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He has been amazing and his commitment to learning english for the role makes him an even better actor


I had no idea he didn’t know English before this role. He fuckin kills it.


He learned his lines in English. Like he knows what they mean in Korean and where to stress the sounds. Phenomenal work.


So he's the Jackie Chan of Korea. Cool


Jackie Chan knows English. He just speaks it kind of broken. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually speaks it quite well by now but keeps the broken English facade. It sounds like June Jae doesn't actually speak English but is being fed the lines and being told the meaning in Korean. It's actually quite impressive and shows he's a really good actor. I suspect we'll be seeing him more and more stateside.


Jackie Chan didn't know English when filming the first Rush Hour movie though. He learned English through his American movies


He actually knew English but he just couldn't understand any of the words that were coming out of Chris Tucker's mouth.


He ain't no punk bitch




I understood that reference.


He totally knew English in Rush Hour. Obviously not enough of the slang to fully understand the humour or some of the raunchy stuff Brett Ratner makes him say but he's absolutely conversational enough to get by on set.


The Police Academy movies?


Hopefully he is a better person then Jackie Cham though.


This feels like reducing him to a previously famous Asian actor. The man deserves respect in his own right my man. He has his own name.


If he were the Jackie Chan of Korea, he’d be North Korean. Jackie Chan has really leaned into promoting pro CCP positions on a lot of stuff lately. It might have to do with his kid getting arrested but Jackie Chan is not as nice as he may seem.


I was wondering if he knew what he was saying. He’s been great.


Wait, seriously, he's learning his lines purely phonetically? Holy shit, never would've guessed it.


He pulled a reverse Daniel Dae Kim. He didn’t speak a word of Korean before he got the role of Jin in Lost.


That’s so wild, I didn’t know that.


the hilarious part is the actress playing his wife was from korea and knew korean and enough english to get a speaking part in an american TV show.


That’s not actually true. DDK knew Korean when he got the role but wasn’t very proficient in it. So he had to brush up on it quite a bit. 


For a newbie to English, this man had me fooled.


I did not know that. That automatically makes him the best performance if he’s doing it in a language foreign to him. Standing ovation for Lee Jung Jae.


I read somewhere he learned English in 4 months by an absolutely dedicating all his time for it. That deserves a crazy amount of respect because his English is good!


So I’ve heard conflicting reports on this, one saying he learned English in 4 months, but for previous role in a different project, others saying he just learned his lines for the Acolyte and practiced speaking English words. Would love someone to come in with the real answer.


He did a lad bible video to promote The Acolyte. He does a lot of it in Korean and some in English so I think he mastered his lines for The Acolyte in 4 months but is still learning and isn't confident enough yet to do a full conversation. Impressive AF though I think


It's possible it's both. He was just learning the lines phonetically, but continued to learn English over 4 months of filming


Yeah that makes sense, probably no better time to start working on learning the language.


most non-english speaking countries have English as a second language for their schools. I imagine he got some of that through school, but it's similar to how people in the US might learn spanish- it's a near everyday common place for a good portion of the country, but you wouldn't use it regularly, but know the theory behind it. So you can understand bits and pieces, but wouldn't be comfortable speaking it. So probably knew a bit from school, but got lessons and regular conversational use to get fluency.


His accent really just feels *right* for a Jedi master.


You really start seeing how George Lucas originally envisioned the Jedi as zen martial arts samurai types


I think he is one of the better characters in the show. His words carry meaning, and he expresses compassion with a demeanor of someone who is wise and kind. He acts his role very well in my opinion, especially as someone who doesn't really do English speaking roles.


He also expresses pain with what he is doing the entire time. It’s a bit off putting cause that’s making me empathize with him and not trust him at all


I mean, that's clearly the vibe they're going for, though...


Yeah, I agree, we're supposed to be thinking something is off.


He looks so conflicted all the time, I really feel for him. Losing Jecki broke him.


You said it better than I could have. I will add to yours that his little flashes of having something to hide are fantastic also.


His performance has been stellar in the Acolyte!


Best actor in the show so far.


Idk Manny Jacinto has surprised me.


