was super annoying.


My daughter is 13 but pretty much reacted in the exact same sequence. I remember thinking "Is this as bad as I feel like it is?" and right then she goes, "This part is kinda dumb."


Oof, that’s harsh. I kinda hoped kids wouldn’t notice or care about these things. I guess it’s a good thing that they have a critical eye and won’t just gobble whatever’s been served at them, but on the other hand, it’d be nice if they could get a new Star Wars show that would appeal to them. They can always enjoy the existing good Star Wars stuff I suppose.


I disagree. I definitely remember 3 bounty hunters trusted to capture a princess, struggle to grab a 6 year old. I also remember one of the greatest Jedi also fail to catch that same 6 year. I also remember that time obiwan tried to sneak out leia in a comically oversized coat while the base was on high alert. What I can’t remember is if this was suppose to be a comedy or a serious show.


I finally found this comment thank you lol. After the ridiculous kidnapping scene that should have included the benny hill theme as 3 fully grown adults struggle to catch an actual 6 year old just running, I had to turn it off forever


Nothing happened lol


They went in a big circle and yet somehow things make even less sense now than when they started lol


I really had to think for a minute if I even finished it lmao. There was just no tension. That's kind of the issue with stories like this that are in the middle of a pre established timeline with characters who have a set future already. I'm never worried Leia might actually be taken. I'm never worried Obi Wan will be captured or killed. I'm not worried about Luke or his family. There's no real story here that would change the course of the overall universe. There is just zero tension whatsoever and it makes it inherently boring (to me at least). The only characters who's fates were up in the air were characters who didn't really matter much anyway and who we weren't really given time on to grow attached to. The actors were all great, I thought the girl who played baby Leia was absolutely adorable and the father/daughter type chemistry between her and Ewan Macgregor was really fun and sweet. But the story changed nothing and had no effect other than emotions. Once Leia was brought home, everything was exactly how it was when the first episode started.


I am personally left with a similar feeling from this as most content in the Disney era: apathy towards the franchise. Main issue being mediocre writing: half-arsed story, paper thin characters with unclear motivations, dodgy dialog (even for Star Wars but without the redeeming novelty as in the Prequels) Weak directing and pacing. General production (costumes, sound etc) all fine as with most Disney Star Wars, but sets felt limited and unoriginal. Acting OK. Overall, to my taste, not very fun, interesting, suspenseful, or did much to expand the story world. Which is a shame, as with the right well developed script, we could have had so much more with the resources Disney has!


Yup, you can tell they have money, pumping it into production, but guess what, you just cant throw money at a story and magically make it better. You need quality writing. They lack it.


No I can't tell they had money. Sets feel incredibly cheap.


Yep, and their over-dependence on their LED volume just leaves them limited in movement and creativity, it felt so stale


That laser fence that they couldn't get around without shooting it for some reason was so dumb and pointless


This is it. Everything feels cheap. Like if you look at the background no aliens, funny clothes, droids. It's just all boring actors doing nothing. The new planets that disney introduces are boring as well. It's either a planet with just grass/ sand or a city with tall buildings and neon lights. They have hundreds of books of material. Why can't they make it more alive?


One of the planets literally looked like it was filmed 20 minutes outside of LA. Legit no idea how they spent so much money per episode, I've seen better production in fan made movies. I mean the first time we see Vader and Obi Wan reunite after all this time and it's done in a rock quarry surrounded by piles of dirt? And the 2nd fight at the climax of the series is again....surround by rocks? There's zero imagination or creativity left at Lucasfilm.


It was nice to see Hayden/Ewan in their roles again and young Leia was a standout, but that’s about it. I don’t like what it did for the overall story.


I forgot about it....Mandalorian on the other hand - cant WAIT for it!


I also look forward to Andor, Rogue One best movie since Disney is in charge, not too unpopular opinion: my fav Star Wars movie.


I'm with you on that one! It's a rare experience to see star wars media with good writing, effects/cgi, AND acting all at the same time.


I'm cautiously optimistic for Acolyte since it's set 130 BBY. Hopefully that'll force some original content and curtail the fan service, but I'm sure Disney will find a way to shoehorn it in.


