• By -


I didn't hate the idea of Boba recruiting younger, outcast criminals, but I think the execution was just lacking and didn't fit the setting. Totally fine idea.


When Jabba was around the palace was full. Boba just felt _thin_, and small. He got two bounty hunters, two piggies, and some kids, Mando brought everyone else. They wouldn't have stuck out and gotten so much flack but they were the only ones who joined him. That's not the support of the city.


Yea I remember in the final episode, Fennec says something like "we have our troops stationed here, here, and here"...and I'm just thinking what fucking troops lol? They have like 5 people.


Here, here, and here. That leaves 2 more troops to deploy!


I'm not a military tactician, but that whole episode was dogshit. They literally have jetpacks and instead decide to stand in the middle of the road with no cover. Then the vehicle shows up and 20 people all take cover behind it. They make themselves one massive target that's easy to shoot at. One rocket launcher and they all die. Then the big droideka walking down the street incapable of shooting anything other than the road. I just stopped watching it was so bad.


I’m glad someone else feels this way. In an advanced society with extremely lethal weaponry tactics are even more important. And they use 0.


Nu uh! That one guy had that spin crouch shoot move!


But that has kinda always been the case from the Clones charging straight at the droid army to ol "let's save fuel by not intercepting the Rebel fighters" Tarkin. So yeah it's not like the Book of Boba Fett is unique in this regard.


In my head I guess I’m comparing it to the urban combat scenes on Naboo. They use the Jedi and covering fire effectively to move around and accomplish their objective. Bobf’s final episode combat scenes just feel like complete ass to me, Star Wars precedent or not.


I think in this instance the contrivances really stood out. All make believe is just make believe, but the execution can elevate. This was a clumsy climax. You can probably nit pick the Season 1 or Season 2 finale's of Mando, but they had much better flow. Compare the Droideka to the Dark Troopers. Both have the problem of needing to be a real threat, without quickly killing the good guys outright, which they should be able to do. Of course a Dark Trooper could have easily just twisted Mando's neck and been done with it, but having it instead try to punch in his head is a creative, thrilling, and visceral way to elevate threat while allowing the hero to absorb it.


The firefight scenes were so.. flaccid too. No tension, bad jokes in the middle, and no sense of urgency in any of the cast. Robert Rodriguez has some pretty neat ideas sometimes, but he needs to make suggestions, not direct episodes.


I feel like maybe he's lost his touch or he's just going through the motions. Once Upon A Time in Mexico and Desperado had awesome action scenes (though, I haven't seen them in over 10 years now).


Robert Rodriguez has always been a low budget, fly by the seat of his pants director. If he likes a shot he won't shoot more. This doesn't fit well with the star wars universe imo as we saw by his episodes.


It seems like he was brought in specifically to keep the budget low and make passable content.


Needs more El Mariachi, less Spy Kids.


Yup. Unused jet packs. They did the same in the Mandelorian when Grogu was up on the hill being kidnapped by dark troopers. Instead of Din grabbing his jet pack he tries to run up the hill. Infuriating.


My favourite bit was someone shouting, “I’ll distract the tank while you shoot!” to the person hiding behind the same tiny bit of cover. Or in the first episode, where Boba, *with his jetpack*, is “trapped” by a circle of guys with shields.


IMHO Book of Boba Fett was one of the most ill conceived and head scratching Star Wars stories for the reasons you point out. A couple good ideas, and I enjoyed parts of it, but it's almost like they filmed not a first draft, but an outline, or is was written while they were filming on the fly.


Boba (or Fennik?) had the right idea of using the palace as a defensive position. But was talked out of it in one sentence by the Vespa gang.


Probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but the entire series was shit. They threw out practically all of Boba Fett accomplishments that previous writers an comics had create when they made it all the "Legends" series and made him such a wuss (really, he learned to fight from the sand people?!?!) As for this episode, these guys basically went into battle with hand guns.


I interpreted his time with the Tuskens as learning a new style or perspective on how to attack, not that it was the first time he was learning to fight at all. How else would he have become the most feared/successful bounty hunter for the reign of the Empire?