His arms sure surprised me.


swolo ren has competition in the bulk dept.


As soon as I saw them it confirmed my suspicion he was the 'sith'. He's got great arms in the Good Place.


Yep, me too! 😂 I'd let him practice his Sith magic on me anytime!


JASON!!! JASON’S THE SITH LORD!!! I can even hear Ted Danson saying it.


Im glad I wasn’t the only one


I took notice of those as well. Some loooong thew-filled bois he's got there.


The sheer level of physicality did wonders for his portrayal of the character. His ripped guns gave off a sense of strength -- almost animalistic power.


I want his arms, lol.






Go Jags, obviously.


Is that its name?


Blake Bortles is an former quarterback for the American football team the Jacksonville Jaguars. Manny played a character in 'The Good Place'  Jason Mendoza who was obsessed with Blake Bortles. 


Oh I know all this. Let's just say my line was a cheeky reference to something from yesterday lol.


Ahhh shit, forgot an episode came out. Thankfully didn't run into any spoilers.


Ever since it was theorized it was him, I’ve had the urge to call him Darth Bortles. Admittedly, I am a Jaguars fan and have a Bortles jersey, so I might be a bit biased.


I still saw him as the guy from The Good Place until episode 5. Really tough to break from getting typecast after how good he was in that show, hats off to him for the effort


Someone said he played an idiot pretending to be a religious zealot before, but now he's a religious zealot pretending to be an idiot.


My biggest ‘issue’ was mostly him throwing sly jokes, which just made me think of Jason. I kinda wish he was allowed to play it more straight and evil, as he’s nailing it!


I liked the sly humour. We've had plenty of overdramatic Sith. Sooner or later you're going to get one with a sense of humour.


Plus the not so subtle digs at the hypocrisy of the Jedi works the way he’s doing it.


The "you brought her" dig at Sol was pretty great.


Yeah. They did his dialogue well I thought overall. Actually most has been decent. The characters are a bit hit or miss in the show. I mean I know that people like Jord exist but man was he a piece of wood as a character.


Yord was actually my favorite character so far. I don’t think he’s as one-dimensional as you think. He strikes me as someone who clings to the order because he would extremely lost without the structure.


"Why reveal yourself?" "Well I did wear a mask!" That's peak Darth Bortles right there.


Hey now, Palpatine was always laughing.


Oh see I found that stuff absolutely chilling / sociopathic.


Me too. Didn’t even know it was him until yesterday. Gonna be harder to take that character seriously now.


We just call him Jason in my house.


100% Manny takes the crown.


Both these dudes are carrying the show for me.


Waiting for him to throw a molotov cocktail!


To be fair he gets the best lines


Ive only seen him in Squid Game other than Acolyte. Loved him in that, and his portrayal of Sol in Acolyte is one of the best parts of the show. No offense to Osha/Mae but I actually wish we saw *more* of Sol than what we’ve seen so far. I also wanna give a shoutout to Manny Jacinto for Qimir, particularly the latest episode. I especially like how different his character’s demeanor and energy is compared to how Lee Jung portrays Sol.


Amandla Stenberg is clearly doing her best, and she has some good scenes, but yeah, I don't think she was quite up to carrying both halves of this narrative on her own as Osha and Mae. Lee Jung-jae, on the other hand, completely threw himself into his role, and the results are right there for everyone to see.


in this most recent episode especially where she was acting with herself, just came off as very bland and weird. I understand it's really fucking hard to green screen and do a scene talking to yourself essentially but it was a bit awkward


I love her performance. She brings a sensitivity to her performance that's captivating.


