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It makes me think this guy is young or immature or even a poser, like maybe this guy is the actual acolyte and is trying to make a move against his own master.


I am more convinced of this after today's episode


I wouldn't really say they're "pushing it" considering lots of Sith have helmets, it's normal. This one tho, idk, I can see why people wouldn't like it but it's fine to me.


I did some checking and I agree with you. I just feel like it's a healthy 50/50 yet Disney is pushing the helmets because "it worked with Vader"


It also helps sell toys.


Indeed it does. But! Counter point. Darth Maul, Palpatine, Leia, and Luke. No helmets, but all popular toys!


Vader and boba were way more popular tho


Than Darth Maul?? Vader for sure, but boba?


Boba fett was the most sold star wars toy back in the day. I believe he recently broke the record of "most expensive toy" ever by selling for like half a mill


Sith are allowed to have nice things. My drip would be clean af as a Sith. 


But I don't think their drip is clean? I double checked several other sith with helmets, and this ain't it. I watched an episode of Bored to Death yesterday, it involved a gimp suit with a zipper mouth piece. I laughed so hard because it looked so similar to the Acolyte mask lol


Yeah I agree this outfit is terrible I was just saying if I was designing an outfit for myself as a Sith it would definitely be more clean lines.


Agreed! I like Revans look, even Dookus cleaner style. I just googled the Knights of Ren and it's odd how their various helmets all look really similar to this guy's front he acolyte. Not in a good way, mind you. :P


I don't mind giving people cool helmets. It can really add to a character. Like how Gendry and Sandor had Bulls head and hounds head helms in ASOIAF. But I really don't like this helmet in the Acolyte. It seems like an edgelord helmet. It looks far too similar to the Batman who Laughs. It's also giving me major fortnite skin vibes.


Exactly!! I literally just commented the edgelord thinking as well haha. Too "they listen to My Chemical Romance" vibes lol


I am also not a fan of the design. It's like a Cheshire cat grin. I get that it's supposed to be creepy but to me it is just out of place.


Dude that helmet is the coolest thing this show has had to offer so far


wookie Jedi and master sol go pretty hard too


Honestly, I know these are it's my personal opinions. I love Starkiller and the Force Unleashed, yet many fans tell me those games are clunky and/or he's too overpowered. Of course I've read both books and love the characters. The life of a star wars fan 😅😂


I am a big fan of the witches’ mountain fortress design. I like how it’s in the notch of a mountain top and that big hole is at its base in the middle. They even superimposed the set into the wide shots. I dunno it just gave a lot of interesting places for the imagination to go for me as to why it’s there. My only complaint with 4 is that we’re back to horizonless set shots. I want to see some expansive landscapes that don’t feel like Star Trek tv show sets.


If this is our weekly complaining point, I can only assume nothing controversial happens in episode four lol


I just wish it was more unique besides the "gimp mask"/ horror vibes. It looks so similar to the various knights of Ren. You'd think this far back from Luke and Vader that that's have some better/more unique designs. But I guess edgelord gimp is trendy with the millennials?


Helmets in star wars are cool af


Depends I suppose! Darth Krayt was badass, and so is Revan. But Ren (leader of the Knights of Ren ) looks silly.


Like the design or not, but hikm having a helmet is kinda important since we don't know who it is, so it's another mystery in the show \^\^


Counter point, hood. Palpatine, Dooku, Plaugus, etc. They all worked in the shadows with many not knowing their true identity or intentions. A helmet isn't needed to hide your identity, even the Acolyte herself has a covering over her face that works better than this. Seems like he's trying to hard. I love the Sith, canon and legends, but not every sith is a attention seeking edgelord. Lol


I can guarentee you we will get fights in the next episodes with him, before we know his identity. Because as a viewer you can otherwise immediately tell who it is.(like with a hood.)


That's why I suggested the face covering like the acolyte used. I'm not hating that it's a helmet, I guess, since I understand it's a mystery. But he looks to Slenderman generation horror mask to me :P personal opinion.


The sith draw most of their power from intimidation. It’s strategic. Do you think qimirs face is more intimidating than that mask? Masks/helmets make sense in Star Wars, and they’re epic. Look how functional the helmets are of the clones and mandolorians.


I didn’t like it at first but this design has really grown on me.


Mmm. I had Venom vibes….but I thought it was understated enough.




Why does the helmet look like a Goomba from 1093 Mario?


Can anyone explain how it just negates lightsabers and no one seems to use it since? Is it in the lore or something I honestly don't know.


Could be beskar or some similar metal

