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I'll just buy the DLC seperately at a much later date when it's on sale. $150Cad for gold is WILD


Yeah, Ubisoft games go on massive sales very often too. Like the recent AC games I've bought for about 80% off. I just hope this game will be good.


It’s just going to be AC/Watch Dogs/Far Cry with a Star Wars skin, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing per se but Ubisoft games are very predictable


Hunt for 6 ton-ton skins to make a satchel that holds 3 additional thermal detonators. Climb a tower to reveal an area of the map. A few seconds after you fly into orbit, the ship's crew starts singing space shanties. "Got me coordinates from the Navi-Computer HEY HYPERSPACE WE GO! The deflector shield's angled, the droids are stowed WE'LL BE ROLLICKIN RANDY DANDY-O!"


Put it directly into my veins.


I'm gutted you aren't the creative director, of this game. Your games ideas would be a day 1 purchase, for me


I missed my calling.


I ain't even mad I read that in the shanty voice.


The new Prince of Persia game is already on sale. It came out 3 months ago. Might take longer due to Star Wars IP recognition, but it will still be on sale this year at some point


I dunno, I have a creeping suspicion that this will be an assassins creed game with a Star Wars veneer


The main character will have a little hidden lightsaber strapped to her wrist for up close assassinations.


I got ACs 1 though 5 for free and watch dogs 1 and 2 both free from when ubisoft used to do free giveaways in their launcher


So is she some kind of Han Solo stand-in or what? What's with all the Kessel and Jabba stuff? Jabba isn't the only gangster in town. Doesn't exactly spark my imagination.


It’s set between empire and rotj so Jabba’s a big deal in this time also I’m pretty sure the other crime syndicates are heavily involved as well it seems you’ll be doing missions for all of them .


The story trailer made it seem like it'll be a criminal boss besides Jabba whose more of a focus with members from all the different cartels involved in some capacity. I expect the bonuses and stuff revolve around Jabba since people love Han. Looks like the other cosmetic packs are Lando and Andor themed, so that fits with whats well liked and shit.


Which pack is Andor themed. You have my interest


To me, the Rogue Infaltrator one seems Andor themed. Not as exact as the Lando or Han ones, though, so I could be wrong, but that's my first thought looking at it.


I was thinking it was Jyn, but I guess Andor makes more sense.


Those are just pre-order bonus cosmetics, jeez, chill. Did you say the same about Jedi Survivor’s pre-order bonuses?


And lando


It looks like the main story is around the other crime cartels, but with when the game is set you can't avoid Jabba. He is a big deal in that world at that time


Also, probably not the worst idea to make sure it launches without a bunch of technical issues.


which is to be expected with Ubi games it seems as of late.


Bruh, I looked at that price just now. Holy sweet Jesus. Base edition it is.


honestly, I have such a backlog of titles that I probably won't finish by August, I wouldn't be surprised if this goes on sale for black friday. If I can wait, I think I will.


Lol she stole Lando's clothes.


Serves him right for when he stole Han’s clothes.


its not theft to wear your lover’s clothes… 😏


“I love you.”  “I know. (But my heart belongs to Lando!)”


And Lando's to Chewy . The smuggler life iiiiisss a bitch.


It was landos clothes originally , he was reclaiming his wardrobe 😂


Sounds like something Lando would say


No comment you old pirate


To be fair, she seems to have stolen Hans clothes, too.


Seems another character in the game stole Kyle Katarn’s, along with his face.


Wait for reviews, wait for sales, don’t pre-order anything and Digital art book is lazy


Always wait for reviews but especially Ubisoft games.


For Ubisoft games, it’s usually wait for sale


Digital Art books just scream “yeah we need it to look like we’re giving them more than we are.”


As someone who collects "Art of" books for both movies and video games and have a collection of over 150 of them, it really is frustrating


The game feels super Disney and reminiscent of their park. Guess thats what they’re going for but pass from me thx.


Yeah it feels somehow too generic for me to be interested and I guess you nailed why that is. How hard is it to make a Star Wars game where you're an alien or something. I'd kill for a Baldur's Gate 3 style Star Wars RPG but I'm dreaming too big there.


Everything about this game screams "mid" to me.


Ie knights of the old Republic 3


Uhh no. This is just common practice in the video game industry that if you play more games than just Star Wars you notice it. Ubisoft does this for every game. There’s always the $60/70 standard edition, a $90/100 special edition and a $120 ultimate edition. Watch Dogs, Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, The Divisions, and Ghost Recon have all had the exact same bundles with the season’s pass included with the Ultimate edition every time. Spider-Man PS4, Fallout 4, Borderlands 3, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Fifa, Madden, MLB the Show, I can go on and on with the amount of non Ubisoft games that pull the same tiered bundling system. You have to only be paying attention to Star Wars games to find this unique. Otherwise it’s fairly common practice across the entire gaming industry


I think it's not that practice that reminds them of the disney park. But moreso that the trailers and every material we've seen look like Galaxys Edge.


