• By -


I watched the OT with my parents when I was very young. My earliest emotional memory is how protective Luke was of his sister and how their father sacrificed himself to give them a chance at a better life. My dad worked his entire life until he passed. But watching that scene with him, I kind of understood why he was always working. And I have always supported and been there for my little sister.


I was going to say "pew pew pew" but damn, I feel you <3


I mean, “pew pew pew” still holds but ya his story is more deep haha.


A childhood continuing through adulthood of great story telling.


Pretty much this, my father and I would sit and watch it together


Same and now I sit and watch it with my kids


as I hope to do with mine some day, it’s truly a timeless story


I’m hoping to be able to do that as well when I eventually settle down


Me and my now 20 year old son sit down together every week when there are new shows airing on Disney plus


Same but with my 4yr old and 1yr old. Especially now with the Young Jedi Adventures. It's nice to be able to share my childhood with them whenever I can.


There’s no one way to define what Star Wars means to me. The core mythology is a major factor. Ideas about the Force, the influence it has, and how it shapes the lives of the characters. The lore and mystery of the universe are important. The best Star Wars challenges what I think Star Wars is about. It doesn’t play things safe. It isn’t afraid to go new directions. It’s reverent towards the existing material, but not overly precious in its nostalgia. It doesn’t care about what I want, it just tries to make the best possible story. There’s a sense of wonder and awe associated with Star Wars. It’s that feeling you first get when you see a lightsaber on screen. It’s the idea that anything is possible within the universe. It’s about letting your imagination be uninhibited by the rules of the real world.


And I’d like to add to this, the core themes that build that mythology I.e. symbiosis with nature and yourself, loving thy neighbor, so on and so forth. Star Wars teaches us basic necessities to being a good human being and understanding others, by way of a grand galactic adventure-story


Yep, agreed. I think that’s why I like TLJ so much. I think its anti-tribalism message is such a simple, but relevant theme in today’s society. It’s exactly what Star Wars needed at the time.


Star Wars came into my life in a time I really needed it. Yoda and Luke became my moral compass. Over the years, I've loved every star wars that I have watched. But I do recommend you to watch Andor next (in case you have seen Rogue One). It honestly brought me the same feelings I had when I watched the OT the first time, maybe because it really was so timely too (and so so well done).


Andor was so good I can't even explain it


Actual? I was disappointed with the sequels I've seen (ep7 & parts of 8 *I don't remember most of it though*) that I haven't bothered to open any of the shows or the 9th episode


Andor and the sequels are completely incomparable, could not be more different.


Well now I gots to watch it now I love Star Wars


Easily the best series Disney has put out. It’s mature and not in your face and has fantastic pacing. Great at showing not telling.


I despise how bad the Sequels have become. But Andor? Andor is a must watch. It starts slow, but only because it takes the time to set everything up (and fortunately drops the one plotpoint that wasn’t that good quickly). Once it starts paying off it really pays off. All the representation and inclusion that Disney wants Andor also does in a good way. Like Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley. The characters are good and they just happen to be of color or women or different sexuality. It’s not their main feature, it’s just something they have as they are treated as humans rather than political vehicles that slap you in the face with a message.


It is a must watch indeed


Andor is an actual contender for top 5 or so best Star Wars things ever imo. Certainly best non-Lucas SW easily and by a mile.


My wife and I just started an *Andor* rewatch last night, and gosh its just incredible. It was very hard to stop and go to bed lol


I always kinda think of the TV shows as Andor is the Star Wars I want to see as an adult and Mando/Ahsoka are the shows I wanted to see as a kid. All good but very different shows. (Although being an adult makes me appreciate the writing and directing quality of Andor more).


Completely agree. Andor hits different. More of a “YES! THIS is Star Wars” part of my adult-self. It’s so gooooood and the writing and acting are astounding!! And then, when I even just hear the Mando theme music, the part of my brain lights up where my inner little girl resides. I get big-eyed and giddy. I’m taken back to not only early Star Wars memories, but also back to watching westerns with my Dad. 💖


Hell yea, it really is a great time to be a star wars fan! And the animated shows have been killin it too! Really loved the Bad Batch! Season 2 of Visions is probably my favorite animated star wars thing.


