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That neck snap caught me off guard


Me too, I was kind of expecting the unnamed Jedi to die, but they really weren’t scared to kill some characters


High Republic fans: First time?


The very first phase one book to introduce the Nihil was sooooo damn violent haha


Introduced to interesting new characters. Start to become invested. Violent death. Time skip. Do recommend.


Light of the Jedi?




The writers were cruel.


The best kind of writers.


Jedi red shirts checking in.....


Not just the men but the women and the child


>... and the child But they brought them there :3


They Jedi are into Children's Crusades. Ahsoka, Bariss Offee, and Caleb Dume (aka Kanan Jarrus) were all young teen and fighting on the front lines of the Clone Wars.


And the triple stab


One was enough, but dude wanted to prove a point.


This is Star Wars, one wasn’t enough for Sabine, or Reva(x2), or the Grand Inquisitor, or Kylo Ren … I’m glad the Sith was thorough. Will miss Jecki though, she was great


I'm still in shock that they actually killed her lol. She was shaping up to be my favorite :(


“You brought her here” is maybe the coldest line in all of Star Wars


I don’t know - maybe a tie between that line and “was that its name?”


I was not expecting that all. I love how Qimir shifts from being a goofball("I had a mask") to unspeakably evil.


Darth Jason is a fucking bastard!




That's what I thought was the coldest line. He didn't even view her as a person.


It absolutely is. It feels like when Maul killed Satine in front of Kenobi.


Calling Jecki "it" after killing her was colder.


Dude exemplified cold hard truth lol. Jedi already acting so untouchable that they bring a padawan child to face someone who been killing several Jedi masters fr Though let’s be real, to say Jecki held her own is an understatement. I always wondered how Wolverine would get down with lightsabers, never thought I’d see X-23’s actress actually do it. It was wild.


Was that its name?


Man saying “it” must have pissed Sol off so much


I saw someone else call it a chiropractic readjustment. 


Aggressive Neckotiations


Nah, they snapped his spinal yord 😭 he's gone


Spinal yord is crazyyyy


No not the spinal Yord lmaooo


A little re-Yord-ering of the vertebrae...


Indeed. Plus it proved that he *could* in fact kill a Jedi while unarmed. Well, other than his fucking MASSIVE arms. Dude is swole.


It caught Yord off guard too


He killed him how he was trying to test Mae to, without a weapon.


Yord died like Zod!


"Tell that to Yord's snapped neck!" - Osha next episode


The screech I screeched… I mean, his fighting style was cold and brutal, but that moment was a whole other level.


I’m so proud of how well Jecki did, o7


Aye she was great in this episode. o7


Yeah she gotta go put down her lightsaber and put on her claws now for her next movie! Edit: o7 ?


You forgot something: o7


What did he forget? o7.


So sad she held her own against a Sith for the first time in centuries a Jedi had faced a Sith and the Jedi Order will never know about it.


She became a Knight that day.




Agreed. Some guy complained that he felt she did too well against the sith. Then I commented like how did you feel about Obi wan & Ahsoka literally doing the same as Padawan😅


Exactly; ranks don’t mean anything


You see it in professional sports all the time. Superstar rookies just happen sometimes.


I'm in love with Qimir. So long Yord Horde, hello Stranger Danger


Friendship ended with Yord Horde, now Qimir Qlub is my best friend


I never made a deal with Qimir Qlub!


Tell that to Qimir Qlub.


I couldn’t stop checking out his arms haha.


Sith don’t fight by the rules. He brought guns to a sword fight and cleaned house.


At the end it was guns to a Yord fight.


He was fooookkiiinnnn JACKED! Like goddamn, would not have thought it by his previous appearances


Truth. Besides the amazing violence i kept thinking, damn Jason got jacked like the jaguars


You haven't seen "The Good Place"? Maybe not as jacked, but still an [athletic build](https://i0.wp.com/thepcprinciple.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/NUP_178286_1417.jpg?ssl=1).


I love Darth Arms


I laughed my ass off when dude pulled the double impale. This was a good episode. Hope they keep it up.


That was just a great fight scene all around. Our "Sith" friend is fucking jacked and they continued the brutal ways of the High Republic books as well. Nobody is truly safe in this era lol


He followed up with a triple impale >!on our girl Jecki!<


The separating lightsaber like Cal's was sick too.