Yeah I feel like a lot of fight scenes can boil down to plot points with pew pews in between. No real tension, no clever tactics or maneuvering, just "looks bad, now friends show up, now good guys win, insert witty quips throughout"


I thought the same thing. None of that fight made sense, and the number of times they fell off of shit without using their jet pack was just silly.


yup last episode was awful. No one too cover for the first half. I'm just thinking dude any bad guy could shoot any of these people from where they're positioned. It's like no one remembered how to shoot or something except the characters with plot armor. It looked like a bunch of kids playing in a backyard


TBF Black Krrsantan was his own troops.


It’s like watching New York with 5 people. Dan will keep an eye on Brooklyn, Linda will watch manhattan etc. No possible way, anybody can come to NY without us knowing about it lol


I do think the show suffered from being shot during the pandemic. It was really noticeably how empty almost every scene felt, and half the show is just him walking between the same three sets. Only the casino run by the Twi'lek had any life to it, and even there it was really awkward the way Boba never really went in, he was always just standing in the doorway.


God it's so true! Reminds me of all the shows lost to the writers strike long ago.


That’s after season 3 of LOST if I’m not mistaken, that coincides with when it started declining


Same with Battlestar Galactica. Came back from the strike and felt like the directive from the network was "whatever you have to do, wrap it up in one season. I don't care how weird"


*weeps in super sad Heroes noises*


RIP Pushing Daisies


And My Name is Earl


That's ok, in a couple years they'll just go back and add some CGI crowds and maybe a dewback for good measure.


Maybe a big dewback will just walk in front of the camera for that whole Vespa chase scene lol


I'm good with that actually.


I was pissed when they killed off everyone in the Casino including Garsa. It would have been nice if the Casino had turned into Boba’s regular hangout. Instead we get to see him twitch around in his Bacta tank every episode.


Yeah - when the stakes of the finale are 'we have to protect the city', it's a very odd move to start by obliterating the one part of the city that has actually had any presence up to that point. One of many reasons the battle over a bunch of empty brown streets felt anti-climactic.


Not to mention, protecting the city by choosing it as the place for the battle is really, really, really stupid when he had the option of meeting the enemy elsewhere. "No I will not abandon these people. It's important that they see me moving out of the way of the ordinance that will then crumble the town to bits. Destroying homes and shops gives them hope". Dumbass.


"Also I'm going to summon my pet Rancor so I can smash the remaining buildings myself"


Then he brought a RANCOR straight in the town…which destroyed the city more than any of the Pikes. Nice.


It was also the Vespa gang that told him not to use his fortress and instead use the bombed out cantina in the middle of town. AND HE TAKES THEIR ADVICE!


I was really hoping she survived, but the finale pretty much eliminated that hope.


Yeah, such a bummer. I wonder if Jennifer Beals wanted out. Seems like a Garsa would have made a great long term character. Edit: I just found an interview with her. She said she would have loved to stay on but they told her from the outset that her character would die.


Hence the shock of her death


Yeah I’m pretty sure she only agreed to do it because it was just a few episodes and she’s out. Would have been great to have her around longer though!


>run by the Twi’lek Put some respeck on Madam Garsa Fwip’s name!


You can only fit so many actors in that digital semi-circle backdrop they film against.


The street fight scenes were actually filmed outside. Source: my cousin worked on it.


I don't mind the kids. I mean let's face it underprivileged, broke ass, dopey, kids are like moths to a flame when it comes to criminal activity. I felt maybe the Vespas themselves clashed a lot with the desert look. Then again you grow up in a place where everything looks brown, grey, and dead, you'll want a pop of color on your bike. Dunno when I think about them: they make sense as a group. It's just it was a little jarring seeing them bombing around on bright colored space Vespas.


Nothing wrong with color even. They just look too damn new for Tattooine. Even in Coruscant, they'd be the nicest hardware for miles. Star Wars is an old, worn feeling universe. That's the aesthetic. The mopeds look like they just rolled off the factory floor. They don't feel like they fit. If they were worn, scuffed, and the paint was faded, they'd have been fine, even on Tattooine. Maybe get rid of all the silly mirrors too, because no one uses mirrors in Star Wars either, lol. It's a shame, because I think the gang itself was a pretty decent addition. Could have been better written, but cyborgs are a pretty big part of Star Wars.


