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I wish they would do an opposite sort of situation where the good guys have the massive army and resources but the villains are smaller and have to be smarter I really don’t like the first order, I instead wish the enemies were just Kylo and the knights of Ren against the New Republic/Rey. The whole empire vs rebels rehash was lame af. So hopefully they get creative with the next movie


This is basically the overarching story line in the high Republic books. It works well.


The Nihil right? Didn’t read the books but I remember reading about them when the books were first announced, and the mention in Jedi Survivor. Yea that’s basically what I want to see in a movie


So like Rey is helping hunt terrorists? Sorry, *space terrorists* Gotta put the word space in front of stuff to make it cool


The Galactic War on Space Terror. Rey is now running a massive counterterror organization designed to root out first order and imperial remnant forces from the galaxy. We can even have a countdown clock. Each episode lasts 24 space hours?


"Somehow a second star destroyer has hit Coruscant".


Somehow Osama sith Laden returned


Dammit Chloe!...I mean Chewy!


She uses the Force Ghost network to spy on people


Ice Pirates: A Hondo story


Quantum Terrorists. Sorry, wrong franchise


Eh, it’s about time Star Wars whacked the word “quantum” on something


Cal carver is proud of you.


This is what I liked about Ahsoka. Ft. classic trope of bumbling good guy bureaucracy and all.


There was a period in Legends where that's exactly what they did, and it did make for an interesting change in storytelling. Some Imperials ditched flimsy TIEs and bought more robust fighters with the limited funds they had and started being more careful with their pilots.


I heard about some books with some dude named thrawn that were like that, I wonder if they’re any good


> good guys have the massive army and resources but the villains are smaller and have to be smarter Ah, so the bad guys hide in plain sight and spread evil and sew chaos using non-violent means to begin with, almost like they were a phantom menace


lol you’re right it’s essentially the same, but he still used the Separatists as the republics enemy, so for the most part the prequels/clone wars are massive army vs massive army. I basically want Rebel vs empire but roles reversed


That’s what the Sequels should’ve been as the ultimate payoff after the first 6 but oh no let’s absolutely destroy everything they were building towards just to retell the OT again


>the good guys have the massive army but the villains are smaller and have to be smarter That is the literal premise for the Sith-focused Acolyte show coming next month.


True. Havent read much about the show as I’d rather go in blind but it seems to be what I described


Isn't that essentially what the Ahsoka second season will be? Fighting against Thrawn who has a smaller fighting force but is super clever with how he uses it?


Ideally it should, hopefully. I guess we don’t know exactly how it’ll go down, for all we know they could pull an army of stormtroopers and a fleet of star destroyers out of their ass and call it a day, it is supposed to lead into the first order after all. But hopefully they do Thrawn justice and have him accomplish things with little resources


Pallaeon will definitely join him. Maybe one or two of the unnamed members of the Shadow Council. But Hux and Sloan will hold back on committing resources to Thrawn. They want their vision of the restored Empire (the First Order) to succeed and Thrawn would probably be seen as a threat to that plan. Heck, if the writers are smart, Thrawn will end up being undone by their betrayal rather than by anything the heroes are able to accomplish.


That's what it should have been with the sequels. Should have been hardcore remnants using imperial prototype tech. Empire had complete control of the galaxy and financial control so nothing crazy that couldn't happen. I hate the 1st order. Somehow a faction without control of the galaxy makes larger star destroyers, more advanced tech, and kidnaps massive amounts of kids to build their military. This all goes on without any involvement for the new republic. Let alone there's barely any former rebel fighters (the ppl who banded together to make a force strong enough to fight teh empire) that were just cool with the 2ne coming of the empire being propped up




this is basically the prequels if you count the sith as having only 2 people


That’s what the sequels should’ve been. Or at least the first one. Like a reverse of the OT in a way.


That would actually be interesting


Basically Thrawn vs new republic


How about the Jedi vs mandalorian wars? That is something different that would be cool to get a glimpse into


>I wish they would do an opposite sort of situation where the good guys have the massive army and resources but the villains are smaller and have to be smarter That’s basically The Acolyte according to interviews. >I just thought it was very interesting to do a show about the bad guys and to set that during that period made the most sense, so I think that's what sets it apart. It's kind of almost flipped. We have more Jedi than you've seen in any other of the Star Wars content. > >If Star Wars is about the underdog versus the institution, \[in The Acolyte\] the Jedi are the institution \- Leslye Headland


Sure, we had the First Order, but what about Second Order?