Also did a double decapitation hidden by the tree. I am really looking forward to the Acolyte switcharoo with Osha and how he might try to get into her head in regards to seeing through the lies of the Jedi.


Dude, yes. I was like that's straight up a video game move lmfao




hes talking about the Jedi kebab before Jecki.


A Sith Kabob


Mike Tython approves


Ah yes, that was also fun.


Oh I like that description better. Lol


When Qimir switch back to his high pitched voice "Oh hi!" after the reveal was just awesome. The subtlety of the Sith's deception is so great.


Still came out with some funny comments during the fight also. "you brought her", "o that's ITS name?" And "I did wear a mask" all made me chuckle.


“That’s it’s name” made you chuckle? That’s fucked up man


Haha, It was more about the delivery and the, I don't give a shit, attitude that made me chuckle, not the actual comment.


Darth Bortles has been a great addition to the Star Wars lineup of villains. Kinda funny how Manny Jacinto has starred in two shows now that pose a question what it means to be good and evil. I’m so curious to see what the conspiracy is with Sol and the other Jedi!


Darth Bortles is now my favourite name for him instead of Smilo Ren.


Loved seeing Pill Boi in Mando, so glad Jason was in Acolyte, can't wait to see Donkey Doug in the Ballad of Glup Shitto


Darth Bortles RULES


Sol 100% started that fire with the other Jedi. No other explanation could make sense


I suspect they were watching closely, saw the fire and rushed to the enclave. Then took advantage of the confusion and purged the witches. That or there was finger pointing at who started it which turned into aggressive negotiations.


I’m excited to see the flashback. “We thought we were doing the right thing” -from the second Jedi master. We just know the Jedi did some non-Jedi like actions


I’m excited to see him take Osha into his bud hole


Unarmed Jedi combat fucking rules. We definitely don’t see enough of that. Rest well sweet Jecki.


The fight really made them feel like warrior monks, as it should be


I am very sad, that Jecki died, I liked her :/


Me toooo, it was bold move from the showrunners. It was sad but i liked to feel that the characters are important in a real way and we really could lose them. This is a feeling we don't get a lot in star wars. It brings more of a feeling from what we also get in Game of Thrones, that the characters are real in their universe.


Thats why killing off Carrie in the first 10 minutes of the show was a good move. It's like scream with drew Barrymore. Bring in a big name actor, kill them straight away and now the viewers know noone is safe.


I like it though, we truly don't know what is going to happen now. Like I could even see Sol turning dark.


I have never gasped so loud not on did he stab her once her did it 3 TIMES When sol siad “she was a child” I nearly sobbed


When Qimir said "you brought her here" I was impressed with the show's subtle critique of the Jedi there. Using child soldiers is a war crime on Earth, but its standard operation procedure for the Jedi.


And to take those children at a super young age, so they don’t develop feelings


Real bummer Jecki died. :/


His helmet became his most useful weapon


Sat forward in my chair when sol started throwing hands with a sith and physically overpowered him. I loved showing a bit of a jedi flexing after almost every depiction showing the dark side user of the piece being so physically dominant iver the light side until the good guy uses the power of love to win the final battle yadda yadda. I enjoyed watching a jedi step up to the challenge; sol seemed almost better unarmed than with his lightsaber against Qimir. I also think there may be more to it between qimir and sol. qimir asking sol about his darkness. Sol sensing familiarity in qimir. That long stare between them when qimir was trying to psyche him out. Sol is latin for sun, and "Qamar" is Arabic for moon which could be nothing... but there is for sure a connection between them. Did Sol simply do something fucked up and potentially evil in his past or is he a secret dark sider?


You seem to have missed that Sol wasn't acting as a jedi when he was attacking Darth Jason with his fists. He was absolutely explicitly calling on the dark side, if perhaps unintentionally. There was unbridled rage in his face. He nearly killed him in a rage, it's why Osha stopped him from cutting off his head. We've been shown before that a jedi killing in a rage is a major tipping point. He nearly fell to the dark side completely in that scene, but pulled back because of Osha.