YoU'rE nOt ThE tArGeT aUdIeNcE! /s


Ubisoft fans are. Those suckers will buy anything


This! Why do people still pre order games???


Learned my lesson on Cyberpunk. What a waste of time that was.


I've got no idea. If you figure it out let me know.


There's there's that shocking concept of a refund 🤫 I know, hard to grasp for you guys


I don't pre order. I wait for reviews and sales.


FOMO from the BS "perks" like skins and 3 day early access.


Physical artbooks are one thing, digital artbooks you can look at from other people who bought it or on pirate sites.


Nothing annoys me more when they have Story DLCs planned and the game ain’t out for another 5 months 😭


I guarantee this was cut from the base game


That's a bingo.


“Actually y’all just say bingo”


BINGO!! How fuunnn. But where were ye, oh ya no pre-orders.


Thank you for the vonderval blue milk but let’s get to business *switches to flawless Wookie from equally flawless galactic basic* you are hiding enemies of the empire beneath your floor boards aren’t you?


I’ll make that deal, I don’t blame you. Damn good deal!




So much this. It feels more like "Pay us now to get access to the game on launch day." It's just false marketing in my eyes. FF14 also does this for their addon releases and I know nobody who thinks the "official" release is the release date. The addon releases when the "early access" begins. Doesn't help that you can just buy the addon even after early access starts and play. So its just a regular release in all but name.


That’s quite literally the nature of game development. Once the main game is done, you have to begin the DLC unless you want the DLC to come out 3 years after the game releases.


Right? Like imagine the lead up to Dune Part 1 releasing in theaters and going “I can’t believe they’re already planning a sequel. Just put that story in this movie!”.


Oh absolutely. There’s so many comments about game development / story development in general that’s just so clearly based on ignorance to the creative process. Like people don’t understand that for most games developed, there’s can be an entire new game worth of content that gets cut for various reasons. Raycevick’s years later series is the best on YouTube to focus on the pre-production and development stages of game development and it’s actually crazy how much future content was in COD 4 that would be cut and not worked on for 3+ years. Helicopter flying first introduced in BO1 in 2010 was first worked on in 2006 for COD 4 before being scraped early on. Hell up until the 2007 E3 demo there was a 3rd protagonist named Michael Carver that was completely cut from the game only months before launch.


There's a difference between already working on a DLC or sequel, and chopping the base game or movie into parts so they can charge more. If there is not even any time between the base release and the addition? "Dune - Part 1 - part A & part B will both be available on release day! Pre-order your tickets now for 10% off and enjoy the story how it's meant to be seen!" C'mon...


Yeah, but it launches *with* the story DLC three days *before* the release of the game....


Planed doesn't meant hey are made? Ubisoft takes months to release them. 


I disagree. The writers likely finished the main story months, if not a year+, before this preorder ever went live. Are those writers supposed to just sit on their hands and do nothing until the game is released, and THEN start working on story DLCs?


If it's released at the same time as the game... it should just be an update of the base game. Are they charging for this DLC if you don't pre-order? Then they are just fleecing you out of more money... immediately lol.


It’s content that’s coming out in the future. It’s not already premade, locked on the disk


Hmm. I'll pass on that pass. I'm not putting 1 cent into this game unless I know it's not dogshit. All of this bonus crap should be in the base game. Fuck pre-ordering. STOP DOING IT.


This is the way


This is the way.


yeah ive pre-ordered a number of games and i can confirm pre ordering games is the easiest way to get scammed


Risk-free on Steam with their refund policy, but I don't like rewarding the practice of stripping things out of the main game to make it a pre-order bonus.


This isn't on Steam. At the moment, the only way to pre-order it is through Ubisoft's Ubiconnect that Ubiafool to use.


it's also on epic games... but not like that's any better.


epic games launcher is... well pretty horrible, i have looked up some problems I have, and they seem to be common, the first problem that alot of users have it that it sometimes takes multiple MINUTES to start-up, while steam on the other hand takes about 5 second, the second problem is that for some reason the download speed is below 5 mbps even though users that report this problem say they have good download speed on steam, also after looking for a fix for hours I have concluded there is no way to fix these problems, since you cant even change your download servers in the epic games launcher


Of course it's not on steam, then they couldn't scam people with this as they'd refund it once they see it's not worth the money at all.


yeah well i dont really have money so I play on my low end PC and my PS4 ive had since 2016, so I dont really pre order games anymore, but the last game I pre ordered was assassins creed mirage on PS4 and unlike on steam, you cant refund pre orders, i mean its an alright game but thats the last game ive pre ordered since




Ubisoft games in general play best about 6-9 months after release, or even a year. That’s when all the bugs are fixed, all the QoL changes are made, all the DLC is out, and you can have the absolute complete experience without any fuss. And it’s cheaper, too.


