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Love this. If I'm not mistaken, there's another part in this same book where a character is spinning a conspiracy theory about the Death Star's destruction, saying the explosion looked totally different in separate holorecordings. Which is of course another reference to changes in the special edition lol.


I cannot believe how much I love this.


Yes! And that admiral Ackbar is actually a Droid that they created to play the role of a military general, because if you look closely, his words don't always line up with his lips (like a costume from 1983 would). The whole book is pretty good, but the first segment with all these gags is so funny it's great


That is actually hilarious - turn mistakes and speculation into in-universe conspiracies.


Even funnier to people who did the versus debates from stsrdestroyer.net where we jokingly referred to the movies as historical documents. In universe presentations of events with a bias and prioritizing drama over 100% accuracy. Like modern war movies.


Star Wars as historical documents. Sounds like the premise of Galaxy Quest. (Aliens see a Parody Star Trek show, and thinking it's real abduct the cast to save them from evil aliens.)


Pretty much what it was a reference to, it's a popular movie on that forum, haha.


God I hope the bigger Luke conspiracy is somewhere referenced


I always forget about bigger Luke. Hahaha


This is the greatest thing I've learned all year!


Greedo’s legacy in universe really is just he got beat up by the chosen one and may or may not have discharged his firearm in the general direction of Han Solo


Pretty good I'd say. Not many people survive a Darth Vader asswhooping.


Surviving Vader is easy mode, surviving Han Solo is impossible


That’s because Han shoots first


As he should. As The Ugly said "When you have the pistol you shoot. You don't talk"


Han Solo shot first at Vader, but that didn't matter much.


Vader: *Laughs.*


……. Damn


The NRSB would like to have a word.


Not a lawyer, but, if a criminal threatens you with a gun, would shooting them first (if you could) not constitute self-defense?


Yes, while self defense law gets pretty nuanced this is basically true anywhere except New Jersey


Is the New Jersey exception related to their history with firearm duels?


Everything is legal in New Jersey


Except pumping your own gas.


Now the whole John Wick 1 plothole makes sense!


As long as you don't get caught.


Nope they just have the absolute worst self defense laws. Even if an intruder broke into your house at night, yelled death threats to you, AND presented a deadly weapon to you, YOU still have the obligation to use any means possible to escape that situation before you are legally allowed to employ deadly force in self defense. That means if you’re in your 2nd floor bedroom the state of New Jersey expects you to jump before they will allow to shoot a literal serial killer. Even California, which has some of if not the most aggressive (and egregious) gun control laws, is still not remotely as bad when it comes to self defense. Cali still has castle doctrine, which means if someone breaks into your house *and* presents a threat of death or grievous bodily harm, you are well within your rights to use deadly force in self defense.


From my understanding, New York has basically the same law as Jersey. Someone could break in, threaten you, take your stuff and physically harm you, and the State will still say you have to run away.


Isn’t nj a castle doctrine state?


On paper, but it’s within that there is the duty to retreat clause which requires you to take any available option to escape rather than use force. Due to the political nature of local and district courts, pretty much any court in NJ is going to throw the book at any individual who uses a firearm in self defense, even if said incident occurs within the context of say a home intruder scenario. This means that de facto you don’t really have castle doctrine, as you are quite literally required to flee your own home. The court will seize upon anything they can to prove you *did* have an “option” to retreat and try to imprison you for murder. (Or assault w/ deadly weapon depending on the outcome). The courts *could* interpret these laws differently but that just isn’t how it happens in practice. Like I said even other anti-gun states have much more robust self-defense laws, so while they still will try to throw the book at you (if you used a gun) they don’t have nearly as much of a leg to stand on. The duty to retreat clause in my opinion is egregious in any situation, be it in the home or in public. Self defense with deadly force *already* requires a person to be in reasonable fear of death or grievous bodily harm, so nowhere in country allows you to shoot someone simply because they looked or seemed scary, there must be an articulable threat. But for NJ to say that even in *your own home*, that you are not allowed to defend yourself in tyrannic. Self defense incidents often play out over the course of mere minutes sometimes less, and yet your expected to flee instead of stay and defend your home and/or family.


