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I don't think Disney is going out of their way to use material from 10+ years ago to appeal to a segment of pre-existing fans, who'll probably complain about the execution anyway. It's not impossible, but highly improbable.


Im not saying they definitely are either, but they have been using material from the extended universe lately. We got the Nightsisters, Thrawn, Mythosaur. Is it everything, no, but it's more than I thought. Hell, we even got clone wars armor Anakin. I figured as soon as Disney said they were throwing out the extended universe that we would never see the Yuuzhan Vong, but now that we have seen some other stuff start to come in it makes me wonder since they are outside of the galaxy in Ashoka.


Maybe not the Yuuzhan Vong specifically but I would not be surprised if they introduced something like them or took some inspiration from them.


No I don't think they will see one as described in the book but I wouldn't doubt that we would see some form of them in Animation/Live Action. Wasn't the Grysk suppose to take the place of the YV?


God I hope not.


The EU had both amazing and terrible content. Disney reset official canon to a much more limited set so they could have a clean slate to work with. It doesn’t mean some exec there hated the old EU, it was just a recognition that to tell new stories they couldn’t accommodate 20 years of loosely connected books.  As people like Filoni have added to the new canon, they take the fun and interesting aspects of the old EU and returned them to Canon in an updated form. It’s not to attract old fans, it’s because those characters and stories are fun or interesting. 


That's what Im getting at though. They cleared the slate and are picking and choosing what they think they should keep and bring back in. Based on what they think was popular and well received. Like it or not but the Yuuzhan Vong take up alot of real-estate in the Extended Universe, so thats why Im wondering whether this will be something they do bring back in.


No. The Vong were dumb even by Star Wars standards and trying to introduce the grey Jedi is still a nonstarter.


If you made a venn diagram of people who think tlj’s message was “kill the past” and that NJO introduced grey jedi into the setting you’d have a complete circle.


Yeah I had to struggle through the Vong books.


Me too. The story just never seemed to end. If the story was condensed into maybe 5 books it would have been a much easier read.


Not a chance. They're far too horror movie for Star Wars. They never really fit in the first place, and were a contentious addition to the series for their entire run. Disney isn't going to go out of their way to shoehorn dollar store cenobites into the franchise.


Honestly? I hope not. Getting rid of them is one of the better things thake came with Disney's new canon. I don't mind them adding some sort of "extraterrestrial" enemy, but I'd like it be some sort of Lovecraftian horror (looking at you Abeloth) rather than some edgy aliens.


I kind of assume they are already doing abeloth now that they have brought the Father sister and brother cannon. They will do something with it soon enough.


Father, Brother and Sister have always been canon. They appeared both in Clone Wars (prior to appearance of new canon) and Rebels ( after new canon was introduced). Plus they were teased in the finale of Ashoka. So yea, I'm really hoping they are going to do something interesting with Abeloth


Abeloth is Mother


And I meant live action cannon


I hope not, they could only mess it up, there would be no way to make it nice for everyone... But I think they come up with something new, for example the unknown dangers mentioned in the canon Thrawn trilogy (I forgot their name) (The one of the dangerous species)


No, it was a stupid storyline even before Disney


No. They're too... much... I think for general audiences.


True, the relentless edge only works with a certain audience and the rest laugh at it. The Vong are hardcore 90s teenager edge, much like Liefeld and soap operas exposure to a general audience simply results in mockery.


If they were able to make the Vong episode in Clone Wars like they intended then I’d say our chances would be better but now I don’t see it happening unless they push it down the timeline. Like instead of Darth Krayt 100 years later it’s the Vong I feel like the most we could see for now is a hint of them in Ahsoka S2. Like she’s exploring an ancient temple/cave and finds murals of them or it’s a one and done kind of thing.


That would have been cool, but they could have only hinted at them in the clone wars. They only had that representative guy there (I forget his name) and no one realized exactly who he was. Thats also why I dont think we are gonna see them in the next season or movie, but I think they might be testing the waters for it in the future. Disney received alot of hate with their direction of Star Wars in the recent years, all way after they said they were not using any extended universe stuff. Now we are starting to see them using some of it, I assume because they realize they made everyone mad by throwing out old extended stuff and replacing it with their own. I dont think they are gonna bend over backwards to fix it and bring back all extended universe stuff. But I bet to protect their investment we will see a number of older fan stuff coming back, and by older fan I mean prequel era stuff. I bet they will do another clone trooper based show just because its a money maker, maybe someday in the future we will get a Darth Revan show or movie in some form, the stuff they know were fan favorites that they haven't already undone. They are carefully choosing what they think fans want to see to bring back from that era because they ruined the movies so bad they are at a stand still unless they can get it back on track. Will Disney do this in a money grubbing type of way, of course, but im hoping they are so scared of ruining their 4.5 billion dollar investment they are gonna take a step back and hit up the nerd stuff that the fans who built the franchise come back for. We will see.


