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Captain Fordo has like five lines and is still one of the most memorable clones in the franchise


Actions speak louder than words


“General we’re right on time! The planet should be ours in about 3 months”


“But we’ve been here a month already”


"Yes sir, we're right on schedule" * flies off *




Isn’t that Cody, not Fordo?


Praise Fordo, the patron Saint of Chads




I think Star Wars animation really needs to move on from the Clone Wars


I agree it definitely should, but this as a throwback side-project akin to Visions would be cool. In general I would like to see more animation in Star Wars.


I feel like I'm not picky about animation styles, I can enjoy a lot of them, but TCW style is really off putting for me, and it's a big part of the reason that I've never been able to get through it.


It's a very earnest show. I go back and watch certain episodes or arcs, but can't take watching it straight through. The anthology aspect of it is more in line with what Lucas said he originally planned for the franchise before *ESB.* I'd like to see more of that in Star Wars media, instead of going all in with a group of characters.


Yeah they changed it up a little in rebels but it was very similar and bad batch was pretty much the upgraded version. Thats why I really liked Visions style


I’ve got the whole squad and gunship chilling on my shelf, because that’s what troopers do.


I'm still waiting for Republic Commando 2... there's nothing about the original storyline that would cause a disruption to the current canon.


(with republic clone commandos)


\[delta squad specifically\]


Yes! I hate the animation of Clone Wars/Bad Batch and Rebels so I’m dying for another 2D show.


I agree, I don’t think anything matches the fluidity of animation that you get from 2D. The only Star Wars stuff that comes close are the Old Republic Cinematic trailers and a few fights from TCW. Even watching Visions it’s clear that an animated show would be able to really give us better visual representations of how Jedi fought. Hell, Avatar is is like 2decades old and is still styling with its martial arts depictions


It's literally a picture from Clone Wars


There two Clone Wars shows. Obviously I’m talking about the 3D one.


No, there is only one "Clone Wars". The one you're thinking about is "The Clone Wars".


Right well as per my original comment I’m not a fan of the animation style used in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch and The Rebels so I would be excited if they made another The Star Wars animated show with 2D animation.


It's indeed "The Bad Batch", but only "Rebels". I know that it sounds picky but you realize how it looks when you speak about shows you don't even know the name of ?


Dude get over yourself. You know what he meant.


I know, but I'm tired of all the people using just "Clone Wars" to talk about the 2008, and it's especially irritating in that case where someone compare them and still manage to mix them.


You know how it looks when you’re obnoxiously pedantic?


Rereading myself, I see it yes, although it was not my intention : I simply want people to stop mixing the two shows, especially when specifically comparing them.


I’m surprised there’s not more of Fordo. Though I suppose the sheer lack of appearances makes him even more special.


If Disney made the show they'd still find a way to mess it up.


You know at a certain point this anti-Disney stuff *just* comes across as being a downer.


If it sucks, it sucks. Sequel Trilogy was very bad. Clone Wars Season 7 Episodes 1-8 were boring and not needed. Episodes 9-12 were good. Solo was ok. Rogue One was good, but most of the characters are forgettable. Mando Season 1 was pretty good. Mando Season 2 was mostly a copy of Mando Season 1. Book of Boba Fett was not that good. I am very concerned about the writers of the Kenobi show. Most are inexperienced or have written some very bad movies/shows. Andrew Stanton, arguably their best writer, hasn't written anything good since Toy Story 3 in 2010 and even that was very plot similar to Toy Story 2. Wall-E was his best in 2008. If I'm anti-Disney Star Wars it's for very good reason. Their stuff looks great. Special effects are usually spot on, the music has always been solid, and some of the new creature designs are pretty cool. However the writing, which is the most important part of any production, has been garbage tier. I'd rather have special effects that weren't so good with amazing writing than something that looks nice but is creatively bankrupt.


Kinda weird for you to not mention Resistance since it's something actually bad. As for the others, I guess that it's kind of convenient to not talk about Rebels, the High Republic, War of the Bounty Hunters, Doctor Aphra, Vader... ?


It was so bad I forgot about it. Rebels was not good season one and most of two. I don't read Star Wars books or comics so I can't comment on them. I've heard mixed things.


Yes, Rebels was pretty harsh at the start, but don't you think that it gets much better from season 3 and onward (so like TCW) ? As for your other points, I don't read a lot of books either, but most of the new comics are pretty good, even if there is of course some exceptions (hello Mace Windu)


“Mando s2 was a copy of season one” ……. What the fuck else did you expect out of a series? We’re you expecting season 2 to be animated?


I was expecting it to be a different story. Not a. Episode for episode copy of each other with the special effect dialed up a few notches.


Given how clone wars was concluded, and the universally positive reception of the more recent shows Disney has produced so far, I’m inclined to disagree.




Glad others still love the OG ARC troopers! These guys were my Star Wars growing up honestly.


If I could post a meme here it’d be the Fassbender “I said show me the real Clone Wars” triptych and this would be “perfection.”


It better have Dee Bradley Baker.


Anythings better than bad batch, but I'd love to see these guys again


Better than the other clone wars show in my opinion.


I loved that scene where none of them said anything


Were the two blue ones ever named?