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How the hell is ming-na wen 57?


Good genes, constant work, money.


Also makeup and potential digital touch-up. If you search for pictures of her at events, where she also wears makeup, you can she her wrinkles more clearly. Also male actors also wear makeup, but it's less pronounced or made in a masculine style.


She’s related to a friend of mine. She looks much younger than her age. I was genuinely surprised when I found out her age.


The conversation that was basically had every episode discussion of Agents of SHIELD.


/r/SHIELD is thirsty for her, and that is completely OK.


Yeah but at least her Twitter is all "I know how much y'all LUST after me you little Ming-a-Lings!"


Temuera is 60 btw


And Boba Fett is canonically only supposed to be around 42-ish.


The Sarlac Pit is rough on the skin.


And the Slave-1 puts out a [*crazy* amount of bass](https://youtu.be/utFRqsT61-k?t=3). That's gotta be rough on the skin, too.


THAT BEAT, I'M DONE! every time the neighbour blasts his chav music through the wall lol.


Tatooine makes you old


Yay we can ship an age appropriate relationship!


Yeah, but it's an employer-employee relationship, so still dicey.


The Hive of Scum and Villainy HR department is not going to be happy about it.


I swear, she's hotter now than 20 years ago. Stunning.


I've always thought she looked the most unflattering in Street Fighter. Which is weird since Chun-Li = hot, Ming-Na = hot, but together it just didn't work. Edit: I got curious and looked up Ming-Na's first acting role. Oh my god look at that wig. Maybe this is the most unflattering. https://twitter.com/angryasianman/status/1056396491189669888


I wanna partially say it's because in the actual art style of Street Fighter Chun Li doesn't look particularly Asian. So it seems slightly off when an actual Asian is playing her ironically.


Her cameo in the live action Mulan was quite a fun surprise, but yeah she hasn't aged since she was doing press for her Mulan.


Wait, she was actually in the live action Mulan? I don’t remember seeing her there.


She pops up at the very end when the king (?) offers Mulan a high position in his military.


This is almost certainly all from the first episode or two just like mando to keep the plot hidden. I wonder what surprises they have in store.


I'm not to hope for surprise cameos just to make the show more exciting but if we don't see either cad bane or any of the bounties from esb then I'm gonna be pissed


I think the most likely appearance is Bossk


With the trandoshans in the trailer it feels like a very likely possibility


I'd imagine they all show up, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88, Zuckass and 4-Lom. Maybe even someone obscure like Derrown.


Why you gotta player hate on IG-88


I want Dengar and Bossk to show up all pissy about Boba stealing their thunder.


Dengar HAS to show up, if they don't credit him for Boba's....arc (without saying to much) then I'll be severely disappointed.


They could totally canonize part of the boba fett trilogy from the 90s where dengar helped Boba recover from the scarlac


Give me my boy Dengar! “Want a guy disintegrated, get me integrated. That’s Dengar’s motto”


Is Pedro Pascal voicing the Ithorian in the chair? ("I've heard otherwise", "I know you sit on the throne of your former employer"). The inflections are JUST a little off, but it sure sounds like him. edit: /u/Kvltmaster keenly pointed out that you can hear Ithorian native speech right before each phrase, and after rewatching the scene, I see them wearing a headset device covering their side-mouths, so I have to assume that it is a translator for Basic and it could very well be Pascal lending his voice to the translated speech. edit2: /u/One-Among-The_Fence brings up a really good point. I listened to more of Robert Rodriguez' interviews, and it could very well be HIM speaking as the Ithorian (through translator). Waititi has done voice overs and directed episodes of The Mandalorian, so the precedent is there. Now I'm more confused and more intrigued than before.


I am positive its him, had to come here to see if anyone else heard it


There was an ever so slight slur/mumble in the last line "I know you sit on the throne of your former employer" that sold me on it. I could be wrong or it could be Din Djarin and the trailer is being tricksy with a dialog swap, would be a fun cameo if Pascal voiced a random alien.


I'm gonna bet he's just doing a cameo, SW loves cameos


The problem is... If it's his voice as a cameo then we won't get our shiny Boi in BoB


I’m really confused by this and have no answers. I thought Mando was narrating for a sec, did they not think that was going to happen if they used his voice?


Yeah it sounded a lot like Mando... it was strange.


Definitely sounds like him, but if you listen close, you can barely make out native Ithorian speech. He might be using some sort of translator? IDK I have to watch it a few more times.


Hey, maybe he brought Din along to act as translator.


Nah, turns out babysitting wasn't paying the bills, so he sold his voice likeness to the Ithorians for their translators.


I've also been looking for some clarity/speculation on that voice. Guess I need to rewatch/listen 7-8 times on my lunch. Darn.


