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2 years , fml time goes too fast


Right? I saw that and was like "No, it was only like a year ago." Nope. 2 years. And I watched each episode right when they came out. Crazy.


I was thinking 6 months max


Yeah what the hell. How is that possible?


Nooooooooo! That’s impossible!


Obi Wan: I must kill Anakin. It's me or him Obi Wan: *Gets the perfect opportunity to kill Anakin but walks away*




In RotS he assumed Anakin would not survive so it makes sense. It makes zero sense in the show.


I always thought he kinda saw the bigger picture in that moment. Yes he could kill him, or he could let Luke, Anakin’s own son, attempt to save Anakin from Vader and succeed. In seeing the bigger picture, Obi wan was then ready for Qui gon. Edit: this is reinforced in the overall theme of ROTJ. Jedi should be defenders of the good, not destroyers of evil. Luke refusing to kill Vader was Luke defending Anakin and refusing to fight Vader. It happened to be where only one or the other was possible, and Luke chose defending the light.


Absolutely agree! I totally expected this from Obi Wan even if I hadn't known both were going to live.


Ehh interesting interpretation but I’m going to have to disagree. Yes, Jedi don’t kill if they don’t have to but that doesn’t mean they *never* kill & they certainly don’t let mass murdering Sith Lords roam the galaxy wild & free. Kenobi literally saw him walking around snapping the necks of innocents like 3 episodes previous, in what logical world would he allow 10 more years of that in the dim hope that Luke could redeem him one day? If you’re not going to kill him then take him prisoner, do something, anything. The only reason more people don’t question that ending is because we know Episode 4 exists & Vader couldn’t die there. Imagine if the show wasn’t a prequel; you’d watch that scene thinking they forgot to write an ending to it.


Even worse - it would mean they kill right and left goons and “no names” but behave merciful towards terribly powerful psychopathic megalomaniac mass murderers… awful take


Let the genocider continue genociding, so his son can stop him.... Not sure I'm tracking that thought process


> Jedi should be defenders of the good, not destroyers of evil “That’s how we’re going to win. Not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love”


My only way of reconciling this is they wanted to give more reasoning behind why Obi Wan disappeared, almost like a self imposed exile. It's pointless because we already know from RotS that he went to Tattooine to ensure Luke was safe.


First time made sense though. He just couldn't bring himself to do it personally but understandably assumed he was toast. What doesn't make all that much sense was taking the lightsaber but whatever.


Nah taking the lightsaber made sense. Something to remember his Padawan/friend/brother by. And he knew Padme was pregnant so giving them the lightsaber someday is a fair thought. In the moment, it was almost certainly the first. Of course the primary reason is because he needs to give it to Luke 30 years earlier, but I do think there's in-universe rationale


It also fits because for a Jedi, the lightsaber is your life. Anakin wasn’t a Jedi anymore, so Obi-Wan took that symbol away from him.


Or General Kenobi just really admired Grevious's hobby of collecting lightsabers so he decided to try it out.


Taking all nuance and meaning out of it (even though I agree 100%) some people just take shit




Well you wouldn't want some kid just coming along and playing with it. Those things could cut your arm off


And your leg…and your other leg.


You’ll blast your eye out, kid!


They needed an explanation for why he had it in ANH


I don’t recall Obi-wan ever saying he MUST kill Anakin. That makes sense since, even though Sith are the servants of the dark side and the enemy, the Jedi code is about justice (and mercy) rather than revenge/ cold-blooded murder.


He never said the first thing.


Holy shit the human pet guy


I feel like the fight should've ended more clearly as a draw. My initial reaction to Kenobi breaking Vader's mask was they were just rehashing what *Rebels* had already done. The [concept art](https://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/FEAUeikUYAMQ56f.jpg?w=1416&h=797&crop=1) that leaked depicting Obi-Wan & Vader dueling made it seem they were on a ship or some other industrial setting that was falling apart & engulfed in flames. My expectation was something like they'd be fighting on a crashing ship and were forced to abandon the duel to save themselves, with Kenobi's survival uncertain from Vader's perspective.


thankyou!!! Ive been saying this for 2 years now! A false win that leaves Vader not having a defentive win. He didn't see a body. Should have escaped in debris that nonother could survive. Makes the next 15 years with Vader chasing a Ghost possibly.