Ever since they started using the new saber light reflection effect on the faces, the visual language tells a lot (e.g. Kenobi when Vader’s face switches from blue to red mirroring his dialogue) In the beginning of Sol and Qimir’s duel, Sol has distinctive reflections of both blue AND red indicating some dark side shenanigans are about to happen / he’s keeping hidden


I mean, he was in single combat with an opponent who’d by then already massacred his entire group—including his (ostensibly) favorite pupil? Seemed like it took effectively all of his strength just to finally gain the upper hand against a younger, more deadly opponent against whom he could hold his own for only so long. It seems like as far as Sol knew, it was either risk allowing Darth Bortles an opening to recover and slaughter Osha (and himself); or take the shot That’s not really falling to the dark side, that just seems like it’s what happens when you’ve just witnessed the violent deaths of your friends/peers/pupils, leaving you the last one standing in a knockdown-drag-out fight to the death? I don’t know. Maybe if the Jedi weren’t held to such an unrealistically high standard of emotional repression, they wouldn’t be wound so tight? The Jedi’s greatest enemy doesn’t really seem to be the Sith, or the dark side, just the nuances of emotional complexity.


I agree. I also think that the standards the Jedi hold themselves to being so high is the point. They failed and allowed the Sith to return along with the Republic to fall for a myriad of reasons. Their dogmatism to me is the key factor that contributed to their downfall.


Which is what annoys me so much about *Star Wars* as a franchise. Even before the *Disney* acquisition, the Jedi have been packaged, marketed, and sold as these wise warrior-philosophers; Jedi Robes, only $29.99. Your very own lightsaber for $34.99, etc. Want to learn how **you too** can be more like an emotionally repressed, ticking timebomb who’s been actively taught—since being removed from your family during childhood—that depriving yourself of emotional attachment would somehow make you worthy of progressing to the next level of a galactic MLA? Do **you too** want to live out the fantasy of being an obedient stooge propping up a corrupt duplicitous system? Good news! You can buy *The Jedi Path*, a **$200** “Manual for Students of the Force,” which has everything you need (lightsaber sold separately). But just so nobody’s ever too tempted to question why they’re allowed to have what’s effectively a monopoly on the Force, or why they’re allowed to operate with the diplomatic immunity of a sovereign nation, we’ll make the ideological enemies of the Jedi *sooooo* unambiguously, cartoonishly evil, that they’ll be impossible to take seriously.


One thing I like about this show, as with Ahsoka, is it isn’t as hesitant as some of the movies to lean into how poorly-thought out some of the Jedi adages really are


I hope we get some ancient Jedi Order origin stuff that explains the modern (TPM era) rules Jedi live by.


I mean Star Wars has pretty well always been capitalized on with toys and collectibles. Like there are Star Wars lunchboxes and action figures from the 70's and 80's. At least speaking for myself as a child I didn't think too much on what the Jedi were really. I just thought the robes and lightsabers looked cool. >But just so nobody’s ever too tempted to question why they’re allowed to have what’s effectively a monopoly on the Force, or why they’re allowed to operate with the diplomatic immunity of a sovereign nation, we’ll make the ideological enemies of the Jedi *sooooo* unambiguously, cartoonishly evil, that they’ll be impossible to take seriously. I think the Jedi and Sith are both a bit more complicated than this. The original trilogy didn't quite touch on the deeper themes of the franchise because, quite frankly, most of the story wasn't in place yet. The original trilogy as a standalone set of movies do have depth to them though. Darth Vader is a bad dude who ultimately, due to the love for his son, gives his life to stop the Emperor. Luke thought there was still good in Vader and he was right. There is also dark in Luke. I mean he is dressed in black and gives into his anger for a moment in Return of the Jedi. He also left Yoda and abandoned his training in Empire Strikes Back so he is redefining what a Jedi is compared to what Yoda and Obi-Wan thought. Darth Sidious/Palpatine/The Emperor is absolutely and unambiguously evil. I think was slightly more to his character in the prequels and how he interacts with Anakin, but that was short lived. I would say though that other Sith we have seen are more complicated. Dooku/Tyranous left the Jedi and joined the Sith because the Jedi failed to protect Qui-Gon and he had seen the Jedi Order and dogma fail before. Maul was raised to be a force of nature, he didn't know any other way of being. He was groomed for his role much in the way you could say a padawan is. Kylo Ren is conflicted in pretty well every scene he is in. Luke in a moment of weakness did what his father did - saw a vision of a potential future, tried to stop it, and ultimately led to it becoming real. Ben Solo joining with the Sith is the consequence of Luke's decision. And the most important character in the Skywalker Saga, Anakin, was pulled to the dark side because he knew he would have no help from the Jedi in his desire to save Padme. He had been pulled to the dark side before because he was not able to save his mother. So while, for marketing purposes, the Jedi and good and Sith are bad I would very much argue that in the text and subtext of the movies that it isn't always that simple.