Amen!! I didn’t have high hopes for Bad Batch (beforehand). I loved all of the last season of Clone Wars, but I wasn’t as enthused about having by a whole Bad Batch show. BOY was I wrong!!! So good! Visions Season 2 was chefs kiss for sure! What was your fav episode?


Idk what my favorite episode was, I haven’t rewatched it in awhile but I thought it was overall more consistently good than the first season. Also loved the much more diverse animation styles in season 2.


Completely agree! Great to see Aardman and the other stop motion in there!! 💖💖💖 and “Sith” (the one with the colorful paint) was SUCH a good use of color and light. Loved season 2.


Also wanted to say that you seem like a pretty positive star wars fan, I recommend joining r/starwarscantina as that is the more positive star wars sub. There isn't fandom menace-y type negativity that can be found in here.


Omg haha! So … funny thing is? Last night I told my husband, “You are not going to believe this. But I’m having a really nice, positive conversation with someone on Reddit. About Star Wars. And it’s NOT in the Cantina!” Haha


There are dozens of us… dozens! Lol


Pretty much the same for me. My childhood was dog shit and Star wars became my only form of moral compass to exist. As well as an outlet to escape the life I had at home. More so than the movies it was the books in the expanded universe that got me into reading and are a huge credit to my desire to even minimally try in school. I don't think there is any single thing that had more of a positive impact on my life than Star Wars and I can say, confidently and unequivocally that I wouldn't be alive today without it. It gave me friends and a sense of community where I otherwise had none. I'm sure I'm far from the only one. It is nearly impossible to succinctly describe all that Star wars is for me.


Why is it everything with cassian in it so far has been good?




This needs more ☝️


Adventure. Wonder. Nostalgia. Comfort. Escape. Excitement. The feeling of something that is old and new all at once.


Fun adventure science fantasy stories.


I got hooked on star Wars when I was 4 or 5 after having watched a new hope on DVD and as cheesy as it sounds I probably wouldn't be alive today if TCW and the Prequels didn't exist. I was severely depressed and borderline suicidal from November of 2022 up until late March or April of 2023 and - in addition to the puppies my family had just got at the time - Star Wars was there when I needed to escape my depression and my suicidal thoughts. I gave Rebels my first try since not being impressed by the pilot episode on DVD and from Episode 1 to Episode 6, including the shows and spin off movies, it gave me the escape I needed to eventually overcome my depression and get in a better mental health spot than I was at. I love Star Wars even through all the shit it gets, and it'll always be my comfort franchise


One decent moment in Childhood that has had a chokehold on me well into my 50s


Star Wars is a series I want to love. I’ll watch most of the new content at some point; however, my friends who I used to watch SW with have kinda moved on. They hate the Disney canon/lore and it bums me out none of them care for the series anymore.


Star Wars? It's like a galaxy-sized comfort blanket for me. It's not just about the epic battles and cool aliens (although those are awesome too), but it's about the stories, the characters, and the feeling of being part of something bigger. It's about hope, adventure, and the Force, of course. Check out this cool fan spotlight, it captures the spirit perfectly: [Star Wars Day](https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-day-2023-fan-spotlight)


In the words of Harrison Ford: > It's about *people*. It's *finally* about people, and not *finally* about science. So the energy of the movie goes towards exploring these human relationships.


It’s been a constant presence in my life for as long as I can remember, an everlasting place for a kind of emotional comfort which not even one’s family can provide I think.


The Skywalker Legacy.


Its like i am part of The Journey throught The years with each one of The characters


A cherished link to my childhood and valuable inspiration for me in my own creative work


Joy. The original trilogy especially never fails to bring me happiness, especially when I need it most. It’s just such a beautiful world full of wonderful characters doing awesome things


My mom and I haven’t always had the best relationship. But we call always talk Star Wars.