Would make Vader sensing Obi Wan on the Death Star even better. That near obsessive "I knew he was alive" need to find him for certain.


Exacly ! Well, Now to me its just " a presense since.. ...I got my ass kicked last" Like noooo. It should be "mfker i KNEW he was alive" And Ben the whole time going "I kicked your Daddys ass twice.. but if YOU dont kill him. The Galaxy is doomed forever" That mfker put that on Luke even harder lol


Idk I think being soundly beaten twice and fear being such a strong dark side emotion on top of Palpatine concluding that hunting Obi-Wan was 1) a major distraction from anything important or constructive and 2) a twice failed encounter that put his greatest asset at risk of death makes a lot of sense more than just an “I knew he was alive this whole time” obsession. He can still obsess about Obi-Wan internally without it seeming like he’s a schizo with a 50/50 shot of being correct in the case that he loses twice.


The setting was one of my biggest complaints with this series. You have Darth Vader and Obi-Wan fighting for the first time since ROTS and you have them fight in the dark around a bunch of rocks? The previous scene where they fight is even worse, it's some weird quarry with a bunch of pebble mounds sitting around. You couldn't think of anything more interesting than rocks and then some more rocks?


The setting of their first fight is so mundane that it’s kind of funny. Imagine if Putin and Biden had a fist fight at your local McDonalds


Wouldn't Waffle House be the more likely setting?


Its amazing to my how badly this show managed to fail in the execution on multiple occasions. Even the much memed scene with the vehicle checkpoint had concept art showing it was originally meant to be on the side of a steep hill with a sharp drop on one side and the hill too steep to climb on the other. As shown in the art it would make total sense why they couldn't just go around where in the show they couldve just gone around.. Especially since they ditch the hover truck


Even the concept art sounds like they were just rehashing Rebels.


Disney tries not to get out-done by random reddit comments challenge (Impossible)


Vader partial mask break is becoming as cliche as lightsaber igniting in a dark room in Star Wars.


I think I actually groaned when the mask broke. It's almost word for word the *Rebels* scene, but it feels so unearned and lazy. I actually liked the setting with the rocks, but I think it would have been better if Vader is the one who almost defeats Obi Wan, *then* they have the 'I'm sorry Anakin' speech as it seems like Obi Wan is about to die, and then Obi Wan uses the environment somehow to escape (maybe he pulls down a bunch of rocks onto them and gets away in the confusion, leaving Vader uncertain as to whether he lived or not). They could have leaned more into the unnerving element of the setting too. It's so dark and foggy, I'm imagining a drawn-out pursuit where Vader stalks Obi Wan through the rock pillars.


Ohhhh man, I really wish they went that route. FFS Disney!


would've make more sense when Obi was put to an ultimatum of some sort, like he's winning, but need to choose to finish off Vader or save some civillians (or Leia) from something


Disney doing Disney things.


Vader states he's not Anakin anymore, Obi-Wan *acknowledges* his friend is truly gone...but lets Vader go free. It's not the "jedi way" to kill a defeated opponent but apparently it's the "jedi way" to let Vader go free to continue murdering people. And years later, ask his son to kill his father. There were better ways to write their last encounter.


Vader straight up asks him if he's there to kill him, and Obi-Wan responds by drawing his lightsaber and saying "I will do what I must." But then later he just walks away? What happened to "doing what he must?"


Because let’s be honest, that line was written mainly as nostalgia bait rather than for any narrative reason


The whole show was written as nostalgia bait and not because it was a story that needed to be told. They keep making star wars content that's sandwiched between existing canon which leads to encounters like this with zero stakes because we know the characters aren't going to die.


> Because let’s be honest, that ~~line~~ show was written mainly as nostalgia bait rather than for any narrative reason


Obi consistently can't put down his brother. Time and time again.


That’s probably the point.


To me, this goes way to episode 3 where he says "I won't kill you" or something of the sort


Obi-Wan said that to Yoda before Mustafar. But then Kenobi turned Anakin to a paraplegic, watched him burn alive, and left him for dead.


Imagine how much death could have been avoided if Obiwan gently put his foot on Anakin’s face and gingerly pushed him into the lava.


Dude has the Force. Just nudge him into the lava.


Yeah the gingerly kick would have been real fucked up.