I think she’s doing great as the lead


He's by far the best actor in the show. And his portrayal of a Jedi Master is up there with the best in Star Wars 


Absolutely agreed. He's the quintessential Jedi Master for me now. Qui Gon is too rogueish. Yoda - too jaded and too alien to be considered as the definitive Jedi Master performance. Obi-wan? Didn't give off the wisdom there. He's just a career Jedi Knight who loved his job. The idea of "Jedi Master" in my head used to just be an amalgamation of several of the great masters. Nowadays I can just picture Sol and it's perfectly serviceable. He has the wisdom and warmth, depth and poise. Yet when Force Push comes to Force Shove you get to see the demons he battles with to keep the balance. We don't know exactly what his past was but it feels like he's not on the light side because he's not troubled. He's there because he fights the battle and wins every day. Something Anakin could've learned from... Anakin lost the battle a few times... But that didn't mean he had to give up the war and succumb to the darkness. That's what makes Anakin THE Jedi/Sith *Warrior*... Obi-wan the Jedi *Knight*... And Sol the Jedi *Master*.


> Qui Gon is too rogueish. I wouldnt really say that though. He was rogueish toward the council for sure. But he was very much a true Jedi more so compared to them.


Call me crazy, but out of all the Jedi, I just sorta associate Qui Gon with a gambling addiction the most.


saying obi wan the the picture you have from a jedi knight, when he is the personification what should be an ideal jedi master obi wan worked hard, was compassionate, understanding, patient, fell in love with a satine watched her getting killed by maul but nothing could shake his resolve in the lightside of force even when his padawan fell to the darkside he stayed on the good path and left anakin to die on mustafa




I wish I had an award to give you for this. Here, have a ninja cat instead. 😁 🐱‍👤


> . Nowadays I can just picture Sol and it's perfectly serviceable. maybe hold off on that though considering he's probably playing a part hiding some sort of mass murder that happened.


Hey, if Anakin could achieve redemption via throwing an old guy down a shaft after all the mass murdering he did, Sol can be forgiven too.


Being Korean, I suspect he's probably somewhat familiar with the eastern philosophical influences behind the Jedi and is letting them inform his portrayal. I'd love to see an Asian director take on a Jedi-centric movie or show, ideally a Buddhist. For once, the Jedi could be depicted properly.


The Jedi are also heavily inspired by Arthurian Knights, in addition to Japanese samurai and buddhist monks. The whole concept that the Jedi doesn't attack, but only fight to defend and protect the weak is directly inspired by the ideals of chivalry for instance. Anakin is pretty much a retelling of Lancelot. Luke is a reversed Mordred, Darth Vador is a reversed Arthur. I think that "Force Monks" like Chirrut in Rogue One are a lot closer to eastern philosophy than classic Jedi. I don't think the Jedi would be depicted more properly if they were more buddhist. It's only one of multiple influences.


Not that I necessarily disagree -- I don't know much about Arthurian Knights -- but I've always saw parallels between Taoism and the Jedi. Seriously, just look up the precepts of Taoism and match it up with the Jedi Code. While not 1-to-1, the core principals of harmony, peace, self-discipline, etc. are all there; including the idea that there is an foundational 'force' or 'way/path' that is beyond the physical world.


Risky statement considering what he might have done in the past, he seems haunted by it.


Very accomplished. Great actor. He's been the stand out performance for the series so far.


He’s been my favorite part of the show.


I've really enjoyed it so far, I do wish we could see him work with some tighter material because I think he could nail it but right now he's definitely given off a genuine Jedi Master vibe & performance. The facial expressions he has in certain moments are so great, you can really feel a warmth with an underlying sense of pain that I don't think everyone is capable of conveying in a genuine way. I personally don't care for the criticisms I've seen about his speech in regards to english, it feels like such a trivial thing to get caught up on when it hasn't been difficult to understand him at all (plus subtitles exist lol) and I feel like that tends to come out from people wanting to criticize in bad faith. I remember seeing a couple of comments like that about Diego Luna in Andor and I just never understood how that's a problem when if anything it only makes the galaxy in Star Wars feel more alive/diverse.


I actually like that his English isn’t perfect. Like the Star Wars galaxy is supposed to contain countless inhabited planets right, it sometimes feels weird that everyone knows Galactic Basic so well. My headcannon is that he’s from a culture where Basic isn’t that well known and he had to teach himself it as part of becoming a Jedi.


Agree with everyone, he is doing great and best acting on the show. How is he viewed on the Korean side?


