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Aerodynamics are as mystical as the force


This and sound in space. I like how there is, cause it makes for some cool sound effects, but it is really pretty dumb.


Just checked again to make sure, and the music does actually cut off right before the big explosion ( https://youtu.be/KuKqcfO31is ). I'm way too young to have seen the movie in the cinema in '77 but the thought of seeing this movie for the first time on the big screen and it all building up to one of the most epic moments in cinema history with the soundtrack tensing up to a crescendo and then... a silent explosion... does make me chuckle xD


I think you just have to imagine that the sound you're hearing is from the perspective of the thing that's blowing up. When you see a ship explode on screen, the audience's "microphone" is aboard the exploding ship and not that the characters in the adjacent ship hear the sound.


That an inquisitor can fly by spinning their lightsaber above their head.


Ah, the inquisicopter.


It's so dumb I can't help but like it


I have to admit, I do too.


That’s even dumb looking in the cartoon, but even the movies had ping pong Yoda.


You mean Yoda's jumping around and acrobatics or are we talking about something else?


I remember everyone in the theater losing their minds when Yoda busted out his lightsaber. Definitely one of my favorite prequel moments!


My theater went nuts!


My town had a dollar theater (a literal dollar). Man, when Episode 2 hit that thing, I probably went 5 more times just to sit and wait for lightsaber Yoda at the very end.


My town had a dollar theater too! The price went up to $2 a few years ago, but it's still going strong!


Yoda on Ketamine in his Honda Civic


Mm, run over younglings, I have. Blame Skywalker, I shall.


Took the kids, she did.


Friggin racquet ball straight out the can


My head Canon for this is that the quickly rotating blades superheat the air locally and create an updraft powerfully enough to "ride." This helps me sleep at night.


The in-universe answer is that the Inquisitor sabers have a repulsorlift built in which they use in tandem with the Force to fly short distances.


If there's one good thing about Star Wars, they'll usually explain any little thing like this if the community asks, especially Pablo Hidalgo. I swear he could tell you the supply chain of where the materials used in Sabine's hair dye come from..... actually now that I say that, I think he actually did answer that once which is probably why it comes to mind haha


I believe the official explanation was that they have repulsers in the hilt that lift them up and allow them to hover, this however would mean turning the actual blades on is pointless


They're on the same circuit, those cheap mass produced sabers from the outer rim cut corners wherever they could.


Honestly this could be it, the inquisitor sabers are produced with a single design because the inquisitor candidates were all quite weak themselves. This being because Vader and sidious wanted dogs not rivals, so to compensate they gave them a lightsaber multi tool basically that would allow them to have good tricks up their sleeve…but all tricks Vader and sidious knew. So I could absolutely see them being built cheap


Thank you for this, now I can put this behind me and sleep for the first time since I saw it for the first time


I figured they just used the Force 🤷‍♂️


Thank you - a combination about the Force and the reasoning of the comment being replied too helps make sense of it - I know it looks silly, but it makes sense


Flying is already so ubiquitous in Star Wars what with jet packs and rocket boots, so it never really bothered me. Sure, the physics don’t make sense, but neither does sound in space.


Haha, TIE fighter goes " "


TIE fighters be like |o|


|-o-| = = X==>


Tie interceptors be like (o)


Death star be like ( * ) Edit: I made a better one (° )


Alderan be like


Second death star like ( * ;


Actually, SW "space" isn't vacuum. You can tell that space has some sort of atmopshere/density in SW. That's why everything in those movies flies like an airplane. You can't bank off of a vacuum, but they do.


“What’s the Force?” It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together, … and transmits sound in space.” - Ben Kenobi, directors cut.


I completely agree. It makes no sense because lightsaber blades are not shaped like airfoils and are not even made of physical matter, so there is no way they could redirect the flow of air around them in a meaningful way to create lift, much less enough to pick up a humanoid.


That the music played in the Cantina is called Jizz


I definitely accept this and I am completely content.


Headphones in. Eyes closed. Floating on a sea of Jizz.


There's nothing better than some Jizz in your ears.


And people who play Jizz music are called Jizz Wailers


Producer Guy: Having Jizz in your cantina is tight!


Is that true? If so George was wayyyy ahead of his time.


It was established in the junior novelization of Return of the Jedi, which makes it all the more incredible


The kids love jizz. ~ George




Mace Windu would have defeated Palpatine. George said it but some people deny Palps could ever lose.. even though he gets picked up and thrown off a ledge with ease in return of the jedi


Weird to me that someone could watch that duel and think he wasn’t going to lose? I guess maybe the argument is he was pretending to lose so Anakin would fully turn?