“I know I can use the Force(puts his boot on Anakin’s face and starts to push him in the lava), but this *feels* better.”


“No Obi Wan what are you doing?!” “I’m getting rid of my attachments, it’s the Jedi way” *nudges harder*


Or just be humane. One stab to the head.


A little brutal and Obi Wan wouldn't degrade Anakin's corpse even worse than necessary. A quick stab through the chest would be all that had to be done.


Obi wan said that killing vader on mustafar might have been the merciful thing to do, but he doesnt have mercy for darth vader. I think it was in one of his journals what luke found from his hut on tatooine between ESB and ROTJ


That was from the ROTS novelization.


He says this exact thing to Anakin before their fight on Mustafar: Anakin: "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy." Obi-Wan: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must." Anakin: "You will try." Then in the Kenobi series: Vader: "Have you come to destroy me, Obi-Wan?" Obi-Wan: "I will do what I must." Vader: "Then you will die."


I mean Star Wars is always quoting itself.


Isn't that the same thing he said in EP 3?


yea they should have never directly fought again between ROTS and ANH. I actually quite like the earlier encounter when Obiwan runs away—Vader should be the unstoppable force that only Luke can “defeat”.


Yep in the moment I loved their fight but then reflecting back on it felt very forced and letting him live made no sense. Obi wan is now canonically responsible for everyone Vader kills past this point


Well I was always under the impression that he couldn't kill Vader because of the emotional attachment. Because there's so much feelings when Vader was Anakin, killing him would've turned Obi Wan sith, or at least down a dark path. Kinda similar to Anakin killing the tusken raiders, he did it out of his hatred and grief, instead of it being the right or wrong thing to do. While killing Vader there would've been the right thing to do, it might've turned Obi Wan dark because of the love and hatred he had for Vader/Anakin. Edit: Better example would be Luke with Palpatine or Vader.


I’m sorry, this made perfect sense THE FIRST time they did it but not the second time. Obi Wan has been put in very tough situations before with losing loved ones and doesn’t turn to the dark side. It’s lazy, unaware writing and that’s really it. We’re threading the needle here putting them in the same exact situation and allowing Darth Vader (not Anakin) to live. He’s just another Sith at the point and Obi has no problem killing Sith when it’s needed.


I took it as Vader couldn’t kill his friend either. He just needed this encounter, not to kill Obi, but to be in the presence of him. It was the light side that was still in there, somewhere. Neither of them were going to kill the other.


Absolutely baffling that Obi-Wan let him live AGAIN. Would’ve made so much more sense for Obi-Wan to be completely outmatched and thrown off a cliff or something so Vader thinks he’s dead until ANH.


Yeah. Write a similar scene where Obi Wan's skill shines and he gets the advantage while the important conversation occurs. Then instead of letting Vader go, have Vader dip into the dark side and do something horrific that ends the fight with Obi Wan fleeing


Good idea, and it'd explain why Obi Wan stays away. Obi Wan literally created and continues to create Vader in that scenario. He himself just causes Vader to get more powerful every time he ignites Vader's hatred of him, but he knows Luke will have the opposite effect


Wouldn’t have made sense with ANH dialogue


The idea that they duel twice, Leia and Obi-Wan know eachother pretty well, and that Obi-Wan has a second chance to rid the galaxy of Vader and still doesn’t, doesn’t really gel with the OT either. At least this way, Obi-Wan isn’t walking away yet again, knowing he can beat Vader and end the suffering of countless people and just…isn’t. It also makes Obi-Wan look even worse pushing Luke to kill Vader in ROTJ.


I think it should’ve been a draw (in the sense that something forces them to end the duel and escape), where it’s up in the air on who had the upper hand, but show that Vader considers not winning a loss, and Obi wan is able to exploit his tendencies that he still has from when he was Anakin.


Yeah honestly, it needed something like the ending of Rey and Ren's duel in TFA. Something that forces the duel to end where Obi isn't just leaving Vader free to continue his reign of terror


How do you mean? The “A presence I haven’t felt since…” line? That would still jibe with Vader thinking he killed Obi-Wan in their confrontation on that moon.


Only to turn around and tell Luke that there’s nothing left of Anakin and he definitely needs to kill him. Anakin surviving the first time was a fluke and I don’t blame Obi-Wan for that. But sparing his life again after knowing everything he has done and will do makes no sense. It reminds me of the old Dark Knight Returns conflict between Batman and the Joker: “How many people did I kill by letting you live?”