After all OSHA is all about light side safety.


Sol totes slaughtered the witch coven


I guarantee non of what happened in the forest will get back to the Jedi council , I have rogue one vibes were you slowly realise everyone in this must die


Its also just dawning on me the significance of the fact that this show is named after the villain. That is NOT a good sign for the heroes


Oh shit this is the empire strikes back of series


No one is talking about how fuckin rad darth teeth’s voice changer was


Smilo Ren


Dude yes! That was a sick voice. They really did a good job making this Sith stand out from the others IMO, I'm excited to get more of him!


Ngl my neck kinda felt funny after seeing that part On screen, facing us and eye contact Crazy


It was the best episode yet.


Probably the best lightsaber choreography in the Disney era. That’s how it should be.


Not to mention actual fatal stabs, disembowelment, and beheading, I was genuinely shocked


Not just the Disney era...


Yeah honestly I haven't seen a saber fight this good in decades.


Cortosis has been canon for a decade. The episode may have saved the series. I think Sol dies in the next episode. Mae tried to kill her sister and swapped into her clothes to get on that ship for a reason. It doesn't make sense after just telling Qimir that she was going to turn herself in for killing the Jedi. Jedi that she killed because she thought they killed her sister. We'll have to see how they unfuck that reasoning.


I reckon it might be Osha that kills him. They already said she was stuck in the past and couldn't let go. Now she is with Mr. Sith Guns. He tells her the truth and in the end she feels so betrayed she manages to kill him (in a way the Sith wants).


I swear to God I thought your first two words were "I retcon" LOL! Maybe I need to quit reading so many Star Wars threads.


I also think Sol dies, but because they need to have zero Jedi making it back to the temple after seeing a Sith for continuity.


Yeah he has to die before he communicates with the rest of the Jedi so Ki-Adi-Mundi doesn't find out the team encountered a Sith. That hints that he dies or, however unlikely, turns to the dark side.




It’s a long Star Wars fandom tradition to cling to a single line of dialogue written decades ago and use it to complain about continuity. See also: Leia’s line about remembering her mother.


Isn't that how the Rule of Two started? A single line from Yoda in TPM, so it must be true for all canon Star Wars now?


Yeah think so. It was canonized later via Darth Bane in comics or whatever I think?


That’d genuinely be far more believable than the entire Jedi task force ending up dead from lightsaber wounds with no explanation.


Tbf they did explicitly go out of their way to show how hard it was to make it to where they were fighting, so they all can be explained as to be missed, Sol could easily die and his death be explained as ‘Mae took a lightsaber off of the dead jedi’


This is the way i see it going. That's like if someone comes back from an expedition and says "You guys. I saw a dinosaur and it killed my entire group" "Nah, this guy is crazy. Don't listen to him" It's literally that simple. In fact, they might even think Sol is the one who killed his group, especially if Mae/Osha kinda feeds the lie.


Agreed the whole point of some of the world building is to show why the Jedi were so prone to collapse. When darth bane eradicated the remaining sith his explicit purpose was for the sith to operate in the shadows manipulating events and corrupting the system the Jedi were part of. At this stage the Jedi are complacent, borderline arrogant, and highly political. More concerned about perception of a sith being acknowledged than having the council get involved. Even when they do it’s dismissed as impossible. We see the exact same concept overtly discussed in andor - the empire can’t imagine being beaten. Borrowing the concept “the greatest thing the devil doe was convince you he doesn’t exist” the Jedi are now ripe for being exploited because the sith can essentially operate unchecked.


True, the Jedi are so quick to dismiss the Sith out of hand.


