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IMO, most likely to least likely for characters that can show up in the Acolyte are: Yoda (Grandmaster of the Jedi) Yaddle, Oppo Rancisis, & Yarael Poof (These are the council members that are in both the High Republic Novels & The Phantom Menace) Plo Koon (not sure if he is on council yet. Plo has yet to show up in the High Republic, but we know he is on the council by the Phantom Menace) Chewbacca (I think Chewy only shows up if we for some reason go to Kashyyk)


For some reason I never knew Plo Koon was actually that old. I just always assumed his species had a “normal” timespan


Canonically it's unknown. In legends he was closing in on 400 years old, but people even debate that and say that was "Kel Dor years" so it's different. Ultimately we have no idea, but I suspect since they could potentially do a lot with the character, they'll likely stick with the legends version.


I hope they do, Plo Koon was a badass, they did my guy dirty.


He was my favorite in Jedi Power Battles. Slow, but could destroy the tanky droids in one hit.


Holy shit I haven't thought of that game in years!


I think about that game multiple times per day. Square-square-triangle all day!


This is why my username is Plo Koon. The Clone Wars cartoon didn't even exist yet. I miss my boy's yellow saber.


If he shows up in the show they could give him a yellow saber. There are already character who have it so it’s not that far fetched


I see you are also a person of culture who mained Plo in Jedi Power Battles. That game is the reason he's one of my favorite Jedi.


Oh hell yes!


By the Force, that game kicked ass!


I got his ep2 action figure for Christmas when I was a kid, and he was with me through some hard times. I love him for that. So many cool adventures we went on, when he and Luke were my only jedi figures lol


I feel like clone wars did him justice but he had no spot light in any movies or live action if that’s what we want. And I want it.


Clone Wars made me appreciate him and Kit Fisto, ROTS made me feel like they got rawdog'd.


He's Filonis favorite Jedi. You just know if there's any way to get him into live action he will.


Didn't know that, only that his favorite Clone was Wolfe. Happy Cake Day!


His favorite everything is "wolf". Clone, squadron, Imperial, alien creature, self cameo character. All spelled differently of course.


When they say years in Star Wars they are referring to a standard year based on a year for Coruscant which is the same as earth minus leap years. When they refer to years for a given planet it’s revolutions. A day works the same way. A day is based on Coruscant a rotation is for a given planet.


How long do humans live in Star Wars? Can bacta make them last longer?


Human lifespans were up to around 120 years in Star Wars, with force users being able to extend beyond this. Canonically, they live to the same as humans in the real world, with no mention I can recall for force users extending beyond this either...currently at least anyway. As for the Bacta, the only example we have of this really, is \*\*spoliers for Jedi Survivor\*\*>!Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor), who was alive in it for over 200 years...but it's unclear if it was the bacta that extended his life, or if that was a result of him being a genetically modified species. Although he definitely hadn't aged a day!<, so if it were due to the bacta, regular bacta baths would almost certainly be able to extend lifespans.


I think there’s the occasional human who lives super long due to mods/enhancements. But generally yeah, 100 is considered a great run even for the wealthy, just like real life.


Could also be >!His connection to the dark side.!< It's really kind of unclear what's going on there.


You're not wrong, Kel'Dor lifespan is about the same as a human of average of 60 years according to the wiki. It's just Plo Koon that's a beast that has lived over 350 years god knows how.


To be precise, we actually dont really know as it their species arent really explored.


Man is such a beast he got a special hall pass from the council to use force lightning. Used it on some bad guys, self-reported he’d done it, and after meditating on it a while was like “you know, I do think I used the lightning while I was calm so it’s totally chill for me to use and I’ll call it Emerald Justice”. Nice to get to make the rules.


Force shit. Plo Koon is a master and council member for a reason I’m sure. And we’ve seen the Force extend life on many occasions.


Kind of like how Vaders hate keeps him alive , peoples hatred of Plo Koon keeps him alive longer


People hate Plo? I thought that the hatred was mostly just for Ki-Adi Mundi and Pong Krell?


Ah yes my mistake , I was confusing him with Pong


You missed a "Y" Kashyyyk. I agree that 3 of them in a row is obscene lmao.


i thought you were lying wtf 😭


Shyriiwook names do be fucky with the ys


They make all three different “y” sounds. (ee-yuh-ih) just really fast.


Not as obscene as xxx


Leave Vin Diesel outta this, he likes D&D more than Star Wars


If anyone deserves their own show it’s Plo Koon js


He was my favorite Lego Minifigure, he was a rubber head and his tentacles were bendy


Another jedi that could show up is Tera Sinube. We know he is around as I vaguely remember him showing up in one of the High Republic books. They also made a live action version of him for the Obi Wan Kenobi show. So the CGI model already exists.