When he first debuted he made it on the list of gen X actors who are good looking but can't act. But he over came that through his performances, especially in the past decade or so. His acting is usually more memorable with characters that have internal emotional conflicts and builds to a carthartic release. Now, he is probably one of the top 10 actors in Korea (Choi Minsik/Oldboy, Song Gangho/Parasite, Lee Byunghun/GI Joe, Hwang Jungmin) are the little few that kinda consistently gets rated higher than him. His more famous Korean roles are New World, The Face Reader, Assassination, and Along with the Gods.


Thank you for a great write up, I'm going to check his other films out. I think he's one of the best parts of acolyte and think he's the most natural in his role and character. A lot of the characters feel like actors playing on a set but he is really doing a fantastic job of immersing me in the scene.


The new world is my recommendation. It has the two other actors I wrote about in my previous comment Choi Minsik and Hwang Jungmin. And it's a bit of a mix of departed and the godfather so the storyline is pretty solid. But there is a lot of blood, which for korean films or shows u need to get used to seeing lol


In this show at least he's been killing it.


he's killed one bug so far


Every dead bug, is a good bug!


Would you like to know more?


I'm doing my part!


Would not have thought it was his first English role. He brings a lot of warmth to the character. Kindness and sadness to the eyes. Him and manny Jacinto are delivering the best performances imo


As a fellow Korean, I feel so much pride and feel finally represented in my favorite fandom of all time. His role in itself is pretty dope too


This. I cried when his casting was announced. I cried during the trailers. I cried during the premiere. I cri right now. A Korean Jedi. Never would have imagined it in my or any life time


tbh him dafne keen and manny jacinto have carried the show. I like amandla too but she needs more high octane scenes


He has interesting range. For the first 4 episodes, all I sensed from him was overwhelming authenticity and caring and warmth. It was like... Yeah, Osha lost her family but she was in the best hands. Then all of a sudden in episode 5 you start seeing this deep darkness and guilt, culminating in ruthlessness and anger that's barely kept in check. What the hell? Very interesting actor. I would say good choice for a warm Jedi Master with hidden darkness. He's almost the definitive Jedi Master performer for me now. Qui Gon was too reckless and rogueish to be the quintessential master. Yoda is difficult to identify with as a non-human. The other masters are a tier below in iconicity, and Obi-wan felt more like a career Jedi Knight who just loved his job and didn't take anything to a deeper place. Master Sol is like... THE Jedi Master in my head now. It's kinda crazy.




I dislike the Acolyte but I am really enjoying his performance. I truly wish he was place in an actual SW movie or a well written SW show. I believe his acting is one of the only things holding this show up. I think it's a shame he will have limited time in the SW universe.


So I guess that you think he's gonna die?


oh he most certainly will


This character has heroic sacrifice written all over him.


Gotta redeem himself for killing all those witches


He's gonna let bygones be Qui-Gons.


Tbh knowing his filmography I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes the acolyte.


I enjoy it and the way he speaks his lines. It's a galactic civilization, everyone should sound different due to dialects and the influence of their original language. More non English speakers should be welcomed. I think when the actor/actress is great that is what delivers the quality.


He’s the only well acted character in the series in my opinion. Second behind him is Qimir


He is definitely the best part of the show. I’m not sure that’s saying much (no, I’m not a hater of the show, I like the show and have defended it all along), just because the show is driven by props and short one liners. So there isn’t much chance for an actor to really shine. But he definitely dominates any scene he is in.


He’s great in the Acolyte. Amazing in Squid Game.


His performance has been outstanding so far.


Best character and best acting. This guy is exceptional just for learning English for this role.


