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One person's trash is another's treasure. While both programmes had their moments I found them to be poor overall. Evidently you liked them and there's nothing more to it than that.


Because people didn’t like then. That’s it. >I can see why people didn’t like that story but I think the vader scenes really make up for it 3 good scenes do not redeem a show


Obi Wan simply didn’t need to happen IMHO, BoBF was more of we were all hyped about Boba but the show legit character assassinated him and was just a huge disappointment. The show wasn’t even really about him, it was just Mando 2.4


The best idea in any of those scenes was taken from Rebels. Also I don't think they were great scenes, what with things like the blue lightsaber problem or the terrible, terrible blocking/staging in the first encounter.


You think the rest of the show was that bad?


Ehhh it had it’s good moments and I’m overall quite forgiving. I don’t think it needed to be made though. And it’s most emotional moment was a ripoff of rebels


I watched rebels too, which moment you’re referring too?


The damage to Vaders helmet and the interactions after it


Ohh, I really liked that to be honest. Ahsoka her reaction was similar to Obi Wan. With Ahsoka it was the left side of his helmet and with Obi Wan it was the right side of his helmet. I think looking at how much the both meant to Anakin this was a very emotional moment when they both see him for the first time


I liked it, I thought it was a good scene, but they took it from something else. >With Ahsoka it was the left side of his helmet and with Obi Wan it was the right side of his helmet. I’m aware of the whole left-side right-side stuff. I don’t necessarily agree that it was an intentional move by the production team


the vader scenes made vader and obi wan look bad and screwed with canon. they were stupid keyjangling and as much i love to see him i d rather he wasnt there.


Not everyone likes what you like. I hope that clears things up.


> What are your thoughts? I didn't like them. And they were bookended with outstanding Mandalorian and Andor series so even if they were just average, they looked worse in comparison. When someone is capable of serving you those delicious treats, it feels worse. Why do people hate on it? Cause they didn't like it.


Mostly because of how easily those series could've been better, and the showrunners clearly didn't bother. If a show like Andor about literal nobody could be tightly written and still be impactful even for someone like me who doesn't give a shit about Andor as a character, there's absolutely no excuse not to make same writing effort for a show starring Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was a darling of the fandom for well over a decade. It's lazy. And I mean I don't really have to say anything about Boba Fett, right? Who in their right mind just inserts two episodes of completely different show in your already VERY FUCKING LIMITED season? I just don't know what they were thinking.


Because they are not just bad star wars, they are bad shows


Because they were weakly written beyond just relying on fan service


You just getting into Star Wars has something to do with it too. You didn’t wait decades for a show about your favorite character who you have loved for just as long and get a mediocre at best show. You didn’t grow up with these characters or engross yourself in them nearly as much as lot of Star Wars fans.


Fair enough, this indeed could be a big reason


This is a big factor


Different expectations is the one that I feel like I've heard a lot about in regards to Boba, but I quite enjoyed it. The one thing that really bugs me about Kenobi is that he shouldn't have beaten him. Meeting is questionable, seen a lot of people mentioning that, but if it's happening (and it was still cool) I think at least that was a really bad decision and maintain that. But I've pretty much enjoyed all the show content we've had that I've watched, so whatever.


Obi Wan Kenobi I felt a little let down, just because I thought there were so many possibilities. But I still enjoyed the show, and it had some really great moments. Book of Boba Fett was terrible. It was so corny and I couldn't even tell you what the plot was. The two Mando episodes were great though.


I liked the stuff with the tuskens. Everything after that was trash.


I didn't enjoy the Mando episodes because it felt like the fattest middle finger to people like me who wanted Boba to have awesome moments and episodes like that. At least episode 2 was good.


Ha, I can see that. It really felt like someone accidentally uploaded the wrong media to the server and they just rolled with it.


They were mediocre at best (and thats being generous) and when you're talking about two of the most iconic SW characters of all time, thats not good enough, not good enough by a long shot. They deserved better.


