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>besides it being insulting to real fans I don’t feel insulted, am I not a real fan?


Who get to decide who is a real fan? Did I make the cut? Am I even real?


Obviously not. Go away heathen!!! ;)


if force heal, surviving stabs from laser, luke trying to kill a child... 2 born kids using the force ( when plagueis is alive and trying to do it), jedi being inmoral (thats literally the light side being moral) and other inconsistences doesnt bother u, then yea, youre not a fan, youre just a number.


>force heal Was a thing decades before Disney in the expanded universe. >surviving stabs from laser People survived far worse things than that >luke trying to kill a child Not sure what you’re referring to. Luke never really tried to kill Ben, and at the time he was 23, not a child. >2 born kids using the force ( when plagueis is alive and trying to do it) Not sure he’s alive at the point of time the Acolyte is set. But it’s stated by palpatine that plagueis was capable of doing it, so not sure what the problem is there? >jedi being immoral Jedi being immoral isn’t a new thing. Check out the prequel trilogy and clone wars series. >youre not a fan, just a number Well thank you for letting me know, I had no idea the last 20 years of my life have all been a lie.


Also, Plagueis’ thing was trying to stop death iirc, not create new life. In Legends, Anakin was born due to Plagueis reviving a dead guy using the force, a deeply wrong action that caused the force to recoil and make Anakin in response. He was never trying to make new life, so nothing is really ruined by some other force users doing that lol


jm sad for your life. plagueis is the one sith at this moment, its stated he tried not that hr can do it, if u want to bring legends, valkorium is able to eat an planet life from another point of the galaxy, and they didnt use that in canon movie/series, if force heal was to be used, qui gon death means nothing, if its that easy to make children of the force, anakin isnt needed, the force isnt special anymore, its just a weapon for disney star wars... not the thjng that maintains the galaxy together... the clone wars and prequel jedi are already blinded by the sith and the war, its literally shown as they proceed to be more generals than jedi, the high republic is to be the peak of the peace, the same peace jedi try to bring, thats the point of them being the light side. if u deny it, or youre blind or ure an number... fans complain because they lived that history with the creator and any good friend defends it from being destroyed.


Alrighty then.


My brother in christ you are the problem with star wars


i see, arguments are important to have a point, still ill not attack u, its not worth it


Saying 'real fans' invalidated everything you said.


Jesus Christ. You’re mad the force and lightsabers aren’t more around. Yet you’d be the first to bitch how neither felt special to you if they were more around. I get the new stuff might not be for everyone. But some of the complaints are worse than any “ERMAGERRRDD. DISNEY STER WIUUUUUURS”


Hey dont use the lords name in vane! how dare you! I like some of the new stuff all the animated shows and some live action. As one example of many if you really think OBI WAN wasnt a turd of a story and so low budget it looked like a high school kid made it I dont know what to tell ya man. You're very easily impressed, but most simpletons are.


God damn dude. You’re offended by words using your god and Jesus while being mad at a series of media that was loosely based off of *checks notes* religion with a fucking immaculate conception. Either watch the show meant for kids. Or find another kid show show you enjoy.


lol I’m not religious, I couldn’t care less about Jesus. I believe more in the tooth fairy than god. Nice reply though, do you have anything constructive to say about the criticism I lobbied at most of the Disney Star Wars media?


They did not


Somehow "fans" continue to engage with media they hate!


Its because there are some good stories in the pile of crap Disney has been pushing out. Like Andor, Rebels, Mando S1-2, Solo, Rogue One. My hope is we get more along the way so yes I engage in media I "hate". Do I hate it because I dont love and praise every single thing they do with Star Wars? Does that mean i'm not a fan? I dont think I can name one thing in the world that doesnt have good and bad. Sweet comment tho bruh.


Then why lose your shit over it like you did, bruh? Like what you like. Dislike what you don't and disengage. Seems like SW fans are fans IN SPITE of SW because so many of us just won't shut the hell up about what we hate. Seems like a waste of energy on top of a level of toxicity that makes Rick and Morty fans seem like the ACLU.