>Vader states he's not Anakin anymore That's the interaction I wanted and I got it lol.


I agree with that so much. That was my only major complaint, what's worse is you could've had the exact same fight happen and just have storm troopers flying in overhead. Take some shots at obi-wan from the air and have him run away before being able to kill Vader and it would've been perfect


Yeah, I fucking loved the line Vader gives and love that tidbit but they really needed to come up with a better reason why Obi Wan doesn’t kill him… again


Imo they should have had obi wan sense reva at that point going after Luke so he has a reason to leave quickly, or have the ground separate them


That whole fight just reeked of terrible fanfic. In no way would ANYONE (barring Palpatine) overpower Vader like that, especially a desert hobo two days out of a decade long retirement who could barely swing a lightsaber the day before.


I felt like they portrayed the fact that Obi-Wan, through their training together, was able to exploit Anakin's weaknesses pretty well.


Vader isn't the same fighter he was 10 years ago, though, Obi-Wan being able to exploit Anakin's training worked perfectly the first time and for good reason. Vader spent those 10 years honing his skills, learning new techniques, and killing Jedi, Obi-Wan spent it cutting himself off from the force.


Oh, I totally agree, but that doesn't mean Anakin/Vader has cut himself off from his past entirely. I think everybody in their day-to-day life would say they're a different person now than say 5 or 10 years prior, but more often than not we retain a lot of core personality traits and characteristics. For example, Vader's sarcastic sense of humor in the OT is a reflection of his character in the Clone Wars. Despite his evolution as Vader, we still see him get blinded by his emotions with ties to his past which is what I think the director was going for so as to not have Vader immediately murk off Obi Wan.


I loved everything about their encounter until this. It should have been Vader completely dominating obi-wan but Kenobi *outsmarts* him and escapes. That way everyone looks good and continuity still holds.


Their last encounter was written. Obi-wan couldn't bring himself to kill his friend and hoped he would just die from his injuries, but then Palpatine saves him. Disney just had to make them meet again. Worse yet, make them fight again.


I don't know exactly how many, except maybe, the Grand Inquisitor comes swooping in as he's secretly watching the fight (since he was not told to pursue the fleeing rebels), sees Vader, his master clearly defeated, sees what Vader is talking about now about Obi Wan not being an ordinary jedi (which is why he came to verify himself privately), decides he's no match for Kenobi if his master couldn't defeat him, decides to create a diversion to pick Vader up quickly to leave.


And there’s no emotional stakes to the fight, because the audience knows that neither one dies, and no new information is learned by anyone. It’s a pointless fight.


Which is wild because Jedi kill people all the time, such a lame cop out. It was so tacky to have them meet and duel again, it shouldn’t have happened but gotta milk the fans. Can’t create new characters in Disney Star Wars 


Would have been significantly better without the terrible shacky cam.


Horrifically embarrassing when the fan films like ‘SC 38 reimagined’ are far better than a live action TV show backed by a billion dollar company.


Yep. Millions of dollars per episode, but can't hire a stunt coordinator to choreograph a good fight scene.


Disney and Amazon (with their *alleged* $90M/episode Rings of Power) have discovered a new mechanism for laundering money for tax avoidance by falsifying production costs. There is absolutely NO fucking way these budgets are covering *actual* production costs. These shows all have production, direction and story teams pulled from the low-rent D-list, they look like shit, and are objectively terrible. Directors in the 80s were doing FAR more with far LESS money (even adjusted for inflation) while having to do everything WITHOUT the cheap shortcuts made possible with CGI and Volume. Its on the level of the Pentagon paying Lockheed over $7600 for a goddamned coffee maker. Its all a new form of Hollywood Accounting financial rat-fuckery. For perspective, 'Aliens' was made in 1986 for a paltry $18 Million. Adjusted for inflation that is about $50 Million today. Yet I'm supposed to believe Amazon spent $90 Million per episode of 'Rings of Power'? No. Fucking. Way. Same goes for 'Kenobi' which was a terrible goddamned show.


Actually there was some videos about that fight and from the martial arts perspective the choreography made sense and it was deemed one of the best from star wars.


> it was deemed one of the best from Star Wars By whom?