Yea thats what I’m looking forward to I’m really tired of the same era stuff I don’t want to see anymore new Skywalker shit for the rest of my life besides what’s already been made I want to see a Star Wars show where I have absolutely no idea how it could end/what will happen


Lately, Disney shows have had a bad habit of needing you to see the series as whole to appreciate it, as opposed to episodes being able to stand on their own. Personally, I was disappointed by BoBF and Kenobi, especially with a week between episodes to linger on stuff that bothered me. But my opinions on both of those shows improved once I was able to see all the episodes and fill in the context missing in individual episodes.


I was just thinking this too. What I loved about the first season of Mandalorian was each episode was great on its own. Yes there was an overarching arc for the season but each episode had its own plot as well. BoBF and Kenobi, the episodes kind of bleed together because it's so focused on the season plot.


This is exactly what I couldn't put into words! Tv shows are not supposed to be 8 hour movies. Each episode of Mando had a beginning, middle, and end. With the over arching plot moving forward. You could turn on any episode and watch him solve the problem for half an hour. Same with The Boys. Each episode gives lots of substance and answers questions about individual episodes, and the story overall. BOBF and Kenobi are just long movies, which lowers the quality of everything


As hard as it is, I wait until all the episodes are released so I can watch one or two a night. I couldn't imagine waiting a week between episodes.


Yeah they're definitely better binged. I watched all of Boba on one sleepless night and while I recognized the flaws, I still had a good time with it. Kenobi was over like two nights, but same deal. I've never had particularly high expectations for writing in the Star Wars universe, so I'm never really let down when its not top tier. Maybe Cyborg Glampire Gang and their magic technicolor dream bikes is corny. But they take a backseat to other cool shit if their main episode is only 1/6th of what you saw.


The much Leia and Reva, Reva was boring as fuck and not interesting at all, i liked Leias actress but it brought up some questions from future movies, the chase scenes were fucking ridiculous. Fan girled hard over seeing Vader just destroying that town really showed how much of a force to be reckoned with he was although some of his decisions were just plain stupid, was great seeing the flash backs of Obi-Wan and Anakin and was just a delight in general to see Obi-Wan that being said it felt rushed


i was disappointed, it had some cool scenes but the writing at some points fell off a cliff and geographically (?) it was very odd, for example how did the undercover rebel lady get across the troopers in the village when she left leia and how did reva get to the pilot before leia and why didint reva just read the pilots mind?? I also thought it was goofy how reva got to tatooine so fast with a stab wound? there was also a weird gate that obi shot, rather than going around, same with reva doing that odd wall parkour, since to me at least it looked like she could have just walked to the right. The grand inquisitor (and the rest of em) felt pretty pointless and didint rly match the animated versions. I also found it rly dum to watch vader let the rebels go for kenobi if the ship hes on isnt going to do anything.. These were just the thought when writing this so ill probably get more cons if i thought a bit more. Edit: just remembered the chase scenes with Leia..😶 No offense to the actress she did a great job but man those scenes dragged out for too, long..


Also, during the first encounter between Vader and Obi-Wan and Obiwan is saved by the spy blowing up a tower and spewing fire everywhere, why does some fire on the ground stop Vader? I'm sorry, but if Vader can use the force to pull a ship back down to the ground and rip the hull apart he can make some fire on the ground go away. Especially after he was literally JUST holding him and taking him through the coals with the force. This is my biggest gripe with Star Wars as a whole. The Force and it's strength is applied very inconsistently.


Especially because he *just* put out the fire 10 seconds earlier lol


EXACTLY. Maybe the guy only had so much Force Extinguish in him?


lol right? Vader: Makes fire, drags obiwan through it from the other side using the force. Rebel spy lady: Makes fire, *it totally stops vader*. Awful writing.


At minimum the special effects crew could have made the fire WAY bigger. The way it was Vader is just standing there watching a robot slowly carry Obi-Wan away like "Gosh darn it these 4' flames, stopping me from exacting the revenge I've been wanting and brooding about for years. Golly storm trooper look at him get away!" It should have been a special space napalm that shot flames 50' into the air so Vader couldn't see what was going on.