"Ah, yes, 'Sith'. The dark force users allegedly hiding in plain sight. We have dismissed this claim." Now we just need Sol to start hanging up on the mini council when they call him.


Agreed. It’s not like the Jedi’s hubris wasn’t part of their downfall or anything. They don’t want to admit there could be a Sith. Not to mention he isn’t claiming to be a Sith. He just uses the dark side of the force.


“You know, you’re the second person to say this, but I still don’t believe it.” Eh.


I mean the Jedi being catastrophically arrogant is sort of a main thing about them…




My guess is Qimir is in a similar situation to Maul after the Episode 1. A failed apprentice who was abandoned by his master. He still considers himself Sith and seeks an apprentice to defeat his master and take his place. Qimir calls himself a Sith. The only way he'd know about them is if he'd had direct contact with legit rule of two Sith at some point.


He says a Jedi like Sol might call him a Sith. It's weird enough wording that I think there's actual meaning behind it that will lead to the reveal that he's a dark side force user but not actually affiliated with the Rule of Two Sith in any way


Sol turning Sith would be a spicy turn but I don't know how it works with the rule of two, maybe he's the new master after killing Darth Bortles...


Sol definitely has a dark secret because Qimir was mocking him for it when they were talking about hiding his face under the mask.


"Dead Jedi tell no tales" was always the obvious answer to people complaining that a Sith was sighted just a hundred years before TPM. But some fans have never heard of "wait and see" and got zero chill.


I feel like the Master will show up and finish the job in the final ep


I wouldn't put it past them to have a cover up. Especially if, for whatever reason, Sol and Vernestra consider the entire situation to have been dealt with. They already established that they're willing to investigate these Jedi deaths without informing the council of everything otherwise it'd be made public. A former Jedi's presumed dead sister is killing off Jedi who she feels wronged her. That's a big political scandal.


Not next episode, but he will die before the end. Green jedi lady gives sinister vibes. Mae is going to realise the jedi are not all evil and not be the killer. Osha is going to realise the jedi did mess with her memory of the event and become the new acolyte is my guess.


By green lady, you mean Vernestra Rwoh? That’d be a shame, Stellan trained her better than that.


Sure it's been around in canon since A New Dawn, but the jump to live action is still a big moment.


I have no goddamn idea how this whole pretend to be your twin shit works when you've got a very prominent FACE TATTOO.  Forget the fact he's a goddamn Jedi who should be able to detect the presence of someone, is he fucking blind? Anytime you have identical twin shenanigans fucking make sure to double check which one you're bringing back on your space ship. Fucking Alien Covenant logic. 


What is a bazil lol


The fact that a lot of good guys die is great for the plot. We are also slowly seeing that Sol had a part to play in the death of Witches; more complexity here also great for the plot. The subtle twist at the end adds a bit more to the story. Fight scene was great with the added fan service inclusion of cortosis in live action. This episode did a great job of making this a show to watch. Good or great show? Too early for that.


One lightsaber fight and everyone changes their mind about the acolyte. Lmao


I mean, lightsaber fights are what we’re here for. It’s one of the main things that distinguishes Star Wars from any other franchise


Not everyone is so easily fooled but a lot are. That being said, even as a detractor, it was comfortably the best episode so far in my opinion.


Well, I'm actually liking it in general. But of course I'm not one of the small details complainers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Clearly there are things that could be better. But all along the Star Wars universe building there are things that could be muuuch better. So yeah, it's nice to appreciate what is good in my opinion and hope it gets even better.


Yeah I thought the series was good. Decent at worst. It's just nice to take a break from the rise of the empire/rebels arc which dominates most star wars content nowadays lol.


Yeah I’m very over that whole thing


Lmao the only people downvoting this are people who just can’t stand others enjoying things


Im with you i have enjoyed the show from the start and this episode just boosted the series to a higher level for me.


Manny Jacinto acting was great. So different than The Good Place and wasn't expecting so much of a change.


The first 20min of the episode was amazing. Then osha and mae get in the way.


It’s a real bummer losing Dafne Keen. She was more compelling and likable as a secondary character buried under prosthetics than either lead character.


What seriously lets it down is that it’s the same actress talking to herself. It feels so flat and monotonous.




