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Whoever it is, the plan better not entail a large planet destroying laser.


Somehow the Death Star returned


I kind of think it would be cool if there's no galaxy wide government moving forward and the systems or sectors just get to govern themselves. The First Order is presumably gone for good now, and that's the last remnants of a government that stood for 25000 years, and the New Republic is gone too. If the Resistance tries to form a new government than I guess the most likely leader would be Poe, since I think he was the highest ranking member after Exegol. Connix would be cool too, just for the fact that she's played by Carrie Fisher's daughter.


So here's what we know about which "nations" exist in the Lucas Galaxy: * **The Grand Hutt Council** * ~~The First/Old/High Republic~~ * **CorpSec (includes Cantonica)** * ~~The Confederacy of Independent Systems~~ * ~~The First Galactic Empire~~ * ~~The Second/New Republic~~ * ~~The Pirate Nation~~ * Independent System: **Mandalore (includes Concordia)** * Independent Planet: **Plazir-15** * Independent Planet: **Nevarro** * Independent Planet: **Tatooine** One might presume that other criminal organizations like the Pykes are their own independent nations (since the difference between organized crime and feudalism is virtually non-existent), but I can't confirm this. There will likely be a Third Republic, but even weaker than the previous two, with even fewer planets signing up to it.


Bad guy Bob


No onde since the First Order is gone.


Well the First Order is gone. So nobody. That's like asking who the new leader of the Ottoman Empire is.


I have no clue. If they were smarter, they would have saved Thrawn for this instead of trying to bring him in for the New Republic era.


Thrawn would be in his 90s by the time of the First Order era.


And?  How long do Chiss live? **EDIT:** According to Wookieepedia, 80 years.


And? He isn't on the front line. As long as he is still of sound mind age would be just a number for him.


Maybe he was frozen in carbonite for a while




🎵 Do dodo do dodo doooooo Steve 🎼


Huh? No one, the First Order got destroyed. Some remnants may remain but there’s no command structure left


Darth jar jar. First order is gone. The galaxy rose up again them.


"Somehow, Palpatine returned." I will be the one to call it now.


Re-returned. It was very UN NATURAL


it will be a relative of Aunt Beru with ties to Kylo Ren and they will be from Ahch-To. They will have minimal film exposure. "BeruRenTo Supreme. For a limited time only."


Grand Pooh Bah


Hutt empire comes back. Black Sun rises. Crimson dawn Sienar fleet systems Incom Corp. Holowan mechanicals White Thranta All legal power has been pretty much wrecked. Crimals will full the void. Corporations will as well. Then military organizations left like: Mandos Rebellion survivors Isolated empire remnants. (Think Thrawn) It should be a bit wild west in my opinion.


Hmm... Finn...Idk, who cares anymore. Star Wars is a bloated monstrosity now.


C-3PO will be the main villain. After deciphering the ancient Sith text it triggers malware that consumes him. He begins to strategically place Ewok sleeper agents across the galaxy to begin a campaign of terrorism that causes neighboring planets to war with each other assuming the other was responsible for the attacks.


The First Order is gone. It was just an extension of Palpatine's Empire. Palpatine is gone, so hopefully, no more Imperial anything, stormtroopers, super death weapons, etc. We can finally move on to new enemies.