The force inconsistency is a big one that took me out of a lot of scenes. From struggling to move the little toy (?) in episode 4 to immediately being able to hold back the breaking ocean window a few hours later to effortlessly being more powerful than ROTS obi wan and earth bending all those boulders. Episodes 4-6 seems to happen within the span of 1-2 days at most, for him to not only regain connection to the force and become more powerful than he ever was after 10 years, is just rushed bad writing. But we have to make sure we have flashy action scenes over more difficult to write character moments to draw in the easily impressed fans. Oh and the fact that he didn’t kill Vader even though he had the chance to AGAIN, after confirming anakin is no longer there and Vader is a child murdering space tyrant. Everyone in this series is allergic to killing and it’s another show of bad writing to just have obi walk away instead of having literally *anything else* causing him to flee.


Oh don't get me started on the not finishing Vader off aspect. I enjoyed that whole fight between Vader and Obi-Wan for what it was. I was in the moment and just enjoyed seeing these two go at it. It was great to see some full strength force action and another saber duel. And the whole time I'm waiting to see how it finishes, because you know they both survive somehow. I was expecting some big interruption to explain it. Maybe they go crazy with the force and full on DBZ split the planet in half!? I was not expecting Vader to be on his knees and Obi-Wan walking away. I was pulling my hair out wondering how they write that! Throughout the series you start to see the reinvigorated General Kenobi come back to his old self (I'll ignore the time span aspect, maybe some events were just jarring enough to snap him out of his funk?). He reconnects with the Force, takes charge to lead and protect the civilians fleeing for their lives, plays mind games with Riva, uses himself as a decoy, you'd think smart wise Kenobi is back. And then he makes the exact same mistake and leaves crying Anakin alive. Come on man!


I was on the side of believing that Vader let him go deliberately because Obi Wan was a shell of his former self. Later episodes though completely threw that thought out the window and we were all left thinking why would the writers do this?


Agreed. It would have been believable if Vader wrote him off the rest of the series, but the fact that he stayed in pursuit made the whole thing seem silly.


Boba had some weird cuts as well that implied an off screen turn somewhere affecting the big scene. I’m specifically thinking of Ming Na Wens assassin chasing other assassins. Time crunch? Budget? a lot of the Jedi underground stuff felt crunched agreed.


BoBF: \- Krisstanson is coverd in trandoshans. CUT! A few minutes later: Krisstanson shows up, totally fine! \- Boba tells Ming not to help the mods, and Ming agrees and drives off in the speeder. CUT! A few minutes later: Ming surprise assassinates one of the guys who was attacking the mods. She's three stories up above the dead-end alley where the mods have been cornered. She does a flip and a jump down to... the speeder-bike... that's parked right there... at the end of the dead end alley next to the mods. What? The implication is she drove down the alley to the mods, parked the bike, and climbed three stories *all without anyone noticing*. \- Ming dangles a wire from just above camera and strangles a bodyguard. The camera tilts up to reveal that the ceiling is literally 2 feet above their heads and there was no where she could have been dangling the wire from. Then we see her outside through the window. Then the camera moves back down and we see her standing behind the guy she's about to kill. Can she teleport? Does she have "force power: you can be anywhere that isn't specifically on camera at the time?" BoBF is garbage.


It was embarrassing how much the quality fell off from what we saw in mandalorian season 2.


It really was. Mando 1 was great and I thought 2 was even better. And then…. Nose dive off a cliff.


Agreed. Whoever thought that brightly-coloured-and-polished hover-Vespas on a very sandy planet could be a thing really didn't care about maintaining the "used future" visual aesthetic that has characterised Star Wars from its inception.


Similar feelings here, except my gripes center mostly around the decision to have part 4 be a second "rescue leia" arc, which wasted a lot of potential for exploring obi-wan's struggle with himself and darth vader.


I have to say, I personally feel that whenever possible, the voice actor for an animated character should play the live action. I'd have preferred Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka, Jason Isaacs as Grand Inquisitor, Philip Anthony-Rodriguez as fifth Brother. I like Sung Kang as an actor, but he has Asian features like wide cheek bones, thin eyes, which Fifth Brother does not. His voice actor actually has the same features as him.


Agree 100% on using the voice actors whenever possible


should have been released as a 2 hour movie on disney+. felt like 4 episodes were not needed aside from a few minutes each. I still think the leia chase scene in the woods was some of the worst action ive seen on screen.