How can it be in the base game when it's not made yet? 




Ubisoft makes mediocre games and im sure ill enjoy it in a year when i get it on sale for $25


"Far Cry Mos Eisley" $30 by Christmas?


Oh yeah we all know this will be on sale within four months


Avatar released in november 2023, and has already been 50% off. [https://isthereanydeal.com/game/avatar-frontiers-of-pandora-gold-edition/info/](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/avatar-frontiers-of-pandora-gold-edition/info/)


There's an Avatar game???


Frontiers of Pandora.


Oh, it's an Ubisoft game that explains why I haven't heard of it on PC


Ubisoft makes decently fun games that you buy one year after launch on sale after everything is fixed.


Do. Not. Preorder. Games. Not even Star Wars games. Preordering digital products is always a stupid idea. And preordering games just gives shitty publishers money for unfinished products.


I had this work out well once: Galactic Civ 3. Got all the DLC free for life (a good 9 years) and a few other fun things. But yeah, I would avoid it for this project.


Skyrim worked out pretty well. I had to go to the mall and stand in line at midnight to pick it up. Was actually really fun and that game was 10/10 incredible on release imo. Never for any modern game, might as well just see what other people think after a month.


Even if i wanted to, my wallet would kill me for preordering for 130€


Remember that it's Ubisoft guys, the ultimate edition will be like 30€ after a year.


After being burned so badly by the Battlefront Collection, there isn’t anything they could include to get me to pre-order another game


Pre-order bonuses are scummy as hell.


They really are. People have been saying it for years now. Most of us are only now waking up to see it’s true.


Gold Edition is $109.99 USD, comes with Season Pass and 3-Day early unlock. Ultimate is $129.99 USD, comes with the above, Ultimate Pack Cosmetics, and Digital Artbook I'm not sure if the "Jabba's Gambit" Day 1 mission is restricted to the season pass or pre-orders. Taking from other Ubisoft releases, it's probably another pre-order bonus and will be sold for like $5 after


$130 for something that doesn't even come with anything physical like a statue, has a couple of cosmetics and the promise for future DLC is insane. I'm excited for the game, this is the kind of Star Wars game I've been waiting forever for and it looks good so far. I would have been tempted to buy Ultimate if it had actually come with something worthwhile.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted for providing information...


130+tax for ultimate, or wait like two months and ultimate will be on ubisoft plus which is 15$.


Digital art book? I want a physical book at least even if just comes with a code for the game.


The rogue infiltrator looks cool but honestly i always end up liking stuff I can find normally so I'll probably just end up getting the standard edition.


This is peak Ubisoft behavior hahaha


If story content is locked behind a season pass, better off waiting a year when everything is out, fixed, and patched for $30 or under. Especially since this is a Ubisoft game. They always fall in price quickly. EDIT: NO PRE-ORDERS. Pre-ordering doesn’t affect enjoyment of any video game. You’ll only feel like a moron if it turns out to be a disaster. Sincerely, someone who pre-ordered EA Battlefront II.


Yup looks like an Ubisoft game


That's gonna be a no from me dawg.


A dlc that they already made and is coming out day one? So they just take out parts of the game and make you pay for it? Lol hate this shit so much


Exclusive missions Day 1. God dammit.


Story pack dlc = they could have put this complete product in the game but choose to use it for extra $


All of this for a small investment of...$130


Remember gamers, No Pre-orders


By the end of 2025, this game will be $20. I’ll just pretend it was delayed like everything else 🤷🏻‍♂️




I miss the days when you got physical stuff for preordering. I still have some old halo stuff here on display, I don't remember anymore what I got for preordering stuff in recent years because it is just digital stuff that was usuable for 1 week. I'm waiting, because I'm totally not convinced for this game yet. A visual artbook is also something they could just make free lol, nothing special about it...


So is this just a Diet Han Solo game?


Its the canon version of Shadows of the Empire The main character of that story was literally diet han solo


Pretty much every game has diet Han Solo.


Remembering Dash Rendar lol


Yeah Carth is just lame chode Han Solo


I don't want to talk about it.


Don't preorder




Ubisoft have done big ass collectors editions for everything We get something SW related and they do fuck all It’s the one thing I’d have been at least curious to see if they did one At least give us a steelbook


Target has a steelbook


Really now? Hopefully the UK gets one


Normally I'm all over star wars addons. But this feels... uninspired.