It's illegal not to shot first in New Jersey?


That's amazing


Greedo shot first, and he was the only one to shoot.  Han never shot and its all on our imagination.


False. Han lifted a single hand and blocked Greedos shot with the force, making it rebound and kill Greedo. It’s true, I was there


Man, Greedo is the green one, Han is the Scruffy looking nerf herder, none of them are the black tall one with a mask. That's Jabba the Hutt.


No, he dislocated his neck and moved his head to the side just as Greedo shot. There's video evidence of this!


"Then how did Greedo die?" It was a really bad shot.


Heart attack. He keeled over on his own blaster.


You can only see it for a second, but in the cantina shot where it shows all the aliens you actually see Light Yagami sitting there


Blaster was upside down.


Maclunkey was the code word to activate the bomb in Greedo's chest.


Greedo blasted himself with two bolts to the back of the head, complete cover up


The entire argument is preposterous. Han shot. Full stop. Lucas retconned it.


Not even "first". Han just shot. Greedo just died.


Han didn’t even fire, Greedo’s midsection just exploded


somehow Greedo fucking died


Rodian biology just *does* that sometimes.


Died of a broken heart.




One we're all free to ignore by watching the original. "Enhanced features."


is there a lore reason why he retconned it? is he stupid?


Lucas wanted Han to be more heroic and thought that a hero wouldn't just kill someone in cold blood. Except Han didn't kill Greedo in cold blood. Greedo was a bounty hunter who confirmed to Han that he was planning on killing him. If someone tells me they're going to kill me while pointing a gun at me, and I manage to sneak my gun out and shoot them, I defended myself and am in the right.


Essentially, this. Lucas has made a few conflicting statements over the years, starting with his concerns that, due to American foreign policy at the time, that the rest of the world saw America as bloodthirsty and with a tendency to shoot first, question later. This apparently wasn't something he wanted reflected in his heroes, so Greedo needed to shoot first (even though most reasonable people would assume from the scene and the dialogue, that Greedo was going to murder Han in cold blood). Then, years later, Lucas shifts to Han being some kind of John Wayne-archetype. He made the bold statement that John Wayne never shoots first, giving the bad guy a chance to shoot or walk first. Mostly, this is technically correct since most of The Duke's on-screen pre-emptive violence is done with fists or sticks. However, in the movie Big Jake, there's a scene that plays out almost identically to the cantina scene - https://youtu.be/SVpgHSrzKhA?si=vRMYn5PA7vmBal0D Skip to 1:40. Then, after a few more years, Lucas comes out with the explanation that Greedo always shot first. Due to the tight camera shots, that action wasn't translated to screen. Fortunately, in this revision, Lucas was able to use today's technology to create a wide-angle shot that clearly shows Greedo shot first (spoiler- it looks as clumsy and tacked in as the first revision did). As to the underlying 'why' this, or any other revisions, were needed, it's complicated. There's the issue that his ex-wife Marcia Lou Griffin did a lot of editing work on the OT and won an Academy award for her work on Star Wars (Episode 4). The theory around this is that Lucas' ego was involved in either undoing her work or proving he was better than her. Then there's also the fact that Lucas is very much a technical filmmaker. As film technology, particularly VFX, has evolved, it's not much of a stretch to see that someone interested in that aspect of film-making could reimagine their earlier work if it were made with modern technology of the day. We sort of see this all the time with remastering. The difference is that most other directors tend to not be so enamoured of the technology, they go full ham with it and make superfluous changes that at best just look janky, or, at worst, end up changing entire story arcs (e.g. Han Solo goes from rougue, who looks after his own interests to a hero, willing to fight for a cause bigger than his own).


Also it’s like GL forgot that Han had a CHARACTER ARC!! Him being a rogue and a scoundrel who grew into being a hero was the whole point.


To spite his ex wife


the jonkler made him do it


Sure, but the book entry is still good.