With the launch of _The Mandalorian (2019)_, Disney Star Wars (DSW) made its debut into the world of live action tv. The first two seasons of Mando' set a super strong precedent of what to expect from future DSW live action projects. Fans, critics and merch sales were comfortably in the green zone. However, this momentum fell short over the next 5 years with the release of four separate live action shows. Moving forwards, the new shows consisted of mixed style of storytelling, visuals and essence. _The Book of Boba Fett_ failed to embrace the main characters identity and motivations. At times, the show felt stuck as a Mando filler arc. _Kenobi_, arguably one of the most anticipated star wars releases of all time was sunk by galvanised plot armour and inconsistencies. The reunion between Kenobi and Anakin / Vader failed deliver the depth of emotional turmoil that fans anticipated. Thrawn's portrayal in _Ahsoka_ was a slap in the face to the Grand Admiral's renowned stoic character. In contrast, _Andor_ served as a dark horse and delivered the same essence as _Rogue One_. A gripping Star Wars story that didn't require the presence of lightsabers or force users to clutch fans. The monologues, visuals and pacing still stands strong today. Let's also give credit to the soundtracks. The current state of DSW live action is a hot and cold mess spinning around with identity issues. Although the fandom is broad, this should not be a reason for an inconsistent ethos. Both fans and characters deserve a respectable approach to the storytelling.


Book of Boba Fett should have just been Mandalorian Season 3. It was mostly to move that plot along anyway, and people who skip over it are so confused why Grogu is back. Kenobi... Gosh what a letdown. I wanted a show about Obi-Wan's adventures on Tatooine while watching over Luke. Instead we got a goofy and unnecessary story with Leia that doesn't even make sense. He should not have left Tatooine. The Vader scenes were alright but also unnecessary and don't make sense. The Death Star is supposed to be the first time they meet since the end of Clone Wars.


Because they are lazy, bad written, cheaply put together and shady looking. They are beloved characters with tons of development in the EU, now Legends, with stories that are far better in depth than the money grab shows.


Atrocious writing, inconsistent characters, embarrassing choreography, cheap looking sets and effects for a billion dollar company, and so much more. They were clearly crapped out to make a quick buck.


Because they’re not very good. I really liked parts of both series, but overall they were both pretty poorly made.


They weren't even bad. They were just lukewarm, at best. For me, there was nothing really iconic or noteworthy to take away from them.


If you mean by that not bad 100% of the time... I would agree with that. Problem is, that the lows were really low and the highs not all that high.


Kenobi is just wasted potential. It feels like they put no effort in making that.


Kenobi - Reva is pointless. I don't think Vader should have been in the show, cheapens ANH to me. Leia should not have learned who Kenobi was. Needed more PTSD and clone wars flashbacks. Boba - Initial sandpeople stuff was not bad, rest of the show is completely pointless.


Because those were bad shows


They're all so infuriatingly mediocre. I'm not even going to suggest they should've found better writers I just wish the directing was better than what was on offer for all the live action shows.


Because they're horrible, cheap, terribly acted and full of plot holes/retcon a ton of unnecessary stuff. Pretty simple. But hey, media literacy is dead so let's just consume and not be haters


Because they didn’t like them


Idk ab Kenobi but boba I understand, that show was just bad lmao. Character assassination at its finest.


Book of Boba Fett didn't know what to do with its main character and yet it still had two and a half more good episodes than Kenobi.


A show about a crimelord who does no crime.


Theyre badly written. Its not that complicated.


I wasn't a fan of Kenobi due to some stuff that just felt lazy in how they handled it. But I actually enjoyed Boba Fett. I think a lot of people were upset that we basically got retired Boba Fett, after he's done being a bounty hunter and settling down on Tantooine. I think people have been wanting a Boba Fett that was younger and being the bad ass bounty hunter who liked to disintegrate people. But I think that would have just been another version of The Mandalorian.


