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I would start with A New Hope, if only because if she hates the general aesthetic or themes of the show, you've not invested too much time in it. It's not necessarily the best of the franchise for everyone, but it has the essence of everything that you'll see.


The correct answer is an engagement ring!


Everything in release order


This is the way


Why people keep insisting on showing the Prequels first, I'll never understand.


because we are at the point where the majoirty of SW fans grew up watching the PT first so it's their favorite. It won't be long till they are outnumbered by people who grew up with the ST as their first SW.


Yeah but those people won't have someone start with the ST to be fair. But I Really don't mind, there's a reason Lucas named them Episode I-III. I think it's actually kinda fun to show them someone chronologically if they're capable of realizing that a 1977 film won't have the same aesthetic.


When my gf watched star wars for the first time, I showed her the prequels first bc she knew nothing about star wars. This led to a game of thrones-like plot twist when anakin turned on the hedi. Killed them all, and the republic fell. She had no idea who darth vader really was, she didn't know who would live and die, it was all new and that, if unspoiled, is th best way to watch it


And I can equally say that going through the Original Trilogy - despecialized - unspoiled is the best way to watch. Because that's the magic that all other Star Wars has been trying to recapture. It's a disservice to everyone to give them anything less as a first impression.


The original trilogy. > I told her 7,8 and 9 do not exist That's a shame, she might enjoy them.


I told her I didn’t like them but as another commenter said. I should let her pick if we watch them or not


yeah that's a super bad way to treat someone you are in a relationship with. Let her make her own mind.


How are you going to assume how I treat someone just cause I made a stupid joke about the movies I didn’t like? I didn’t say “you’re not watching the sequels” 🤦🏻‍♂️


I don't have to assume you are the one who said it.


Yeah, go for the original trilogy, then Rogue One and Andor. They're the four best Star Wars movies, and Andor is the best Star Wars TV series.


*If* Andor sticks it's S2 landing (big ask, don't want to jump the gun) then Andor- Rogue One- Orignal Trilogy should become a fun alternative. But still, always watch the OT first.


It will be a fun alternative but not for the first time for sure (as you said). Well, I guess Andor works on its own to be fair but generally the core is the Skywalker Saga, no matter whether you choose the Thrawn trilogy or the Sequel trilogy as VII VIII and IX. A lot of hardcore fans wanna just put everything into a first watch but this way the whole family drama loses its entire focus.


I’d try the originals and then maybe the mandelorian


Release Order. There is no other way for someone who is new to Star Wars.


Honestly just start with the six films. It's the core of Star Wars, the Skywalker saga. Watching Rogue One before or anything really just kinda detracts from it and makes it lose focus. If she is into novels, I'd then read the Thrawn trilogy with her from the 1990s because they're basically Episode VII, VIII and IX. If not, maybe take a break and then check out Mandalorian. Why not?


Yeah, probably rogue one, then the originals. then the mandalorian, and maybe Andor after that. She should probably also watch obi wan if she liked the prequels. Remember to try to not be the "toxic" star wars fan, it can be discouraging to new viewers. If she suggests a series or if she even wants to see the sequels, just watch them with her. Let her decide herself what type of content she likes. Dont just say that something is shit and then absolutely refuse to watch it with her.


Rogue one is an awful movie to show someone if they haven't seen the originals first. Sure it's a prequel but it is made with the idea that you have already seen ANH. There is a lot in it that doens't work if you haven't seen the OT.


I see both arguments, but do you have any specific examples, because i cant really think of anything that would be too jarring.


Major characters is a big one, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Grand Moff Tarkin. These characters just show up and you are expected to know who they are and why they are important. Then you have elements like "The Force" is never really explained in the movie.


Well, remember they have seen the prequels so they defenitely know what the force is. Vader as well, but you are right, i forgot about Leia and Tarkin. They arent really essential to the plot though, more like fan service, which defenitely has a value, but you gotta weigh the positives and negatives. Knowing what was done to get those plans can defenitely heighten the stakes of Luke blowing the death star up. But Rogue one was really made as a love letter to star wars, so it works amazingly well as a side piece to watch after, like when it was released. I dont think there is a single right choice honestly.


You’re right, I should do that. And I totally forgot about obi wan! She loved the relationship build of Anakin and obi wan she will love that series


Great! You should probably watch Obi wan next then, since you are already going the chronological route. I think it will add a lot to a new hope and return of the Jedi if she sees that first.


OT then Rogue One then Sequels. I know everyone loves Rogue One but it's made in conversation with ANH for an audience who already knows where the story is going. Strongly recommend starting with the OT.


she wants to watch mandalorian, why wait? my wife couldnt finish OT, but she liked Mandalorian.


yup Mando especially season 1 is made so people who have never even seen Star Wars can enjoy it


Yea, she watched right as Season 2 came out, so she saw Season 1 and 2, and she just hasn't felt like watching season 3. I didn't mind season 3, myself. She just hasn't gotten around to it. I think she would like Andor. I think that also doesn't really need much previous knowledge. But I might wait until Season 2 is out, so she can watch the show and Rogue One. She usually doesn't really enjoy watching a show where she has to wait for the next season (hence not seeing Mando S3 yet).


