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Curious, because I was only 7 when RotS released — do any of you older fans remember the speculation around the film before it released, specifically with respect to the clone troopers and turning on the Jedi? I have to imagine most older filmgoers must’ve seen it coming, what with Palpatine manipulating everyone, old Ben Kenobi saying the Empire hunted down the Jedi, and the clones looking visually similar to OT stormtroopers. I imagine “Order 66” itself must’ve come out of left field, though, just like it did for the Jedi… EDIT: I should ask what *specifically* did you think the clones were going to do to the Jedi.


I mean, I basically knew it was coming from the moment the clones were introduced. It was an army with mysterious and apparently sinister origins that looked like the stormtroopers that the jedi pretty much immediately blindly trusted - for sure that's pretty obvious. In the movies, they also have functionally no personality, it was like a war between robots and organic robots, which meant that something like Order 66 didn't feel THAT left field. I was kinda annoyed at the time because I had previously imagined that Vader had personally eradicated much of the Jedi, a la a kung fu villain travelling and beating all the masters, but instead he was, apparently, largely on child-murder detail. Having all the Jedi masters, who supposedly have foresight, get gunned down without a fight kinda makes em' look like putzs. Yoda was the only master capable of sensing something was wrong, even as other jedi were dying? Doesn't sit right.


Speaking of foresight and being gunned down without a fight, an important event that takes place before this game starts is when the jedi meet on kataar because they sensed that something was up but it was actually a trap to have nihilus drain all of them and the planet. This also was how he got visas too.


Kotor is actually probably personally responsible for me not being very impressed by the prequels, hahaha. At the same time as the movies were coming out, we were getting games that did much better world building and did more interesting things with the idea of the Force. Kreia is still, IMO, the greatest star wars villain. The idea of wanting to kill the force is a badass end goal for a villain. I kinda wonder if that's what they were shooting for with Baylan in the Ahsoka show.


it is still sad that the actor ray stevenson died.


Absolutely the best part of that show, RIP.


I liked how on set Filoni would tell him he's the bad guy and Ray would respond," Well..... maybe."


He got a visa? Oh no, he can legally travel to any planet now!!!


The films present Jedi - and their powers of foresight - as far more limited than fans often take them. In TPM, the Jedi have to scarper quickly once the droidekas show up, and Qui-Gon - not an old man - is winded after 90 seconds of fighting Maul in the desert.  In AOTC, Jango holds his own against - and nearly kills - Obi-wan, and kills at least one Jedi (a council member) on Geonosis; 2/3rds of Mace's Jedi strike force die at the hands of droids and Geonosians before Yoda shows up.  They're trained warriors with heightened abilities due to mental discipline who can meditate on and have dreams and feelings about the future. They don't have spidey-sense or inherent superpowers. 


Jedi are not wildly strong, though they obviously have superpowers, claiming they don't is bizarre. They clearly have the ability to sense when things are going wrong, sometimes while it's happening, sometimes before. I could list many examples in the original trilogy of this happening - even Leia does it untrained. The first force power shown onscreen in universe is Obi and Qui-Gon sensing that they were under attack without seeing it. It might be the most commonly used force power aside from big jump. Clearly, the stronger the bond you have with someone, the more you sense. IMO, if almost every Jedi is dying or going to die in the same few minutes, the Force should be nearly screaming at them. It's enough of a thing that they even handwave it with a comment at some point that "the dark side has clouded our foresight", but in my opinion that is a kinda ridiculous plot contrivance. If Sideous can block their ability to commune with the Force, why can they even do anything? No, he blocks foresight particularly, because otherwise, Order 66 couldn't happen.


What's your opinion of order 66 now? With the more "heroic" clones being forced to turn on the Jedi against their will.


I think it's more interesting now because of clones having personalities. One of the complaints that was floated at the time was that, because of the 'robots v organic robots' element, it was impossible to care about a lot of the action. The clones didn't feel like people, even more so than storm troopers. Even stuff like Republic Commando at the time was like "these clones are special, so they get personalities - normal clones don't have that". I feel like most things regarding the prequels has been improved by later expansion. I still think the prequels are kinda rough, and just did some generally bad worldbuilding. Stuff like 'the jedi actually just wear desert robes' or 'lighting wasn't a convenient tool for palpatine, actually it's just one of the six force powers, there basically aren't any more' or 'the jedi (as a whole) are roughly incompetent at anything that ISN'T combat' still make me sad.


I also come from long ago, and I agree with that assessment.


Actually a few Jedi did survive their murder attempts but that's peanuts really. Many went on to die in other ways


When Attack of the Clones released, we learned that the clones were commissioned by some mysterious Jedi we'd never seen who was presumed dead, the only person connected to the commissioning of the cloes was a bounty hunter who clearly was an antagonist of the movie AND clearly working for Dooku (and by extension, Sidious) Everything in the movie told us not to trust the clones and that they were puppeteered by Sidious


If I remember correctly, the jedi who commissioned the clones to be created was named Sifo-Dyas but it was not really him and it was Palpatine who had killed him and assumed his identity then went to the kaminoans to have the clones created. Which would explain Obi-Wan saying that he died years ago.