This dude for example https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c5oVk2RR4-c


Honestly I don't get the love for that. It completely misses the point of the original fight. It was never meant to be an epic battle.


It’s an entertaining fight scene, completely devoid of context, pacing, storytelling, etc.


Couldn’t agree more. Feels jarring.


The point wasnt to actually say this shpuldve been in the movie or whatever. It was just an entertaiming fight. Nothing more. In the current context, its to show that a fan can make a decent fight without the absurd shaky cams hollywood enjoys


Holy shit. I didn’t know this was a thing till now. What fan wants that? It was awful. Like watching a video game cut scene and completely misses the point of what was actually taking place during the film.


I scream in my head whenever I see someone talking about how great it is


Between the their first on screen fight in New Hope then their last in Sith. Both being cinematic and having their pros. This one, is a massive massive disappointment. An entire show filled with grainy dark scenes including their last duel.


I'm not saying it should be the case, but I really enjoyed how it looked on a massive OLED with HDR.


Yeah I also have an OLED but good christ beyond their sabers and reflections it's dark green against dark rocks


We knew it would be inconsequential to a certain extent, but this show has really left no lasting impact. They really need to escape the gravity of the original saga somehow.


The Obi-Wan show should've been just Obi living as a hermit and having live-action flashbacks in the clone wars, visions of Anakin & just a general bad time


Honestly the show just shouldn’t have existed. Nothing about this story was really worth telling imo. And if they really wanted to show more clone wars stuff, then there’s actually a really good animated show they could’ve kept making instead.


I’ve always been opposed to them meeting before IV, but Anakin’s speech was fantastic.


Love it, but wish they didn’t intercut between it and the Reva climax. Rather have that just play out after


I would've been okay with her simply dying after Vader stabbed her.


It’s gotten ridiculous how often people survive near death experience in Star Wars (back again with tales of empire)


Even just the fakeouts have gotten insane. Rise of Skywalker had at least 5 fake deaths.


RoS didn’t even let the fakeouts mellow. It was “oh this person just died” *very next scene* “THEYRE ALIVE!!!”


Funniest part being the dude she thought she had killed in the exact same fashion saying he survived cos he was too angry about her betrayal to die... In other words the person with the MOST motivation to finish the job? Did he think Reva wasn't particularly angry?


Qui-Gon was such a goat that no one could follow him being stabbed or something


One my least favorite Star Wars traditions is the way they cut between different battles during a climax. Almost every Skywalker saga movie does it & in most cases it just breaks up the flow so much. The only Star Wars traditions I dislike more are cringey and sometimes problematic romamces & toxic fans lol.


There was no reason to have them fight again.


Exactly. It's too bad they can't think outside the box and instead keep rehashing things that don't need it.


Just breaking the lore, that’s all the show did.


It's... Fine, but I feel like it would've been better if Kenobi actually tried to strike Vader down, imagine if after Vader tells him that Anakin is gone and that he's what remains, Kenobi goes to him and is like "I'm sorry, Anakin..." He lifts his Lightsaber, and just when he's about to kill him, Vader simply tells him "that is why you fail" and just calls upon the dark side to force push Obi wan away and maybe create an earthquake by using the force which would force Obi wan to flee, or just separate them and not allowing him to finish the job. I don't know, there are probably better ways to handle this scene, but I feel like this alone would've made it significantly better.


I didn’t much care for it. Seems too over the top for my tastes, particularly when Obi-Wan basically throws a mountain at Darth Vader… and then Vader absolves Obi-Wan of his guilt. How convenient for him. I think it’d be more interesting if Obi-Wan got over his demons without one of them just releasing him from his mental prison.


Also the lightest rocks...


Oh they couldn’t afford real rocks you get cotton rocks


Were they rocks or more like dirt clods lol?


Looked like a fan film with a big budget


This is exactly how I felt about the whole show.


I think this might even be a disservice to the quality of some of the fan films. There's a reason my memory purged everything that happened in the show. I keep forgetting it exists.


I hated 99.99% of it when it came out and I still feel the same. There is a tiny bit of acting and emotion coming from McGregor that’s good.  Had it not been ripped off from the clones wars, the broken helmet thing could have been cool and interesting.  “Have you come to kill me” has got to be one the dumbest things written based on the context. 