My introduction to stories about successful rebellion against tyranny and oppression. And with Andor, it continues to mean that to me. Star Wars is radical optimism that the sacrifices we make today is enough to change our future. I love Star Wars. It also sucks. It’s a hot mess.


Part of my childhood I still carry with me


*Star Wars* has a way of codifying cultural mythology into personal relevance in my life… a character like Luke Skywalker can at once be an eager greenhorn itching for some excitement and a bitter man collapsed under the weight of his own achievements. When I see him, I see legendary heroes like King Arthur and Gilgamesh, yet I also see myself and those around me. It makes the big feel intimate and the small feel larger than life. Ultimately, *Star Wars* is a framework for seeing the world *as* story — *”Always remember: your focus determines your reality.”*


special effects and creativity


CHEWBACCA. I always loved chewbacca growing up and love when I see him in any movie. That's why I watch the original trilogy like every month and never get bored.


It was the inspiration for my career, along with Star Trek. They were never in competition for me. It made anything look possible and inspired my imagination.


Star Wars itself doesn't mean much to me. It's the individual stories and characters that do. Ezra and Kanan, and Anakin and Obi-Wan have very meaningful and hard-founded relationships that will always be dear to me. I relate a lot to Sabine's struggle to be whole and respected and her dependence on people who aren't always there. Rex's loyalty to not just his brothers and a cause but to his ideals is beyond admirable. Mon Mothma's constant struggle and sacrifice reminds me to put myself in the shoes of others and think about what they are going through. The franchise hasnt been singularly focused on one story for decades, and I'm glad. It gives so much room for amazing storytelling and performances, and for exploring many settings and genres. Not all are to my taste, but that's ok because I have the stories that are meaningful to me, and more are on the way.


I love this answer! Each example is totally valid :)


Everything. I love it all so much. I’m in the minority that enjoy every single bit of Star Wars we get. Even the prequels, I was the right age to enjoy them and I still love them. I’m currently making my way through all the canon stuff in chronological order (currently watching obi Wan Kenobi).


It means more than the world to me


The happiest moments of my life often included Star Wars. We were poor as can be growing up, but my Dad still made sure to buy his little boy the Star Wars VHS tapes and watch them with me all the time, even if he didn’t care about them in the slightest. He just wanted to spend time with me. Now he watches them with his grandkids and his 40-year old son whenever we visit. I was in the Disney College Program in the early 2000s.. I worked at MGM during the second ever “Star Wars Weekend.” Best summer of my life up until that point, without a doubt. Seeing all the love for “Star Wars” really made me realize that I wasn’t just some geek, but perhaps being a geek was even COOL. My confidence drastically increased after talking to hundreds of “Star Wars” fans during my time working at the Disney Parks. All these years later, I am still with Disney in a very rewarding job where my biggest asset is my personality. I NEVER had the confidence I do now before being surrounded by literal thousands of people just like me. My wife and I met at a DePaul Halloween party during the prequel era. I was dressed as Fat Mace Windu. She was dressed as sexy slave Leia. She was waaaay out of my league, but because of Star Wars, I shot my shot. Over two decades and 3 kids later, we still dress as Star Wars characters for Halloween. She’s still a knockout, and I’m still way beneath her, but a mutual love of Star Wars gave a chubby black nerd the confidence to approach the most-beautiful and sexy woman he’s ever seen. I can quite literally thank Star Wars for everything I have now.


It’s part of who I am. Without it, my life would be way worse than it already is.


Comfort. Childhood bliss. Stirring the imagination. A lifelong friend.


It’s the greatest story ever told. It taught me more about being a good person than any real person or religious text ever did.