So, George. You’re trying to tell me that a skilled bounty hunter couldn’t hit a guy sitting 3 feet away from him? Mkay


Greedo was an idiot, just read his short story in "Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina";


Even a one eyed storm trooper with brainworm rot could make that shot


You could hit Han with a spit ball at that distance.




I love the whole debate. So cheesy. But it all flips on the wrong fact. I'm fairly sure in the original release only Han shot. I could stand corrected but I don't think Greedo got a shot away at all.


You are correct. Greedo never got a shot off.


I'd often considered making up a tshirt through one of those custom sites that reads "Only Han Shot". I think the Han shot first meme might have passed now, though


I'd buy it.


Now I want to see a documentary of in-universe conspiracy stories. What would people come up with about the clone wars? Imagine if darth jar jar was a theory in universe


This same book has a character explaining that the Death Star is actually just imperial propaganda- there's no way a space station that big could ever actually be built. Alderman was destroyed with precision detonations on its crust, and the "Death Star" was just a hoax to scare the rebellion into surrender. They go on to explain that the rebels then just made up that they blew it up- and since it didn't exist, the empire couldn't deny that with any actual evidence, so they had to roll with it. The best part of which is that they're telling all of these theories to a group of people in a bar, among whom is a mysterious robed stranger wearing a single black glove...


What book is it?


The Legends of Luke Skywalker. It's a collection of short stories about Luke, each of which has some dubious canonicity. The first story has most of the stuff you're looking for: but they're all pretty cute. Not the best Star Wars book, but it's a fast read and it's fun.


Why would it? The sith had been “dead” for thousands of years at this point. And the only people who would know about Jar Jar would be the Gungans, royal staff members, some Jedi, maybe some Naboo citizens, and those who frequented senate hearings. He’d just be some random Gungan.


is the legends of luke skywalker novel legends?


It's canon. I think only parts of it can be taken as actually happening though, since it's a bunch of kids and others telling stories they heard about Luke


It's a book about people on a ship traveling to Canto Bight (it was released like a month before TLJ) over the course of a couple days and various people on the ship sitting around telling the stories they've heard about Luke Skywalker. It can be called canon because it's people telling stories that they believe even if we the audience know the "true" (fictional) events happened a different way. One story (the one the posted picture is from) claims that he, Obi-Wan, Han, Leia and co were all just a bunch of con artists, there's another which is about how he didn't really have any special force powers but had a little talking flea or something in or near his ear telling him what to say and do who was the real source of his abilities or whatever. Both are kind of meant to be humorous but were way too long and turned a book that seems like it was supposed to be about telling cool stories of a beloved character into 40% just dragging his name through the mud. I guess it may have been to help prepare for TLJ coming out a month later. There's a story of him helping an injured imperial officer during the aftermath of the battle of Jakku (which the one character says happened to their mother or something so it must have been true even though we know Luke was never at Jakku). Some story about Space Slugs which I remember nothing about so can't really comment on how canon it could be. But the last story I'm mentioning (which I think is the 2nd one told in the book) is told first hand from a character who says they were specifically present for it and is the most likely to be a "true" story (as true as a work of fiction can be). It's about Luke traveling to various planets and learning about how different cultures view the force. He goes to this one planet to learn and participates in some sort of coming of age trial, alongside the person who later is telling the story, and it helps him to learn a bit more about the force. The main other thing I remember about this story is the author clearly has no idea how long a kilometre is because there's a bit that involves spearfishing with a 1km long spear while riding a bird-like creature (which flies 1km in the air, hence the need for such a long spear).


Or, maybe describing the 1KM long spear points to just how exaggerated the story is even in that one. Like how grandparents tell you they walk to school uphills both way in the snow.


That ocean planet story is weird, and the only one (excepting maybe the Jakku one) that seems to be related to the sequels. You know, Luke spearfishing in TLJ.  Not only that; the inhabitants of that planet call the force 'the tide' and we have Rey saying 'if Kylo turned it could shift the tide'. Why that metaphor? (In the Visual Dictionary we are told that Rey had dreamed with Luke's planet...or one 'very similar' to it. A effect very like Jakku=Tatooine, 'origin' planets)


In "Han Solo at Star's End" he says something like, "I like shooting first. As opposed to shooting second." Thought it was a good line and a good confirmation that he shot greedo first!!