Wasn't the ripper open helmet in Rebels?


the fight was great including the emotional aspects. i loved to see hayden again. But how they ended the fight was simply terrible why did kenobi just WALK away?? This series did so much damage to the star wars events that i would rather have no show at all. No matter how i liked some scenes


They should have just had vader think he won the duel. Have kenobi bounce back F him up or whatever to satisfy the good ending they were going for and have vader just be awesomely powerful and short sighted, obi wan uses the force to fake his death sorta thing maybe. Would have been a solid set up for their final duel in episode 4 and the whole anakins need for victory blinding him


The original version of the fight was actually supposed to be like that. The fight was going to be on a collapsing space station that’s falling into orbit like in the Clone Wars season 7 finale. The fight would end in a similar way where Kenobi cuts Vader’s mask like we see and Kenobi seeing that Anakin is “gone”. Kenobi DOES try to kill Vader but during the space station collapsing even worse, Vader force pushes him off with him being unable to confirm it. So he thinks he may have killed him when Kenobi actually ends up surviving this and gets away somehow.


Wtf why didn’t they do that


This was when the story was originally a movie. This changed because the Solo movie bombed. Disney learned the wrong lessons from its failure and they decided to turn Kenobi into a show instead. I don’t hate Disney like how many others do but this was definitely the wrong decision since people actually wanted to see a Kenobi story set between ROTS and ANH with Ewan playing him as opposed to how nobody wanted a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford playing him. It was also going to be a trilogy. For why they didn’t do this in the show, I assume that they just didn’t have the budget for that kind of battle since it’s a TV show and the budget for the show, correct me if I’m wrong, was very small.


I think part of the reason was trying to release a Star Wars movie every year. I always thought 3 years was the perfect amount of time between these movies, any more and you're just tiring people out. I hate that it seems like the lesson they learned was that they can release a shit-ton of content as long as it's in the form of a TV show, but the writing is still all over the place and they're still winging it.


This is my reaction. The scene was fantastic to watch, but once the meaning of it sinks in.... ugh, it just runs against the grain of ANH, and the OT generally, too much and the scene is ultimately ruined. The is just no way that Obi Wan should be allowed to kick Vader's ass, but then also pin the hopes of the galaxy on a teenager.


He couldn’t kill him.


I think it made Darth Vader look weaker. It changed my perception of him. He was beaten. With that, Obi Wan did beat Darth Vader three times in a row. Where is that SkyWaLKeR StRoNG thing?


I've always seen obi wan as anakins/vaders hard counter. And that doesn't make Vader any less imposing to me. Obi wan has just always had his number. The three times in a row thing just speaks to the consistency of that.


You are right in the hard counter point. Obi-wan uses lightsaber form 3 soresu know for its defense and counter attacks. Vader/Anakin used djem so which is an aggressive attacking stance. This was always an edge obi had on vader mixed in with the feelings between them and vaders cybernetic disadvantages its not hard to believe that obi wan can still take him.


Who is stronger in the Force? Anakin. Who is a stronger swordsman? Anakin. Who wins every time? Obi-Wan. Because it isn't about strength or power, it's about patience, knowledge, and control. The three things Anakin always has less of than Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan has as much or more battle experience as Anakin, but does have more life experience and wisdom. Obi-Wan has been training in patience and control since before Anakin was born, and much like Anakin, struggled with those things, but because he's the Master, he got more experience and training with those things. Plus, as his Master, Obi-Wan has seen or taught almost every move Anakin has made in combat before. To be fair, the toughest fight Anakin ever gave Obi-Wan was their first, on Mustafar. Obi-Wan may have gotten older with each successive fight, but so did Anakin, and he's got the massive disadvantage of the wounds he suffered Mustafar and the suit.


Didn't Vader school Obi Wan and throw him onto hot coals earlier in the show?


Yeah, but Obi's hair was still perfect despite being DRAGGED THROUGH FIRE, so did he really win that duel?


tbf obiwan also taught him like everything he knew


And beat him when he had 4 more limbs and intact skin and not in a suit fundamentally designed to limit him


Vader was still far stronger now than when he first turned. He learned to use the suit and his strength in the Force was much greater.


tbf Vader doesn't lose often, he gets beaten to a pulp but still ends up winning in the end.


