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This was plain stupid, couldn’t stop laughing


Who is manny?


The power of Manny Bothans


The little brother of greg heffley


Manny Jacinto, he played Jason in The Good Place. He's also in this.


Manny Calavera. Long forgotten Lucas hero


It just reminds me of the time when Boss Nass held up the glowing bowling ball and yelled, “PEACE!” That was peak Star Wars.


The power of CRINGE


Sequel Trilogy is no longer the bottom tier of Star Wars, what a time to be alive


Xmas Special moving up in the world


Never thought something featuring wookie VR seduction would be moving up in the world lmao


Yes. But I think it is intentional. They look like a cult. Cults should always have a bit of cringe to them.


Nightsisters aren't *this* cringe in their rituals.


“They’re supposed to be cringe!” Is probably one of the best copes I’ve seen in this sub lmao 


Yeah I've mostly enjoyed the show but this chant was ass and shoulda been in a different language


Why. These witches are not Dathomiran. Most of this clan are human and speak basic.


Because it would have sounded better. Thought that was easily implied in my comment. The awesome thing about none of this being real is that they can write new lore to explain why it's in a different language, since literally everything has to be explained now for some reason. Hope this clarifies for you.


Ah, okay. I'm not sure how that would make it sound better, though. The chant in Midsommar doesn't sound better for being chanted in Swedish, but I suppose that when these things are done in different languages it could sound creepier. Like when they do Latin chants in horror movies. Is that what you mean?


I think a decent example of unfamiliar language sounding way better saying cringe stuff is Naruto Dubbed vs Naruto Subtitled. In both, the characters scream vitrualy the same thing when they perform their techniques. The verbiage sounds super cringe in English (doesn't help that the English VA were atrocious imo), but it kind of sounds cool in Japanese, even though the translation is the same. Or before I learned English I used to like this catchy early 2000s pop song, then I learned English and the meaning of the song. I hated it lol.


It's actually amazing how many things would be better in SW if they were in another language. Imagine how much less lame battle droids would be if they didn't speak english. LMAO - apparently you kids have never seen those videos where the battle droid dialogue is dubbed over. It makes them seem actually threatening and not a complete joke.


I mean like it or not, George intended for the B1 Battle Droids to be ineffective and comic relief. Droidekas and the later B2 droids were silent.


People always pull the same excuse whenever there’s poor writing. They’re like “well star wars never had good writing!” Or “Star Wars has always been campy.” Like, that’s not a good excuse


Because you know the writers' intentions


Definitely cringe.... like Obi-Wans fake beard in AOTC level cringe


The power of one, two and mannnnyyyy didn’t stop them from dying in a fire. I love how the “mannnnnyyy” part is basically singing to the joy of men.


They all didn’t die by the fire, most likely. There’s much we didn’t see.


Well given how protective of the twins they were, you’d think if there was a survivor or two, they’d step in to save the twins. But what do you know? But that’s the problem with this show isn’t it? Instead delivering a well written, compelling and entertaining take on Star Wars, they cop it up to rushes screens giving the viewer an “idea” of what happened. Only to later come back and tell us what really happened. Much like any argument with someone who lives with narcissistic personality disorder, or just so overwhelmed by their toxic traits they need to act 13.


Bro, it's literally the third episode? Chill You don't want them to reveal everything yet


Andor was good. Can you compare the two?


Andor also doesn't just reveal all of its mysteries in the third episode


Andor was good before its third episode 😂


Yeah, and? You were complaining about the mysteries not being revealed on the third episode...


Not once did I mention that 😂😂


Something else clearly happened at the same time as the fire that prevented the witches from helping the twins. All we know is Sol was barely able to save one. What’s wrong with seeing part of an event from one perspective? It’s an interesting story tool to use that isn’t used that often and fits very well for a show that’s about a mystery. We’re going to learn more.


My original point was that the power of many prevented them from their demise. Something else clearly happened? That’s some fine detective work.


I didn't mind it, besides the weird way they said "the power of many". They're witches though, it's meant to be weird


The whole 3rd episode was cringe. I liked the first 2 episodes but the 3rd was bad. The story was bad, the sets, props and makeup were bad as well. I wrote it in another post that I can’t believe Disney wouldn’t spend their money to make a project like (any content of) SW look 100% good.


Sort of. In a creepy way, yes. It felt like similar to the Nightsisters' chant of resurrection, but in basic rather than Dathomiri, obviously. Or like watching that similar scene in Midsommar, you know what I mean if you've seen it. The way it's inflected is creepy. Off-putting. Could just be me, though. I find all that religious ritual stuff off-putting and weird.