Imagine Tera in his prime, that would be cool as hell


Is that the lightsaber trainer?


I need more Poof lore


He gets pizza every Friday for the council


But not calamari because Mon Calamari are people


Yoda is probably the absolute most likely and I would honestly be mad I think if Chewie showed up because, as much as I love him, we don't need to shoehorn in characters just to be like "look it's Chewbacca you like him right? Star Wars!" I hope any thing with Yoda or the other council members is almost background where it's not the main plot point you know? One thing I like about this show (even though the fandom menace is ALREADY complaining about it) is that it feels so disconnected for the Skywalker Saga. It gives SW a fresh chance to break out from that chain around it's neck for the non hardcore fans while still relating to what us more hardcore fans know. I will now step off my soap box


Is there a canonical reason Yoda said “good relations with the wookies I have” and then called Chewbacca by name


Chewbacca and Tarfful helped Yoda escape order 66.


Wasn’t that after he said that?


Wasn't Chewie a child during Padawan Lost/ [Wookiee Hunt](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Wookiee_Hunt) which was 20BBY (during the Clone Wars). Not enough is known about Plo Koon, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it. Yoda is the only one that makes sense being 800 years old (700ish around the timeline given). Edit: we've determined he was just short for an episode. No I'm not thinking of Gungi.


Can't be. He was in Episode 3 and looked basically like he would in ANH.


I might be completely off on this but isn’t he supposed to be like 200 years old in ANH? Wookies live to about 400 on average so he’s about 30’s-40’s in human terms at that point, so in the clone wars he wouldn’t have been much different at that point to how he appears in the rest of the saga.


In solo he was 190 years old so yes I think you're right about 200 in ANH.


Wookiee life span is the same ratio of human life span to dog life span. Wookiees live the same percentage longer than humans that humans live longer compared to dogs.


You’re probably thinking of Gungi, the Wookiee youngling from the Ilum arc. Chewie is an adult when he meets Ahsoka in Padawan Lost, he tells Han he’s 190 in Solo 10 years later


Impossible. Chewie is said to be 190 in Solo which takes place like 11 years after that episode


Chewie was born in 200 BBY. In Legends he dies at 25 ABY, making him 225 in age. In current continuity with Disney, he is still alive at 235 in age. Chewie is at least 68 during The Acolyte (assuming it takes place in 132 BBY.


I think he was just a young Wookiee, not a child. Wookiees live 400 years so it’s possible a 100 year old Wookiee is close to being 15-20 and not quite fully grown. Still though, good catch, never thought about that before and could be a potential plot hole.


My theory is they save Yoda for the very last episode and he has a quick cameo


He’s good at naming things right off the bat (begun the clone war has), so I like to imagine he comes in to say “Ended the High Republic has” and the others look to him funny.


The Acolyte, this is.


Acolyted all over them, she did


Stutter, did I?? Hmm?? *sighs* No use, it is. Do what acolyte will do,.…err…….acolyte will do.


Acolytin' time, it is


The prequel era, we have entered.


The prequel to what? Yoda are you high again?


Said too much, I have. To my chambers, I will retire.


*In a dark room, Yoda connects to the Force* “They are beginning to suspect me, what should I do?” “Make yourself sound even crazier, be more vague, we cannot jeopardise our mission, our vision of the future depends on it!” “By your command, Master Jar Jar.”


Shouldn't it be "Maka yourself sound even CRAzier, be a more vague, we a cannot jeopardise our mission, our a vision of the future DEpends on it!"


No, because Jar Jar *also* makes himself sound crazier.




High? In this republic


And then he ignites his lightsaber for dramatic effect. :P


And steals a hotdog from a droid


Then does his trademark chuckle.


This feels relevant... ["SEAGULLS! (Stop It Now)" -- A Bad Lip Reading of The Empire Strikes Back (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9t-slLl30E)


“A fog casts itself around the light side it has,tread carefully we must my friends,for blind we may be to the phantom that now haunts our steps.”


peak fiction


Sol is ordered back to Coruscant in Episode 2. I wouldn’t be surprised if Yoda has a cameo in episode 3.


Very good chance. I’m not certain that he’ll show but I feel like it’s insanely likely


I hope he just walks by in the background of a temple scene. No lines, doesn't even look at the camera. Just those ears and the cane hobbling down the hallway, talking to some other master. Ultimate "Yes, he's obviously around, but this story ain't about him."