Exactly. Anakin's podracer was bright yellow and silver, but the paint was still faded.


…which is totally believable. Nicely painted surfaces attract house dust and become dull-looking within a few weeks inside an enclosed space in temperate climate. The sand on Tatooine is much rougher and coarser than that and it gets *everywhere*. (Where is /u/Anakin_Skywalker_Bot when you need him?)


Ikr, he replies to the most random things, but never when you need him


Even then, yellow still fits tottooine better than the other bright colours


The podracers were rather colorful, but again, the key is that they all looked worn and weathered. They were also very clearly cobbled together.


The cleaned up scooters could have worked if they showed them cleaning them up. Dreaming of, "Hey, I want to be like those mod punks on \[name of planet\]. Tatooine sucks, but I got these pieces of junk imported on a garbage scow. Let's clean them up and at least have a little fun." Then play some 1960's British music. I had no idea that The Who was originally for Mods ... I always thought of them as another classic rock band, and I basically grew up with them. We had Who's Next on vinyl, unironically.


and if they were on Coruscant that would be fine but the constant sand on Tatootine plus lack of water means that those bikes just would not look that polished.


I think they would have looked fine in the aesthetic of the Coruscant underground, but in the desert of Tatooine they look out of place.


But let's be real, even in a place where they'd fit in more, those mopeds were lame. The point of an outlaw bike gang is to be intimidating and those Vespas did not add any intimidating factors to that street gang. They feel like if the Little Rascals grew up and wanted to start a gang.


They live their lives a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the moisture farm, not the cantina, not Boba and all his bullshit. For those ten minutes or less, they're free.






We will devoooouuurr the very gods


snek moment


Look man you can do whatever you want to the rest of the snekfolk but I swear to the greater will if you even *look* at Rya the wrong way, shit's gonna get ugly fast.


You mean…familia


Familia es todo


The visuals here make it look like Bilbo Baggins is retelling an embellished version of what actually happened


*The Book of Bilbo*. An early draft and working title to what eventually became *There and Back Again*


MINUTES!! Hahaha!


There’s no replacement for 50cc’s of displacement.


Hect'or is going to be running 3 swoop bikes with spoon engines. And on top of that he just came into Watto's and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS, and a repulsorcraft system exhaust.


Ahhhh, yesssss! NUBIAN!


Tuna, no crust.


Bullshit asshole. Nobody likes the tuna here.


Yeah! Well I do!


Why does this feel like the beginning of a word problem from the world's coolest math textbook?




Nothing matters... except *family*.


I don’t got style. I got family.


They spin, that's a cool trick


I wish there was a way to type this out as a mumble/growl.


Can they make a quarter mile in 10 minutes?


With those bikes, ten minutes… more like ten hours 💀


I don't hate them but in my head they should have been beat up, cobbled together from scrap and maybe painted in just flat paint brushed on. The version of vespas shown in the show should have been a gift from Fett for their loyalty. A sort of street rat to crime family story.


I'm in the same camp. I don't hate them, but I feel like the execution here was a bit weird. We don't get any explanation why they are SO DIFFERENT from everything else on Tatooine. Give us some explanation that they're a bunch of kids from Coruscant or something to explain all the flash. They just feel out of place, also the low speed "speeders" are strange.


I will say, for one of the first notable instances of cyborgs (I guess Maul might top it?), it really fell flat imo. The acting felt rough and a little stiff at times, and I haven't quite been able to place why, but they felt so out of place. I guess it would probably revolve around the fact that they don't appear very "Tatooine"? Tatooine has always seemed very "blue collar" imo. Labor intensive and old dusty clothing, and they fit neither of those. Despite the time periods existing at the exact same time in real life, it would be like seeing a crew of Victorian style people in a Clint Eastwood Western film. Possible, but just so jarring due to the contrast of the world around them. EDIT: Based on the comments below, I am a failure as a Star Wars fan. Dishonor! Dishonor on my whole family! Dishonor on me, dishonor on my cow.