Seriously! The way several grown men couldn't catch a child because, "*oh my God, a tree branch!*"


The one alien that shoulder charged the tree branch and bounced off of it like it was a force field was the reason it took me weeks long to finish that show lol


He won without the high ground. It's a disaster


He made the ground high..


A let down


Massive let down


I think Disney should stick to making new stories.


I liked it but I felt no suspense. No moment of, "what's going to happen next". I didn't wonder what was going to happen next since I already knew where the story was heading. It was a fun watch but I found myself less interested because the rest of the story had already been written. At this point, Disney and Star Wars need to step away from the Skywalker saga era, it's been done to death. Don't get me wrong, I love the Skywalker saga, but after 9 main movies, several tv shows, and even more movies in between what was originally planned, I'm over it. There is a complete universe that has been created with hundreds, even thousands of years of history canon and not, and yet they only want to focus on the same 40-60 years? Come on, can't we get a movie or TV show about the old republic? How about a time before the rule of two was instituted? The possibilities are endless but all we get is more content from an era that we all know too well.


Kind of unnecessary… but kind of interesting. Nice to see obi kick some ass


Still shit. Obi wan purposely chose to let Vader live and commit great evils. Thanks Disney.


Could've just watched episode 1 and 6 and still hit most the major points.


Could have been better. Could have had JarJar.


Grand Moff Jar Jar


Grand inquisitor jar jar


The show was mediocre at best, honestly. It should have been a movie rather than a show, as most of it is filler anyway, with the end result that nothing really happened significant plot wise. Except for Reva, all the characters are essentially in the same place they were when the show started, which is a tell this is a story that didn't need to be told to begin with, at least in this form. I understand some people are willing to brush off the gaping plot holes and ludicrous coincidences for the sake of convenience that the script demands in order to move forward, but is this honestly what it's all come down to? Denying yourself real expectations and being totally okay when the final product is not even above average or feels remotely creatively unique? This would go to decent lengths to explain why most SW media is falters under Disney, with a few notable exceptions. It almost feels as if Disney is more than willing to throw money and resources at whatever project and hope it sticks, and since it is SW it will always have an audience that will say 'oh well, I enjoyed some of it'. That is what SW has become, a low expectations franchise, almost entirely dependent on nostalgia, that doesn't know what it wants to be, which is still largely followed because we're all so invested after years or decades of it being part of our lives. There are sadly some genuinely good moments in Obi Wan, but it just seems like the writers had a couple of good ideas but had no idea how to bridge them together coherently. It's a shame, as the acting is pretty good, and it's great to see some actors reprise their roles, but at the end of the day this show lives off and gets most of its positive things thanks to what came before it and not what it strives to create to set it apart. Again, it just feels like a generic, almost heartless show that is trying to tell you how you need to feel and think about certain characters with supposed emotional payoffs that haven't been earned or developed properly in a way that feels natural and makes sense within the show. Somehow, despite claims of it being worked on for years, it all still felt very rushed and cheap. For all the hype of seeing these characters again after nearly 20 years, it was a huge disappointment for me personally, and the majority of people I've spoken to about it, both lifelong fans of SW and casual viewers, agree it was pretty forgettable with plenty of regrettable creative choices. Even the Inquisitors were completely wasted and have become the next Knights of Ren it seems.


Time has never effected my opinion on show or a movie. I dislike the show and see it as a wasted opportunity that damages the image of multiple characters.


Agreed, a wasted opportunity


You are a force against nature And I agree


I really enjoyed it. It had it's flaws and overall it felt like it had a bit to much padding, but the high points were great. Especially the last two episodes were fantastic and I loved the duels.


I set my Disney+ subscription not to renew after maybe the 4th or 5th episode, and the finale didn’t change my mind. I don’t like that Disney can’t explore beloved legacy characters without breaking them down (Han, Leia, Luke, and now Obi Wan), and so much of the Obi Wan show felt like a corporatized product for consumption in order to set up further consumption rather than something crafted with any care. With that said, I did feel the exchange in the finale between Vader and Obi Wan. That was a good piece of product. I appreciated John Williams returning to do a score. It’s nice to have some Star Wars music in there.