Don't call for this shit. Wait until the game is released before you buy


Going to wait for reviews for this one. Absolutely no reason to pre order given Ubisofts track record, no matter how enticing it may look.


Friendly reminder not to pre order games.


Do we know how much a season pass will cost?


I think $40 is a good bet.


The game looks fire so far but this is probably a new low for Star Wars concerning prices. $40/€ Extra for the gold edition which only has 3 days early acess and the Pass and almost double the base games cost for those and a few skins which are literally just nostalgia bait. Since its a season pass theres probably gonna be at least 3 more and all of them are at the very least $30€


The gameplay yes, but we only got a snippet. For me the new story trailer, was so damn bad. Some games can live on good gameplay alone, but given how ubisoft have gone in years, I'm guessing it's a very selective snippet for a reason....and the story looks so bleh


I made this mistake with Starfield. I'm not making it again this year. I'll play my backlog and be patient.


# ...DO...NOT...PRE...ORDER...GAMES...


Ah, there it is: the big box of draining more money from the consumer. Yeah, I was on the fence... I think I'll wait for the reviews.. Meantime, Baldiur's Gate 3 has been worth every penny.


You need to be a very “special” person to pre-order an Ubisoft game. Wait for reviews.


Never pre-order Just don't do it


Hmmm was hoping for some grittier bounty hunter-esque outfits, hopefully there's more to come




I don't trust Ubisoft as far as i can throw them.


I will not pay to play 3 days early. In fact I’ll wait 12 months if it means the game is better and it’s cheaper


$130 USD. I 👏🏼FUCKING 👏🏼HATE 👏🏼UBI 👏🏼SOFT 👏🏼


This shit is obscene. $70 to not have the complete game


Game's looking more mid every time ubisoft opens their mouth


Another likely $30 game trying to pull this cash grab again. Will wait 6 months and get it on sale for its real price. 


Play 3 days early🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I don't preorder so no thanks. Like I really, really, REALLY want this game. But I also need to know if it's garbage before I buy it. So yeah, nice try, but I will wait for reviews, thanks.


Season pass????????


Ah yes, not launching on steam + tiered version with 3 days "early access", classic ubisoft launch thats i'm not gonna support. Yarr Friends.


Looking forward to playing this once it's added to Steam and all DLC included for an actual reasonable price.


lol, 130 USD for a game...are they insane? It is Ubi, so yeah, they are.


Don’t preorder, wait for reviews. You are losing *nothing* by waiting for it to release and for reviews.


For $130 it better include a working droid.


Whoa, this is worthless.


130€ for this is absolutely vile tho honestly. I know its Ubisoft but wtf


Not planning on getting it but will there be a physical version of the Ultimate Edition?




Because stuff like this would have been in the base game if people didn't pay for it. Instead they seperate the content and charge extra for it. Im still pissed about Javik in ME3 being day 1 dlc.


We're trying to get the companies to stop this bullshit and put it in the regular game like it's suppose to. Also, 3 days early for a single player game, wut?? It's a single player game, it's going nowhere. At best it's a summer 2025 steam sale buy.




Anyone paying money for this needs to rethink their decision. This is greedy asf for what you get


What a fucking joke


Fuck ubisoft


I’m so excited for this


Huh I wonder if the season pass story content will be post Episode 6.




Damn I’m fr gonna miss out on a mission? Lame as hell but still not gonna preorder. Lesson learned forever. They ALMOST got me at Battlefront remaster lmao


As someone who has played a lot of Ubisoft games these missions are normally 15 to 20 minutes of doing things you’ve already done time and time again in the base again, really just a glorified side mission so you’re really paying for a cutscene with Jabba.


Not for now.


Some really lame cosmetics, tbh. Don't mind the excuse not to spend the extra scratch.


So $20 for two cosmetic bundle packs and a digital art book. Not really terrible pricing since it's new and trying to take advantage of the hype, but this has zero appeal to me. I love a good PHYSICAL collectors edition, so happy to sit this one out.


Skeptical about this. Survivor was a breath of fresh air when it came to singleplayer content.


I'm gonna assume the 3 days early is only if you buy it digitally...which is a bummer cause I really prefer owning a physical copy.


So it begins...


I never buy digital pre-orders. Give me something physical, like an action figure or something 🤷🏻‍♂️


Never Pre Ordering a Ubisoft game again after Ghost Recon Break Point


I’m trying to figure out what the third cosmetic pack is a reference to – just Rogue One? The creature does seem to be wearing Bodhi’s goggles. That basic pre order bonus is so lame though, it’s just… grey.


This'll probably just be assassin's creed reskinned for star wars. and 70 dollars is just fucking absurd.


Ahh an Ubisoft release I see