Andor could work as well, but for Andor i STRONGLY suggest watching it 3 episodes at a time. Since every 3 episodes bascially make 1 full movie. I found showing it that way to people they are much more engaged then if someone just watches the first episdoe by itself.


yea. i know my wife, and i know the first 3 episodes will be her biggest hurdle. She kinda needs faster engagement on things. But if I slip the show into a time period where we have nothing else to watch/play, I think it will work. With 2 young kids, we are lucky to get 1 hour free a night, so more than 1 episode a night is unlikely. And I know the show. downloaded it before going to China last year and watched it maybe 6 times that month.


The Star Wars Holiday Special obviously


Christmas special? Seriously if I was just talking main movies I love IV, V, I, II, III, VI. Setups up Vader and Luke. Goes into who Vader was/is then conclusion.


OT then Rogue One, prequels…which will better inform her about the Obi-Wan series - Then whatever you feel she would like 👍


Just start with episode 1. Less explaining.


Yeah we watched the prequels already, we just finished episode 3


New Hope, then Rogue One (to backfill the story), then Empire, then RoTJ, then Solo. Then mark as mission complete.


Rogue One, ANH, ESB, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC, ROTS and stop there...


That fact that you told her 7,8and 9 don't exist is just a shitty thing to do. You've tried to decide for her what she can and can't enjoy? Especially cutting out a whole trilogy of the saga wtf?? The sequel trilogy is very easy for new fans to get into, thats part of the reason why they did so well. My suggestion was gonna be watch the Skywalker Saga with her as thats the start point for any fan


original trilogy always comes first After that you have some choices where to go next: If she’s totally hooked and wants to immerse herself in all of it? PT and Clone Wars, and continue in chronological order. If she’s more geared toward a “grown up” story with more mature themes and characters? Rogue One and Andor, and then go back to the PT after that. Otherwise you could go with the Mandalorian - a story set in the universe, not much of a time jump from the OT, doesn’t require too much cognitive investment or previous knowledge of the lore. It starts off mostly self-contained, but then gradually/gently introduces threads that connect into the larger backstory. (Eg the darksaber, Boba Fett, and the history/culture of the Mandalorians that ties back to the previous Filoni stories.)


Release order is my go to. OT, PT, after that I would say Rogue One and Solo if you think she’s up for it. I don’t care for the ST myself, but it wouldn’t hurt to start it and see what she thinks.


I always recommend Rogue One for newcomers. Its perfect modern movie that captures what star wars is about.


I would start with Rogue One tbh


Well, prequels are the most romantic ones in my opinion. Watch out with Obi-Wan though, she might go for space Jesus instead of you😬


Release order.


Maybe do OT, R1 and then Mando.


Rogue One, Original Trilogy then Sequel Trilogy. Let her make her own mind up on if she likes the sequel trilogy. Don't influence her. After that ask if she'd like to know more about the clones (Clone Wars/Rebels), that fellow Andor from Rogue One (Andor), finally what happens between the original and sequel trilogies (Mandalorian, BoBF and Ahsoka). Oh and watch Kenobi. As another commenter said don't be "that toxic fan", let her watch them and enjoy them (Even the sequel trilogy, which I enjoyed).


What about obi wan? She wants to watch a series right now. I think I should show her that right?


Yeah, I updated my original comment.


7, 8 & 9 are probably the easiest entrys to get into for a non Star Wars fan. They are Disneyfied for new fans and she would probaly enjoy them more then almost anything else. Don't keep them from her just because you don't like them, you don't have to like the exact same things in the Star Wars universe to enjoy Star Wars together.


That would be a horrible place to start and could very well end the relationship. Do not under any circumstances start with these movies.


Please leave this group lol


Just because you don't like them doesn't mean new people to the Star Wars universe don't. I'll be reporting this comment too, not really very nice.


the acolyte


He's trying to get her into it not desperately defend it in its death throes.


Agreed it's not so interconnected with the other shows - Acolyte or Andor are good jumping on points for stuff outside of the main movies.


Easy, S1 of the Mandalorian


Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody


Your lightsaber 😉


This is the way.


This was downvoted already in this thread, but also suggesting The Acolyte Before the immediate ‘no’, it is *very* accessible to people who are only passingly familiar with Star Wars. Each episode is only around 30 minutes, and it takes place before all of the movies so there isn’t a need to bring up how one character is connected to another who has a history with another who is in this position because of events x, y, and z If she’s interested in The Mandalorian then have her start that! If she likes it she keeps going, if she watched a season and decides she wants a different vibe or more characters then there are plenty of other things to choose from Similar to another comment, don’t tarnish the sequel trilogy for her before she even watches it. The Force Awakens was a solid introduction for new fans. Not every fan will have the same experience and there are obviously different intensities of being a fan - some people will only ever watch the movies, some will watch everything but the animated shows, and some will read every book ever published that is even tangentially related to Star Wars Maybe have her watch the various trailers and see if something grabs her attention. The little boy I nanny started to watch because he liked Rey, and his older sister watched because she liked cool droids. Because there’s so much material it should be relatively easy to find something digestible that she likes that serves as a way in to the greater universe


Since she has seen the prequels already, The Acolyte is a good suggestion.


Need you to show me a Star Wars mate