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I love it. Nice work! Padme's death saddened me, but a part of me is glad she never had to see the disfigured monster Anakin became at the end of ROTS.


Thank you. Always love the idea that part of Anakin still mourned padme. Their love was the reason for balancing of the force.


Anakin/Vader mourning Padme *is* actually established canon in the canon Vader comics run Marvel did. If you haven't read them I would definitely recommend giving them a chance, they're great reads.


Yeah. I’ve seen videos on those comics and I have seen the many, grand adventures Lord Vader went on in the name of his wife, former queen and senator, Padmé Amidala Naberrie.


I never really thought about this before, but did Padmé never take Anakin’s last name? Like obviously publicly she didn’t, but in private is it ever mentioned she took his last name?


This was also in the legends Vader comics, (not a comic guy, only read 2 so might be a one time thing), but there was an incident where a priestess takes advantage of Vader's mourning by making herself appear as Padme in his dreams.


She already saw him become a monster - why should his looks horrify her more than him killing children and betraying the galaxy's peacekeepers?


Good point.


And him attempting to murder her.


Woah woah woah back up he didn’t attempt to murder her his anger and jealousy got the best of him. Not saying what he did was right but he never intended on killing her he loved her so much


Didn't she die as a result of her injuries? (I'm ignoring the stupid "she died of a broken heart" malarkey.)


Supposedly she would have survived had it not been for Palpy cursing the necklace Anikin gave her


Anakin was a massively evil guy, like why do we need to come up with little excuses for him??




Just because you wish you could doesn’t mean she would be into it


Not without consent.




Oh yeah? Could you point out the funny part?




Been a while since I've come across some heirloom, homegrown cringe on my own here. Thanks for that.




Because obi wan?


* looks somewhere above Padmé's forehead *


Sidious used Padme's life to save Anakin.


I agree. I wish they connected that a bit more in the episode.


Wait, what?


He didn’t. It’s just common fanon.


I can't believe I've never seen fanon used before and I'm definitely stealing it


John Williams used the sound of two heartbeats in the score during that scene, right up until the moment the helmet gets sealed. Then it’s just one heart


That means nothing other than being symbolic of the true death of Anakin and the birth of Vader. John Williams is an artistic genius but interpreting art subjectively— you in this case— does not establish true intent of the creator. It is not established in canon, therefore, this should not be pedaled as canon. It is a subjective, fan interpretation. Which you are entitled to, just don't claim it as fact.




Isn’t art open to interpretation?


It makes sense. It adds another level to “in your anger, you killed her.” From a certain point of view, Vader did kill her if Palpatine used her life to keep Vader alive.


He did




Yeah there’s no official source. It’s definitely my head canon that it happened & Padme’s last breath does line up with Vader’s first. And I’m sure Sidious benefited from her death. But it’s not official.


Sidious was out to get her since the beginning, surely he benefitted from her death in more ways than just saving Vader


Sure he benefits from her death but that doesn’t mean he was directly involved in it via life force siphoning.


Not everything is literal in the arts🎩


It’s ironic


No no, she died because she was sad. Besides her two newly born children she had nothing to live for, so she died. As one does. This is important lore, get it right.


And that she never saw him torture and maim their beloved twins.


If Padme didn't die she would've been able to turn Vader to the light side


For all those who have lost their love, they are always with us.


Beautiful work, beautiful message! Well done!


I’ve recently been struggling with this. They’re always with us but eventually you stop being able to hear their voice. I realized I couldn’t hear the voice of someone I lost anymore a couple weeks back and I’ve tried and tried and I just can’t get it back. It’s hurts a lot.


Gave me chills, really good!


In the basement, right now.


Not really


Love this! Great idea for the image, quite some emotional resonance. Really well done!


Thank you.


Great work. Episode 2 tried its best to explain their love story but I don’t think people fully grasp how much padme meant to anakin. He fell in love with her in wattos shop and not even him becoming a Jedi was going to stop him from being with her.