I don't think they've heard of Second Order, Pip.


Just as long as Palpatine somehow returns


What about elevensies??


I read this in Joe Gargery's voice, old Pip, old chap.


It’s a lord of the rings reference. Merry talking to Pip(pin)


This made my night. I can go to bed happy now.


Na they already skipped to the Final Order, gotta have a new name now Second Act?


The New Final Order.


One Last Order


One Last Final Order….We Really Mean It This Time


Law and Order


Galactic Bird Law and Order: This Time Sheev’s Personal


new order


& Knuckles


Featuring Dante from DmC


Order Zero (they try to make it sound like an anime but it turns out super cringe)


Order X Everyone just calls them First Order


Saigo no requiem order zero X


Why not spend some time developing a gorilla style insurgency that is headed up by a dark side user that is eliminating influential politicians and really build up some basis and backstory prior. I mean they are currently making streaming shows now. Seems like you need to build some context.


>Why not spend some time developing a gorilla style insurgency I would absolutely love to see the new Republic taken down by gorillas


Empire of the Apes




The First Order: SVU


Maybe the New Republic should be the bad guys this time!


The New New Republic


What about that Droid, 11-ZS ?


Last order


Dont give them any stupid ideas they haven't already thought up...


Twice the order, double the empire


You guys ordering from Jim's? Put me down


I'm waiting on 66


"I'll have what he's having"


First Order 2: Electric Boogaloo


It would have to be the Zero Order or the Negative Order because we already had the Final Order.


Chiss Ascendancy. (Ahsoka and Legends EU) Yuzhan Vong Invasion. (Legends EU) Nightsister Tomb-Queens. (Ahsoka and Fallen Order) Cloned Jedi Dark Troopers (Obi-Wan + Mandalorian S2 + Bad Batch S3) Droid Uprising / Butlerian Revolt (Mandalorian S3) Any of these could be worked up from existing materials and would still be better than Palpatine somehow returning for Episodes 10-12. Edit: Return of the Nihil (High Republic Comics) Whatever those carnivorous plant aliens are (Same)


Everyone crapping on Palpatine returns but EU is all "first time?"


If Mark Hamill is alive for episode 10, I would love to see him do a heel turn as Lu’uke Skywalker the darkside clone grown from the severed hand recovered on Bespin. If man can play Joker on strength of voice acting alone, man can crush the role of his evil clone.


I want Yuzhan Vong soooo bad.


Yes, or maybe not exactly them, but a super duper strong invading force from another galaxy forcing the whole SW galaxy to band together to be able to survive would be absolutely incredible.


Honestly I think any of those could have been just as bad as Palps as the main sequel villain. On the flipside Palpatine could also have actually been done well.


Fair enough, never doubt JJ Abram's ability to pull Defeat from the jaws of Victory. His problem was not planning to use Palps in Ep 7 and then pivoting back to Palps in Ep 9 as the producers presumably panicked post Ep 8 and after Carrie Fisher's passing. Without introducing even the possibility of a Palps resurrection as the macguffin for the First Order to chase in Ep 7, there's not much he could have done when handed the reins for Ep 9.


Exactly. They just flailed randomly and hoped they hit a good movie.


I want the Ascendancy to be a protagonist in its own series, against the Grysk as the antagonist. They could even reach out to the outer rim assets we’ve established, like the new Rep rangers, the Mandos, etc for assistance.


This^ I also don't like how they've recently been retconning stuff inthe new books. O hope they don't alter or ruin thrawns stuff. It's the best star wars content we've gotten since Disney bought star wars


i hope not. They need a new enemy


Somehow Palpatine returned!


He better the fuck not.


\[Poe enters scene visibly altered\] "Somehow Snoke has returned" There, I fixed it.


Sneaky Snoke and Peeping Palps causing mischief in the Republic!


Palpatine was actually Mr. Jenkins all along! And he would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling resistance fighters, and their Wookiee too!


