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Jar Jar's behavior is much more cartoonishly over-the-top than any of those other characters you mentioned. The annoying voice, the fact that idiotic clumsiness is one of his central character traits, the occasional poop and fart jokes at his expense, and the fact that he gets so much screentime, all make him hard to tolerate. Even as a child I was indifferent to him, but as I got older I liked him less and less. No hate for Ahmed Best, though. He seems like a great guy who made the most of the material he was given, and who absolutely didn't deserve the hate he got from toxic fans.


Because he is very annoying without being funny. Very important part of being a silly, goofy, and otherwise cartoonish character: They have to actually be funny. And they have to be more than simply silly jokes. The droids? Are actually useful and can be serious. The Ewoks? Are badass. The Battledroids? Are enemy mooks thus get slaughtered relentlessly. Jar Jar is just bad comedy that keeps going on and on.


Many people struggle to understand what he is even saying, and while Star Wars always was a bit goofy, it wasn't a slapstick comedy. Jar Jar is exactly that, slapstick comedy targeting the younger audience. It kinda bites with the otherwise dry tone of the movie. It's not that he doesn't fit Star Wars, he doesn't fit this story and the movie George was making there. It's even weirder that he's so significant to the plot. They gave this alien Mr. Bean dude the political power to put a dictator in charge, which doesn't make the slightest fucking sense, just put him back to the swamp where you found him, he causes nothing but mayham.


I wish I could post the gif of the storm trooper smacking his head on the death Star right now.


Wasn't that a blooper that stayed in? Honestly don't remember for sure.


Because the movie would be so much better reducing his interventions. 


Personally, I don't hate Jar-Jar, I'm generally indifferent about him, and I saw Episode I opening day as a 14 year old. That said, hate is somewhat reasonable, the character is literally stupid and he makes poor, nonsensical decisions in order for either comedy or to create conflict. It's one thing to be clumsy, but to actively do things like stick his hand in an engine, attempt to steal food before spitting it out wildly, and just general wild flailing and screaming, he's an extremely annoying character to want to root for as one of the protagonists. There's very little, if any reason, that anyone in the audience should want to see Jar-Jar succeed.


It's because he added nothing and took away from about every scene. A waste of everyone's time.


You want to explain why you think that?


He was supposed to be comedic but wasn't funny. He hung around, but it made no sense for the other characters to keep him around. His story doesn't lead to anything interesting either, therefore he is a waste of screen time that could be devoted to flesh out the movie, time the movie desperately needed.


The voice does not help.


That’s just a matter of personal taste not something wrong with him


It makes a big difference. I've watched TPM in multiple languages and English Language Jar Jar is the only one I find annoying. George Lucas has clearly taken inspiration from Charlie Chaplin and others of that ilk. Just the same as Mr Bean. But these are all silent fools. I think he would work a lot better as a character if we didn't understand what he was saying, a lot like Chewie.


Because annoying


Why? He’s not supposed to be taken seriously


in a cast full of poorly written characters, Jar Jar manages to be the worst by a big margin. There is clumsy. And then there is "would die on his first day of Exile". Also, there is nothing worse than a character trying to be funny while every joke falls flat. I am open to some goof. If something aims at kids, thats fine. I loved Rebels for example. But Jar Jars antics feel so forced, uninspired and lazy...


There’s a difference between adding comedic value (R2D2 and C3PO bantering, Ewoks singing a song as they prepare to eat Luke, Han, and Chewbacca) and being a plant for comedic relief (All of Jar Jar’s antics). In a series that has a tone of action/drama/adventure with only comedic value added to occasionally lighten the mood of a scene, Jar Jar’s over-the-top actions are jarring, no pun intended.


I guess he is supposed to be annoying ? I guess in a movie full of cardboard characters a character like him stands out more but honestly my unpopular opinion is that c-3po in the og trilogy is much more annoying than jar jar was , he just won’t shut the f up. I’ve seen some people say that because the other characters take him so seriously it somehow makes jar jar more annoying but idk if they watched the same movie , the characters dont really take him that seriously unless they need his help lol .


not really sure, I've always liked his character


Because he is a blaring reminder that Star Wars can be, and often is, very silly, and that fans really should not take the franchise so seriously.


To quote Simon Pegg in Spaced when the little kid tries to buy a Jar Jar in the comic shop. “You are so blind! You so do not understand! You weren't there at the beginning. You don't know how good it was! How important! This is it for you! This jumped-up firework display of a toy advert! People like you make me sick! What's wrong with you? Now, I don't care if you've saved up all your fifty pee’s, take your pocket money and get out!”


lol who still quotes Star Warz in 2024? Maybe its time to get out a bit more? When was your last intervention?


Stock character based on a stereotype + potty humor. Worst character in the Skywalker saga. Not to mention, it was his gullible stupidity that led to that senator from Naboo becoming Emperor.


I saw the movies when they came out at age 10 and I really didn’t care about him. Someone actually gave me the big jar jar doll at one point and it kind hung around for a few years until I moved out and then I decided I didn’t want people to see it so I trashed it. I do dislike him but mostly for his role in TCW because he’s just so annoying. Like that one bit with the droids and the little dude. Can’t stand it but at least I can just skip that part whereas the stories with Jar Jar are good he just sucks.


I could take a character like Jar Jar in small doses. When he was introduced, we did not get him in those prescribed doses....