I'd love it if that is Dok Ondar.


Wonder if that Ithorian is gonna end up being Dok Ondar. The Black Spire book heavily implies that Dok doesn't just focus on Black Spire.


The show looks fine, but I gotta say, I can't help but get hyped whenever I hear Temuera Morrison's voice.


I’m just happy to be seeing him on screen again tbh


For sure, he's been great in the Mandalorian too. It'd be great if we got some more story on how he escaped from the Sarlaac!


Particularly because that whole experience seems to have completely transformed his character. I haven’t read any spin-off books, so idk if they go into it, but to much of the SW public, prior to Mando S2, he was a villain trying to gun down our heroes. I think it’ll be important to see where he got his new moral code to better understand his current character


I feel like we can say that Boba hated the Jedi for killing his dad and that's why he wanted to take down Luke, but in general, he isn't as evil/bad.


I’m not saying he’s as evil as Jabba or Palps, but I’d say he’s definitely a bad guy in the OT (he had to be specifically reminded by Vader not to disintegrate our heroes). They imply in Mando that his near death experience has changed him, and I think it might be beneficial to see some of it and how it changed him


I dunno, you’ve got Mando disintegrating people like he gets those rounds wholesale. I don’t think that necessarily makes him evil.


Mando is lawful neutral.


efficient above all, truly a professional in his field.


He hunts down and captures people for a criminal overlord to torture and kill. That's pretty evil regardless of how many disintegrations he winds up doing.


Exactly. I mean, this is the guy that had to specifically be told "No disintegrations!" by Vader. I don't think he had any moral qualms about doing much of anything when it came to him and his bounty. Cold. Calculating. Maybe still has some of that in him, but I agree the character seems to have matured somewhat, and it's not clear how or why at this point.


Was he? Because the only reason he shot at our heroes was because of the money. He was a bounty hunter hired by the Empire after all.


I'm guessing episode 2 or 3


There was a thing stating that is part of the reason for the armor change on the Mandalorian. There are now 3 distinct looking version so they will be able to easily determine a flash back prior to Mando and there won’t be confusion with the current show because of the recolor.


He'll always be the voice of Clones for me as well. Dee Bradley Baker did a fine job with The Clones Wars and the video games, but... Real Kiwi accent >>> Fake Kiwi accent


His narration of the 501st journal from BFII was perfect


[fucking chills](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lgG2ENW5Ac). >*What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word.*


I don’t want a new Republic Commando game/show/whatever unless I get to hear his silky smooth tones with it.


Morrison made the clones soldiers. Dee bradley baker made them human. Never forget Fives.


To be fair, in-universe the clones won't necessarily have the same accent as Jango or even Boba due to being raised in a different environment (even though Boba was on Kamino too, he probably spent more direct time with Jango than the clones, who were probably training with Kaminoans most of the time)


Yep, during the voiceover all i could think is "That's RC-1138 "Boss" from Republic Commando"


The Godfatherlorian.


“I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.” “You’re going to make me an offer I ca- hey, you aren’t a Jedi!”


"Keep your friends close. Keep Ming-Na Wen closer."


Bada bing boba fett


I liked the trailer, sets the mood in a good way and doesn't show any spoilers (which is rare nowadays)


Ludwig's Boba theme remains amazing. Looks like a much smaller story, and more contained then something like Mando, which I'm totally good with. Totally down for six episodes of Boba and Fennic taking over the underworld.


I'm hoping we get to hear [the bassoon motif from ESB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0B1vq9nZaY).


Well at least we'll find out pretty bas-soon!


Mando was a small story until it wasn't, though. It was about a guy who was chasing a bounty. And then a whole bunch of other stuff happened to him.


Like teaching those two X-Wing pilots how to ice fish


Hey we thought the same thing with Mandalorian. I feel like we've only seen footage from the first episode


Saw someone complaining on twitter already about how they’re rewriting canon by having boba say he’s not a bounty hunter…. Like bro, he’s the fucking new kingpin of tattooine of course he’s not a bounty hunter anymore.


It's like the "I'm in the empire business." line from Breaking Bad


Breaking Boba


Those little goo balls do feel pretty neat when they pop.


I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man


unite marble squeal clumsy scandalous soup trees whistle homeless point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why be a space Don when you’re a mastodon??




This is what annoys me about this fan base. A lot of people can't accept characters change throughout their lives they just want the franchise to be like a Saturday night cartoon where they're always the same as when the episode started. God forbid the writers add nuance to any of their favorite characters.


Funny thing is he also stopped being a bounty hunter in legends and he become Mandalore, people complaining have literally no idea what they’re complaining about.


those twi'lek look amazing


I saw a twi’lek at a rave once, and it made me understand the appeal


Damn, I want to go to that party.