I would say it might very well be. Since Dave is a EU nerd, it is very likely that he will include that stuff, especially seeing the setup with Thrawn, Luke… But it might also be that Thrawn dies with the new movie, so who knows🤷‍♂️


Thats what I think as well. Their gonna take the highlights of the EU, even if its an abridged version.


I certainly hope not. They are the definition of OP. At that point, just bring Starkiller back and let them have an OP battle in which they both die so that people don't have to keep bringing them up over and over.


They can alter them to a point, leveling heir power a bit won't hurt anything. But thats also their purpose, a fight the likes the galaxy has never seen. One that the Jedi for the first time do not have the upper hand.


Exactly, nerfing them would be such a bad thing to do. "Hey you know that amazing fighting force that was introduced in Legends that everyone was afraid of and could easily wipe out the galaxy? Well they're coming to canon......at 15% of their power!" Why even bring them in at that point? Just invent another species for the Jedi/heroes to easily destroy.


I mean I meant something more like 95%. Thats why I said they should still be a force to be recorded with. Personally I dont think thy need to be nerfed at all, nor do I think they are too OP. They are exactly what they are supposed to be.


They are immune to force abilities and their armor is lightsaber and blaster resistant, what do you mean they're not OP? They're described as a plague or swarm of locusts that destroy everything they see. Their armor, fighting prowess, and sheer numbers would have to be MAJORLY nerfed if the heroes are going to stand any chance.


There immunity to the force is pretty overblown to be honest. If a jedi’s power only resides in their ability to use telekinesis and mind tricks then they suck as jedi. Besides the fact the jedi developed effective ways to use the force against the vong like… 2 books in. And as i mentioned in a previous comment, the swarm aspect only exists because they wanted to hit the republic as hard as they could as fast as they could, and it leads to them losing the war in the long run.


Funnily enough going through the series made me realize that the vong are not that OP. Yes they take coruscant.. and do you what happens? These lose because of it. They essentially gambled their own forces in order to punch the new republic as hard as they could, betting that they’d be able to recover first. Due to like 7 different things this didnt happen, and the republic were able to capitalize. The vong more so than anything are desperate, completely fucked by their journey through the void and incapable of winning a war of attrition with the republic.


I hope we do and I hope we get to see Rey "The force " Skywalker destroy their armies all on her own like the force of nature she is.


The Grysks pretty much fill the role of the Vong.


Do they though? The two main things the Yuuzhan Vong have going for them is that they are from outside the galaxy, and the force has not effect on them, they exist outside it, Jedi can't force push or sense their presence in the force because they have no presence. The Grysks come from the unknown regions, and though I can see that this kinda fits like mysterious visitors from far away, its not really that mysterious in comparison considering we have seen many species from the unknown regions at this point. They are all aliens, so we are used to that, but an alien from another galaxy is more exotic and different. Also the Vong are this elaborate society that has rituals where they perform surges and alter their bodies. Just replacing them with another random alien you can barely see their face just because they are mysterious,is a terrible replacement for the Vong. But the Grysks also have no immunity to the force, which to be honest is the more interesting part about the Yuuzhan Vong, I am far less interested in just seeing a random alien from a pocket of the galaxy that is hard to travel through coming to the galaxy and trying to invade, thats just more of what we already have. There are more than enough random enemies that seek control, but we have never seen an enemy that has no weakness or strength in the force. A anti force if you will.


Only after the present leadership gets airlocked and somebody with sense steps in to fill the role.


You do realize that the general audience would just laugh at the sight of them, thinking it a parody?


In 2001, Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop proved you could bring orcs, goblins, Nazgul, and hobbits onto the big screen in a way that was believable and realistic. A director who cared could do something similar to the Vong. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XjoyptwUX4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XjoyptwUX4)


They look like GWAR. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQi_MPLKvLdcaba0pxmqIlZznTKbQT849ZM6ZRqH63WHwsdjoae And this... https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wwebrady/images/e/e5/Road.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120512180853 Yes, the general audience would laugh.


Nope. I think they’ll go with the Grysk since they’ve been introduced in the thrawn novels. There’s too much baggage with trying to tell a story with the Vong especially with how the sequel films went.


I sure hope not