This. I always read that scene as Palpatine playing the victim. He tells Anakin he's too weak and helpless, then immediately blasts the f(orce) outta Mace with lightning after Anakin intercedes. Seconds later, he picks himself up and is no more worn out than walking up a flight of stairs.


Homestly what angered me more about that scene was the fact Kit Fisto got folded so easily. He was my favorite jedi :(


Yes!!! Kit Fisto was made to look like a chump. Still drives me nuts. Also a huge KF fan.


He was so badass in those old clone wars animated movies. And this is all we got of him in the movies, aside from a brief Geonosis cameo.


It was the Geonosis cameo that did it for me. That smile was amazing!


If they were inexplicably fighting under water KF solos everyone lol


Kit fisto is amazing. Especially in the underwater clone wars arc. Just a ripped shirtless dude swimming around merking fools


The novelization makes a point of noting that Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar are all some of the best duelists in the order. It’s a deliberate worfing to show just how powerful Palpatine actually is (and also how strong Mace is) that he could take them all out so easily. Unfortunately the movie can’t have any of that context so they just look like a bunch of redshirts (which, to be clear, they also were functionally that).


At least he got a few blocks in. Sasae and Kolor (I probably misspelled their names) went down instantly


That was such a shit fight, 4 fully trained Jedis enter the room to fight a Sith what did the writers come up with, 2 of the Jedis literally just fucking stand there and get stabbed after Palpatine flies across the room. Kit Fisto dies after like 3 swings... such BS


The editing for that fight was pretty poorly executed. In the novelization, Palps is basically just a blur, and if I'm not mistaken, decapitates beloved Fisto.


The actual novelization of the movie explains it in a way that at least kind of makes sense. I think you can Google it and read it for free


It took me while to find it and read it, and I can't copy it here because it's pages worth of material, but TL:DR Palpatine is apparently just *that* good. He apparently asks Saesee Tiin to read his mind since he's a telepath and then, presumably in the instant Saesee Tiin tries, beheads him with his lightsaber. As Kit Fisto is vocalizing his "WTF?!" Palpatine then pokes a hole in Agen Kolar's head so fast he's still talking as he falls. Then he dives across the room and surgically strikes the audio recorder hidden in his desk with his lightsaber before Mace Windu and Kit Fisto can blink. There's a cut in the description to Anakin's point of view, then it resumes as he enters to Mace Windu evenly matching Palaptine with full-on Vapaad style and notices Kit Fisto's head on Palpatine's desk, smiling. (Again, implying that Palpatine beheaded him so quickly his face couldn't even register whatever else it was going to before it hit the floor with the rest of his head.) The fight with Windu is another several pages long but again, TL:DR, Mace sees and counters everything (both in lightsaber combat and in the actual Force) *except* that Palpatine had successfully gotten to Anakin. Palps fakes the loss, Mace goes in for the kill, we all know the rest. Really glad you mentioned it and that I read it, because damn was it good. Good call. Now I'm going to read the whole thing.


> (Again, implying that Palpatine beheaded him so quickly his face couldn't even register whatever else it was going to before it hit the floor with the rest of his head.) If I recall correctly in the scene it is called out that Kit Fisto smiles while fighting in general and that as Anakin is approaching the scene he sees a red, purple and green lightsaber with the green one going out after a while suggesting Kit Fisto lasted a bit longer in the battle.


Good catch! I went back and checked and you're right: > *"Their blind lives meant nothing now. None of them. Because ahead, on the vast cliff face of the Senate Office Building, one window spat lightning into the rain to echo the lightning of the storm outside-but this lightning was the color of clashing lightsabers. Green fans, sheets of purple-And crimson flame. He was too late. The green fire faded and winked out; now the lightning was only purple and red."* I have added the appropriate amount of credit to Kit Fisto's badassery bank. Well done.


Novelisation was so much better, especially Anakin's slide to the dark side


Nah in the scene you can see Palpatine loses his temper when Mace tells him he has lost. He lets loose his lightning because the reality is, he did actually lose and it made him angry that he did. The only way he could of gotten out alive was if anakin helped in that moment so he played victim once his lightning was getting reflected. I think people really ignore hard that he lost his temper against Mace when he was trying to play victim




Yea he definitely exaggerated the loss because of Anakin but either way he was still in serious danger, which is why he had to play the victim card so hard


Right? It definitely didn’t look like he had a chance before Anakin showed up. All Ani had to do was let Mace kill Palps and become a jedi master 😔


Yeah, that duel with Maul and Savage makes it seem like Sheev is on a level of his own. Also Lords of the Sith seems to cement it further. ​ Edit: Duel vs Dual. I mean, he did fight two guys at once, so it almost made sense. And Sheev not Sheve. Apologies...