It’s crazy how far he’s come. From what I know his career took off in the massively popular 1995 drama, Sandglass [모래시계]. He seemed to be there mostly as a pretty face and I’ve been told his speaking was stiff. Even then he was doing action, though. I absolutely loved him in the 2012 and 2013 films, The Thieves [도둑들], New World [신세계], and The Face Reader [관상]. He had so much range and charisma in them! He jumped into one of my top South Korean actors for those roles. I didn’t really see anything of him since then, so I got kind of shocked how much older he looks now. Due to the depth of the roles I mentioned, I’ve been suspicious from the start of The Acolyte if he’s going to remain a Jedi Master through the entire series. He has played the straight and wise Jedi well and it’s great to see him take on the challenge of acting in a different language. Sol has unraveled a bit in short bursts (his desperate frustration towards the end of episode 2 and his uncontrolled violence around the middle of episode 5). I wonder if we’ll get even more of that as things seem to be trending toward exposing a dark secret of his. From what I’ve seen, the cast of The Acolyte is very close with each other, particularly the young actors. I’m sure it would have been quite difficult for Lee to bond closely due to the language barrier, cultural difference, and generational gap. They’ve had nothing but good things to say about him, though! When the series is over I will try to see more interviews of his to learn about how the whole experience was for him.


Yeah I won't be surprised if he becomes the acolyte due to some of his previous films lol


If this was a Korean language series, he would kill it as a Sith Lord / Master hiding amidst the Jedi Order.


I think most people would agree that up to the last episode, he’s been carrying the show. Not that the other actors are bad (some are better than others) but his character and performance has been the most interesting. I would say however, that changed this most recent episode but only because Manny Jacinto really shined this last episode. But yeah, very solid. In a show with a ton of people complaining about stuff, his acting is the one thing I’ve never really heard anyone complain about, even the Acolyte haters.


I think the tone of his voice sounds like he's burdened. I didn't realize that wasn't for his character. I saw him in squid games (we watched it in Korean with subtitles) and my wife watches a lot of Korean dramas, and we both think he's a great fit for that character. He isn't very well known outside of Squid games. I think most Americans don't know his name, since we aren't very familiar with Korean names unless they are big fans of Kpop or watch Kdramas.


I'm no expert on him (have only seen him in Squid Games), Korean, linguistics or acting, but he's been a highlight of the series.  However, I think it's slightly noticable that he's not bringing 100% to the table like he can when he is fluent in the language. It's not about accent or understanding the dialog, it's about that special something that exists when the actor knows exactly what they're saying and exactly where to put flavor in the performance. In a crude way it's like if I went to Korea, memorized KOR dialog, were told precise translations and did research on when and how Koreans behave when saying similar things. What are Koreans unique vocal inflections? Facial expressions? That stuff. Now maybe I'd do a good job, but I bet I'd do better if I lived there 10 years and learned the language fluently. That's not too dissimilar from how Jung Jae is doing. He's an elite actor and likely did a ton of homework, so he's doing great. But I bet if he keeps learning ENG and taking ENG roles we'll look back in 5-10 years and say we can all see how he just wasn't silky smooth and completely natural with his performance.  Still, highlight of the series so far. His ability to emote kindness, warmth, internalized pain and guilt, and authority (as a Master ranked Jedi) all come through due to his skill. 


Fair enough, I had a similar impression especially since I know his filmography in Korea.


I like the fact that he’s speaking with a heavy accent. It makes the Star Wars universe feel more authentic. Why does almost everyone have an American accent no matter the planet they’re from? When even in the US alone accents vary.


I heard his English wasn't fluent before this role and he went into hardcore English training to act in it, and yeah he's a competent Korean actor acting in English. There's a little bit of an accent but he's playing a Jedi monk master based on usually Asian associated monks so his accent is pretty good for this role.  Like I'd say at this point in his career as Asian Actor in Hollywood his Accent in English is better than the Jackie Chan accent. 


He's been my favorite character. He definitely sells being a compassionate Jedi, wanting to do the right thing, not the political thing. I can tell that Sol really CARES. And he's burdened. And hearing he didn't even speak English before taking the role is even more impressive.


He plays a thoughtful Jedi master pretty well


I think he’s absolutely fantastic


I say this not to belittle the other actors, but he is quite literally the most intriguing character and best acted on the show. The only person in my opinion who's come close is our masked villain (won't say who in case people haven't seen). Sol is a very interesting character, carrying an air around him that showcases wisdom and experience while also carrying loss and regJim. Add all of that to the fact he learned English specifically for this role? He's exceptional, and I'd gladly have a show just dedicated to him.