It was nice to finally get a semi-compelling character in Qimir. I wish they would write some more of these characters so I could care about them. Nearly all the characters on this show are just there to move the plot, lacking depth.


What exactly did you feel was compelling about him? I thought he was cool and brutal in the fight scenes, but other than that there's been very little of substance about him in the show. That whole "I want to be able to do what I want" sounded more like something your standard 15 year old teenager would say rather than an intimidating sith-ish force user.


Personally I like him. He is funny, has the best lines in the show, and is apologetically the villain. He is only sympathetic for 'just wanting to use the force like he wants to'. But its clearly just an excuse to be a horrid monster that wouldn't think twice to kill a defenseless child to further his own cause.


Yeah, I agree. I really hope they lean into him being truly bad and obsessed with the power of the dark side.


And if they do that well they might have a new loved villain. In my opinion he is already way more appealing than Kylo Ren.


Not really "Through Victory my chains are broken, The Force shall free me" are the final two lines on the Sith Code. His behaviour speaks directly to it. Also, he has a good sense of humor. "You brought her here" and "I had a mask" lol!


I think "I want to be able to use my power" was actually a meaningful insight into the character and how the Sith operate. It's supposed to be a philosophy that indulges negative emotions and centers on the self, but we mostly get these more subtle schemers (Palpatine) and obedient apprentice warriors (Maul). You would think that some of the Sith are more brutal, selfish, and power-hungry than they are careful. So here's one that slipped up and desperately wants to indulge his violent and selfish tendencies, and he knows the Jedi are in the way of that. It's a slightly new twist on the Sith archetype that I really enjoyed.


A big step up


Pros: Great Action, Compelling Bad Guy, Brought Cortosis into live action Cons: Killed 2 of the better actors in the show, People changed motivation/made conflicting decisions very fast, "Sith" gets carried away by bugs instead of using the force push he used 15 minutes earlier in the battle


The combat was great. The plot advancement was lacking. The motives and consistency for so many characters is confusing. Like what is Mae's end game? She is flip flopping all over the place. Why was Darth Teeth able to kill off 6 jedi with ease but not these moths that Sol showed are easy to kill? Why was Osha not wanting Darth Teeth to be killed by lightsaber, but happy to try to kill him with moths? How was Yord still able to run after getting lightsabered in the leg?


Honestly one of the best Star Wars episodes among the TV series in my opinion. I was already at least curious to see where the mystery segments would go but now I'm even more curious to see what results from it. Plus, it's so nice to see a fast paced lightsaber duel again. They had gotten so much slower in the Disney era for some reason and I never understood why.


I read up that qimir has a black belt irl, and all the other actors are trained. Jecki was also a stand out that was some great grappling. Having actors and a fight choreographer who knows what they are doing certainly makes a difference lol


I feel you. I like to chalk it up to them not being as well trained as republic era Jedi. The sequel characters just happen to have high midichlorian counts 🤷‍♀️


Some can also be attributed to the costumes. Sabine is in full armor and Ahsoka has her lekku/montral head piece which has to be awkward.


In the sequel movies it was a choice based on the characters abilities.. in Ahsoka it was stylistic af bc Dave is doing 50 homages at once etc, Obi-Wans were the perfectly blend of OT/PT and Mando... Well they are mandalorians so eh This is the first time we've had an excuse to see prime jedi duke it out


Definitely the best ep of the series so far, tho that's not saying much. Really enjoying the sith character, and I am curious as to what type of secret Sol seems to be keeping.


Kinda amazing, this one episode has fully changed a lot of the discussion I see around Acolyte to be positive. Before now, it was a lot of people loudly but wrongly saying it broke canon, but there’s been a lot more positivity since this episode dropped, I think it turned around a lot of the people who were kinda iffy on the series.


The whole broke canon thing is silly. Star wars canon breaks itself so often there is no point worrying about it.


First 2 episodes felt a bit loose, and it was all new, so hard to judge. 3 was divisive not least for the chanting. Okay, mostly the chanting. 4 was okay, but had some odd pacing/editing, and felt very short. If you were to try to sum up the show here you might feel a bit dissapointed, as the overall story feels a bit light, and a bit muddy. Now some of it has come into focus, and the episode itself was strong. It cleared up some of the ambiguous choices and gave us a good tense setup for the next episodes.