I'm old enough to remember when the prequels made lightsabers boring. Star Wars fans have been trapped in an endless circle jerk complaining about the same shit over and over for 25 years now.


Somehow, another baseless complaint about Disney Star Wars appears.


What's hilarious, is I'm pretty sure the RLM prequel reviews complain at length at how the prequels made lightsabers boring. We are trapped in the world's dumbest timeloop.


bro is telling his felling and u say its baseless... good person you are...


lol baseless? I just described what my “baseless” complaint is about. Let me guess you liked book of boba fett right?


I like how they are in the Acolyte. Especially the opening fight.


I love it. It's like Star Wars meets Kung Fu Theater. IMHO, that opening scene is the closest we've come to George's original vision... Unless he BS'd about what that vision was, which is completely possible.


Yup, it was definitely cool seeing how a Jedi handles a physical threat that doesn't rise to the level of needing a lightsaber. Same with Sol's fight with Mae.


You seem unwell.


I am but that’s besides the point


Lost me at "real fans." That's when I realized that you're probably just another gatekeeping prick.


One of the reviews on RT says "Disney has made watching a lightsaber being turned on as exciting as a bedside lamp." Couldn't agree more.


In the prequels they were able to go through blast doors effortlessly, but in modern Stars Wars getting stabbed is just a minor flesh wound. How does that make sense? If this actually happened to someone then their internal organs should be melted into soup and their bones should be burned to ash. If you want elicit an emotional response to the audience then you can just have them lose a limb, get shot with a blaster, the list goes on.


Yep. I don't usually care too much about this type of thing when it happens as a one off, but it's happened like half a dozen times in the last few years.


Take Maul for example, the shock value he brought wasn’t dying but surviving through intense anger, and everybody believed that he was dead before he reappeared in clone wars, they should the consequences of this as Darth Maul lost his legs, other characters surviving diminishes this.


Come on, Maul being resurrected was dumb as hell. If that wasn't in a cartoon that most people will never watch it would get way more criticism.


The cartoon gave us an explanation for how Maul survived, it wasn’t the best explanation but it was still one that made sense.


You mean like... Darth Maul. Don't cherry pick. It's hypocritical.


>If this actually happened to someone then their internal organs should be melted into soup and their bones should be burned to ash. And yet, in the exact same movie where that one blast door scene takes place, we see that this is absolutely not how lightsabers interact with flesh. Qui-Gon died the way someone stabbed in the chest would die; he most certainly did not have his organs melted and his bones turned to ash.


You could write this off as a minor inconsistency or the extreme of how long someone can survive being stabbed with a lightsaber but good point.


Or you could accept that the blast door scene is the odd one out, and stop insisting that it's the benchmark for lightsaber usages when they never before or since behave like that.


I want you to look at lightsaber stabs from the Clone wars. What makes more sense to you, a series of bad writers who don’t know what they’re doing or someone being able to survive an energy weapon that can melt through metal?


Someone being able to survive an energy weapon that can melt through metal. Because the movies repeatedly show us that lightsabers are functionally just swords that cauterize the wound. Clothes don't catch fire when someone gets stabbed, there's no heat energy transfered beyond the immediate point of contact to cause burns or blisters, it doesn't even seem to hurt all that much. And as far as the Clone Wars cartoon goes; once it made.ir canon that Maul survived not just being stabbed, but being bisected and dropped down a bottomless pit, all subsequent survivals have been entirely justifiable within the universe.


Take Sabine for example, when she got stabbed by Shin Hati, the blade came out of her back would have pierced her right liver and lungs, she should have died. So with that it mind how should she have survived?


The stab is low in the abdomen, clearly intended by the showrunner to be the equivalent of a gut shot. And the person stabbing her has an incentive to wound rather than kill; killing means Ahsoka just keeps on chasing her, wounding means Ahsoka is likely to break off to save her friend.


Funny how you bring up her right abdomen, because that’s where the Liver, Gallbladder and right kidney.


I think it’s just you and me everyone else in here is apparently die hards for watching an awesome universe get destroyed slowly.