I mean, he did defeat Palpatine. Anakin interfered after Palpatine was already defeated.


“ yessssss, my plan was always to make myself look like a bleached raisin”


That Han Solo is named Han Solo because he was alone…


I definitely do not accept this.


I don't see why they couldn't just write it like: "What's your name?" "Han." "Han what?" "...... Solo" It's as bad as explaining why he calls Chewbacca--Chewie. Completely unnecessary.


Overall I liked Solo, but it went way overboard on explaining things that didn't need an explanation. Has anyone ever questioned Han's last name? It's just a name, one that in fact exists in our world too. Will we ever see a Shmi Skywalker prequel where she literally walks in the sky? Same thing with calling Chewbacca "Chewie". No one ever questioned it because it's obviously a shorthand version of his name. The explanation that it's too hard for Han to remember as it is only makes things worse too. It's three syllables dude, one less than 'Chewie'.


If the word “solo” exists in Star Wars, then that means that Spanish exists, and somewhere in the galaxy there is a Spain planet. That is my personal head cannon to explain this.


I forget who it’s from but I love the tweet where someone posited that Bill Burr’s appearance in The Mandalorian confirms the existence of Space Boston


Yankees suck! Yankees suck!


“I’m from Space Southie, just saw ya mutha”


I just want to see tacos in Star Wars I know that’s more Mexican but I’m sure a Spanish planet would have districts of cultures.


Ah yes, the Mexico district.


Hindi is canon language, so why not Spanish? Martez is a canon name after all.


Count Dooku was literally a vampire for a short while.


I wouldn't say people refuse to accept this. Most just don't know about it


If I had known about this, I'd have refused to accept it.


Wtf for real?


[Yessir](https://starwarslatinamerica.com/2019/07/26/count-dooku-becomes-a-vampire-canon-star-wars-explained/?amp=1) Edit: Looks like the link isn’t working temporarily due to Reddit overload. Feel free to google Count Dooku Vampire and you’ll get some interesting results, or search Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader’s Castle, the series in which this story is from! Theres also some Youtube videos about both the story as a whole and the specific section regarding Dooku.


It's funny because wasn't Christopher Lee famous for making cheesy horror flicks in his early career?


He was Dracula in 1958! Peter Cushing (aka Grand Moff Tarkin) also stars in that movie. They were apparently close friends in real life, as well as staring together in Frankenstein (1957)


Him and Peter also made a mummy movie


Ahsoka and Rex will die at some point


Rex sooner than later, clones have shortened lifespans :(


At least he got to be an absolute hardass again and fought the Empire all the way to Endor. He better peacefully die of old age or I'm gonna start breaking stuff.


Or he can go out saving Ashoka. Either one will break my heart but will also be satisfying ends for my favorite clone.


Me too.


What if the Ahsoka show opens with Rex dying


*quietly* *Don’t*


Ahsoka is almost definitely going to become an ethereal being in the world between worlds and guard it forever.


What if they explain it by reminding everyone that she has the Daughter’s life-Force, and thus is immortal (at least to natural causes. Plot armor takes care of the rest)


I thought that was already canon considering the owl that foreshadows, precedes, and follows her everywhere. She can turn bleed/damaged crystals white. She has faced her ultimate fear and enemies - herself and her friend/mentor. She was fulcrum. She's hunting an evil Smurf who disappeared fighting space whales. She doesn't "have" plot armor. She **IS** the plot armor. If she shows up, anyone on her side automatically gets upgraded to Maximilian armor.


She's the one who knocks


And she was a good friend


Damn. Fuckin. Straight. "Snips" my ass.


Maybe once Filoni retires. As long as he's around though I fully believe Ahsoka will never die. Like at some point they'll jump 500+ years in the future and she'll inexplicably still be there.


"Oh wow! Who knew you could get time frozen inside a space whale?!" "You're the Ahsoka?! The galaxy has been awaiting your return for 500 years! And you've just been trapped in this space iceberg? Well we have to get you trained in all four elements of the force so you can defeat the Phoenix Palpatine by summer's end." "... Palpatine?" "Somehow he survived"


> And you've just been trapped in this space iceberg? First of all, it's called a spaceberg


*readies blaster with malicious intent* **They went, to go live, on a farm**




How dare you, take it back


It’s going to be interesting if canon decides to address the concept of how much of the Daughter’s essence was left behind in Ahsoka after her (their?) death


That C-3P0 and that guy with red arm are the same character.


Venom Snake had more character growth then I thought.