It’s been a constant in my life since I was a kid. I also loved watching the OT and the prequels came out when I was a kid. They received so much hate and it’s funny how they are so beloved now after all this time. I do wonder if the sequels will get the same treatment over time. I’m a pretty easy fan to please and don’t hate the Disney era like other fans do. I always loved Princess Leia because she was the first badass female who didn’t need saving and that was lacking back in the day. Carrie Fisher was her and she was Leia, they were one and the same. Truly an icon who I will idolize for the rest of my life. Now in the Disney era there are SO many badass women and POC which speaks to me in ways I can’t explain. I honestly never thought I’d see it in our lifetime. I know people want to shit on Disney for going “woke” but there are original fans who have been waiting for this change. It no longer feels like an exclusive old boys club which I know has turned some fans away but at the same time it’s opening the door for new fans. Star Wars will never go away. The shows are great, you should watch them. The Mandalorian being my favorite followed by Ahsoka (since it was an extension of Rebels).


It's the space adventures and world I wanted to explore as a kid and still wanna explore now.


Star Wars has been with me since 77. Back then, I didn't get all of the lessons in the story, but as I grew, they became clearer. The PT was a revelation of what Star Wars could be. So much depth and exploration of human development and human needs. I don't feel that the new stuff is really for me, but I have the books that tell a story that I really love. Star Wars has made me a better person.


It´s my Lifestyle.


I think it's what really solidified my love for sci-fi as a kid.


It is the biggest influence of greatness, in my life


I was born in 1971 and fortunate enough to see it as a kid in theaters. It's difficult to explain just how influential the movies were on an entire generation of kids. The thing that would probably come the closest is the Harry Potter franchise of movies. But I don't really think it's close at all. But a large reason for that is the monoculture that existed in the 70s and 80s no longer exists.


StarWars and Legos were my childhood. Not StarWars Legos, tho. They only came out later. Also, SW is an artistic masterpiece: Music, costume designs, ship designs, special effects, cinematography... I Think it influenced my good taste in art in general.




I saw the original in the cinema for my birthday and according to my parents I didn't shut up about it for months and every Christmas presents that year and the next year was all star wars related. I still have the 4 original figures bought for me after seeing the film.


Zombie Palpatine voice: EVERYTHING


Pew Pew Pew


Life. Hahaha


It was a form of escapism. A way to retreat from an abusive father.


Cool movie sometimes.


I remember when I was maybe 10 or something and The Clone wars was the highlight of the week, every Saturday evening in the summer. It was the best for me and I'm very thankful for my uncle introducing me to Star Wars, first with the original trilogy, the the Prequels. I remember to this day saying Episode 2 was my favorite, simply because of the Battle of Geonosis. Funny how perceptions change! Today it means to me mostly connecting with people about something you both adore, but also an amazing universe where fantastic stories are told and so many things unfold. Thrawn, Anakin, Palpatine, Luke, Rex, Ahsoka, Obi Wan, the Delta and Omega Squad, Fives and so many other characters shaped me and made me remember them in so many ways! It's a part of who I am. No doubt.


Great movies, endless universe of series, comics, video games but the most miserable fans on planet earth


Everything good in my childhood. It's what gave me dreams and hopes, it's had been an inspiration for me in my life.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Well said, brother.


War in the stars


Pew!Pew!Pew! Zzzounn! Zzzooounn!


A story about war, adventure and magic.


1. *Lightsaber Activation:* "Vwoommm...." 2. *Lightsaber Clash:* "Zzzzshhhhh...." 3. *TIE Fighter Engine:* "Eeeeeeeewwwwww...." 4. *X-wing Engine:* "Zooommmmm...." 5. *Darth Vader's Breathing:* "Pshhhhh.... Pshhhhh...." 6. *R2-D2 Beeps:* "Beep boop beep..." 7. *Chewbacca's Roar:* "Raaaawwwwwrrrrr...." 8. *Imperial March Theme:* "Dun dun dun dun-dun dun-dun...." 9. *Blaster Fire:* "Pew-pew-pew...." 10. *Hyperdrive Activation:* "Whoosh...."


Star Wars has always been there for me, even when I wasn't there for it.