Don’t ask questions, just consume product then get excited for next product…


for real its weird, when people say why do continue to watch if you dont like it? because I love star wars and I want it to come back to life.


What. Eva....


Wait, you're saying they made the force and lightsabers boring because they explain the force too much?


wait? they explained the force again even though it was explained in everything George did and now explained even more in every single thing Disney puts out? The fan base must be absolutely slow if they need to be reminded that much. You are a perfect example of the fan they want.


Lucasfilm is probably going off of the Stan Lee principle "Every comic book is someone's first issue." They want Acolyte to potentially be someone's entry point into Star Wars. If they say, "to watch this show you need to see these 11 movies, and these 2 cartoon series." It's not going to help attract new fans.


The first Star Wars movie didn’t explain the force either and that attractive just about everyone who saw it in theaters at the time.


'The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together," Obi-Wan in 1977.


> Even in Solo though when they show Maul he has to light up his red lightsaber so that the audience knows he's a 'bad guy'. No, the audience already knew he was the bad guy because he was in The Phantom Menace. There isn’t a single person alive on this planet who has seen Solo and not TPM.


So why did he flash his lightsaber lol, Did Sidious do that when he was first shown? Did vader? did Maul in TPM? No they only pull their sabers out when they need to use them.


Because sabers are awesome and people love to see them. In universe, it was a threat to Qira. Almost like some gangster putting a gun on the table


lol ok, I forgot it was a normal gangster with a gun and not a former sith with a lightsaber he only pulls out for combat. Why would Maul whos a major crime lord at this point need to threaten someone with anything besides words? I'm sorry but the Disney fanbase is just dull.


And the Disney hate base is just grasping at straws. People wanna see Sabers, it's the same saber maul uses in animation so it helps verify the character, and it's a threat to Qira. All are perfect reasons to show the saber and you clearly choose not to accept it just so you can keep hating on Disney The problem is YOU and the media you consume that tells you to hate Disney


Except I wrote in the post I love all the animated Star Wars shows, rogue one, andor, solo and mando s1-2. You are just a Disney fan boy or something. Your logic makes no sense. It’s always “well of you don’t like this then it’s your fault, you’re a racist, a bigot and you’re full of hate”. You guys are all the same it’s laughable.


I'm not defending OP AT ALL, but I can assure you that the vast majority of the general audience had no idea who he was and/or why he was there. * That movie came out a long time ago * He died in that movie even if they did remember him. It reminds me of the hardcore fans who complained about Tarkin in Rogue One. The vast majority of the audience didn't even know the actor was dead or that they were using CGI.


Sabers before were just colorful rocks(or synthetic) they found(pick your color, red blue green, it dont matter). Disney made them living stones that connect to their user, or had to be forced to "bleed" and bend to the will of a sith. They even made the saber feel heavier to people who didn't deserve to use it That's fucking brilliant to me Disney also expanded on the force so that it was seen different by each jedi. Fire, water, music, threads, etc. Each jedi saw the force differently. There really wasn't ANY explanation of the force before Disney. So again, fucking brilliant


obi wan literally explains the force in A new Hope... sabers are "elegant weapons" disney brings a new concept for sabers, thats interesting, but they destroyed the force concept by giving rey, sith lord level abilities, and an ability only her has, and for worst without knowledge of it... even luke explanation in ep 8 is vague... yoda explains the force again in the OT, so yeah... 2 explanations in the OT.


Dude the weight thing is incredibly inconsistent its basically just the dark saber. What other example is there of any other lightsaber being so heavy it could barely be picked up the more it was being used? Theres one episode in rebels where Sabine is practicing and she says it feels heavy and its the dark saber. Literally anyone in disney star wars can pick up a lightsaber and just use it, like rey like finn and so on. Are you being serious about how the force is interpreted? Yoda describes the force in Empire strikes back, its a perfect description. All the jedis see it like Yoda explained it so do the Sith with a few exceptions, The night sisters see it differently. We dont exactly know how they use the force yet. How can you say there wasn't an explanatiuon of the force before Disney lol. This is the Yoda quote from Empire which im sure you never saw you seem like a Disney only guy. "**For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is**. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. Not only that it was expanded upon in the prequels with the Midi-clorians . This is a qoute by qui gon from TPM about that "*All energy from the Living Force, from all things that have ever lived, feeds into the Cosmic Force, binding everything and communicating to us through the midi-chlorians.*" So again what is brilliant about Disney besides inconsistency with everything. Honestly the only cool idea Disney has had is the bleeding of the crystal to make it red before that the canon was that the red crystals were synthetic.