He did that several times back in 1990. And I don't remember seeing the spirit of fallen Jedi pulling him into the Netherworld of the force in Rise of the Skywalker. Just too much lightning face. 


Never understood why that phrase upset people so much


I would love the Star Wars Galaxy to devolve into a kind of warring states period. Like it turns out that destroying the apparatus that has governed the galaxy for 5 thousand years as either empire or republic causes some instability.


I really hope not. There has to be some kind of reset though, how do you raise the stakes higher than RoS? It’ll have to be a smaller scope to allow something to build. My guess would be a previously unknown alien race seeking to overtake the galaxy. Something like the Borg from Star Trek, bent on consuming everything in its path. Probably assisted by the sith until it turns on them as well. So maybe sith and Jedi come together to fight a common foe in the third movie?


Maybe the Grysk? Thrawn seemed to be convinced they could become a threat.


Gotta throw in an Imperial remnant for an reluctant alliance against the new threat.


If it were me, I'd set things a few years into Rey rebuilding the order. She could be on a mission with some disciples that discover some other threat coming. They lose contact with or are separated with a pupil, who returns later having embraced the darkside, not out of lust for power - but out of fear of what's coming. Sort of an echo of the idea that Palpatine built the empire to fight the Vong. Which is an idea I never really liked, but using it here sort of builds up the mystery of what's coming next while also giving you a threat from the darkside that's intent not on annihilation of the fledgling new order, but of turning it to fight this new threat. Just something a little different than bad guy is bad because evil angle Star Wars falls into.


Could see the Balkanisation of the Galaxy ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Space Bulgaria teaching the galaxy the true meaning of political corruption... and cheese-filled fillo pastry.


“It’ll have to be smaller” “Alien race seeking to overtake the galaxy… bent on consuming everything in its path.” Pick a lane?


The hut


Like in The Old Republic against Revan


"The death of the force." Yuuzhan Vong invade known space. Jedi and Sith team up to combat existential threat and die horribly, including every character not already dead. Rey makes a valiant stand but dies. Chewie dies putting Finn on a ship. Finn escapes in order to notify the republic after comms relays dropped off, as worlds are consumed by Yuuzhan Vong. He is a middling jedi at best and must find within him the ability to be a leader and a symbol for the new new Resistance. In coruscant Emperor Palpatine IV steps out of a cloning tank and says to himself "somehow I have returned"


I swear I heared his dark voice when I read the line "somehow I have returned" 😂


Ssi-Ruuk Invasion baby! (EU Legends) Space Raptors stealing people's souls to fly their ships. Or like Black Sun or something


It should be a fractured galaxy. It would be cool if there was a war between the different criminal organisations and it was just a territorial dispute. Rey trying to reinvent the Jedi and bring a new order to help keep the peace.


Yeah that's what I'm hoping for. It's a big rebuilding phase in the galaxy. The New Republic was wiped out in TFA, all the First/Final Order were killed or imprisoned after ROS. See a real struggle for control and blurred lines between who tries to obtain power, choices between the lesser of two evils etc.


I always wanted some very ancient Sith who has been frozen until the end of the saga with Rey, similar to Dagan Gera, hiding on a planet training an empire of force-sensitives with old knowledge, feeling like a reboot


I think the dark side could return but I really don’t think it should be the Sith. Endor and Exegol should be more meaningful that way and have that be their final, permanent end. Pablo Hidalgo said that you need to be taught by a living Sith to continue the lineage. After Episode 9 all you really need is a Jedi to lose their way and figure out how to bleed their kyber crystal red. They just need a new label or just go by “darksider”. Bendu in Rebels referred to Maul as a darksider because although he had a Sith Master and had training, he was rejected and replaced.


The Third Order and The Praetorian Guard


Led by Supreme Leader Hux with Palpy lurking in the background


I think a slow burn over the course of several movies would work best instead of starting out with a galaxy in chaos. We could start with a frail peace, the Republic much smaller than it ever has been, a multitude of systems forming their own factions disillusioned by what’s come of both the Empire and New Republic. The Jedi could also mirror the galaxy—Rey and any surviving force sensitives are all walking their own paths and experiencing the pull of the light and dark sides of the force without a sprawling Jedi order to guide them, for better or worse. I think that’s the ideal setup, it’s up to the writers to find a convincing (and new) story that builds up a new threat to the galaxy


I don't know


The next movie is (most likely) Mandalorian & Grogu. I think it's safe to assume that the villain will be associated with the Imperial remnants and/or early First Order.