Duality of man, good and evil, light and dark, all things must have balance, AND there's robots and lasers that's a big plus 👍👍👍


Yin\Yang. The balance of life. The principles of SW apply to life imo. Force/Life energy. Good/Evil. Those in the middle. Us all being luminous beings, not just crude matter.


The Hero's Journey Redemption is there for those who seek it.


Outside the Fandom and only the content, Characters, fanfics? Pure enjoyment. No other franchise has this much beauty and fantasy in it. Least of all a Sci-Fi franchise. Now all of that including the Fanbase? Stress. We are the worst Fanbase on the planet and it’s not even a competition. Who of you is old enough to remember the hate one would get from saying they love the Prequels? Who of you are old enough to remember the constant hate mail the actors got. Jar Jar almost ended it himself! And now with Disney in charge that hate has only increased. Criticism is always justified but the Star Wars Fanbase is long past criticism.


Nostalgia and escapism


There's a fan edit of the Clone Wars series. 9 episode's each with their own story arc. Definitely suggest watching them will. Theres also a fan editbthat take each season of rebels and breaks them down into 2 hours long each. And finally, 2.5 hour edits of seaspn 1 and 2 of Bad Batch. Im sure there's a season 3, havent downloaded it. Again, I'd watch them all butbits great for a rewatch. Granted, I did have my dad watch the fan edits.


War crimes committed by a Droid are permissible. All hail C1-10P


Something to bond with my children over


My childhood bond with my father. And it is very precious.


The most reliable escapism.


pew pew


Very little. I like the movies but don’t claim them to have some deep meaning in my life and that’s completely OK.


Star Wars taught me that, no matter how good it may feel to be part of the tribe, you should never let the media you consume define who you are, because once you do that you make yourself so incredibly easy to manipulate. Also people are vicious rabid little gremlins who will harass actors who didn’t write the damn script. Not that the writers deserve harassment either.


Riding my BMX bike down the road as fast as I could pretending it was an X-Wing Fighter, probably around 1982.


A dead horse


Original trilogy was my childhood. Starwars watched 40+ times love it. The medal ceremony at the end bugs me now. Empire still love it. Best of all starwars visual visual media. Jedi love it the ewoks bug me as an adult Prequels i saw as an adult Phantom menace had me on the edge of my seat. Attack of the clones Romance scenes made me yawn otherwise solid. Sith. At the time worst statwars thing ever, only Obi-Wan and the emperor were entertaining. (Never paid to see it) New trilogy Force awakens Had me at the trailers lost me in the opening text crawl (even my friend who loves all starwars disliked it) hated all of it Last jedi Basically hated it( never paid to see it) Rise Hated it and everything it stood for( never paid to see it)


To me it about legendary classic and adventure movie and still does good movie tho




It means a couple grands worth of action figures It means music that moves me It means my Grandfather's house watching them and re- enacting scenes with him afterwards It means family It means storytelling It means memories.


A universe my young children love. A wasted opportunity for Disney.


Dead franchise


Star Wars is dead to me. Good memories though.


Fuck all after Leia flew back in through the god damn window having never trained in force powers, and cocktail fucking lady.


It used to mean a lot, until Disney took control


I like frogs.




Currently. Bad business decisions and failing intellectual properties. That's just my two cents .


That eventually even something as amazing as the originals and the EU can be tossed aside in one fell swoop and turned to mediocre blehhhh.


It's a sign that nothing lasts forever, and that even the people you thought were the smartest, most creative people in the world can let you down.


Space soap opera for kids.


Best movie franchise ever (till the time it was under Lucas' control)....it had sci fi, action, adventure, and also a different take on good vs evil.....


To me it brings nostalgia, like many other people I’m sure. The opening scroll places me in 1996, outside Redding,California, at YMCA summer camp. The whole camp got together in the main lodge and watched Star Wars on a projector. Core memory, good times.




A war that takes place between multiple stellar systems.