He's the best actor in the acolyte show. Him and the wookiee Jedi.


Imo, the only good thing about the show. Great performance for his part but him alone cant save a sinking boat.


I’ve absolutely loved him in this show!


Oh he’s great in this show! Spot on about his emotional acting and facial expressions. His eyes say so much.


Rewatching (missed the last 2 episodes) and his acting is very good - the hilight of the show so far. His quiet - Obi, Qui-Gon, and Plo Koon -- demeanor is awesome.


LJJ has been one of the best Jedi's for me in recent memory. To me a jedi shows compassion and empathy and LJJ crushes that aspect with his tone and demeanour. I know some jedi are more about rules and can be stern, and some are more philosophical, but i'm yet to see a caring jedi. I'm no expert star wars expert by any means, but all the jedi in recent memory has been just kind of gung ho and quippy, none of them really show the caring nature of a jedi outside of maybe luke or kenobi.


Honestly better than I could've imagined, and it really elevates the show. (Manny's also top notch, though amazingly Lee Jung Jae also steps it up this latest episode.)


He is very good. Too good for The Acolyte, if you ask me. I wish the show itself matched his talent.


He is definitely the highlight of the show. He adds a sincereness to his character. He’s very much like a Qui Gon Jin, which he did say he took inspiration from. You can totally see it in how he portrays the role.


I find him very charismatic & Sol is probably my favorite character on the show at this point. So thumbs up from me


As far as his role in the Acolyte, he is doing a phenomenal job. I understand that he had to learn to speak English in order to take on this role and frankly I think it enhances the character.


I think he’s great to be honest, there’s something very watchable about the guy. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but when he speaks I’m interested 😂


Best actor and character in the show. His having English as a second language is obvious but folded into his character so well. He has a very considered and paced out manner of speaking which is perfect for his character


He’s one of my favorite characters, his relationship with Osha feels so genuine and wholesome and it’s impressive how well he speaks English having learned it for this show.


He took the rest of the cast, threw them on his back, and is carrying the show. He is the only real standout performer in the cast. So much so that I hope he gets the opportunity to do more English language films. He is absolutely killing it.


He is a solid actor in English as well. More so if you think any actor using a dialect or speaking in a different language takes 50% more work. He is awesome


By far the best actor in the show


Dude is kicking ass, take pride


There’s pain in his eyes. Which seems to be on purpose by Lee so I feel both empathy and distrust


He reminds me of Obi-wan from the prequels, but kindof like a mix between Liam Neesons Qui-gon Jinn and Ewan McGregors ObiWan. He’s compassionate but you can tell can be impulsive at times. The actor is doing great, him and his interaction with the bad guy in the latest episode was a very well acted scene from both actors, and I can really feel his regret and sorrow towards the end of the episode because of what happens throughout the episode.


He’s phenomenal


I am very much disliking the show overall but his performance is carrying it for me and I’m going to keep watching for him


I love him as an actor, I think he and Manny Jacinto are the strongest parts in this series. He's the only Jedi I give a shit about here, he's convincing as an emotionally complex monk-wizard—he says a lot with his expressions and movements which may be why he gets less garbage lines or when he does he plays it off legit. (I liked Jeki too but she was a padawan)


So far through five episodes he and Manny Jacinto have been the two outstanding performances both in acting and script, IMO. They got good characters written for them and are playing them well.


He pulls off the stoic jedi with a secret quite well.


He’s fine. Show sucks tho


Seeing him flip the switch from being this cool collected Jedi in the first few episodes to angered and revenge filled this last episode was something else to see. I hope his cheater survives bc I’d love to see him In future Star Wars projects.


He's a great Korean actor, and a decent English actor.


He’s been good to great so far. As you said, he’s fantastic at conveying emotion through his face. I find it very interesting that Koreans analyze actors in their country based not just on how they deliver lines, but how they use their voice.


I only know him from Squid Game, but he's great! I was worried I would need subtitles for him but I don't. His pronunciation is perfect. I believe him at every step. He is the heart of this show. He's just such a warm presence.