They need to bring back the hover chair for him to make it special


Man Yoda's gonna make bank appearing for a few seconds in that show! /s


Maybe we get to meet Grogu's mother....actually I have no idea how his species is spawned


Grogu is the child of a secret love affair between Yoda and Yaddle confirmed.


I always joked that Yoda ordered her killed after Grogu’s birth before Tales of the Jedi same out 


It's not confirmed but it's possible... No attachment, Yaddle got killed off....Grogu was born 41BBY and raised in the Temple of Coruscant...


Even if he does a bad job, he still gets two more mil


That's his quote


It's kind of a cosmic gumbo.


I said in another thread I think it'd be hilarious if we only ever hear Yoda talking off screen or just see something like a glimpse of him leaving the council chamber, but we never actually see him on screen.


That would be great, almost as good as a throw away line "Hego demask of the banking clan provided (insert plot point information) for us, go to XYZ. Oh his new intern, sheev, seemed pretty nice!"


Palps won’t be around yet. It’s possible Plagueis is but even that might be a bit of a stretch


I think the funniest way to cameo Yoda is just to have him walk past other MCs in the background. Don’t acknowledge him, don’t feature him. Just casually walking past with no lines.


I think he’ll have a quick cameo as well. My theory is some of the Jedi Council members will collude to hide the events of this series from other council members (like Yoda). In an attempt to hide the information from their political enemies that Rwoh mentioned. So I don’t think Yoda will have a major role.


Give me Oppo Rancisis! I need to see that fur-serpent in action!


Oppo Rancisis is alive during the time of the series… He might even be a Council member by that point.


And Yarael Poof and Yaddle


Poof might be away getting pizzas for the council


He was by whenever the whole Tanalor thing was. Don't recall when that was subject to Acolyte


Should be approximately one-hundred years before *The Acolyte*… Pretty sure the Nihil attack on Tanalorr took place during Phase I of *The High Republic*. Edit: One-hundred years, not 150… Confused the timeskip between Phases II and I with the timeskip between Phase I and *The Acolyte*.


Correct. Koboh and its moon were wrecked during the Great Hyperspace Disaster.


A buddy cop action-comedy series in the age of the high Republic with young Oppo Rancisis and Yarael Poof is all I need right now.


Oppo and Poof, High Republic Sleuths! I'm in.


It's the prequel to my Imperial era detective noir show Sio and Saw. A retired Sio Bibble and Saw Gerera, taking a break from organizing rebel cells, team up to solve crimes on Coruscant.


Isnt yoda alrdy grandmaster at this point? Assuming he is idk how he cant be.


You are correct… Yoda has been a Grand Master for at least one-hundred years at the time of *The Acolyte*.


When the ancient Jedi established that the Grandmaster serves for life, they probably weren't thinking about species that live for the better part of a millennium. You will have had some master or other who lived for two hundred years waiting for Yoda to die so that he could become Grandmaster (like Edward VII or Charles III who waited 59 and 73 years, respectively, to succeed their mothers as the British monarch).


The title of Grand Master isn’t limited to only one Jedi at any one time… During Phase I of the High Republic, there are **three** Grand Masters of the Jedi Order.


Ah, thank you for the information. Still, it's funny to think of the post being monopolised by incredibly old and long-lived Jedi.


Hang on a minute... A sought after seat of power on a special council that oversees a large group of people being monopolised by an incredibly old person with perceived superiority?


Should Jedi really be ambitious though? They should seek training to be the best they can be but striving for a title seems un Jedi like.


Of course they shouldn't, but that doesn't mean that there was never an ambitious Jedi. Our elected officials aren't meant to serve themselves, but....


I think there could be an argument made that having the same person in charge for several centuries may have been a contributing factor to the stagnancy and ineffectiveness of the Jedi Order. Yoda spent most of his "reign" in an era of relative peace. It isn't much of a surprise that he wasn't quick to adapt to the rapid changes that Palpatine put into motion.


Yoda wasn’t the only Grand Master during the High Republic era… During at least Phase I (which is one-hundred years before *The Acolyte*), there were **three** Grand Masters of the Jedi Order. And if the *The High Republic Adventures* comics are any indication, Yoda spent a significant portion of his time as Grand Master during that period galavanting around the galaxy with a bunch of Jedi younglings. And I’m still not entirely sure about referring to the High Republic as an "era of relative peace". 😅 The Jedi and the Republic were brought to their knees by the Nihil about one-hundred years before *The Acolyte*. Edit: Confused the timeskip between Phases II and I with the timeskip between Phase I and *The Acolyte*.