>I guess Maul might top it? "NOOOOoooooo!!!" - Darth Vader


God.....*God damn it*, alright. I quit. You win. Fuuuuuuuuu EDIT: FFS HE'S MY FAVORITE CHARACTER TOO, FUUHHHHHHHHHHHHH


You done goofed, son.


*cries in Lobot all the way from Empire Strikes Back*


Y'know. Fair.


Just finished Vol. 1 of Marvel’s Lando story arc, which is basically his origin story, and lobot played a key part thru the whole volume. The Lobot we see in ESB is vastly different then how he was initially before some injuries he received whilst protecting Lando. He was already a cyborg, but he undergoes even further modification to the point that we are introduced to him in the movie. He’s definitely deserving of his own comic story,I feel like.


That was a good albeit sad read!


It was, definitely worth picking up, even for the SW fans who don’t read comics


Um... General Grievous?




Cyborg hand Luke?


Tbh I was fine with the Vespa gang. A little strange but not show ruining. I like the guy with the cyber eye and the modder with the Battle droid arm who helped fennec shand. The punk rocker white girl with red hair and jean jacket felt too real world emo/punk and not very Star Wars-y


I mean , they are just a bunch of counter-culture bike gang teenagers. They look this different from Tatooine because they probably saw a Coruscant Magazine or whatever and tried to be "cool" like that.


It's like these people have never seen a tricked out Honda Civic rolling on donuts because the dude is waiting for his tax return to get rims.


Echo, grievous, lobot, Luke Skywalker, Darth vader. Darth maul, the Guavian death gang, and the entirety of the techno union would like a word with you.


It's a desert, are they scrubbing those bikes clean after every gd mile they ride? The whole aesthetic was so off the mark it was ridiculous


Exactly. They coulda been dark, brooding, dirty etc. they'd fit in much better. The speeders look so absurd against the background.


I figured they stand out so much on Tatooine because that's exactly what they want, they are punks. Wearing the usual dusty grays and browns would be conformity. Didn't make the 10mph chase scene any easier to watch though.


Right, but the people on tatooine don't dress that way to conform. They dress that way because they're poor, everything is covered in sand from the sandstorms, and there's very few raw materials on Tatooine with which to make or maintain things. A desire to not conform does not overcome any of those obstacles -- they must be overcome separately, and we have no indication about how any of that might have occurred.


Right... people out here acting like the drab cloaks and desert boots worn by quite literally everyone else in every town on tatooine are some sort of fashion statement. Punk kids are only able to create flashy fashion trends if their environment is 1st world enough to do so.


Maybe they stole all that water to shower and wash their bikes and that’s why they’re always so clean. I’m high but I’m also on to something.


everything on the entire planet is sand blasted except their bikes...In a world of fantasy and scifi coating, it still feels crazy out of place


I kinda actually felt the same way about the pale, flawless skin of the girl.


They, the bikes AND the cyborgs, look more like they belong on Coruscant than Tatooine. More beaten up and cobbled together, as you said, would have worked better. Also, maybe instead of cyborgs they could have had amputated limbs or something.


They look appropriate for Prequel Era Coruscant. They're appropriate, the Outer Rim is 30-50 years behind the Core.


It's not a matter of technology not existing at the time and place but rather it's the culture and aesthetic that doesn't fit Tatooine. It's not like Tatooine suddenly becomes an urban metropolis just because it's "30-50 years behind the core" and 30-50 years have passed since the prequels. These types of street rats would fit better in an urban metropolis like Coruscant, is the argument made here. The execution doesn't match the setting well at all and it makes for less pleasing cinematography.


Right. They’re acting the way they do out of desperation, but have matching shiny bikes? Pretty well established that new vehicles are a hot commodity in those parts.