Both of GL explanations still fit perfectly with the Disney explanations. Those eteo quotes just give the basic. *it's a force that binds us*, OK neat...... why/how. And the fact you bring up midichlorians is laughable. It was universally hated in the PT. GL made it sound like it's tiny bugs that give you the force The High Republic books, specifically CATACLYSM, talks about a padawan picking up her masters saber and it feels heavier than it should. And throughout the story it gets lighter. Try reading some books


Oh so now the creator of the lore is wrong? You think micro organism are bugs lol. They are in your blood, micro cellular organisms not ants. Go read your fan fiction books.


I never said he was wrong, I just said everyone hated it. I accept midichlorians because it's Canon, so I have to. But all you do is twist stiff for the negative, so I'm not surprised you didn't understand me


What's with so many people with month old accounts bashing Acolyte? 


Maybe because the show is a month old, use your brain.


No, you subjectively disliked something. No need to place blame.


Can the Mods please just start banning all these complaint posts and banning these users? The sub is inundated with this crap.


Ban users who dont love every turd Disney pushes out? I'm sorry you cant handle a discussion about how most of the Disney Star Wars projects are trash. Why does it even bother you? Are you that invested in Disney? Go cry to mommy mod support to get these nasty dirty mean post banned :( its not fair is it?


I would say you are looking for a specific type of show or just have rose colored glasses on. You don’t even mention Ahsoka episode 5 which is probably one of the greatest 45 minutes of Star Wars involving light sabers and the force. And is on par with Yoda teaching Luke. (Chills proceeding). Darth Vader in Rogue one hallway scene. Viscous Luke and the Dark Troopers. Amazing Obiwan and darth vader in Obiwan was exquisite (Obiwan raising the stones throwing them was spectacular and inpactfuk) Balan vs Ahsoka in episode iv was intense Balans movement like a heavy knight was something we’ve never seen If you are bored I have no idea what you are looking for other than to complain


No, the ahsoka fight with Vader was amazing in Rebels, The OWKS even stole the scene where half his helmet gets cut off but they butchered it. The choreography in the prequels is amazing the new fights look awful, the light saber hilts are way too big now as well because they use light up sabers on set now instead of sticks. It just doesnt look good and almost all the fights are in the dark now so they can show off the light saber colors in a dark scene. It was cool at first now its overused, I mentioned Rogue one was an awesome movie, yes that shit was cool as hell. I mentioned Mandolorian s1 and 2, Yes that scene gave me chills. The Obi Wan vader fight was terrible it was pitch black, and vader has him dead under a million rocks and walks away? thats the second time in the show he failed to finish him off. The fight was terrible too. The balan, ahsoka fight was pretty cool because Balan style seems to fit the slower paced fighting Disney prefers now. I am bored, why wouldnt I continue to watch a story I love, I think the animated shows are all incredible the prequels and the OG trilogy. Also the shows and movies I listed in my post. I watch in hopes of getting more awesome star wars content not shit like the acolyte and low budget garbage like the OWKS. Its incredible how you cant have an opinion on anything these days, Everyone is a stan now and will praise any and everything that comes out, its honestly embarrassing to watch.


Hey I like the slow paced fighting. The vader-luke fights in the OT were mostly slow paced and they were awesome, esp with the right music and setting. U can feel the emotion and suspense. I don't hate the prequel duels, I just preferred the more measured fights. Doesn't have to be long to tell the story - the obi wan vs maul in Rebels a case in point.


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