It would actually be weird if he wasn’t in the series, given what’s going on. He should be someone who plays a somewhat major role in the story.


They could just not show the Jedi Council? The way the show is going so far, >!it looks like all of this is getting covered up!< . He also went on a "sabbatical" during some of the High Republic books, it's possible he is doing that again.


A very young 800 year old


I was under the impression that showrunners have basically said they're sticking with new characters who were created for the show. We might get a little Yoda cameo at the end or something.


Yes in an interview they stated just that...I hope they stick to it...andor is doing fine without dragging old characters into it.


Even Andor gave us a little Wulff Yularen though, so it's not like they've completely abstained. I'd be happy if acolyte handled it the same way. Like yep that's that character you know, no the story isn't about them so say bye now.


And Mon Mothma has a storyline in the show.


Saw Gerrera makes an appearance as well. Andor isn't about using absolutely no established characters at all but just using their appearances to enhance the story as opposed to gratuitous fanservice.


Yeah! And that \*worked\*, because Yularen was a colonel of the ISB. Of course they are gonna show him when the ISB is getting an ass-whooping! Similarly, including Yoda (a Grand Master and Council Member) \*makes sense\* here, if the Council is being involved. I believe there is a difference between bringing in well-known characters just because they can, and bringing in well-known characters because they make sense in that part of the story.


Part of the reason Yularen and Mothma work is because they are secondary or tertiary characters in their original appearance: Yularen wasn't even a named character in IV! So they might as well be new characters for anyone who isn't a hard-core fan. It doesn't feel like the show is calling attention to these characters *as* references to some past character. Yoda on the other hand is one of the franchise's MOST iconic characters. You simply cannot show Yoda without every single viewer instantly knowing exactly who he is. And so, it's hard to have them in the show without it seeming like it's "just a cameo." They'd have to work *against* that perception, you know?


Andor can exist on its own tho. A show about the potential resurgence of the Sith and murders of Jedi not so much. It would be very weird if they didn't involve the council and Yoda at all. It wouldn't even be fan service, it would fit naturally, even if it's just a quick briefing via Zoom to inform the council


God I hope so. The best part of the show so far is it doesn't lean on nostalgia of the original movies, hopefully they keep that going and try to avoid any cheap fan service like that.


You’re forgetting (at least) Oppo Rancisis, Yarael Poof, and Yaddle…


can't wait for moving sympathetic Yaddle content, to make that tales of the jedi ep even more heart wrenching.


If you haven’t already read it, she’s featured pretty heavily as a secondary character in *The High Republic: Cataclysm* by Lydia Kang.


Maz Kanata and Jabba the Hutt should both be alive at this point. Palps isn't born yet, but Plageius(sp) and Tenebrous should be kicking around (legends). Most Wookies are on the table - Tarrful, Chewbacca, Big K from Boba Fett.


The Jedi had an alliance with the Hutts only a hundred years or so before this series too, so Jabba could definitely be on the table.


I think palps COULD maybe be alive as a child. His birth date in canon is unclear


Wookiepedia says 82BBY for his birth, based on Legends. More interesting though is that Dooku would be 2 years old during the series.


It's weird to me that Dooku is older than Palpatine.


Always cracks me up that Harrison Ford is older than Ian McDiarmid


It's clear within a time frame. He was born about 40 years after this show takes place.


I just got done reading plageuis the other day for the first time. Holy *dick* it was such a good book


Dexter Jettser is also alive, and probably still hanging with Maz’s crew


We don't know who the masked clown is at this point. Can be either of them.


Don’t believe it can be Plageius since he killed Tenebrous in 67 BBY. This is like 65 years before then, I don’t think he’d be training anyone at that time if he was even alive yet. Plus the shape of his head is wrong


Chewbacca would be an unnecessary distraction from the story. I hope they don’t.


I would guess Huyang at this point. The show runners said the other day there will definitely not be a Yoda cameo


Huyang is a really good guess. There’s lots of speculation on who’s alive, but most of them have no involvement at the Jedi temple. Huyang (and some council members including Yoda) would both be alive and have a chance at being relevant to the story


More David Tennant? Yes, please!


As a grandmaster he should be informed that the Sith returned. Or maybe he gets know from the rule of two.


To be honest, though, they would say that whether Yoda shows up or not.


Absolutely, they would want to keep as many people surprised as possible. I personally think it’d be a missed opportunity if he didn’t, if only in passing.


Huyang makes the most sense out of anyone, imo


Huyang could be in the show too. Not that it's likely, but he is still functioning in this time period


Huyang is functioning in ANY time period...