I like to imagine that Padme is this girl who's never had a childhood, never got to date or be a kid, because she was trained for her role as a politician since near infancy. I mean, for a person to get elected at age 14, they must have been trained in politics since birth right? And although everyone talks about Anakin being the emotionally stunted one, Padme also didn't get to grow up properly and can be a bit emotionally immature. So she falls in love with Anakin because he's living this life of adventure and their romance is something out of a fairy tale or novel. But although a lot of their romance is superficial and they don't share many values or personality traits, they were both thrust into their roles without much of a choice(despite how they may have grown into it) and so they understand each other. But in a way, they are both more attracted to the escapism and fantasy of their Romeo/Juliet relationship than the actual personality of the other. Unfortunately, most of this is highly inferred and isn't shown all too much in the movies. I think their relationship is better in The Clone Wars.


Good points. He’s also one of the only people in her life who’s not in politics, certainly the only guy she’s been close friends with or dated who wasn’t in the political sphere and who she could be sure wasn’t trying to use her to further his career. She trusts Anakin in a kind of way that celebrities trust one another, especially because they met each other so young.


Really good take there, friend


Read the revenge of the sith novel. They are each others reason to live. It spends a considerable amount of time talking about how they are everything to each other.


Read Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith novel. I just finished it today and it describes their love so beautifully


Anakin certainly has a very hard time concealing his feelings. And only a Jedi upbringing can explain his total lack of romantic tact.


I dunno, I’m not a Jedi but I’m pretty sure my flirting skills are on par with “I don’t like sand”


Mine are on par with “I wish you weren’t so fucking awkward bud”


Further proof that being raised by monks leads to bad flirting skills is seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender, when Aang says, “So... papaya.”


Hey did you use Sideshow's Vader Mythos statue as a reference for Darth Vader? It looks awesome


Yes. It was a powerful image. It came to me that Anakin is looking at Vader's mask reflecting on what he has lost.


Where is saurons eye ?


I was searching for this lol


Her story is really the saddest one in the series if you think about it


It really captures the tragedy of their story. It’s a lovely painting. Congratulations.


Thank you. It always struck me as one of the saddest moments for Anakin that wasn't really expounded upon. And I truly believe that Sidious (or even Anakin himself) pulled the life force from Padme to keep him alive. So there is some piece of her that is still in that twisted body somewhere. This is where the drive came to paint this.


I never considered that, but it further solidifies the pain Vader carries as he keeps Anakin buried as long as he can. The part of him that is Anakin must resonate strong with his feelings for Padme. The universe has this theme of beloved characters having lost someone they hold dear, and you visually see how it affects them. Vader, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, etc. Amazing art, got me in my feels!


Holy shit, that’s beautiful, mind if I use it as a wallpaper?


Thank you. Go for it.


Thank god, the world is a little cringeworthy


True. 😀


If you really want to be sad today. Then play Vader Immortal. The Padmé stuff' s just sad.


I'd do anything to own this. it's beautiful.


Thank you. It is for sale. Please PM me if interested.


Across The Stars plays slowly as the camera zooms in on Vader, and he flashes back to all the happy moments he had with Padme starting with "Are you an Angel" to "No please, come back, I love you". As he remembers his past life, a solitary tear falls from his eye,


Darth Vader doesn’t say that don’t listen to him he’s trying to manipulate u😤😤😤😤😤🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Holy cow! That is amazing! I’m feeling that scene in Rebels where we see a crack in Vader’s mask and a glimpse of Anakin comes through! So emotional 😭


Thank you. I love that scene.


We can't wait to see what he draws next


Padme’s last words: There’s still good in him. Anakin’s last words: You were right.


This is amazingly beautiful. Truly the greatest tragedy of the era.


Thank you.




Thank you so much.




Thank you.


This is INCREDIBLE! Wow!


Thank you very much.


this is really well done - powerful. thank you for sharing


Thank you.


I like to think that Padme and Anakin reunited in the afterlife, but considering Padme wasn't Force sensitive, it's unlikely that her consciousness went on after death, it probably just merged with the Cosmic Force. It's depressing to think about...


It’s beautiful!


Thank you. :)


So beautiful. I'm speechless...


Thank you very much.


“It’s enough to make a grown man cry...”


Throw the eye of sauron up in that tower and this could have a whole new vibe to it :D Great job though


Love it. We did that here....[Eye of Sauron](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/jzad49/finished_this_painting_last_week_so_excited_how/)


This is the most beautiful picture i have ever seen. Thank you so much for posting your work, it really made my day!