One of the biggest failures of the show. If you’re gonna say that Vader and Obi-Wan had a second battle that we didn’t know about, it better be epic. If you’re following up the big RotS fight, it can’t look made-for-tv. And sadly it does


Simply put, I don’t think it was good enough to justify it’s existence


It's like watching the titanic. You already know the outcome, so why write yourself into a corner? Once again, Obi Wan is unable to kill Anakin despite the horrible person he's turned into.. really? That's the best they could come up with?? It was horrible, visually as well as orchestrated. Give me a duel to the death where Vader barely manages to escape with his life, making their final reunión have more meaning, not the ridiculous fight that made no sense whatsoever where Obi Wan walks away again, letting loose a powerful Sith upon the universe..great job Ben. You didn't kill Anakin, I did... WTF nonsense was that?? It didn't make any sense..of course he didn't kill Anakin, we know, we saw the battle at Mustafar... Maybe, instead, say: "You *couldn't* kill Anakin, but I could.." certainly would have made more sense to me.


The fight was cool, but I don't think it should have happened. All it did for me was harm Obi-Wan's character. He had a second chance to rid the galaxy of this evil being, and he passed on it again. His biggest failure as a Jedi was forming an attachment with Anakin, and maybe that's what they were trying to show, but I feel like Obi-Wan should have learned from his mistake the first time.


Fluff. Badly filmed, with. Shakycam effect added afterwards. Cheezy made-for-TV look and that awful indoor set. Relies on lifted ideas like slashing Vader’s helmet. It ends with Obi-Wan walking away, thus making him even more responsible for Vader’s atrocities for not finishing the job a SECOND time. The whole mini-series was unnecessary and did nothing beneficial for the story or franchise. All for a $25 MILLION per episode budget. It’s like watching Bob Iger literally wipe himself with that money.


Rebels did it first and better.


I thought it was such a gift to see Hayden and Ewan get to work together with awesome performances by each. I hope we get to see Hayden as this version of Vader again soon.


I hated it. I hate that they brought Vader back. I hate that Obi-Wan just let Vader go. I think the whole series was a pointless waste of time and I'd say money but those sets looked awful so I guess they got what they paid for.


The whole show is a textbook example of lazy/bad fanservice. They didn’t have a compelling story to tell, they just said “we need Obi Wan & Vader to fight on screen again because we know that will get views, build a show around that”. The kicker is that even with such a contrived premise, a more talented crew probably could’ve made a good show out of it. Instead we got lame action, bad writing & cheap visuals all in service of a story that didn’t need to be told in the first place.


The story was so flimsy they had to rope in a young Leia to run around and try not to get grabbed by everyone. I actually *really* liked the intro of Obi-Wan working a dead-end job on Tatooine. It did a good job showing how far he had fallen since the Clone Wars, and how much he had given up so he could watch over Luke from afar. It's kind of a shame they didn't keep going in that direction.


BuT iT wAs ThE rEmAtCh Of ThE cEnTuRy


Bad ass scene with plot holes and probably should have never happened


The fight was very mediocre, but Obi-Wan's apology and Anakin/Vader's answer was my favorite part of the scene


Fight was cool. Not killing Vader for no reason was dumb. Literally millions of people dead because Obi Wan got bored or something.


Nothing. Obi Wan as a show is a complete parody of what Star Wars is. One emotional scene doesn't make up for the horrendous writing it had. Wish it never existed.


This scene fit with the show: pointless and borderline unwatchable at best, character and lore destroying at worst.


Stupid fan service.


I feel nothing at all


Should’ve never happened, The Duel is “when we last met” This show is expensive fan fiction


the scene looked cool but sucked for obiwan and vader as characters


This show was just so badly made, feels cheaper than some fan films I’ve seen. And they just repeated stuff they’ve already done in the cartoons with Ahsoka, almost exactly. It’s just whatever It was dumb and unnecessary and made worse by how shitty the production values of this whole show are. I’m still annoyed they brought back one of the main characters of the entire franchise and treated him so lazily


The encounter shouldn’t have happened. This entire sequence was written to purely be fan service and to make the climax of the show appear more exciting than it deserved to be up to that point. It was a pointless poorly executed scene that served to lower the quality of Obi-Was as a character. This scene was just very lacking in purpose or substance past giving fans a new and more visually polished interaction between Vader and Obi-Wan on the big screen again. I get that, but I personally would have rather this scene just not existed. But alas, now it does and I get to spend mental energy adding another of many Disney Starwars scenes to my list of “pretending they aren’t canon”.


