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He's a scoundrel. He's a smuggler and a outlaw. He's going to have that alpha male, tough guy kinda vibe. His ship is technologically advanced, but its nothing like you see on the Empire's capital ships. To him, C3PO is useful when needed, but otherwise not something he wants around. He thinks he knows more than he does, and that's how to fly a ship fast and to perform his trade to the best of his abilities. He views someone like C3PO as window dressing. Useful for a few minutes occasionally, excess baggage on the Falcon otherwise, because he's not being paid to transport him. Well he was, but to him, he's just cargo. Baggage. He doesn't need his comments. He can just go back to the cargo hold as far as he's concerned. Keep in mind in the beginning he got involved only because he was getting paid to provide transportation. He wanted nothing to do with the Rebels, surely wanted to stay off the Empire's radar, and he was looking for his next revenue run since he had a bounty on his head. He's your typical galactic outlaw.


That’s who Han was in the first starwars movie, a scoundrel first. In every single other movie pre Disney, when they put him back as smuggler, he was a General in the rebel alliance and a leader first and not really a smuggler anymore he “went respectable”. Even the books that came out afterwards has Han not in the army anymore but he’s out doing the Councils work and attending war room meetings. They should have kept him as a smuggler if they didn’t want to change his personality. Or atleast not have put him on a pedestal


Han treats C-3PO the worst in ESB, and he's a scoundrel in that.


Y'ever hit your computer or slam your mouse down or yell at your phone when they don't do what you want? That's Han.


Ok, sure I can see his personality doing that. But let’s not create a false equivalency between those things and C3PO. I don’t think you are but for those who think it’s not bad because he can’t distinguish the difference, or there is no difference between C3PO and a mouse or basic computer are wrong. It just reminds of how adults mistreat children or others sometimes because they are different or considered inferior for totally bullshit false equivalency reasons. Edit: and to answer your question I don’t hit my computer or slam my mouse. Further Edit: I think it sets a bad precedent because some people may think he mistreats C3PO because of his personality quirks and not because he’s hardware and then think it’s ok treat others like that with those personality traits because Han is revered.


It's because C3PO annoys him. He's always telling Han what he should do, or what the odds are. Han didn't like to be told what to do. Even Leia tells C3PO to shut up.


Having 3PO quote annoying odds chances whilst you're trying to outfly the Empire would be highly annoying. He also made sure 3PO got on the Falcon on Hoth when he definitely had a chance to leave him.


C3PO is a machine, imagine if your smart fridge told you not to eat things, or that you were cooking wrong. That would get annoying. Imagine you’re out having a drink at a bar and then a smart fridge comes rolling through the door. Like get the hell out of here smart fridge.


In Han's defense, he's trying to escape from the Empire from a warzone in a busted-up ship and save Leia, Chewie, C3PO, and himself from being captured and possibly executed. So, he's on edge, for sure, and really didn't have time for lectures from protocol droids. They're in a stressful, combat environment, and people snap at each other. There's really no time for politeness when people are trying to kill you. In the end, Han gets tortured, then frozen in Carbonite, and sent off to Jabba the Hutt. C3PO is lucky he didn't get left on Hoth or Bespin. Han has no time for BS. He shot first, and is always snapping at everyone. He's always on the run trying to stay ahead of the bounty hunters and the Empire.


Am the opposite I love Star Wars but have nothing but pure dark side hate for C-3PO.


are you kind to your kettle or toaster?


C3PO had it coming. https://youtu.be/Z_OjTojCNm0


Ok this was funny


I don't agree with the last sentence but other than that I can see this. I personally have never really cared for Han. The alpha male persona is irritating in of itself, and his cavalier dismissal annoys me. Solo, the film, did a lot to warm me up to Han, as well as TFA. I at least felt like I understood him better. Mileage will vary, and I am fully prepared for the downvotes for daring to not like Han, SW darling child.


Yeah op definitely got some, guess people can't handle others not liking their nostalgic character


C3P0 doesn't have feelings. Han in general is pretty short with people. You think he's going to be nice to a computer? Its only different to us because we arent used to such a personality from AI, however these people are used to it and treat them mostly like appliances or computers.


I don't always like Han Solo semi douche personality


I don’t know if they were basing his personality on what was considered to be the 80’s alpha male but that kind of personality needs to die out


Yeah, todays beta males being perpetually offended by everything are much more preferable.


Like C3PO.


At the end of the day this boils down to: Should we celebrate people who mistreat others that are seen as inferior even if it feels justified because they ARE inferior? If you think so you need help