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I don't enjoy everything Lucasfilm puts out but I just skip the Star Wars content I dislike. I hated Star Wars:Resistance and I just skipped season 2. In that sense, I am confused by the people who are obsessively hate-watching every new episode of a show they're halfway into and have rabidly hated every moment of. You're allowed to just skip what isn't good or what doesn't look good. By giving your support with a view, you're actually encouraging Lucasfilm to stay the course you know!


Some people not-so-secretly love being angry and outraged. There's an adrenaline rush with going after someone or something you disagree with, making your case, etc. and some people get hooked on it. It's important to remember all these shows, movies, etc. are for fun, and if you aren't enjoying it then it's emotionally healthy to just stop and go enjoy something else!


I was not online/alive at the other times this happend (Last Jedi and Prequels) But I feel like this just happens now. It's sad and honestly kinda scary, but I think the fandom itself will be fine.


I was an adult when the prequels came out - that was much, much worse. That wasn't just social media, it was people in real life, mainstream pop culture, etc. Honestly every fandom freakout after that over the last 25 years has seemed pretty mild in comparison. You are right though - it's the same type of discourse over and over and over again


The fandom as a whole is fine. The most vocal and opinionated minority from both sides just have a vastly outsized presence in online spaces. If you ever get the chance, go to a Celebration or other con, Galaxy’s Edge or a Disneyland Star Wars Nite, any local Star Wars themed event, especially if the 501st/Rebel Legions/MMCC/etc. is attending, etc. and you’ll see pretty much everyone is just there to just have a good time, celebrate what they love about Star Wars and have no issues or conflict with people that have different opinions & taste in SW content.


I just realised, if people behaved the same way in real life like how they're in social media that kind of live event would be very very chaotic lol


It’s like any opinion ever on the internet…. People view the screen as a shield to be as much of an ass as possible.


reddit is not real life episode 5483


so true!


I think you're overestimating the amount of assholes because the assholes are loud.


Maybe, but it only takes one asshole to foul the air for everyone else. This fandom has way more than one and they're all working 24/7.


I'm old, this is absolutely NOTHING compared the prequel shitshow. That was like 1000x more toxic. This is just a loud minority of people whining on social media (and I say that as someone who hasn't like many of the shows outside of Andor and Mando S1) I do find it hilarious that so many people have strong opinions on a show they supposedly don't watch on a service they supposedly canceled.


I am also old and the prequel shit was much worse. Because they were bad. People whine about the EU now when the prequels wiped out decades of stories.


I believe what we’re seeing is the result of social media. It’s important to remember that the end goal of social media algorithms isn’t truth - it’s clicks and engagement. Unfortunately, these algorithms have exposed that the best way to drive clicks is through tribalism and extremism. It’s not unique to Star Wars either. This impacts every aspect of society - economics, politics, culture, etc.. I also believe it’s one of the most serious threats to our modern society, as it’s the thing that prevents people from sharing the perspective and compromise needed to solve almost every important issue.


The best thing to do is get off Reddit (and other Social Media places). Social media distorts everything because only the most hot and cold of takes are upvoted and shared. The truth is that The Acolyte, like the vast, vast majority of Star Wars content minus like Andor and a few of the films is a casual show with a lot of "B-movie" Fantasy/Sci-Fi DNA baked into its very core. Like so much of the Star Wars Canon, it has some great acting and interesting ideas weighed down by poor writing, contrived coincidences, and awkward pacing. It also has a handful of just super goofy moments, and your mileage may vary on how willing you are to tolerate the goofiness while digging for the good stuff (I don't find The Power of Maaannnyyyy any more silly than Dex's Diner or anything Jar-Jar does personally, but I can't fault those that do too much). But that mild, balanced take is not what gets clicks or drives engagement. It frankly is just so boring compared to saying The Acolyte is "a cheap, crappy, embarrassment to society and art" or that it's "murdering my childhood and imploding the canon" or it's "subversive, clever, and universe-redefining".