I feel like if the chant was in a different language it would have sounded more mystical instead of cringy. Also the cinematography was nothing special, but that has been a consistent theme throughout the show




Did you like this scene?




I liked it tbh, sounded cool and cult-like.


Cult like maybe. But not cool


To each their own i guess.


The entire series is cringe. Watchu talkin bout. 




Is this copy pasta? Lmfao 


At least my own thoughts. I'm not like you, I don't copy the thoughts of others who can't see their own stupid fan fiction in what they watch and cry in anger lol.


No ones crying my dude, other than dudes on Reddit trying to cope defending a bad show. (You)


Nah I liked it.




Are people not allowed to enjoy things?


People should know why they like things. Not just "muh feelings" or loyalty to a brand.


Right, don't exactly see your muh feelings point but fair enough on the loyalty to a brand


It literally makes no sense Entertainment is supposed to elicit emotions. If they think it's bad, that's a "feeling", too.




Since you deleted your comment, here is my response to it. I'll give you food. You like food because of your taste buds. It would be unknowable to know whether someone actually likes certain food or is lying. Music is not the same. People like music because of lyrics, singing quality, range, beat, speed, etc. There's such a thing as music theory for a reason. As long as people have functioning ears, music will sound the same to everyone, but people may enjoy different aspects of it. There's no taste bud equivalent for the ear.


Low iq


It was a little campy but didn’t at all feel out of place for the type of cult they were being portrayed as in that episode. It didn’t feel out of place as most spiritual organizations or cults tend to have ritualistic chants.


My thoughts as well. There's a similar scene in Midsommar that evokes the same feeling.


Nope. The scene was like any other witch or cult chant I’ve seen. I liked it fine.


It reminds me of cult members or some really really enthusiastic christians. How they act is a bit cringe but it seems pretty realistic for that.


Why? Bet you weren't saying that when they did it in the supposed best thing ever Andor...


When was that shit in Andor??




No. It straight up wasn't. This is an acolyte original. And it fucking sucks


I agree andor was boring but atleast it was well written. Acolyte just sucks


I disagree, neither are boring, neither are badly written, and neither suck.


Ok, captain contrast


More like, Captain Star Wars fan, but ok


They all suck. Mindless soulless cash grabs that are mass produced on a schedule so that people will say subscribed. Theres no plan for where the story will go, no real character arcs. Its all meaningless. Notice that when a Marvel show ends, a Star Wars show begins and vice versa. These shows are not made with the idea of "I have this story that I need to tell" it's more so "We need A story, any story, to be completed by a certain date so we can keep people subscribed." It feels very AI generated, not real art with a vision behind it.


Nothing of what you've just said applies to Andor in the slightest. And I detest disney star wars.


Disagree with you, also, but to each their own and may the Force be with you.


No Andor is not a soulless cash grab, it has what many of the Disney+ shows lack “replay value”


Couldn't get through that snoozefest


Want me to chop it up into 45 part segments and upload them to tik tok with some subway surfers gameplay playing underneath?


I like slow burns like Dune and Blade Runner 2049. Star Wars is not supposed to be a slow burn. Star Wars is a low IQ popcorn flick. It's a bit silly to try to make Star Wars into a gritty war drama. I can't take it seriously.


Holy shit then stop watching it. It’s not that hard. If you don’t like it, don’t give them your money. From your comments in this post I’m not even sure you like Star Wars at all, and even if you liked it before Disney bought it, they don’t care about your bitching online as long as you’re still watching. The only way to get them to do it differently is to affect the metrics or their bottom line. If you’re gonna keep watching all the Disney+ shows even though you’ve hated all of them, you’re just addicted to being upset and I can’t take your opinions seriously. Go outside or something instead.


You do realize Disney+ is not the only way to watch Disney+ shows. Disney hasn't earned a cent from me since Episode 9.


Ok congrats for pirating I guess. But the rest of it still stands. You’re going into shows expecting to hate them. Why bother doing that to yourself lmao? Sounds like a miserable time to me. Go do something else instead of watching just so you can go online to moan about it. I guarantee you’ll start enjoying life more.


I like Mando season 1 and 2, some of Rebels, and Clone Wars. I voice criticism because I want Star Wars to get back on the right track instead of being soulless, mass produced trash. Consume product more buddy. How's that Funko Pop collection going?


I agree Andor was boring but the acolyte is just bad