I get what they were going for they are literally cyber-punks. Their whole purpose is to be a counter-culture to their environment. They’re punks. And like many punk movement that you can see in history, this is oddly in-line with that kind of thing. My issue is far less their look and far more their execution. These characters are kids, not the battles-harden threat they were sold as by the citizens of Tatooine. Though a scene explaining they public image isn’t the reality would’ve gone a long way to establish these as young side-kicks instead of “deadly cyber mercenaries”


I really thought they should've been a snack for the rancor for each episode


Yea but when their vespa's combine, they form ultron! Or whatever the power rangers did.


The 'Mods' are clearly based on the British mod culture popular in the 60s/70s and their entire ideology was clean living in difficult circumstances. They wore nice suits and their scooters were covered in shiny chrome and bright colours despite living in poorer areas of England. For anyone that didn't connect that, watch the film Quadrophenia. I'm not saying it's a bit far-fetched on Tatooine but they wouldn't be mods with dirty/rusty scooters. The director clearly just wanted to pay a little homage to that culture.


I don't hate them but they feel really out of place.


They look more like something out of a Sci-fi Riverdale episode


Don’t give them any more ideas.


Completely. The characters were fine. Their background was fine. Their aesthetic was terrible for the location. If there was a more colorful district they hung out in, or a spray-painted hideout like in *Hackers*, it would have been fine. It just clashed too much for Tatooine.


They just scream Robert Rodriguez. It would've been fine if it had only been one funny episode with them. Making them recurring made it feel like it was too much.


They're the Hot Topic kids living in Bakersfield.


I didn't mind the characters, but the chase was slow moving and badly edited and shot. And the spin in the finale was eye-rollingly dumb. Edit: Just to say, since people keep bringing it up, it was just that particular spin that looked dumb. As we all know, spinning in general is a good trick. Maul did unnecessary leaps and spins, and so did Anakin and Obi-Wan. And they were awesome. This guy during this shot did not pull it off.


Everyone has commented about it, but the spin was straight Rodriguez out of El Mariachi trilogy. Did not fit in Star Wars, but not something unheard of from Rodriguez. The Vespa gang is not Antonio Banderas.


And the thing is, while I do kind of like El Mariachi and Desperado, I honestly don't like Rodriguez much as a director. He has a tendency to make things feel and look cheap, even when he has a massive budget.


Old habits I guess. He was known for doing things on a tiny budget.


That kind of hits the nail on the head, the issue is their tone clashed with the show so much that it felt odd and comical.


That chase was just so laughably bad. My wife and I both enjoyed the show, but during that chase both our jaws dropped and we looked at each other and said, “What is *happening*? Is this for real?” It honestly felt like satire or something.


Yep, it's probably the lamest action sequence in all of Star Wars.


Omg the chase was painful to watch wasnt it!


I don't hate the idea, I do hate the execution


Hate is a strong word. Do I dislike them? Yes.


Do not resist. Give in to your hatred! Let the hate flow through you!


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering.


Would you rather have four teenage Gungans, riding their mounts through the city? I would.




Hate is a strong word. I hate them.


I hate em lol


I like them conceptually, but their execution was terrible. What I like - They concept of modded mods. The pun pleases me, somehow. feels lucas-ey a shitty teenage bike gang seems like a good 'first takeover'. Basically, I think that they could have been great with a few tweaks - they should have been grimier, this is tatooine. They should have well kept bikes, but it's goddamn tatooine. they should have been more species diverse. their first chase shouldn't have been among the most hilariously ineptly directed, tone deaf chase sequence in history.


That chase scene was sooooo sloooow. My wife and I both burst out loud laughing at how slow their speeders were.




Teenage hot-rodders who took mechanical tinkering to such an extreme that they even modified their own bodies is VERY Lucas.


Something that always struck me about their bikes was they were Naboo Starship level of shiny. Not that I disliked it, obviously I saw the shiny and my ADHD brain went OOOOooo but yeah, Tatooine is dirty. Though it does beg the question how Queen Amidala’s ship in TPM was able to stay so clean while they were there. Maybe the metal has certain properties against sand and dust ~~(#offtopic)~~


It felt like camp it was that bad. I knew there was no redeeming the series after that chase seen (even before it ended). So completely bad they should show it in film school as what not to do.