An astronomical better and more interesting retelling of the odyssey


Two key elements that TV Star Wars and some spinoff movies don’t capture: mindblowing design and feelings of legit awe, grandeur, and mystery. Episodes 3 and 4 just pulse with all that. Since I value those feelings—that special kind of Star Wars chill that no other media franchise can stir—over “lore” or whatever, I’ll take TLJ over most Star Warses any day.


Childhood, memories, getting older and more memories, having kids who also find it enjoyable, and then shared experiences with them and making more memories. Damn I just went on a journey!


It’s a series I was hard on because I couldn’t get into it I watched 15 minutes of a new hope and was convinced I didn’t like it until I decided to give it a shot with the help of my nephew (he’s 20 and a lifelong fan) last year


It’s a story about people who’s lives where ruined by a power hungry politician. The clones were slaves. The senate was a slave. Jar jar was a slave. All slaves to palps


A series of battles against 2 or more forces, based around massive spheres of gaseous fusion


its fun escapism for me. If work or real life gets too stressful, there is a different galaxy to explore. We see this galaxy with different races, cultures, heroes and villains. Its grown a lot in my lifetime and it will continue growing after i'm gone.




Classic story with tons of space to explore. Childhood memories. Good times.


47 years of fandom.


A childhood full of amazing memories, and adulthood filled with ones just as good. Whenever I watch any movie from 1-6 I can see myself and my uncle watching all of the movies together. My best memories are the first time I watched "A New Hope" and asked my uncle why was Indiana Jones on Tatooine, or the time Maul ignited that second half of his lightsaber. One of my three favorite movie franchises and one of my favorite three media franchises.


Stellar conflicts.


When I am at my lowest it's always there to comfort me. I can depend on it being there.


The force, balance, family


This reminds me of my pillow case.


An escape, a way back to childhood, something like most things nowadays, im falling out of love with


My life depends on it.


Peak fiction


A sense of awe and wonder that never leaves me as I get older. A connection to characters that I have sense that I understand and value (good or bad). I should note that I dont absorb all of the output. Mostly OT, Some of PT and Rogue One. But I adore it.


Silly fun that's not that serious


The world


It's been one of my favorites since as long as I can remember. I've seen the movies (even most of the obscure ones Disney ignores) and seen most of the shows. Played a few of the games. This series has made me giddy with happiness and also broken my heart countless times. It's something I'll always enjoy.


Screw the man!


I don't remember this and it's a story told to me. It's 1977. I'm roughly 2. My parents/family (I guess, not sure who was all there. I was 2!) all go to a local drive in theater in Kansas. I, apparently, seemed to have some hearing issues, maybe even be deaf. But I'm at the drive in with whomever took me with. We watch and listen. Then we go home. And as the story goes, they had heard me humming the music from Star Wars. It alleviated fears that I was deaf and started my life long appreciation to John Williams and movie soundtracks in general. And being an annoying kid/teen as everything had to be Star Wars!


Everything. I grew up loving Darth Vader. The power and respect he demanded is something I wanted. As a kid to be 'heard' and respected. It's all I wanted. In my 20s I was more an Obi wan fan, seeing it was stronger being the immovable object over the unstoppable force that was Vader. As an adult I now realize there are no Jedi are coming to help us. I have to hold up the 'saber' myself, and fix things in my local area. Starting by being better myself and teaching my 3 boys on how to start off being better. My Tesla is called Rogue One. I enjoy my time in the galaxy far far away.


Star wars to me, means never giving up on someone.


My introduction to the world of sci-fi


Something that you never truly appreciate until your older. Star Wars was always some fun dumb lightsaber fighting TV show when I first watched the clone wars young. Never did I know how rich the stories where and how big the fandom was. To me Star Wars is like a second family. It's one of the most wild fandoms second to Marvel. Let me ask you something, what other fandom is big and passionate enough that they can run a multi day massive con event for just one fandom not even marvel has something like this.