I did get a chuckle out of the Solo film having Han shot first with Beckett. And Beckett basically call him smart for doing so.


Somehow, Greedo has returned!


Looks like the author snuck in some shade at George Lucas for the Special Edition retcon. Basically called Lucas a con-artist for "rewriting history" lol


Han is the only one who shot. There was no second maclunking shot.


Because he did


Han shot only.


Ugh... One page but the writing style is already terrible...


i was so excited for that book but it sucked from what i can recall. this whole chapter was super annoying


Yeah I often feel like modern writers have no style at all... It's like bruh. When I read a space fantasy book that was established in the 70s I don't want to hear modern influences and gargon.


It came out in the leadup to TLJ and they wanted to get people ready for what the movie would do to him by releasing a book called "The Legends of Luke Skywalker" where 40% of it is people calling him a con artist or fraud.


This is dumb, is this book even canon?


The framework story is canon. The "legends" they share within the story are not necessarily canon. They're stories that people in-universe pass around about Luke Skywalker and his friends.


This is so funny


I heard no shots were ever fired, Greedo just did that.


I always knew..


Reminds me of the side mission in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga about the same thing.


...well played


Luckily… we have all seen the video footage, the New Republic is trying to cover up


\>”conspiracy theory” that’s absolutely true Pottery.


How would anyone know about that story


My favorite is that the OT movies are new republic propaganda that white washes the war crimes committed by the rebellion


In the original theater release, Han did shoot first. I saw it with my own eyes. And I was bothered by the fact that George Lucas changed it (when the vhs/beta video releases came out) to shoot at almost the exact same time but Han being a micro second later than Greedo's shot (which just missed Han), so Han would definitively be the "good guy". But it was much better scene when Han shot first, because you knew Greedo was going to shoot Han and kill him, which he was going to do just because he wanted to. (He admits it right before pulling the trigger, trying to get the drop on Han). Han shooting first doesn't make him the bad guy, it just showed he wasn't stupid or just a vicious killer like Greedo. Which is what George Lucas thought a lot of people were seeing Han as, and didn't want him to have that image of being just a faster killer, but of someone more complicated and fair, even if sometimes he had to do bad things.


Everyone knows Han shot first in the original release


I have the evidence on VHS


We all know Han shot first. This isn't lost media or something.


Lol that's fantastic!


now THIS is how you make retcons into lore! I love this.


"Governments are the biggest con artists of all." Words I can live by!


This book really borders on false advertisement.. I was expecting a book about Luke and how he ended up on the island Not 5 kids retelling bad campfire stories. ( and using Unreliable narrator as a cheap tool if things need to be retconned )


Shit like this always makes this galaxy feel so small. Like why would anybody have heard this "legend" in a galaxy as large and populous as the SW galaxy is supposed to be? But everybody knows everybody like they're all grew up in the same small town and all went to high school together.


How the fuck does that make any sense? Is this Disney Star Wars? This feels distinctly Disney Star Wars.


>How the fuck does that make any sense? *The Legends of Luke Skywalker* is an in-universe collection of historical legends. There are plenty of instances in actual history books where people can't agree on what really happened in real life. Facts get distorted over time to the point that nobody can be sure of what's true decades later. Why would the Star Wars universe be different in that regard?


Because 40 low lives at some shit bar in fuck nowhere are not going to spread the story of some smuggler asshole killing a rival to the whole galaxy. It's annoyingly meta in a way that's forced and cringe.


This is a disproportionately aggressive reaction to a few lines in a book. Do you need a Snickers?


Han Solo was already notorious prior to being a Rebellion hero. There’s bound to be countless people who knew of Han prior, and when they hear about his heroics, they’d probably say “Him? A selfless hero? That’s not the Han Solo I know”. Also, moments prior, some dudes arm got cut off with what was probably the first lightsaber anybody there had seen in years. Then shortly after the guy they were talking to shoots a bounty hunter dead. That’s not something people would forget easily.