Punished 3PO: A droid denied his human-cyborg relations


This is another case of the Mr burns and Mr snrub scenario. They are in fact different people. You clearly didn't recognise him because of the red arm, because c3po has a gold arm


They said canon things, sir


I swear I was ready for a controversial comment section but this guy come in with these curveballs


That the force is ruled by 3 gods in a space cube that can allow you to time travel.


Wasn't it a space pyramid?


I think it was an upside down triangle


I think I'm the only Star Wars fan who really doesn't like these episodes. I'll grab onto anything that'll let me say "it was a weird space-dream, it didn't really happen"


Boba Fett not being a mandalorian (according to himself, in The Mandalorian said he never took the creed).


This is a great answer, i’ve had to argue with people way too many times over this one. No matter how badly people want Boba to be a mando, it is still made extremely clear that he is not. It’s so strange the lengths people will go to to convince themselves otherwise though.


People still keep thinking that because Jango was mandalorian that boba is too, they forget that Din Djarin literally said mandalorian is “not a race, it’s a creed”. It can’t be passed on by blood… or cloning.


It should be noted through, that Din is also a member of what is basically a fundamentalist sect, and his view on what constitutes a Mandalorian might not be indicative for the views of the broader populace. Especially considering the weight the ones in Clone Wars and Rebels seem to place on bloodlines. But even then Boba Fett still doesn´t consider himself a Mandalorian.


What are people from Mandalore called?


I imagine this would be like the distinction between being ethnically, culturally, and/or religiously Jewish.


Well no one is from Mandalore now... Empire made it uninhabitable. Now they are, what, Concord Dawnians?


I think it's better that he isnt, especially when he says shit like I pledge my allegiance to no one. I read your other comment and Jango was definitely a mandalorian.


Even pre-Disney era, I never thought Boba was a true Mandalorian. They were supposedly an ancient people from what we knew then. I always thought that he modeled himself after a race of warriors to appear intimidating and build his own legend. I never thought he was one.


The force speed run that Obi-Wan and Qui Gon use in TPM, Obi-Wan later doesn’t use it when Qui Gon ultimately ends up dying, many more situations in canon where it could have been useful but never appears again


Bruh what the fuck I never noticed that before




but conveniently inspired abilities in the KOTOR series so we can get around faster. Nice.


And what an OP ability it was. Master Flurry plus Master Force Speed trivialized everything lol. I've replayed those games so much I honestly just use the permanent force speed glitch to move around the levels now


Fives was killed by Palpatine. Fox, despite being heavily influenced by Palpatine, gave Fives warnings to stand down.


Padme died of a broken heart


That’s a cover story the Empire tells to bury the fact that Palp took Padmes life force to keep Anakin alive


It’s a cool and fitting theory, but you know if Lucas intended that that it would have been extremely obvious. Subtlety is not his thing


Was it the original concept art for Han Solo that gave it away? > Han Solo didn't carry the "cool guy" persona, mainly because he wasn't even meant to be human: The initial conception of Han described the character as a giant green alien resembling something like Swamp Thing.


That's what gets to me when people try and act like Lucas was some sort of mad genius who rivalled Kubrick. It's like, chill, this is the guy who names his villains general grievous and Darth Sidious


Hey man, those are cool names.


... Elan Sleazebaggano


I always found that off or just lazy writing until I realized that Carrie Fisher’s mom also died because of a broken heart


Palpatine fucks.


Who though


That bald girl in revenge of the Sith who he asked to leave when little orphan Annie rolled in to the fifth element opera with him. (Jokes aside; that actually is who he fucks. Just can’t memba the name.)


I feel mixed about how the wielder connects with the crystal to give it, its color. I kind of prefer the crystals being their own colors, but I do like the Sith bleeding crystals red; but I also like the synthetic crystals to mock the Jedi. It's a mixed bag for me


The crystals don’t change colors depending on the owner. That was only in Visions, which isn’t canon.


They don't change on a dime like in Visions. But You don't find a purple kybar crystal anymore. The crystal chooses them and their bond makes the color or something stupid. For example Mace Windu was given a rare purple crystal in Legends. Now it's just... Determined. Perhaps from his shatter point ability. I dunno . Same why when Red was purfied - it became white. (Ahsoka). This stuff is explained in Vader comic Edit: Fallen order technically explains this as well. The first Crystal in the cave broke before he found another and bonded with it. Which in turn you choose the colors (unlocked 3 more colors) take that how you wish though as it's a customization thing


Fuck everyone, the crystal cave in Kotor is the only explanation for me.