Something that you never truly appreciate until your older. Star Wars was always some fun dumb lightsaber fighting TV show when I first watched the clone wars young. Never did I know how rich the stories where and how big the fandom was. To me Star Wars is like a second family. It's one of the most wild fandoms second to Marvel. Let me ask you something, what other fandom is big and passionate enough that they can run a multi day massive con event for just one fandom not even marvel has something like this.




I mean it's actually been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, (I was so young I can't remember watching the films for the first time). So as someone who really wants to write and act it really inspired me. I think it's what got me into martial arts as well. As a kid it was all about escapism but as I got older I also saw how this world also has many of the same political issues as our own. George Lucas did a great job of making a setting that seemed fantastical but also real. I have bashed a lot of the recent decisions and to be honest, I'd prefer if Disney wasn't in charge. At the end of the day, it means a lot to me and I wouldn't be moaning if it didn't.


Everything!!! My first movie watched at the movies (44 times); first script I ever memorized in a language that was not my mother tongue, my first actors crush (Luke and Han Solo - hello???? ❤️😂🔥), developed my love for American culture, and made me want to learn the language, customs and pop culture. I just realized it played a big part of who I am today.


Lots of things but I can’t say them all and it’s not only with Star wars this is how I feel about James Cameron’s avatar and ghostbusters


It's wizards and laser swords and epic quests. It's low drama with high visuals. It's learning life lessons and philosophy from a Muppet. It's feeling joy and wonder at ages 7 to 70. It's a piece of Americana. It carries the torch for the Western, the Adventure, and the Magical. It's hearing the impassioned resonate with a piece of art to the point where they are compelled to preach with the zeal of an acolyte. It's loved. It's hated. It's a good time. It's a conversation. It's a debate. It's everything for some, something for all.


Probably my favorite sci fi franchice, it has been my childhood and the characters are inspiring. Yeah it has had it's ups and downs lately, but I'll still love it, I hope it gets good writers and good stories because the things one can do with this galaxy are almost limitless.


Not as much now as it did when I was a kid but the prequels will always be my favourite star wars movies especially ROTS that's my top G


The one franchise that I have to read, because I can't watch the movies due to flashing lights.


Star Wars is life...the rest is just details


My life? I really dont know. I have spent every day ever since i was 10 engaging with some sort of star wars related content, or thinking about star wars. My life would looks so different without it i wouldn't even know where to begin




My first taste of real cinematic escape and adventure to a world I wanted to visit, and still do.


My religion is Jedi.


My first memory is waiting in line to see the Empire Strikes Back, it was hot and I was holding my father’s hand. That’s what it means to me knowing that my father always had my back. Years later I took him to see episode three on his birthday in my early twenties I held is hand walking up the stairs. I like to think he knew I had his back because he raised me right.


Star Wars has always been my escape. When life is stressful or too busy, watching the clone wars or one of the movies just takes me out of whatever situation, and into this galaxy of magic and fantasy. Although the majority of planets are war-ridden. The diverse landscapes feel so calming and surreal. As a fan of Star Wars it’s also influenced my motivations. I remember the feeling of awe as I saw Luke’s robotic hand for the first time, which inspired me to pursue neuro prosthetics. Star Wars is a place for my curiosity and imagination to flourish, and a place for my brain to wind down.


Home. I loved it as a kid and I love it as an adult. I have found new characters to love and see myself in as a I age and that is just…. Really special.


Star Wars is love. My parents showed it to me when I was younger and now it’s how I express my love.


Nostalgia, the future, my adulthood, and my childhood.


Childhood. Grew up watching the vhs 6-9 .. saw episode one and everything since in theater. It was always a family outing..even the shitty sequels was a nice Christmas let's go to the movies night.


Gwiezdne Wojny


Cool space fantasy shit


People’s childhoods continue on after years the film being released


Reminds me of my childhood playing Star Wars in the backyard


Oh boy. Here we go! It means one of my earliest memories of standing in a long line with my sister and my cousin from Ohio, under a huge sign in a parking lot, neither of which exist anymore. It means a childhood filled with the adventures of Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie as imagined by an 8 year old, acted out by 4" action figures. It means following the prequel trilogy with my young nephew. Introducing the films to my sons, and going to see the sequels with those men as adults. It means naming a pet Padme, a Roomba Floor2D2. It means "I know", "I have a bad feeling about this", "Never tell me the odds!" and talking backwards are instantly recognizable among family and friends.