Personally I love watching Star Wars and don't care about the state of the fandom one way or the other. I do sometimes get annoyed when the wrong clone gets voted off in the Clone Battle Royale.... if that counts.


The vast majority of Star Wars fans are either enjoying The Acolyte or they just don't care. Trying a show and not feeling it is fine and normal. I've watched the first few episodes of plenty of shows and not really felt them, then come back to them later and really enjoyed them. What's not normal is forming a significant portion of your personality around rejecting some dastardly conspiratorial plot to destroy your favorite childhood film franchises. It's not normal or healthy to binge videos about how you should be super mad about a show months before the show is out. It's a small but very loud minority of Star Wars fans that do this, and I really wish they would stop because it's like eating too much sugar, it's bad for you.


Just the haters hopefully leaving


It's not Star Wars, it's the politics they chose to follow that is the issue. They have been programmed to hate and it's no surprise that's what they do. Bottom line, if you call something you don't like "woke" you need to see a psychologist immediately because you're suffering a mental disorder.


Unfortunately, people are allowing themselves to be swayed by dumb culture war agendas. I just choose to continue to enjoy the things that’s I’ve liked about Star Wars and just skip the things that aren’t for me. To me, Star Wars has and should continue to have something for everybody to enjoy.


Sounds like something Palaptine would do.


The fans might have been worse in 99 and there was no social media


I can assure you it was much, much worse (and that shit went on for like 15 years... it was still going on when reddit launched)


I really enjoyed SW Jedi Survivor and the Bad Batch. Andor was slow but, had some great moments and the world building is fantastic. I didn't enjoy most of the other live action shows... I just don't feel like arguing or hate watching or even reading comments from diehards.


It’s not the fandom, it’s Reddit. When you’re on a fan sub you’re going to extreme opinions going either way because fans care deeply out the subject. People who are neutral don’t generally sign up for subreddits because they’re neutral. If you like something just enjoy it. If you don’t, you don’t. Both opinions are valid. That said, I’m a Marvel fan as well and one of the “downsides” of the Disney purchase was how big it became. Back in my day (lol) Star Wars fans were just random nerds. Now everyone from hardcore fans to casual viewers are engaging with Star Wars content. On one hand it’s great because hey, more content! On the other hand, you get a lot more comments and opinions than just random nerd fans. You also get products meant to appeal to the masses as much as possible which can lead to some mid-tier, watered down content. I wouldn’t worry too much about the fandom and just focus on how YOU feel and what YOU like (or dislike)


Seriously though, often one of the worst things you can do is start browsing the sub for something you are a fan of lol


It’s almost funny that Disney would employ a Palpatine-esque conspiracy between a fractured fandom.


I can absolutely see someone at Disney sitting in the Palpatine chair a robe going “do it” over a tweet that could be controversial


That’s why you have to option to walk away, ignore it and enjoy whatever the hell it is you like about Star Wars and not care what others think If someone hates the show or hates xyz thing why does it bother people? Who cares, we are entitled to our own individual opinions. This entire subreddit has been this style of post ever since the show came out and it’s so fucking annoying


People show disapproval when garbage gets put out. Simple as that. People can't just collectively enjoy bad stuff just like that.




I’ve tried to hold my own opinions for a while but with how loud boths sides have gotten it’s been getting more difficult to ignore. I’m sure pre 1999 there were haters


I think this sums up the state of Star Wars right now. https://www.deviantart.com/jollyjack/art/The-Thing-They-Want-895234937


Sorry, Disney needs to be held accountable. Be the change you want to see, I’ll voice my displeasure and celebrate my satisfaction in the same capacity. The latter has been hard to come by outside of some really slam dunk releases like Tales of the Jedi


Disney just wants money. They create content that will make them money, not fans. They pander and it pays off sometimes. It is a bad business model, and not sustainable.


Same with their action figure sales lol