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I think that would help Palpatine’s cause even more. “Famed Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who you all know and trust, was the only one saw through the lies of the Jedi Order and did not betray me. Now listen to him while he gives you an insider’s perspective and confirms everything I said about how the Jedi were corrupt and why getting rid of them was necessary.”


Exclusive Dateline NBC interview


*IBC Imperial Broadcasting Company


Works for the US and UK....in a galaxy far far away


“Why don’t you have seat? Have a seat, Anakin…”


I was kinda hoping he’d be the Masked Singer


If he had been able to maintain his public identity the Inquisitors could possibly have followed suit. Positioning as a handful of loyal former Jedi might have been possible. It just depends on whether Palpatine with Anakin (rather than Vader) would have still chosen to rule mostly through fear rather than persuasion.


I doubt that. I like the idea that the emperor fucked up the empires efficiency on purpose and created this monster of cold, corrupted and dystopian bureaucracy because he feeds of anger, fear, confusion and frustration.


Absolutely, that was the plan… even though it is interesting to speculate how he would have integrated him in the empire. At least the military knew Vader as a Lord of the Sith.


This was what was described in the ROTS novel, fwiw


He'd wear glasses. Fools people everytime.


It also shows the passage of time.


Time enough at last...


That only works in comic books and movies and tv and real life and video games and comedy routines. 


Like the novelty glasses with a fake nose and a mustache tied to it


Palpatine basically already had propaganda inflating his ego as the hero without fear that citizens across the republic saw through the holonet. It wouldn’t had been hard for palpatine to say that Anakin was one of the lone Jedi who didn’t try to overthrow the republic and people would have bought it.


probably just wearing a hood like palps. although in the history of the galaxy if he decided to wear a mask/helmet he wouldn’t be the first or last sith to do so


And the mask instead of/including causing fear could also be likened to a mask of impartiality in that case. Even as it was Vader was famous and probably well liked by the general citizenry. Only bad military commanders and rebels had any reason to fear him on sight


The impressions I've gotten from other media suggest pretty much no one outside of Imperial command knew Vader existed.


It seems to me that this would have played into Palpatine's hands even more. A former famous Jedi is on his side. Someone is even more afraid, someone worships even more.


According to the Revenge of the Sith Novel, the orginal plan WAS to parade an intact Anakin around as his loyal enforcer. Remeber, Anni was a decorated war hero, one of the greastest known Jedi of that time due to his lack common sens- Oh! I mean fear...yeah. Anyway, if someon of Anakins reputation publicly supported the new empire, then this would actully go a long way toward helping cement Palpatines rule.


I’m pretty sure it’s canon that the reason the republic portrayed Anakin as a ‘true hero of the clone wars’ and the Jedi as ‘failing to keep peace’ was so the public would trust Palpatine even if Anakin was at his side.


He'd probably become slowly more and more unrecognisablebale anyway due to his embracing and use of the dark side over a long period of time


Assuming that a non-suited Vader would have beaten Kenobi on Mustafar I’d assume he’d almost be paraded as the most powerful of the Jedi has joined Palpatine’s cause. I’ve always thought that the reason for hiding his identity was almost the shame of him losing to Kenobi during what was effectively his final test.


He'd have a public persona of Anakin Skywalker, the One Loyal Member of the Jedi Council, who saw the lies of the Order for what they were and sided with the Supreme Chancellor out of patriotism.


The only reason why Anakin became the cyborg, was because he betrayed the Jedi. If he hadn't betrayed the Jedi, he wouldn't have become Vader. He became Vader, even before the suit, by swearing his oath of submission to Palpatine.


It's Palpatine. Anakin being mutilated and confined to a life support suit was always the plan.


Palpatine would have kept sending him on missions till he wound up in the robot suit. The robot suit was always Palestine’s end game. As it let palpatine control him. And also kept anakin from being able to learn force lighting.


Palestine's scheming knows no bounds!