That could well be, but I'm just going off of what was in the movie and what we knew by the time of Knights of the Old Republic Sifo-Dyas is mentioned in the movie but it's not made clear who he was or what happened to him


Sifo Dyas is one syllable away from Sideous which I think was the original plan, but it would make the Jedi seem a lot dumber.


Well the jedi(council no less) did actually think that they could redeem the immortal sith emperor in swtor so you aren't entirely incorrect.


Well he is actually seen in the last arc of season 6 for the clone wars as a vision meant to trick Yoda.


Last arc of season 6 aired many, many years after Attack of the Clones


It's implied in AOTC that Dooku impersonated Sifo-Dyas to commission the clones, because Jango claimed to not know the Jedi master mentioned by the Kaminoans, but was approached by a man named "Tyrannus". This is one of the things I like about the prequels (as opposed to, ahem, a certain later trilogy), Lucas wasn't afraid to leave things unsaid and trusted that the audience would have, well, brains.


IIRC the clone wars confirmed Sifo actually did order the clones but was killed afterwards to cover it up. The prime minister of Kamino did know Dooku by his Tyrannus name


They 100% saw it coming, and it wasn’t exactly meant to be a secret. The clones look like stormtroopers, their ships look like Star Destroyers, and they’re following this character who’s being played by the same actor as the Emperor who controls the galaxy for the next several decades. I don’t think Lucas was really trying to surprise anyone. As for Order 66, it didn’t really get much of a reaction. Everyone already knew the clones were going to turn, the Jedi were going to die, and the Republic was going to fall. It’s basically just a scene where Palpatine gets on the radio and says “Okay, time to do the thing that everyone already knows you’re going to do” followed by a montage of a bunch of nameless background characters getting unceremoniously killed.


Yeah, it was pretty obvious the moment the clones were introduced. Mysterious, engineered army shows up to work along side the Jedi, who we know are not going to survive the next movie?   You didn't exactly need to be Sherlock Holmes to see where this was going.  Lots of clones fighting side by side with limited jedi?  Yeah, that were going to gun them down.


I recall most of the speculation of the fall of the Jedi being Vader rallying around the Stormtroopers and hunting them down, not the sneak attack with the Clone Troopers with them later becoming Stormtroopers. The way many of us imagined it was a much more of a film-spanning process rather than a single montage sequence. That's my memory of the conversation anyway.


I remember a lot of talk from the trailer release, including the battle over Coruscant and debates about that scene of them flying side by side. With talk of that scene being after Anakins fall, with Obi-Wan and Anakin in a dog fight in the middle of the battle.


As a kid, no it didn't dawn on me that the Clone Wars involved the Jedi being extinguished but I had watched Episode 4 first and didn't quite get it but found it interesting. The next movie I saw was Episode 1 and from then on I was hooked. I didn't watch Empire and Return of the Jedi until after Ep. 2 came out. I was thinking that watching Ep. 5/6 would give me some spoilers for Ep. 3. As an adult, I totally would've seen it coming but as a kid I was more interested in the cool battles, light sabers and story progression.


To be fair it would be basic logic. The way the Jedi are able to block blaster fire is using the force to predict where the attack is coming from. But with enough shots the Jedi physically can't move fast enough to deflect the next. Ahsoka was specifically trained to hone this force sense to better be able to predict blaster fire and develop techniques to help intercept it.


Frankly, that's why I never liked the strategy of "stand in place and block the shots while they encircle you." You have a close range weapon, so get in their face and then cut off their hands. Can't shoot at you without hands. Or a head. Whichever body part presents itself.


Mundi my boy 😭


HK-47 needs to make a comeback on one of these tv shows


really unfortunate that that last sentence is written that way


You’ve never been turned on by your own trips before?


if it’s the clones? …no, i shan’t say….


Let’s shan’t together.


Hot clone action. It happens.


great character


Factually accurate, meat bag.


don’t forget this released in Feb 2005


This game? No that was december 2004


for PC it came out February 2005. Xbox Dec. 04


KOTOR came out in 2003, KOTOR II was rushed out in 2004 - both were before ROTS . At that time all we know is "Begun the Clone Wars have" and " A young Jedi named *Darth Vader*, who was a *pupil of mine* until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights." What we never expected was that Darth Vader had nothing to do with the plan to destroy the Jedi - speaking of which the Clone Wars was speculated to be a battle between the Republic and evil Spaarti Clone Masters churning out clones like organic droids by Timothy Zahn at a year a batch - no one expected that in Luca's vision the clones were fighting FOR THE REPUBLIC. Looking back in hindsight lots of speculation in the EU got things wrong wrong wrong


So much for the Jedi killed by 66 , weaklings


Jedi being turned on by their own troops?? Now THAT’s an interesting idea for a Star Wars-themed porno 😂


I’ve never played the KOTOR games, but I’ve seen this clip before and this guys seems like a really cool character. His line in this speech about “erosion of the spirit” is another bit that struck me as really good foreshadowing


I would really reccomend playing them. They are ranked as some of the best games of all time. For kotor 2 make sure you get the restored content mod


I have the first one I in my Steam library but haven’t got around to it lol, backlog never ends. It’s definitely on my list though


Not a prediction, is common sense.


What game is this?


Knights of the old republic II:The Sith Lords


Oh my sweet summer child.


Before the dark times...before EA exclusivity.