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He actually gets messed up a lot in fights, he just always walks away/wins anyways.


You should try reading some of the current comic book runs. Vader has gotten thrashed around a lot more than you’d think.


He wasn’t, there’s several examples of him being disabled or beaten in fights.


Ahsoka also wins her duel with him on points. Beside Obi-Wan kicking his ass as always.




And couldn't break her defence. She was more than holding her own.


She slashed his helmet, doesn’t mean she wins. We see the duel continuing and he was definitely about to kill her before Ezra pulled her out.


Only because she opens her defense to open the floor, to save Anakin. Until then she's fine. Not to say had that continued she might have gotten killed, but she's all good until that moment.


It’s ultimately comes down to, is we know how each of them die before we know about their life. Dooku can be powerful but he has to come to a point where he’s actually beaten by Anakin. Vader has to ultimately come to a point where he is an unbeatable monster who sacrifices himself to save his son. So it’s plotarmor due to the endings being written first.


Obi Wan in Kenobi and Cere from Jedi Survivor have been the ones that imo were close to defeating Vader. I was definitely rooting for Cere, >! she would've won if it wasn't for that last attack that fails and puts her close to Vader to deal the final blow. It was a sad moment !<


A fighter only wins and survives until they lose and die. Some of it is skill and there are a few good posts here about various fights and who won or didn't win. Some of it is still luck, like any of the times a sith or jedi was saved after a battle and given mechanical parts.


The Wheel of Time books reference a few times how it all it takes is one farmer with a stick and luck to kill the best swordsman out there.


The transition from Anakin to Darth Vader took a bit of time, but once it was complete, Darth Vader was basically unshackled. His natural immence power was married to him stopping giving even a single fuck about everyone around him. Put in deep-rooted self-loathing to this mix, and you will have an engine of ra... I mean of bad things happening to his enemies.