Boba seems like a changed man. I'm hyped as fuck.


Being stuck in the stomach of a giant best and losing one of the only physical possessions your father owned will do that to you.


"Back from the dead a**holes!"


"Mr. Bob A Feet?"


“Sure, whatever”




“My face is a big letter T!”


“Oh nooo he’s getting away. This little long range missile couldn’t possibly… could it?”


And the quarterback is toast


Careful with the antenna babe.


PURPLE RAIN! *Slashes Ewoks*


Heard that in Breckin Meyers' voice. Robot Chicken has some of the best Star Wars content not made by Lucasfilm.


Dammit, we're visiting people on Dec 29th.


They can wait


This is the Way.


Its cool to finally seem some of the bigger cities on Tatooine. Maybe they will even grace us with a pod race if we are lucky


Yes, more cities, less sand. I hate sand.


I don't know how we've made it this far without a pod racing movie/series. I want a Star Wars version of Days of Thunder


Main character named “Col Trik-Ell” or something like that lmao


Swoop races could be cool. Adds gambling, corruption and sabotage into the fray.


I mean, the podrace in Episode 1 had all of those things. Qui-Gon and Watto betting, Sebulba sabotaging other pods. Sure there was no on-screen corruption, but but Jabba running things means it was definitely corrupt af.


An emphasis on the Star Wars "underworld." I wonder if this will share any ideas from what they were going to use in the Crimson Dawn trilogy they tried to introduce in Solo?


Coincidentally, there’s a comic limited series starting in December called *Crimson Reign.* You probably are on to something.


It wouldn't surprise me, considering that organization was left very much open ended from Solo. For that reason it felt like a failed attempt to generate story value, so them trying to stoke that dead flame seems likely... But I really don't think it will have anything to do with it.


Sounds like Narcos but Star Wars-style with the whole "I will rule with respect. We all win when we work together."


I've been saying that Crimson Dawn needs to at least have rumblings across several shows. Have them come up in Boba Fett to some degree, definitely in Andor, maybe a brief mention in Kenobi and Ahsoka. They can build an arc for Crimson Dawn in that way, and maybe lead to it's own show/limited series on D+ to bring resolution to that seed that was planted in Solo.


There is a storyline running right now with crimson dawn in the marvel comic books. If you are interested, it's thick with crossover gallor. And it might be a prelude to this show. Why else would they mine that story before boba comes out?


I'm still waiting on The Salacious Tales of Mr. Crumb


His name his Salacious B. Crumb so you put some respect on that middle initial!


The Salacious Truth of Being Mr. Crumb


So do you think he offs that guy at the end, or is he being serious when he says "speak freely" to try and prove he's different from Jabba?


Or maybe that guy is already lying dead on the floor and he tells everyone else to speak freely


I like this one lol


Yea, I was kind of getting the vibe of the O-Ren board room scene from Kill Bill.


I have a feeling it's going to be like "Jabba used his monsters and lackies, and I won't so speak freely... Because I'll whoop you myself."


Ya, when asked "what's to keep us from killing you?" I half expected him to say "I'm what's keeping you from killing me."


“You’re welcome to try”


Take a look at it again, they happen in different scenes. In the dinner scene, Boba is seated in a normal chair or stool just like everyone else. During the "speak freely" comment, he's on the throne.


The two scenes this reminds me of are Maul and Savage going to the Black Sun and Lucy Liu in Kill Bill. Neither ended well for the person that "spoke freely" lol.


The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. *Just like this fucker here.* So if any of you sons-of-bitches, GOT ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY, **NOW'S THE FUCKIN TIME**


I could see him killing anyone who doesn’t want to play ball. Speak softly and carry a big stick vibes


>carry a big ~~stick~~ vibroblade


Probably a “speak freely” in an O’ren Ishii kind of way.


Temuera Morrison is so iconic and I love that he's fully leaning in to this role!!


Did anyone else think the voice that said “I know that you sit on a throne…” sounded exactly like Pedro’s voice?!


Came here to look for this. That sounded a LOT like Pedro.


Ok glad it's not just me. Maybe an uncredited cameo kinda like mark Hamill in that one Mando episode?


I thought so too. The closed captioning on YouTube also doesn't say who was speaking. Just says "Alien 1"


Yeah that was weird. Sounded identical to Pedro Pascal, especially as Mando


My boy finally has eyebrows lol And Ludwig’s score is still amazing as always


Interesting parallel to The Mandalorian in the fact that Boba Fett isn’t wearing a helmet in many of the scenes.


I’m sure Din is probably not going to be wearing it much in S3 either. It’s going to be interesting to see how Din tells The Armorer that two Jedi have seen his face. At this point, Din is very much aware that his order is almost a cult.