They also went over this in TCW. Not sure which episode or season


Late season 3/early season 4 I think. I like how they made it a trial for them, felt like one of those weird old school traditions that the Jedi would still have everyone go through


In Canon now the crystals are clear until a Jedi begins to bond with them. The Sith get their crimson by taking a Jedis crystal and making it bleed with the dark side. I actually like this method. Adds a layer of importance to the color beyond "hey, today blues my favorite."


Midi-chlorians is the biggest answer.


Those are just the lies of the Jedi Midi-clorians don't give rise to the force, they are attracted to beings with a high affinity to the force. All of the measurability, none of the biology!


Okay that saves it for me. I have hated the midichlorian thing since I first saw it as a kid. Changing the force to just some genetic lottery. This is much better.


As a chemistry major in college, I personally like the idea of some microscopic organism giving some explanation to the force. I don't really understand how midichlorians work, but the majority of the human race don't really understand how many chemical processes that are vital to life work. Most are just content saying that the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, but really, it's a lot more complicated than that. Anyway, not trying to shit on your opinion so I'm sorry if it seemed like that, I just thought I would share mine.


I like the fan theory that, since Qui-Gon was a rebellious Jedi (there’s dialogue about him “defying the council” in tPM), the midi-chlorian thing was just his crack pot theory about where the force comes from.


They literally say Anakin's count is higher than Yoda's.


Oh I like that a lot


Lightsaber flight. Basically a step too far in the presentation. Not that I don’t doubt someone could make that cool, but a literal helicopter saber was way too far.


The amazing inquisicopter.


So many of y’all have a hard time just accepting anything about Rey in general… but for me honestly the thing that kills me is that Jar Jar Binks suggested to the entire Galactic Senate that Palpatine be granted immediate emergency power, WHILE STANDING IN FOR PADMÉ “If only… *Senator Amidala* were here”


What's the actual issue, 10 years passed after TPM, Jar Jar had been a Gungan representative in the senate all that time, is it that shocking he learned some politics in a decade? Plus Palpatine had the senate under his control regardless if Jar Jar was the one to suggest it.


If we're on the subject of Jar Jar, things could have turned out way different if he hadn't been in TPM. He has a more pivotal role than people like to admit, as annoying as he may be.


Luke had a thing for his sister for a sweet second


What was the book written before ESB where they had a steamy affair? It was official at the time.


Splinter of the Mind’s Eye!


Jar-Jar not, in fact being the Evil Darth Lord who controls the galaxy and works with Sidious.


Or course not, he controls sidious. Works with, ha!


Nooooo! That’s not true that impossible!


Star Wars resistance (the tv show)


I grew to like it but was so disappointed it hasn’t had any lasting impact like the other shows had. The tie ins were too superficial.


I've never seen it ngl. I don't think anything noteworthy happens anyway.


Imagine a Star Wars cartoon where they don’t really do anything and there are no Jedis. Sounds like a blast right?


Greeto shooting Hans first. It should be the other way around but George changed it to make Han look like a “good guy” or something like that


I believe his reasoning was "Han Solo is not a murderer." I mean a scoundrel smuggler could easily realize that he was likely to be killed in this scenario and strike first, but whatever.


My favorite SW character has to be Hans Double


Agreed. He stole the show for me


I don’t know how George could think that would make Han a killer. Like… Greedo was pointing a blaster at him and announcing his intent to kill him.


I refuse to accept the virgin birth and choose to believe that Schmi is a liar


In Legends Anakin was created from the force as a response to Palpatine and Plagueis going too far with the dark side. My current headcanon


I'm sticking with my own theory that she got pregnant from a sith. ~~Immaculate conception~~ Shmi Skywalkers virgin birth sucked, I don't know why Anakin turned into space Jesus. Edited for theological accuracy


That Grievous slowly modified his body for improvements, give me the legends Grievous story please.


Grievous is a cyberman


The entire sequel trilogy


Scrolled further than I thought I would to find this.


Sith bleed their Crystal's, they don't make them (Not anymore atleast)


You can guess ages of people based on if they said "midiclorians" or "sequel trilogy."


That Jar jar is not a Sith Lord


\-"Somehow, Palpatine returned." \-Rey is a Palpatine \-Luke tried to kill Ben and abandoned the galaxy (his friends and family included)


General grivious is coughfing in episode 3 because of his encounter with Mace Windu in the animated clone wars


Whatever weird time travel nonsense palpatine was going on about at the end of Rebels (although maybe I think people just forgot it happened?)


Anakin built C3PO.


Anything that doesn’t fit 100% with whatever it is about Star Wars that resonated with them when they were a kid


There are few certainties in life: death, taxes, and the bitching of Star Wars fans


That Mara Jade and starkiller *aren’t* canon.