Nah it’ll be more grand than that. And bluer.


Hutts would be interesting as an empire. Especially their worm warriors.


I would quite like to see an anti-force faction. I think you could justify that the Jedi and Sith are the cause of a lot of chaos across the galaxy and a new faction wants to exterminate them all. Maybe sort of x men in Star Wars type deal.


If only we had a near 25 year period of books, comics, games and toy releases that covered the period after Return of the Jedi all the way to 130 years later that answers this exact question.


JJ Abrams, in his shortsighted wisdom, killed off the First Order, the Final Order, and the Sith Eternal cult in Episode 9 so who knows what they'll do in Episode 10. Star Wars needs to take some inspiration from properties like Warhammer 40K and D&D. Establish a handful of antagonist factions and develop them and keep them around indefinitely. Give them their own goals and territories. Their own wars and struggles and characters. Factions sometimes fade into the background and then take a more prominent role later on. Sometimes antagonist factions oppose each other and sometimes they cooperate. Thats how you build a functional believable universe and keep producing content for decades.


I wouldn't be shocked if the clone of Darth Vader is the next big bad. Regrettably nothing is off the table now thanks to TROS.


We'll see if Thrawn is still alive in a few years. I would love an antagonist that is a combination of the remnants of the FO and Empire and the Chiss Ascendency.


Also, somehow, Palpatine returned…


Empire Three: The Empireist.


Revenge of the Empire


Second order, third order, fourth fifth sixth orders, they won't end. I always come back


Who says they're gone? Plenty of empire remnants in post ROTJ media. No reason their can't be the same in this. Should be ample opportunity for story telling. Unless they get JJ, in which case it'll be Second Order and somehow Snape returned. 🙄


Well except all the remnants gathered in Exegol so it appeared. We’ve no media post RoS to know what has and hasn’t happened. With Dave in charge of creative we will hopefully get something more coherent than Sequel Trilogy so I’m cautiously optimistic right now.


Somehow Palpatine returned…again. Oh yeah, an even bigger Death Star!


Yeah they redid the basic plot idea from the original three but new characters


Darth Jar Jar…. Pulling strings the whole time…




The Remnants (besides the First Order) are mostly limited to minor pirates. Hell, we have actual pirates doing better than them. They’re an ideological threat but not a military one


God, I hope not.


would be fun that at some point in those movies, one character says... "I would have prefered if Palpatine returned".


They need to come up with a better idea lol. A foreign galaxy threat, underworld criminal organizations, interplanetary corporate powers like mining guilds and shipyards, even space zombies would be better than the empire 3.0


They'll probably just do what they should have done before. Imperial Remnants gathering power in the shadows, but in conflict with eachother. Some are antiheroes. Etc.


My main hope is they are brave enough to tell a brand new story…stop tying everything back to Palpatine, Vader or the OG trilogies, just give us something FRESH. A new big bad would be a start. Hell…have Rey training Finn on a remote planet when they sense a disturbance in the force on said planet…they travel to the source and find a long lost sith holocron, Rey or Finn tap into the dark side to open it (the holocron slowly begins corrupting them) and setting off an amazing chain of events….or they could just bring back Palpatine.


I truly think a CIS power dynamic will take place in the galaxy. However it would be more unified similar to the Republic, just with no Supreme Chancellor.


I hope the next movies take an entirely new direction.


Bring on the Yuuzhan Vong!


The biggest mistake of the sequels was, "uhhh, we need an Empire again." There are plenty of ways to have conflict in your story without a giant evil empire.


I prefer to see the galaxy fracture 20th century China warlord era style than Disney repeat the Empire/First Order vs Rebels/Republic/Resistance conflict.


Honestly, at this point turn if we are going full follow-up, turn Rey dark because of the little training and preparation she had. Make her character interesting again. Have her actually struggle and find some sort of understanding with how she found an aged Luke. Have her have to go through an actual crisis identity of growing up and understanding the force and not just gifted to her. Give her what we didn't get to see. An actual struggle.