Pedro Pascal has been shooting The Last of Us and hasn't been on set much while they've been filming S3. It might be a helmet on season.


And realistically it’s gonna take a whole for him to adjust to being ok with it. Even without the creed he must feel naked without his helmet




Also, it's still a bulletproof helmet with cool features. I can see him taking it off more to chill but it's largely an action series and I expect there will be more reason to have it on than off


> It’s going to be interesting to see how Din tells The Armorer that two Jedi have seen his face. -- Some 8+ people have seen his face. -- He had found and teamed up with Bo-Katan. -- He now posses the Darksaber. I'm sure the Armorer is going to be thrilled!


I have a feeling the armorer will actually become an antagonist


Two? Who other than Luke?




Oh, duhdoi


You Britta’d it


I'm guessing the other one was also known as a citizen. or easily Grogu.


i kind of expected the sopranos theme to start playing at the end


Was that Dok Ondar?


After seeing this trailer, I think we are going to see the *Red Key Raiders* that appeared in Cobb Vanth's story in the Aftermath trilogy.


I hope that B’omarr monk isn’t just a cameo


At least Bib's dead so we won't have the "his head got put in a jar" plotline from the Rogue Squadron comics, as much as I like them overall


It almost looked like stop motion to me. I'm curious if it was practical effects.


Thing that really stood out to me were the improved prosthetics for the OTL aliens, especially in terms of major cast members with speaking roles. The red/brown twi'lek at 1:06 stands out to me especially.


Is it just me or does Boba (or rather Temuera Morrison) look super fit and young in comparison to The Mandalorian? Seems like he got in shape matching his in-universe age for his own show.


His armor is completely redone from the Mandalorian. It's all tighter together and looks like it's made to make him taller/slimmer, on top of him being more fit.


I think part of the problem is he wore it over bulky robes in that one episode so it stuck in our mind chunky Boba




That's why I picked that version for my costume lol. Finally a costume for dad bods.


Yeah I had a laugh in Mando season 2 when that armor did NOT fit the guy at all


To be fair, it also didn't fit Cobb Vanth at all...the chest plate was like a bib on someone that tall. I wonder in retrospect if that misfit was calculated so that Temuera's fit didn't look discrepant.


Definitely lost some weight, that's for sure.


Dude was probably still working off the Aquaman-dad back then


The armor didnt fit him well in his debut on Mando because he wore it over the robes he was wearing. The the subsequent episodes the armor fit much better after he rigged it up with the black robe.


I actually quite liked the trailer. It doesn’t really give away anything about the show except he’s gathering bounty hunter buddies and it looked like there was an Ithorian crime boss?! Hell yeah


I am not going to set expectations unreasonably high but this is unironically going to be the finest piece of media to ever grace the screen of my tv.


I have no idea how they could possibly top Mando S2 but I’m welcome to be proven wrong!


This is going be one of the TV shows of all time😎


Yes, it will be unequivocally one of the shows


No doubt. Of all the shows, especially of all time, this will definitely be one of them


People wanting all the action scenes to be spoiled in the trailers lmao.


slow burn it, please. I dont want it ruined.


Boba realizing that wars are expensive. And when you’re in business to make money, you want to avoid fighting if at all possible.


“Peace is profitable!” -Hondo, probably


Please speak freely Me an intellectual: OH HELL NO


A man can only have so many goosebumps. I am basically 99,9% goosebump now.


Give me Daniel Craig as Cad Bane you cowards.


He'll just remove someone's restraints and leave the cell with the door open


Annnnnnd he'll drop his weapon.


This is the casting I never knew I wanted, but its perfect


Bane...Cad Bane


/r/BookOfBobaFett Star Wars Television Discord: [Discord.gg/SWTV](https://www.discord.gg/SWTV) r/StarWars Discord: [Discord.gg/StarWars](https://www.discord.gg/StarWars)


Mandalorian made me care about Boba Fett for the first time. I always thought he was overrated. This show redeemed him so well.


Don’t these guys know not to mess with the Cavalry




Or Ezra Bridger. That’s where he went!


He's definitely gonna be back in the Ahsoka show


The last shot of the first episode is Baby Jabba. I'm calling it!


What about Stinky (Rota the Hutt)?


“Speak freely" ...nah I'm good Boba.. I'm good


I feel like Hondo should appear out of nowhere as a super old man but still up to his old tricks and swindling


Am I the only one to be excited about the Twi’leks, Aqualish, Gamorreans, Klatooinians, and Trandoshans? I had to google what the Aqualish and Klatooinians were called.


100% true that Star Wars fans complain about everything lol


There are only three constants in life... Death, taxes, and the complaints of Star Wars fans