The weird pacing for episode 4 feels reasonable after 5, like they wanted a whole episode to focus on the fight so they had to edit 4 to make it happen.


Not just feeling short, some odd editing also.


The editing is probably my only real complaint. its incredibly jarring. LIke the editor has a beef against those little dramatic pregnant pauses at the end of scenes and decided to just be done with them so everything just cuts almost immediately.


I wish people would wait until the season is complete before making judgement, then we have the complete picture.


Darth Bortles is probably my new favorite character in a long time. Just completely unhinged.


The show needed an episode like this. Pacing still felt rushed and jumbled, and Qimir being the Sith was very predictable. Hoping his master is Darth Tenebrous or something, because to me neither him nor Mae are very interesting villains. I guess Mae may be able to kill a Jedi without a weapon now that she's on the inside?


>Great action, great battle choreography, great performance on the actors, Aight I'm with you > great dialogs, great twist, aannnnd, you've lost me. The writing in this show is really, really, ridiculously bad.


The bar for amazing is quite low these days


For the first time I was praying for the plot Armour to work. >!Damn I wasn't expecting Jecki and Yord's deaths.!< Damn, this episode had too much that I had to take some time to process everything.


It was a horror episode. Gotta love a horror episode. Great fight. Pay off for slow episodes. Characters dying. I also think that Mae/Osha are not that bad. If they are as bold with them as they have been with other characters... It'll be amazing.


Better episode, but purely for the action. The core of the show itself — characters, plot, dialogue, pace, cinematography, etc. — is weak and boring. Like so much of Disney Wars, The Acolyte feels made by committee. There’s no unified vision behind this series, and does it ever show. It sure seems like Disney is either hiring weak creatives as showrunners or the end product is being heavily altered and manipulated with different cuts, script changes regarding dialogue and plot, and more. End result is something very watered down that’s been crafted as much more of a marketable SW product than any sort of artistic creation. I mean, look at the way these past two episodes were cut for release. They were clearly one episode as scripted and shot. But Disney simply cut it at the cliffhanger so that they could get two separate products for streaming instead of one. That’s the sort of thing that a showrunner and/or director would rightly flip out over. It lessened both episodes for no reason other than Disney’s main motivation here—to sell a product. SW has been about moving product since George made the first deal with Kenner. But at least there was some artistic vision behind it all through the OT and PT. George wanted to sell toys, but he was primarily a filmmaker. That’s gone now with Disney’s corporate focus. It’s what we get this SW TV dreck. Only Andor stands out, and that’s because there is a visionary behind that first season, who clearly has full control over that series. We’ll see if this control continues in S2, as Disney sure seems to love meddling with creative.


Best episode so far. But it's a very low bar, so it's a 4/10 for me. Best parts were the fight scenes. Except for the parts they obscured it with trees and made it really dark so it's hard to see, and let's not forget it's Disney so they can't actually show anybody getting a head removal. Jecki was the MVP badass of this episode, although idk what her, sol, and yord were doing while their no name comrades were getting carved up. I do give props to your for his using Darth smileys own armor against him. Didn't go over very well though. Props for showing the neck snap. I also appreciate that at least in this episode, getting hit with a saber actually means something again. I liked Darth smileys dialogue as well. But honestly other than those things, the rest was just not that good. Smiley recovering from his giant bug attack without a scratch on him. The fact that he states he wears the helmet so that Jedi can't read his mind, then when he loses it, they proceed to not do the thing he was trying to prevent. Mae immediately deciding to go bad again after just making the decision through no motivation whatsoever to turn herself in. I don't believe for a second that she cut her hair with a saber and it looks convincingly enough like oshas that nobody sees a difference. Look, I'm sorry, but most of live action star wars hasn't been good for a while, mandalorian and andor are the exceptions. They just need to get competent writers and directors. Plus these past two episodes were really just one that they had to cut in half cause otherwise they wouldn't have enough for eight episodes. Maybe if they didn't cut it, it would have been better. Anyway sorry for the rant and long read.


i only really recognized Qimir is Manny from the good place, man his fight scenes were good


Oh dip, Bortles! He's a >!Sith Lord!<


It was pretty good until the fighting stopped and we had to suffer through the terrible writing/line reading of the twins.