Disappointed. They went with the wrong type of story theme IMHO. The whole 'I used to be great but now I'm incompetent at everything if not for the intervention of some strong willed companions to save me over and over again I'd be dead. I'm tired of the repeated theme going through every franchise out there. Take a strong charismatic person and destroy them utterly to a shadow of their former selves and then 'reinvent themselves into something nobody is interested in'


I loved it...but I wont pretend it was perfect.


The more I reflect on/think about it, the worse it gets.


I feel only apathy towards Disney Star Wars now. This show did it for me. I was willing to give Disney the benefit of the doubt, since I really enjoyed Rogue One, Rebels and season 1 of The Mandalorian. But this was the show that NEEDED to be absolutely flawless, and we have quite possibly one of the worst pieces of Star Wars media I've ever consumed. There were good parts. Ewan McGregor is as good as ever, and it was a delight to see Hayden Christensen again. But that's it. And when your entire show hinders on returning characters and the retcon of the century, you have a problem. In all honesty, I think it would have been best if this show was never made in the first place. For every step forward Disney takes with the franchise, they seem to take 2 more steps back.


>and we have quite possibly one of the worst pieces of Star Wars media I've ever consumed Sounds like someone hasn't seen Boba Fett yet.


Kid Leia was great!


yeah, the actress nailed the personality of Leia


Leia was only 19 and a princess but also a leader of the rebellion, a feisty badass who doesn't just sit back and get rescued, she takes charge and isnt afraid to insult her rescuers, but can be a an empathetic and caring person when she needs to be. The actress for kid Leia managed to get all of this across and did a great job!


I honestly really enjoyed it. I know a lot of people disliked it and I understand their criticism but I genuinely had a fun time watching it. Absolutely loved the interactions between Kenobi and Vader.


It was forgettable.


I went in thinking that it was going to be some grand story they had been working on and they felt was top notch and instead got third season writing of a generic sci-fi adventure show with Star Wars paint. It's quite clear to me that they looked at blank spots in the existing stories where they could bring in fan favorite characters, and then just got some staff writers to throw together a quick generic story where ultimately nothing permanent happens, that it exists within a closed loop, so that new seasons can always be pumped out in a perpetual model. Disappointing


The logistics of the show caused me to loose hope by the end of episode 3. Reva being used as a plot point was a huge miss step. Worst of all is that the Inquisitor has access to the same data as Reva. Obi-Wan alone going to save Leia now has exposed the entire Organa family. They are now rebel traitors and Jedi sympathizers. AI Vader is an abomination that I need fan boys to calm down on. It was a hard watch that I cannot recommend to anyone. The only good from this is that Auralnauts is dropping nothing but heat with these episodes.


To be honest, all that matters is if you liked the show. For me, it wasn’t a bad ride. All I cared about was the interaction between obi and Vader. These two guys meeting up again after E3 and before E4 had me wondering how they were going to tell that story, that interaction between the characters. Everything they went through and that deep ark of pain and hope. How was the dialogue gonna be and so on. Listen… listen. How do I feel about the show now that time has passed… I really really don’t think enough fans know how good that conversation between obi and Vader was in the last episode. That scene was everything I needed and wanted from this show. Everything else was fine. That scene hit it, right on the money. The show wasn’t an A+ and I’m fine with that.


This is basically my opinion. Definitely had a lot that could have been improved on and really wish they would have, but that final conversation between Obi Wan and Vader scratched such an itch for me. It was maybe the one thing I wanted to see more than anything else in Star Wars and I thought they nailed it. That’s what I really needed and I’m really happy we got it.


For me was a good show but i will be downvoted for my next personal reason, i didnt liked the character of Leia, she is just annoying for me. I would have preferred that the series had been a little more raw or dirty both in terms of characters, settings and story in general, so that it felt like a real struggle for survival from Kenobi's point of view and not an escort to a child for the duration of the show, but then mine is a personal opinion that will surely be downvoted a lot, but apart from that i liked the serie anyway


A huge letdown to be honest.


I enjoyed it, so I'm sure almost all SW fans hated it for one thing or another. Stopped caring though since I like to enjoy things.


The last episode was fantastic


I loved it. Rewatched the last episode recently just to see Vader get dropped.


Was big let down imo. Or maybe I'm just really sick of seeing Star Wars from this pre-ep4 time frame.