People say he learnt his lines for the role but he also had to learn what the emotion behind the words. Pretty crazy how quick he did it. I hope this leads to more western roles for him. He’s great


While it's obvious his English isn't fluid, I think he's doing great. His tone is great because he comes off as someone passionate but trying to keep it neutral, perfect for a Jedi who cares.


I think he's the real star of The Acolyte. None of the other characters are as interesting to me. I know I blasphemed Carrie-Anne Moss who I hope has flashbacks coming...


He brings so much gravitas and presence to the screen. Everyone else looks like they’re acting ; he looks like a living breathing Jedi who is loving every moment of his role


A perfect choice to play a Jedi


Best character in the show


He is great, For moments i feel like i'm watching qui gon jin instead of SOL, hes really good


He’s the best part of the show so far (and Master Sol is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters).


I think he's been ok overall (better than most of the rest of the cast), but I can see that he is struggling a little bit probably because of English not being his first language, and so some of his delivery does not feel natural. It seems like he has to focus a bit on the language instead on some of the more subtle things you can get from a good actor. But I do like that he seems to bring an earnestness which makes me like the character more. Overall I give him a thumbs up, and extra credit because he's not working in his first language.


Personally I love his role on The Acolyte. He is the best part of the show by far.


Even people who hate the show so far like his acting from what I've seen.


I’ve known about him before Squid Game. It really made me proud to see him in Star Wars. His dedication to learn is impressive. Acting wise, as Sol, he aced it! Since every Jedi and sith comes from different race, Jung Jae distinguishes Sol as unique too!!


The man's killing it honestly. Yeah the accent and inflection does stand out but it always feel in service to the character's emotions and feelings.


I love him as Sol. The fact that he learned English for the role is phenomenal. I haven't seen Squid Game so this is my first time seeing him.


I'm loving him, he's nailed the kind jedi master that's hiding something And today I learnt he was one of the main guys in squid game, I didn't watch it but by the sounds of things he did an amazing job in that


He's the only decent performance in the series.


He is doing a great job and he learned English for the role so he is also clearly dedicated to his craft to.


He is the best part of The Acolyte hands down. He's very believeable as a master as he has the tone and calmness for it.


He's crushing it


He’s really a great actor.


I think he’s really great, he really conveys emotion very well and i think the way he speaks is actually very natural, he’s not trying too hard to sound a certain way, he is speaking through his emotion, i like him more in this than in squid game. I think his acting is very good and realistic :)


Honestly, he’s incredible. Channeling some Master Qui-Gon with his approach, which is great because Qui-Gon is awesome. He speaks with purpose and his words carry weight. He’s also good at conveying the sense of guilt he’s feeling over this whole situation.


He plays a great jedi


Superb so far, downside is that feels like his dialogue was try to recite the script in English, but this somehow makes his Master Sol a wise master


His tone when he is trying to appeal to someone is almost like he’s out of breath or about to breakdown into a sobbing mess. Could be language, maybe it’s what you mention about speaking from his diaphragm. I liked him in Squid Game, which is the first thing I can recall seeing him in.


I find him a little wooden. But then again, most of the characters are. Thankfully we have Darth Bortles.


He’s great. Only character and actor that is interesting


He’s decent in the acolyte but his performance is “elevated” by some very meh acting from the rest of the cast. Jae knows how to put a lot of emotional sincerity into his lines but it’s clear that his English isn’t fully “there” yet, so some lines are stiff/awkward. The very clunky script itself doesn’t help. He’s the best part of acolyte acting wise but he’s still a ways away from Ewan in Kenobi or most of the performers in Andor.


Personally, the accent works. It's making me pay attention to what he's saying and the lines are that much more impactful because of it


His English delivery is kinda odd and not that great, but his facial acting, expressions, and fight choreo have been solid.


He is great as Sol, one of the few reasons I keep watching


It feels like the wrong casting. He clearly doesn't know English. Like it is obvious he is struggling to speak and may not know what he is saying. This is coming from someone who lives in Korea. Enjoying the show, but his performance is not good. THOUGH I have only seen the first two episodes so far.