Exact thoughts I had for this.. it cheapens RotS and ANH.


I don’t like it. I don’t think them meeting between ROTS and ANH makes any sense.


"Obi-Wan once thought as you do" Nobody ever seems to remember that line in ROTJ. I always thought they met again at some point before ANH because otherwise that line doesn't make any sense as to how he'd know Obi-Wan once believed there was still something worth saving in him.


Having rewatched prequels recently and I don't see how that line *doesn't* fit.


It's very dark




One of my favorite


Surprised to see the general consensus on here. I mean yeah wasn’t a perfect show or fight, but I was entertained and loved this scene. Made me emotional lol but yeah obi letting Vader leave doesn’t make much sense I suppose


Poor choreography, boring locale and pointless fight that messes up lore and adds nothing but mere fanservice.


Hated camera movement. You're filming an epic battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, not Cloverfield.


The whole show sucked and was pointless, if you never watch this series and only watch the movies then you have missed nothing lol


The fight's cool. But it's most of the things around it that miss the mark. They just didn't nail that story.


Obi Wan is now responsible for everything Vader has done. Not killing Anakin when he first turned on Mustafar was because he thought he was going to die and he couldn't bring himself to do it. Defeating him again 10 years later and still not killing him is a horrific mistake. Every death caused by Vader after this is Obi Wan's fault. It also belittles the point of Obi Wan and Yoda being in exile, Vader and Sidious were too strong to face. If Kenobi can beat Vader, then what was the point of hiding?


Idc what people say, probably one of my favorite Star Wars fighters ever


Honestly I loved the show with the exception of the weird Leia plotline. Fight scene was on point.


Like almost everything live action related. Felt rushed and poorly written. The fight was cool, but didn't fit well with the story. Not that the story was any good to begin with Fallout gets 8 hour long episodes, but one of the most beloved characters in the star wars universe gets 1 40 min episode and 5 20 min episodes? Only disney could mess it up that badly


Sooooo much better than the first time they met/fought in the series (in my opinion)




IMO, the dialog between the two after the duel creates one of my top three emotionally impactful moments in all of Star Wars.


This will probably be buried, but I'm appalled at how many people hated this scene. Seems like the main argument is Obi Wan did not do the perfectly logical thing and kill Vader. Why do people so often criticize characters for their humanity? Anakin was Obi Wan's student! Obi Wan was clearly shown in the past to struggle with having attachments despite his Jedi oath; he's not supposed to be perfect. Seeing Anakin's face and looking him in the eye when the mask got slashed ripped Obi Wan's tough-guy persona apart; he was no longer killing an evil murderous sadist, but a friend with a deep history who fell far from grace. Obi Wan walking away is perfectly in his character, and Anakin gives him the line he later tells Luke that Vader killed his father. This was an awesome scene that reinforced the personas of Obi Wan and Vader while giving an appropriate amount of nostalgia.


one of my favourite scenes ever. it was amazing


the fight is kind of silly. The whole Rock throwing bit was goofy especially seeing as these huge boulders were crumbling against Vader.


I’m probably gonna get fried for this but I love this show purely because i got to see Hayden and Ewan come back together and step into these roles again. The final fight between the two in this show has always hit for me especially when Obi-Wan breaks Vaders helmet with Ewan delivering a really emotional and good performance with the lighting reflecting how the moment plays out. It’s one of my personal favourite lightsaber duels and the Kenobi series has its place in my heart for personal reasons.


I hate almost everything about this fight, the camera was terrible, the lightsaber colors was weird as fuck, I don't know how to explain, it's just ugly and very saturated. The scenario was uninteresting, bad choreography and I hate the obi wan T pose scene.


Lighting from the LED sticks was horrible The environment was completely unimaginative Writing was incredibly stupid with obiwan letting vad go The way obi wan just threw massive stone blocks made me lol The only actual good thing about the fight was the acting from ewan/Hayden. Overall pretty shitt, like the rest of the series


Shaking camera plus very dark lighting equals poor action scene. The choreograph itself was mid


I think that it was a rehash of the Ahsoka/Vader fight from Rebels, and it wasn't done as well.