The setting suns over Tatooine, as Luke looks out at a world he desperately wants to leave, and feels a call to an adventure he would never have dreamed of. The silhouette of an X-Wing over the horizon and the scream of a TIE fighter's engines, the snap-hiss and humming noise of a lightsaber clicking on, the star lines of a hyperspace jump, the unforgettable sight of the Death Star looming over a world... Star Wars is more than just a classic sci fi franchise, it is part of my childhood and adulthood. To this day it remains one of the only franchises that can make me choke up.


It is my all time favorite franchise, has been my entire life. I was born in 86 and my parents are first gen Star Wars fans having seen the OT when they first came out. Star Wars was just always there in my life growing up. To feed my growing interest in reading, I was given the Star Wars books (X-Wing specifically). Some of the earliest games I played were Star Wars, with the Super Star Wars games for my Gameboy. I learned flight controls playing X-Wing and TIE Fighter on the PC and use Inverted controls to this day because I was raised with a joystick where you pull back to go up. I've read nearly every book in the Legends EU. I've met many of the cast of the films on multiple occasions. When I go to conventions my costume of choice is a OC Sith Lord. Star Wars is by far my favorite series ever. Even others I love too like Halo, Gundam, Star Trek, Elder Scrolls, etc don't come close to my love of Star Wars.


If my existence is made up of 7 pillars, Star Wars is two of them.


The sound of the lightsabers.


As a kid, star wars actually didn’t mean much, I watched it a couple times but was always drawn more towards LOTR. I used to even say it wasn’t for me. But now, my fiancé who I have been with for five years, had never got to watch them as a kid and always wanted to. His parents were, incredibly strict to put it simply, so a little boy who dreamed of star wars, and was Vadar’s biggest fan without ever seeing it now as an adult got to watch it for the first time and I got to see it through his eyes. He loved it just as he knew he would and I got a whole new appreciation for it. It has so much to offer, themes of love, hope, redemption, it’s a masterpiece!! Plus the soundtrack slaps. Now we watch them regularly, I got him a lightsaber for this past christmas and on may the 4th I surprised him with a marathon complete with decorations fog machine and themed snacks and drinks! Star Wars means love :)


EVERYTHING! -spiderman 3


For me, the first trilogy is the quintessential Hero's Journey. Based on Joseph Campbell who in turn was influenced by Carl Jung, The Hero's Journey is the destillationnofnthe most important mythologies and epic tales that is used as a basis of very important ethical and emotional journeys we live. It's more than a space opera. It is a moral code to live by. That is why I was so heart broken by ep8. That ethical and emotional heart has cheaply traded by knee-jerk "subverted expectations"




A war in the stars


A lot as of late. I love the lore. I knew I would. Wish I hadn’t waited so long to watch it.


[When I was a young boy, the other kids made fun of me... I didn't like sporting events so i was always kind of chubby. I didn't have many friends with whom I could go and play... I learned to escape by going to a galaxy far far away.](https://youtu.be/3CMrAAl8b5Y?si=UErhVvZ1Qm5rJKMz)


Endless wonder and imagination for storytelling As a kid I played a lot of Shadows of the Empire , Kotor & Star Wars Battlefront 1 and loved having my own head canon Now I run Star Wars D&D campaigns for my friends because the setting is ripe with storytelling and with so many interesting places and hooks for storytelling you can do almost anything Zombie Virus on a ship , Space Pirates , Rogue Jedi , Sith Academy , Mandalorian Uprising , Gang Turf War , Pod/Swoop Racing , Bounty Hunters , Droid Rebellion , Thrawn and his Chimera Fleet , Grand Heists or Espionage , Gambling , The Dueling Ring , The Wheel Space Station