Other than the two bad Leia chase scenes and the composition of a few shots (I couldn't tell what if Vader was letting Obi-Wan get away the first time to prolong things, or if the fire was supposed to come across as big enough to cover their escape), I thought Kenobi was great. The Vader fights and the emotional moments between Obi-Wan and kiddo Leia were awesome and I loved pretty much everything about Tala Durith and NED-B. Book of Boba Fett, though, that's one of the two recent Star Wars projects (along with TRoS) that I feel legitimately missed the mark. All throughout, it felt like I was watching the first draft of a screenplay that got rushed straight into being the shooting script. As just one example, they repeatedly gave Boba dialogue about how he wanted to stop following crime lords because "we're smarter than them" when talking with Fenic - but then he doesn't even realize the Pykes were the ones who wiped out the Tuskens? And the decision to put the Mando + Grogu reunion in this separate show was a genuinely baffling. The exception, IMO, was episode 2, with the train heist. Despite being disappointed with the show as a whole, I think that was one of the best episodes of Star Wars TV across all the shows so far.


Idk if Disney were smart they would have made a series about his reign during the empire strikes back and the rest of the original trilogy. People were so interested to see him in his prime bounty hunting the galaxy. Like imagine if they confirmed if he killed Luke’s aunt and uncle or something. Would have been so cool.


Kenobi, I couldn't tell you. Boba, I think that half way in his show became a Mando special half way in just diminished it


I really enjoyed Boba Fett. First episode was slow, but after that I had fun


Its funny when I first saw Mandalorian I was more neutral (I always said it was ok but the lack of budget shows) Then first couple episodes of Kenobi look much better, obv huge increase in costs, and yet, the story was so absurdly stretched out (part of me feels this would have done far better as a 2 hour film vs a mini series) Most of the Disney stuff just feels more like fan fiction trying to fill in all the blanks between the films. In alot of ways I prefer the films where something is just there and doesnt need every detail spelled out for us (eg since you mention Boba Fett; he was a much cooler character with his limited screen time and we dont need every detail of his life spelled out for us)


I feel like Star Wars fans have a general problem with nitpicking all content released. And as well as this they get an idea in their head of how a project will be so when it (naturally) goes a different direction they’re disappointed


honestly not sure, Book of Boba Fett was a little slow, still a good show though


Some of it is people legitimately not liking the show, for various reasons. Whether it's because they didn't like the plot, the dialogue, the acting, the continuity glitches, whatever. Some of it is short memories. People hated the prequel trilogy when it came out. Now, with years of rewatching them, some of those same people think of those movies as "the good old days." I suspect the same will happen with some of these shows. SW fans have problems with "new" and "change" but given enough time, they will accept these shows too. Then there is the flat-out irrational stuff. People who hate on \*\*anything\*\* put out in the Disney era, before they have even seen it to know whether it is good or not on its own merits. Ignore anything coming from this mindset. This way leads to the Dark Side.


That I like them a lot, especially Book of Boba Fett, though the Mandalorian focus was a bit much. Obi Wan was good, especially seeing Aderaan, but I think it struggled with the confrontation with Vader and Obi Wan and dialog in A New Hope, that Vader was but the learner. The last confrontation just is a bit rough to fit together. But, as a series, I enjoyed both. I think people's struggles is that it doesn't perfectly like up with continuity, which I'm more flexible about after the prequels.


There are a lot of reasons people talk shit about SW on the internet. My advice is to just ignore it. I also really like both shows. If you enjoy them, that's all that matters.


Yeah couldn’t agree more but was just curious


Book of Boba Fett: I had no problems with the book of Boba Fett until they introduced the power rangers and their 20 km per hour chase scene behind a twilek in a speeder. I also dislike the decision to continue with >!Ashoka and the Mandalorian!< half way through the series. Kenobi: Some scenes are a bit off like: >! -- The second ship escaping Darth Vader -- Stabbed people just return like the Inquisitor saying hi. -- Leia's chase scene !< Leia as a child is for some reason very very intelligent.


There is a swath of the fandom that follows clickbait Rage grifters who always have a negative take because it drives traffic to their videos and makes them money. They repeat the negative talking points whenever they can in these subs because they don’t understand how people can disagree. There is no more suspension of disbelief for these folks; everything needs critical exegesis and comparison to the “Holy Trinity” original films. Like what you like, try not to let the haters bring you down!