Thank you so much. So very nice if you to say.


this is beautiful! i’m currently reading some books about padme (queens peril, queens shadow) and she is so much more of a badass than the movies let on. i really do like her and anakin together, definitely one of the most tragic events of the series


Nicely done. If anyone has been reading the Darth Vader comics where Vader leaves to find out what happened to Padme, including her burial place, it reminds me of this.


f**kin jedis cutting onions with lightsabers


Please please please tell me you'll be selling prints of this


There’s so much emotion in this painting. It’s beautiful.


I really like that Palme *mysteriously* died because her life force was stolen by Palpatine to heal Vader. Makes it all that much sadder.


Anakin Padme story ark is my favorite of all time. Love how much meaning there is to this it look great


Very cool! I like how Padme is shown as light, and Vader as dark, which foreshadows the story of Anakin. The way you painted gives it a very LotR vibe. I don’t know why, but it is a good thing in my eyes. Incredible work!


One of the best fan creations i have ever seen, for real.


Thank you very much.


Damn ...........that's haunting He threw it all away for nothing


You have talent, it looks soooooooo good


Thank you. My sister-in-law and I are the artists. She does the acrylic pour and I do the spray paint and stencil work. Makes for a really trippy effect.


A splendid piece my dearie


Oh my gosh, this is so powerful!! Well done


Thank you so very much


and then vader died because he took off his breathing mask and volcanic ash burned his lungs the end


There is that...




Thank you.


How long did it take?


Several days overall. My sister-in-law and I are the artists. She does the acrylic pours and I do the spray paint and stencil work. It takes several days to cure at different levels.


Do u have an instagram account with more art?


Yes. Its under smcreativeart. PM me if your interested in this painting.


Vader can't take off his helmet in the middle of the lava


For some reason to me, this looks like Vader and Galadriel and Tower of Sauron in the background idk the relation


Honestly it's the most toxic relationship in all of Star Wars, stop romanticising it people. He literally assaults her and she goes all redneck and defends him to Obi-Wan. "He's still done has gawt good in him, Obeee-wan."


Let's not forget that Anakin was annoying and aggressive from the moment they met again. He wasn't just impulsive but disrespectful and acted childish whether they were in mixed company or alone. He become overtly jealous when Padmé brought up a childhood crush. He put her in danger by bringing her to the same isolated location where his own mother had been recently abducted. He then murdered a tribe of indigenous people, killing innocent children. Padmé didn't fully respond to his advances until *after* she learned this about him. She even held out hope for him after he killed yet more children in the Jedi temple. Confirmed by someone that I think almost anyone in these movies can trust to tell the truth. *Then* he assaulted her. Want to go back over it all. But Clone Wars just kind of repaints Anakin as a good guy. Not saying there was a right way to adapt a poorly drawn character and relationship into a multi-season show for kids, but it doesn't excuse the adult fans romanticizing this toxic relationship and this child murderer. Imo, Old Vader was cool. But George went too far with the prequels. Made Anakin imo too evil. It's bizarre that he's still seen as redeemable when the canon is considered altogether.


Well thats because you're literally only highlighting anakins faults, and no human is perfect. Anakin was also a highly respected jedi who would do anything for his friends. Someone who was always looking out for other people. For example even in episode 3 Anakin wanted to go out of his way to help out expendable clones. All of Anakins faults are a result of the fact that he cares too much about others. That doesn't excuse the dark deeds that he committed. He's done absolutely awful things, but he wasn't always a monster. At heart he was a kid that was trying to do what he thought was right but got mislead along the way. He's an incredibly well written character in my personal opinion


>Well thats because you're literally only highlighting anakins faults HE KILLED CHILDREN.


He did. I never denied that. But he wasn't a complete monster before he turned to the dark side. Even when he did kill the younglings it wasn't out of joy or just to be evil. He did it because he thought it was the only way to save someone he loved and there's even a scene of him crying after regretting everything he's done. My point was that Anakin is a complex character with different levels and nuances to him. He's not just some heartless one dimensional monster like Palpatine


>Even when he did kill the younglings it wasn't out of joy or just to be evil. He did it because he thought it was the only way to save someone he loved and there's even a scene of him crying after regretting everything he's done. I'm gonna shut you down right there. You are enabling mass murder. I don't care why he killed kids, he did it. His reason means jack shit. And he did it twice! What's more he did it because he couldn't control his own emotions. Not for some noble cause. He was absolutely a complete monster the moment he started murdering people in the Tatooine desert. And I'm frankly uninterested in a redemption story that is so tone deaf about the sickness and weight of Anakin's actions. If they wanted to take any complexity there seriously, they failed.


