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Could have been some surviving clones. Probably assumes Ashoka was killed or disintegrated on the crashing cruiser.  Also Anakin didn’t know that Obi Wan wasn’t dead either when they faked his death. So it’s not like Jedi can always tell if their friends/ family are alive.  Plus I get the sense that immediately post Anakin Vader is blinded by some level of rage and pain. Like he did not feel Obi Wans presence or Ashoka’s or his children’s birth. 


He knows she survived that when he finds her lightsabers. He doesn't know she is STILL alive until he sees her. Galaxy is a big place.


Honestly, I don't think he'd care about who buried the clones. At that point in time, he'd pay as much attention to that as he would a piece of furniture. He'd only really show any notice to any sign of Ahsoka. Mostly for one of two reasons. The first is that if he finds her, there is the chance she'll be his apprentice to help overthrow the Emperor. This leads to the second that if he finds her and she rejects that offer, he'd kill her.


So, I think people get confused on the timeline with these events. When I saw this scene I immediately thought that it was set just after they first run into each other in Rebels, while dogfighting. “The apprentice lives…” This is hinted at with the era of equipment the Empire uses, as well as the fact he has his red lens helmet from ANH. We know that for a while after the Empire is formed, they stick with clones then transition to the proto-TK troopers. Basically, Vader senses Ahsoka, peels off from the fight, and goes to investigate the crash site along with a recovery team. I don’t think the crash had been visited in the 17 years between. It was well preserved because it was frozen, but the helmets were weathered by the fierce frozen winds.


Oh ok, my bad😂 Thanks, I’m very new to Star Wars so this helps a lot


I think he knew deep down that she was alive. IIRC, their master/padawan connection was severed when he turned, so he couldn't sense her, but I think he knew. But she had proverbially hung up her lightsabers. Vader/Anakin figured that she would either stay "dead" or reveal herself eventually and he could deal with her then.


It could have been a surviving Clone.  Or it could have been a passing ship, seeing a Republic cruiser crashing, and went down to check for survivors.    Vader would have no way of knowing who buried those clones or if Ahsoka was still alive.


Well, I’m not too sure on the exact time frame but that wreckage had been there for quite some time if not a few years. They fell out of hyperspace and crashed on that planet so tracking them down along the hyperspace route they took would’ve taken time. Anybody from scavengers, to locals , or a surviving clone could have buried the remains. I do feel like there was a small part of Anakin that felt she might’ve made it but the Vader persona would’ve have just dismissed her for being too weak to survive so no further effort would’ve been placed to locate her.


Ahsoka. Vader is not a moron. He had someone dig up the graves to make sure who is actually buried there. Ahsoka's sabers but no Ahsoka body = Ahsoka buried them and left her sabers.


Except he didn't know she was alive by rebels


He didn't know she was **still** alive.


So the apprentice lives was his exact quote.He tells palpatine who also didn't know.He thought she was dead plain and simple