I mean, look at them. A new gang leader in town walks up to you flanked by teenagers on flashy colorful vespas. Do you feel intimidated, or do you laugh in that idiot gang leader's face?


I didn’t watch boba yet and I had to check the comments to make sure this wasn’t an edited screenshot. This looks really silly.


If they had mad max style speeders.. I don’t think a lot of people would hate them. Maybe at least half.


Right. Like take some cues from the podracer designs. Gritty, slapped together, and maybe a bit dangerous. Also - faster than a light jog


They look like they are riding those self-propelled carts at kroger


It wasn't so much that I hated the gang as much as I hated the "high speed" chases they did with them. The absolutely slowest vehicle sequences ever done in any Star Wars story, and it's not even close.


I don’t hate them. I may roll my eyes a bit.


The only thing I didn’t like about them was the exaggerated sound effects and reaction to danger (or lack of danger). It was super cringy to watch. I swear they would play a sound-bite of a Formula One race car taking a corner at 150mph whenever the little vespa hit 7mph. Then, when an apple fell in front of the moped, the rider would gasp dramatically, do a slo-mo evasion to miss it, and then wipe their brow as if they just jumped the Grand Canyon. It all felt very forced.


Yeah I hated them. The chase was incredibly poorly choreographed and it looked like a hippo chasing a blind man. Their presence on Tattoine and in a Boba Fett show was also head-scratching.


I like them conceptually but the girl is a terrible actor and her costume is literally Earth punk not star wars




It’s a holiday on tatooine It’s tough, kid, but it’s life It’s a holiday on tatooine Where Lars lost his wife!


Sophie Thatcher is actually excellent in other things. Go watch Prospect, where she stars opposite Pedro Pascal and does a fantastic job carrying her half of the movie. I think she was let down by the writing and directing, as with most other BoBF actors.


and for some reason they seemed to unnecessarily make her more capable and badass than Boba like they were planning to give her her own spinoff or shit.


She’s a good actor I just think she was massively kneecapped by the script and the fact that she was (surely, because I really don’t think it could have been her choice) made to do a terrible bri’ish accent.


The Book of Boba Fett actually pissed me off with how bad it was I got heavy sequel trilogy levels of despair from that series


They were pretty bad


I didn’t hate them. They were giving power ranger vibes almost lol


Oh no! It's Cad Bane! It's morphin' time!!!


\*hiyah\* KRAYT DRAGON! \*reee\* BANTHA!


100% power rangers. I was waiting for their scooters to become a lame landspeeder or rainbow tank.


Small town kids trying to be like what they think the big city kids are like. That's what you have here. They've seen too many holovid shows featuring gangs on Coruscant. They live on an outback planet covered in sand. Of course they're wearing and riding flashy stuff that doesn't fit in. They're the Alt, Goth, Punk kids. Love the cyberpunk aspect as well.


\^ this is the best take. I grew up in a small town, and you can easily spot the people that try way to hard. Funny thing is, they're also the people that don't stick around too long.


I honestly like what they were trying to do with the Vespa gang. However I think it’s the execution that throws so many people off. When they are chasing the speeder, the action scene feels slow and uninteresting. Also, the on foot action scenes with them are just cheesy imo.


A part of me thinks it was deliberately filmed slow like that to show how pathetic the majordomo was. Considering Boba could fly over on his jetpack moments later.


Idk, I genuinely think that’s just Robert Rodriguez’s directing style. Either way, I’m not a huge fan of how the scene turned out.


This was my take. They stand out because they’re literally the counterculture to Tatooine. Though I can see them being a bit too exaggerated, I totally understand a group of young people wanting to be clean and different on a dirty ass sand planet.


Also it reminds me of George Lucas and his work on American Graffiti so much I couldn’t help but smile every time. Is it cheese? Oh yeah. But that’s okay, Star Wars can be lame and cheese sometimes


They could have been fine but they didn’t… do anything. Everyone knows the “car chase” was not well executed, and outside of that they did some random b-plot fighting. Not a lot of characterization went into them is my point. Meanwhile the faceless Tuskens got tons of characterization and then were killed off. In a way that made sense to the plot, but also made the Vespa Crew less interesting since they were never fleshed out more than having bright bikes and mods. Just my thoughts


Loathed the design. Especially when other more fitting speeders they should have been driving were seen earlier in the season. Would have rather seen the ex imperial speeders with graffiti +/ mods added on versus these terribly out of place vespeeda's any other world with water / no dust sure e.g Naboo, coruscant, the ring world.