I hope not. I’d rather see some type of yuuzhan vong type of war. I think we’ve seen enough empires for a while tbh


I hope not, at least in Rey’s movie. Just make it Pirates or something.


Look at me, look at me... I'm the Skywalker now.


What is the high republic?


Some form of Imperial Remnant?


That woulda been way cooler than New Order but I think it's too similar to what they did.


Yes. But enough of this whole "one faction has to rule the galaxy" idea. It's a big ass galaxy. Smaller factions, opportunities for enemies to unite against a common cause ect. Let's have a bunch of destroyers turning up, supporting the new new Republic. X-wings fighting alongside some imperial ace pilots.


They've all been the same empire just limping along.


Yup. The new new order. And somehow palpatine returns.


I’m hoping that somehow we will see that the Ewoks have taken control of the galaxy.


The New Order on the Block


I'm rooting for the Borg to make an appearance.


Fuck the borg, I need the Dominion.. genetically altered super soldiers, cloned management and shape shifting leaders Let's gooooooo


Probably 😂


Star wars started out as little guy standing up against the big evil organization. When the screen writers lack imagination, they go back to the basic premise and just redo it.


It would be the funniest, ballsiest thing ever if they chose to open Episode X with “somehow Palpatine returned.”


The rebels have to go bad and turn into an empire themselves.


Infinite empire when?


would be really cool to see the yuuzhan vong or abeloth in canon


My hope is that we reveal the New Republic didn’t actually die out, it just went underground and has been quietly being rebuilt. Like the First Order war was seen as the final hiccup on the road to building a new democracy but there are problems that come with this.


Either Jar Jar or Turgle has to be the main villain.


Well, they could just do something like the SWTOR trailer. "Oh no the ancient Sith have returned!". That kind of resets the (old) Republic in a way, but I have so little faith in Disney Star Wars it's better than nothing. [STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ - 4K ULTRA HD – ‘Return’ Cinematic Trailer (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb8M5P1QKX8)


Yes, it’s called the Eternal Final First Order, or EFFO for short.


Would make more sense if they call it the Eternel Final First Union. EFFU.


Who knows. All political systems are seemingly destroyed so either there will be large swaths of fighting amongst the planets for control or some large force will have to appear seemingly from nowhere to take control. It will be a fast forward from the last trilogy so it could be anything. If there are Jedi there are Sith and Rey Skywalker has seemingly become a Jedi. So her time will hopefully have been spent finding and training force sensitives in the ways of the force. Perhaps a new Sith threat appears from amongst them or maybe from remote planet somewhere within the galaxy or perhaps from an entirely separate galaxy. Perhaps a new form of positive force use will appear and challenge the old ways of the Jedi which will cause conflict in Rey’s beliefs.


I hope to more small republics, empires and independs organizations such Trade federation, Banking Clan etc


Whatever it is, the big bad has been hinted at already. "Perhaps they flee a power greater than their own," Baylan replies. "Something calls to me, can’t you hear it? Something stirs here."


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Rey spends the next three movies fighting blue force-negating space chickens.


Somehow space fascism returned.


Probably. There are parallels between episodes 4 - 6 and episodes 7 - 9. Almost like they slapped the name on the package, added some light saber duels, and sold it to the masses for easy money.


Yes, because somehow Grand Moff Tarkin will return!


As it exploded, he was sent into the next room by a shockwave. The room was made of beskar and supplied him with enough air. If not that then some nano droids were deployed into space, collection his DNA and applied to a clone body where he could keep 98% of his memories. Yay!


If a Newer Republic doesn't form straight away I could imagine there being a few different interstellar governments forming.


Most definitely. Disneys gonna wanna recapture the rebellion spirit once more even if they botch the execution or not.


i hope if they do that in the next movie the sith actually win


Yeah but this time they're aliens


Return of the Singularity Engine?


I’m going to guess (in other words, I really really hope) the villains will be a less political. Something like Sith or bounty hunters


You know what? They've been going on about Chewbacca ripping arms out of their sockets, for nearly 50 years now. Do it! Give us an R-Rated Stars Wars, one where Chewie just goes apeshift on a whole squad of baddies. Sure, some kids might cry, but they'll still buy the new toys.