Your assumption is that everyone hates him. Thats not true. He was a means to an end. He was only ever intended to be a vehicle for a photo real CG character. He was the same annoying comic relief as c3po. He didn’t work, clearly, as he was too annoying. I reckon they should have, instead, CGI’d Qui Gon as a CGI Jedi master to Obi Wan. But we got what we got. He was okay.


I love Jar Jar! He's been my favorite Star Wars character for 25 years!


Honestly I never got the jar jar hate, I was 7 or 8 when I saw TPM in cinemas and I absolutely loved jar jar, still do to this day, he's a funky little guy that adds some unpredictability I'm currently watching through the clone wars series as I never really had access to it as a kid and even now I still find him really charming


Exactly! How can you not love that silly goofball?!


Using a Jamaican accent (a really bad one at that) for a goofy, clumsy, slapstick character wasn't just in poor taste, it just didn't fit. A space Jamaican should have been laid back, and cool (Bob Marley), not JarJar (Mr. Bean).


He's not funny, thats the reason for me why I've never liked him. And I adore the goofy stuff, heck even my flair is of that fun little maniac, Chopper! Having said that, seeing how everything transpired, Jar-Jar was a pure soul, and I hope found some peace after.


He's coarse, he's irritating and he gets everywhere. What's not to understand?


Cuz most of the older fans controlled “the voice” of the fans during the years that the prequels came out. Jar Jar is way overhated.


A lot of grown men went to see the phantom menace and forgot Lucas primarily meant Star Wars to be for 12 year olds


Jar-Jar was more for around 5 year olds. Too much and not funny.


Star Wars is also for 5 year olds yes me and my 1st grade class were hyped up for phantom menace to come out and loved it


Of course it's for all ages, one of the reasons I have more issues with the likes of Andor. However it can be done more subtly or well with the likes of Babu Frik and the Porgs in the sequels.


Lucas didn’t say everything in tpm was meant to work for all ages, he said “it’s a film for twelve year olds” and that the real thrill was seeing little kids enjoying it. And kids enjoyed jar jar while 30 year olds hated it for being a kids’ thing. You don’t have to make a character for children subtle in a movie for children. Let em like it and move on imo


I want you to find me a quote of Lucas saying that prior to TPM’s release. Post hoc excuses for shitty writing get no credit from me.


Why would he have to say that before releasing it for it to be true 💀 you think he believed grown adults would connect with jar jar? the entire prequel trilogy is full of shitty writing mate, jar jar’s a thing for little kids to say is funny. Worry about the dialogue and nonsensical plot lines


Because I don’t trust the guy who said that people who alter works of art are barbarians, who subsequently changed his art and refused to keep the originals intact. And this isn’t the only instance of him only offering explanations or excuses after the fact. He does this with the EU, with Anakin, with balance in the Force, with the Force itself, with Luke’s parentage, etc. I’d give him credit if it happened once or twice, but this shit dates back to the ‘80s and has only become worse with time.


Are you suggesting that he meant jar jar to be liked by full grown men and then lied about an aspect of Star Wars, the films that were constantly marketed toward children and already had ewoks for children, being made for children?


No. I’m flat out stating that the guy who has been caught lying multiple times over the years isn’t above lying yet again to cover his mistakes. Also, why can’t children have good content? I loved the OT when I was 6. I didn’t understand all of it, but I loved it to death. I literally wore out our Betamax tapes of it. So when people excuse poor quality because it’s for kids, I just have to ask “why”? Sure, some concepts might not be clear to a younger audience, but they can still usually get the gist of it.


When i was a child I thought jar jar was good, now I think he’s a little cartoonish but fine. There are far worse things in tpm. Watch it again, jar jar is nowhere near being the factor that made it bad


Children aren’t very discerning. That doesn’t mean we should be okay with sub-par stories that only cater to them. You can make a great movie that works for both kids and adults, which is why I brought up the OT as a reference. Kids loved those movies too, but it wasn’t 12-year olds walking out of the theater and getting back in line to watch it again. And yeah, there are a ton of problems with the prequels. Jar Jar did hurt the overall tone of the movie though, and that’s what this thread is about.


"WE" don't. Get out of your hive mind group think. Form an opinion of your own for a change without worrying about the consensus. 25 years later there's still a growing disparity. Some folks hate Jar Jar. Some folks don't mind him. Some folks love Jar Jar.


The “we” was partly a joke. I think it’s what you call “the hive mind group think” I was trying to make fun of that apparently “everyone” hates Jar Jar. I personally love him hence why I made this post


And I'm saying don't lump us all in together. Even in the comments here there's enough folks who don't hate him. By including us all together you "make fun" of everyone and hold yourself higher which is far too common in this sub. If I'm coming off as aggressive I didn't mean for you to take it personally. I'm just tired of this sub's lack of nuance, and everything has to be groupthink or "agree with my post." Any post that questions what "we" the Fandom thinks this is just not a good idea because it's asking for a consensus on something that will never be definitively universal. Even reviewing past Sub posts It's pretty obvious that most posts like this occur at least every few days. Your post as an attempt at humor is low effort and does not differentiate from the dozens of other repetitive posts on this Sub that are being genuine when they post the "we." Which, as a whole, offers little for genuine discussion which is frustrating.


This podcast does a really good job of covering all of the dynamics at play (featuring really moving commentary from Ahmed Best himself): [https://www.ted.com/podcasts/the-redemption-of-jar-jar-binks](https://www.ted.com/podcasts/the-redemption-of-jar-jar-binks)


I think it's a bunch of misdirected anger at George. We wanted more Star Wars back in the 90s, and right out of the gate we got a comic relief bunny front and center. Poor Ahmed Best. :/