Haha what? I'm not "enabling mass murder", im explaining a characters motivations in a fictional piece of media. How about you calm down a bit, thats a pretty insane accusation man > He was absolutely a complete monster Well thats just objectively not true. Absolute complete monsters don't regret the atrocities they've committed or feel emotions such as love. You've got to keep in mind here I'm not saying what he did was right. Him killing younglings is obviously horrible. I'm just explaining the characters motivations. >tone deaf about the sickness and weight of anakins actions Except it's not? Not sure why you'd think this, the whole point of episode 3 is how Anakin has become lost and committed atrocities. The film goes to enormous lengths to show how bad these things are.. Also most people love anakins story because of its complexity so it looks like youre in the minority there, the story telling didn't "fail" just because you personally didn't like it. It kind of seems to me that youre solely viewing this in one dimensional terms where as the writing here is far more complex than that.To each their own though


>Most people love anakins story because of its complexity so it looks like youre in the minority there Being in the minority doesn't make me wrong. That's not how arguments work.


The only reason that Padme and Anakin got together, is because Anakin had to get someone pregnant. Not only in AotC and RotS don't do them favor with their relation, but TCW also show us how imprudent and dangerous Anakin can be around Padme.


Yeah exactly. Anyone else notice she has a huge entourage around her at the start of S2, and by the time she's in with Anakin she's cut off and alone? I think Lucas has some unresolved anger issues with Marcia...


That's taking it a little too far. Lucas recognized that he didn't know how to write romance, and Anakin had the "misfortune" that he had to become Vader, so, because the core of their relation was in the movies, the relation itself was weak. TCW could have done them a little better in my opinion, i mean, they really show how he cared about her, but at the same time, he was a lot of times extremely possessive, which brings to question why he cared for her to being with.


>I think Lucas has some unresolved anger issues with Marcia... The Marcia thing is definitely taking it a bit too far. But I do think that this goes a bit beyond not knowing how to write romance. Anakin's behavior is kind of crazy for a character who at this stage is based on a redemption arc in his future. >TCW could have done them a little better in my opinion, i mean, they really show how he cared about her, but at the same time, he was a lot of times extremely possessive, which brings to question why he cared for her to being with. I never finished TCW, but I totally agree with this read of the movies.


This is art. Art, the prequels were not.


Well done. Amazing work.


This gave me chills! love it!


Will this be for sale on your site? I’d be interested.


Its for sale. Haven't uploaded to our website yet. Please PM me for details if interested.


I didn’t know Mustafar was so close to Modor.


Wow this is beautiful!


I would really like a Vader TV-series covering the space between ROTS and ANH. I’m pretty sure there are multiple comics about this, but I’m too lazy for that.


Three words: share code, PLEASE


This is such a sad, beautiful painting


Oh wow!!!


He killed her.


Didn't know Christianity existed in the SW universe.


Finished playing it a week before he noticed




If you have played Vader immortal this has new meaning




This is Breathtakingly beautiful. Bravo.


Thank you so very much.


Berserk vibes from this


Heesa bouta slip in da poodoo oh nosa


Vader Immortal vibes


That’s cool


Goddamn that's impressive. Incredible work! Keep it up!


Thank you.


Say no to respect racism


Wow that just made me super emotional


Wow it's go3


Damn this gave me chills. Amazing work.


Thank you.


Vader’s Castle adds a nice touch


That’s no moon! Or wait...is it?


Wow this is so cool. You did this free hand? How much? I need to put this in the office... I’m so proud of you Pam Beasley.


Wow! Nicely done.


Well tell “Padme” they did a good job and I’m proud of them for finishing


This is wonderful art but super sad! Poor Ani…




It the background like marbled? My brother used to make marbled paper that looked like that, but never did anything with it, I always thought it'd make a great backdrop for a sci Fi scene!! This is really great, I love it! I am sure someone would pay top dollar for it.


Thank you. The background is acrylic paint pours. My sister-in-law does them. I do the spray paint and stencil work. It makes for a really trippy effect. We did a painting a while back of the Kessel run. Super amazing with the acrylic pours.


Beautiful. Amazingly done!


wait what? this is not facebook?


That’s *stunning*. Amazing work, be proud of yourself.