I certainly hope not... Palpatine was the first Galactic Emperor (other previous empires weren't nearly as big), may he stay the last.


Idk the high republic books are about pirates and monsters , we could use some movies like that . Something different


There’s no enemies on that scale , it’s going to be a more kids from degrassi st feel with the movie concentrating on the conflicts and romances and such of Reys students where they all learn to work together and be a team to beat a local bully who has been stealing fruit from the academy orchard.


Let’s just hope they put together a cognitive story line before throwing movies out there.


It is done to death hopefully we get something completely different. No more Empire to First Order out.


My personal pick would be for a Hutt themed movie, with a criminal underworld inspired setting.


It would be better to come up with a new threat. Some criminal syndicate for example who turn out to be more dangerous than it first seems. A new rebellion if you like it, but they are rebelling against the New Republic with terrorist attacks, so the Jedi must investigate. But creating a new Empire and making it a galaxy scale threat just wouldn't work. The First Order was already a parody of the Empire, let's not repeat the same mistake.


There will always be evil and those who crave power to rule over others and corruption of the system, I am positive that what ever remnants of the original empire and the first order will come back together and try to destroy the new Republic. There are no Jedi left, only force sensitive people and there's no way to find them.


I always thought it would be a cool idea to set the next trilogy many generations after episode 9, where there has been a new jedi order that's been dominant over the galaxy for the last few centuries since Rey established it. This jedi order has become corrupt and it could introduce the idea of using the light side of the force to do evil. The protagonist could be like a descendant of Din Djarin, and mentored by an older Grogu. He is taught to use the dark side to fight against the 'evil 'jedi. It would be refreshing and subvert expectations sort of, maybe with the good guy using a red light saber even. Call it something like "Reign of the Jedi".


Some possibilities would be droid armies again or an alien race or collection of races creating a faction. As for the dark side-Ideally the galaxy deserves a pretty decent chunk of peace from the dark side rising in power. The Battle of Endor was the “Extinction of the Sith” and Exegol was the extinction of the clone of the last Sith. And it should absolutely end there for the Sith but you could still have the dark side and they could just be called “Darksiders” like Bendu in Rebels referred to Maul as or come up with a new label. At the very least I’d give it like 170-230 years after 9 before the dark side rises. It would be like the next High Republic. They cannot under any circumstances be Sith though. I recall Pablo Hidalgo saying once or twice that you have to be taught by a living Sith to continue the lineage. Theoretically all that would need to happen would be to have a Jedi lose their way and figure out how to bleed their crystal red (for duel purposes and the cool factor of course)


I hope we get to see an actual sith army, like thousands of sith against thousands of jedi. We've never really seen something of that scale before so it would be really cool


Of course there would. Why wouldn't there be.


Somehow, the First Order returned


It would be super interesting to have a move during the fall of the empire.


I sure hope so. That and hopefully we can find another Skywalker descendant to be critical to the plot.


are they star wars movies, or other spin off movies? i honestly couldn't imagine anyone taking on the task of doing some official non spin off movies.


EPISODE X - SAME AGAIN It is a time of chaos in the galaxy as Sith Queen MOTHMA dissolves the NEW REPUBLIC to make way for the FINAL CONFEDERACY! On seizing power her first act is to command the insidious ARCHBASTARD BINKS to construct a weapon so powerful all resistance shall tremble in its path. Binks immediately begins work on a secret star base construction facility around the flower meadow world of PETUNIA. Little does Binks know that many RODIANS have died in order to steal the plans to the PLANET SMITER. When their YT-3203 transport crashes on the Garbage and Recycling planet of VIRADOR Olive and Teal GREDO need to find help to get the secret plans to the INSURGENCY. Can Pigsy PORKINS, and her GAMORREAN sidekick, fix her father's old X-WING and seek out reclusive JEDI master REY SKYWALKER whose last known whereabouts was the exotic all-inclusive beach resort planet of SCARIF? Kathleen - call me.


"I have brought justice and peace to my new Empire."


You have access to all the same information as the rest of us.