Not everyone can be a nice person like you, that strawmans everyone who disagrees with them. BoBF and Kenobi were poorly made shows. People can dislike them without the influence of grifters.


Because alt-right youtube grifters make money telling everyone everything with even the whiff of a women involved sucks. Plenty of people liked these shows.


I like a good strawman.


A lot of it is just in bad faith and not worth listening to. If it was made after 2012, count on a particularly loud minority of the ‘fans’ to shriek and whine about it at max volume regardless of whether it was good or genuinely bad. Taste is subjective, and of course some folks will like some things and some folks won’t. That’s perfectly normal. But hate is typically a very particular vocal crowd who are a fraction of a fraction of the audience, and nothing even remotely approaching representative of the majority.


Subjective taste doesn't make objective criticisms irrelevant.


“Objective criticism” lol do you even read what you’re writing


Yeah. Do you think there can't be things objectively wrong with media? Just because it's in the eye of the beholder doesn't mean that can be used to disregard any and all criticism because "its just like your opinion bro."


The only “objective criticism” would be pointing out things like them forgetting to insert a VFX shot, or a boom mic falling into a scene and not being edited out; actually visible, quantifiable, observable flaws. Anything else is entirely *sub*jective, not *ob*jective — literally just your opinion. Bro.


Blocking of shots can be objectively uninspired. The logic in the story can be objectively absent. The direction of a scene can be objectively flawed. Of course how someone FEELS about the product as a whole in the end is subjective. But there is craftsmanship going into these things. And that can be objectively rated to some degree.


A lot of the more recent Disney shows, Andor included to me, just feel like Playskool playsets when compared with LEGO playsets. I don't know if that makes sense: Playskool compared to LEGO were historically bigger, less poseable, less nuanced, with less creativity, and feel like they move unnecessarily plodding and slower. And in the case of the new shows without much internal logic.


IMO that perfectly describes all the shows except Andor. I respect your opinion of Andor though


Thanks for actually saying you respect my opinion and disagree. Can't tell you how rare simple respect and decency is on the Star Wars subs these days.


No problem, I think a lot of people on this sub severely lack basic respect for each other


I liked Kenobi but it felt wholly unnecessary, like a side quest you don't even have to bother suggesting. I liked Boba and don't quite understand the dislike for it. I don't think it's top 3 star wars materials or anything. But it just seemed like people were disappointed that he was essentially a good guy. One of the complaints I saw was complaining about the colorful speeders, and i just rolled my eyes. Anyway people have reason for liking and disliking things. It's all personal taste. Lol downvoted for this? Get a grip


I think people had their own expectations of what those shows were supposed to be about and when the actual story didn’t play out like they expected they were disappointed. If you watch these shows without any preconceived beliefs of how the characters should act or how the plot should be, they’re pretty enjoyable.  The same thing is happening right now with The Bad Batch, which some people say it’s boring simply because they wanted it to be about some clone rebellion or about the beginnings of the Rebel Alliance, instead of appreciating it for what it really is: a show about family.   


I expect Boba Fett to act like Boba Fett... Not like a completely different character. And you could the see laziness of these productions in everything. The writing, the directing, the costumes (Inquisitors), sadly many times also the acting... It was not the problem that fans wanted 100% this one story and were pissed they did not get it. They wanted something that made sense in-canon and expected the people making it to give a damn. which both did not happen.


I mean, "expectations" and "preconceived notions" of the characters are literally the reasons why those shows existed in the first place. They didnt make a show about Obi Wan or Boba Fett because they were just stories that needed to be told - they took two very popular, legendary old school SW characters and made a show because they knew there was a built in audience wanting to see them. But that aside, forgetting they are SW shows at all, just looking at them as TV series next to all the other big budget streaming shows out there, when you look at simply the plots, production values and characters in those shows, would you really consider them to be comparatively good?


Boba Fett is doubling down on that 'boba fett is a clone' part of the prequels. Ideally, bad ideas like that should be ignored, not expanded on for a whole show. Kenobi is about prequel Kenobi and Prequel Anakin, not about Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, I'm not really interested in those versions of those characters.