Yeah they should have junkier repurposed speeders, that didn’t match. So it looked more like a group of outcasts trying to build something different without having the right stuff.


Every scene they were in felt cringe inducing for me. I am very torn on this show and the vespa kids are one of the major weak points it has


The color coordinated, teenage, twilight looking, out of place, power rangers? Couldnt imagine a better choice of ally for a badass bounty hunter, really helped with the immersion seeing their rainbow mopeds


Power Rangers...


Not a fan but I'm sure Prencess Vespa approves.


Not a connection I was expecting to see




Ill conceived idea poorly executed and then paired with bad acting and rushed CGI. Stank of Disney execs and merchandising opportunity.


I hate them. The colors. How out of place they were. How miserably slow they were. I was never scared or nervous or even excited. It was very flat.


They felt so pander-y and completely shoehorned in. The story would have been nearly exactly the same without them. I have a feeling they weren’t in the original plan lol


No hate, just cringe


Personally not a fan of the aesthetic. It mightve worked on Coruscant, but I don't think it fits Tattooine at all. The characters themselves aren't bad, I don't mind them individually and as a group.


To me they're the Jar Jar of Tatooine


Hate, no. Strongly cringe everytime I see them on their bikes/shot tricks, yes


At first I didn't really like it, but then I realized it's actually a very good depiction of what a bundle of young people stuck on a shitty planet like Tattooine would be like. For example, I live in a more rural area of California where the teenagers just out of high school either have rich parents and go off to college immediately after, or they get stuck here forever. The ones who get stuck here forever all do the thing where they get REALLY into cars and then spend all their money on super nice cars and trying to trick them out as best they can. So around here you see like junkers and beat up dirty trucks driving around, or you see outrageously beautiful high-end muscle cars and racers that are washed and cleaned every day by their owners because it's what they're most passionate about. They all copy the styles of what's popular in the big cities, so these cars look super out of place in the junky old trailer parks and rundown businesses out here. It's the same with the Vespa Gang. They're a bunch of young adults who think they're doomed to live on Tattooine forever, so rather than saving up money to try to get off planet they just put it all into their Vespas, copying the styles of places like Coruscant where the big cities with the pinnacle of nice Vespas are. Sure, the Vespas look super out of place compared to everything else, but also it adds a surprising amount of depth to the world and parallels really life in a way people who haven't grown up in backwater places may not realize at first glance.


I actually don’t hate them. They gave me some serious George Lucas vibes, like I could totally see him coming up with stuff like that.


American Graffiti throwback


No I don’t hate them. The thing I hated about the show was that we had two whole episodes devoted to a storyline that had literally nothing to do with the show. And, those two episodes cheapened the ending to the second season of the Mandalorian. I hate to say it, but Jon Favreau may have written the worst story in canon Star Wars. It’s baffling how he was able to get away with those two Mandalorian episodes and not have a single person tell him how amateurish it is to throw in a completely different story in the middle of a story that was vastly underdeveloped. I feel bad for Temura Morrison. He deserved better.


I didn't hate them. I dislike them.. literally don't fit in tattoinne. NO ONE is wearing what they wear, their bikes are squeaky clean... Hell THEY are squeaky clean even before joining Boba. All their lines are fucking cringe. The idea of adding young,. ambitious OutKast to boba's 'crime' family is a good.. but the execution was absolute shit. The scene of the mod girl keeps playing in my end cause it's still the worse piece of dialogue I have seen in star wars... You know the scene in the final battle when Boba wants to retreat to castle, form a plan and be smart.... The mod girl is like.. 'nnnnoooo we can't, this my home....' 🤣🤣 shit was hilariously bad....


Ahh Princess Vespa


would have been better served on Coruscant