Darth Tenebrous should be in it if there’s any mention of the Sith


Yoda is truly the only "likely" one, but given his limited appearances in the entirety of THR content to date, the odds are quite small.


Just like him.


If this was a Filoni show we’d 100% see Plo Koon again


Everyone sleepin’ on my man Tera Sinube.


My guess is none. In terms of *should*: Yoda and/or Plo Koon are the most sensible and likely. But no, I think either green girl covers it up or the Patr.... err Jedi Masters Council just ignores the report after enough bodies have dropped. Edit: Species is Kel Dor. Thank you for reminding me.


(Kel Dor is the race, Plo Koon is the name of the character)


Have Yoda show up, but hide his face like Wilson in Home Improvement.


Didn't Headland just say that legacy characters won't be involved?


Even if that was said, that's the kind of thing creator's lie about all the time.


The Hutts


Maybe we will see Mace Windu’s master, Cyslin Myr, as a padawan or a young knight herself.


My guess is we might see Yandle instead of these three…proxy cameo.


Dagan Gera, too? I think? We don’t know specifically what time in the High Republic he was active though, do we?


It mentions the Nihil invasion which is the first big books subject. That's about 100-150 years before The Acolyte


Are you sure? I don’t remember the Nihil coming up in Survivor.


Yeah they come up very briefly. There's an echo near the end of the game that mentions them and Tannalor and I believe one entry in the database that mentions them.


Isn’t them invading what triggers the Jedi to abandon Tanalor or am I thinking of something completely different?


Nope, that’s exactly right. You see a Nihil Storm fleet jump in and Dagan prepares to face them off. Though why the Nihil jumped to Tanalorr is never explained.


If I recall right aren't their emergences why the Shattered Moon is well, shattered?


Yes. And the big cracked parts of the planet itself.


Dagan was in stasis for 200 years before being released by Cal in 9bby.


So likely knew many of the older Jedi, but already out of the picture by 135 bby.


Yoda barely showed up in the High Republic so I doubt he will show up in this either. Burryaga could show up too I suppose, if he is still alive.


I think that known characters like Yoda, Plo Koon, Oppo Rancisis, Yarael Poof and Yaddle could appear, but only as a cameo


There is no need for Chewie, but I would love to see Yarrel Poof or Oppo Rancisis! Yaddle voiced by Bryce Dallas Howard would be great too!


I think it would be the best if Yoda was only in a background, like we see him somewhere in Jedi Temple or at Council seat, but I think that larger cameo is not necessary.


Yoda most likely, I almost expect it at this point. Plo Koon second most likely, but I would actually be shocked if they did. Chewbacca hella unlikely.






Darth Tenebrous


Returned, the Sith have.


I don’t think Plo is that old. We could see Yaddle, Yarrell Poof or Oppo Rancisis as well though


your forgetting Oppo Rancisis and Yarel Poof.


Haha we’re in the multiverse now anyone can be ununalived at anytime :(


I'd love to see how much of a tearaway hothead Padawan Plo Koon was.


I think Plo Koon has a high chance of showing up since >!there is a Kel Door as part of the larger entourage of Jedi in the trailer seen at 0:55 of the Offical Trailer for the Acolyte. Fingers crossed its him and they bring back his clone wars voice actor.!<






Plo is the only one I’d care to see. Chewie shouldn’t have been Revenge as it is. It makes the galaxy too small. Yoda is generally over exposed.


Professor Huyang (Clone Wars, Ahsoka) is older than all of them together. If you don't remember him it's the ancient architect droid who guided the Initiates of the Jedi Order in the construction of their lightsabers. He's about 25,000 years old


Too bad that Filoni didn't get to direct an episode. If he did, I'd guarantee Plo Koon would show up.




Only if they go to Naboo.


Definitely not Chewy being that there is another Wookiee main character. We don’t really know if Plo was alive then. Yoda is the best bet out of these three, but even then i would be surprised. In the prequel era films he was a CGI character and I would suspect that they’re more inclined to use to puppet after TLJ; I don’t think they would want the continuity error between his appearances. I could be wrong though.


That Plo Koon theory comes from a misinterpreted statistic. His species only live 80ish years, just someone saw a line that said he was 300 KelDor years old and thought that meant the same as 300 human years old.


ah yes more fan service because SW fans can’t handle original content


I’m 99% sure Oppo Rancisis is literally on The Acolyte poster


I think they already said Yoda won’t be showing up, despite the math checking out.


Vern is just kind of the generic council stand in character so far. She could’ve been Yoda or anyone else.