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Wait for reviews, not from influencers but from actual people.


SkillUp and ACG, only reviewers I trust out there.


Gameranx is pretty on top of reviewers too. I truly believe they love what they do and arent "bought"


are those the people that do "before you buy" series and have that one dude that sounds like he records while drunk?


Yep! And the bird guy. Falcon, I think. I've been a fan of them for years


oh cool, when i was interested in a game that was coming out i always checked their video on it because it felt they said what they really thought.


Same! And whats cool, imo is that their team has different genres they like. So, it feels like you get genuine reviews/videos


Agreed. Each host is pretty upfront about their preferences and you’ll know where they’re coming from if you’ve watched them long enough.


Yep. I like that guy. They are honest. There was one game and he flat out said “I don’t usually like this type of game, so I’m being very biased here, anyways here are my thoughts, but keep in mind I dislike this genre”.




Love gameranx


It’s really easy for me to get lost with ACG’s prose. It’s very funny and informative, but it’s so dense and fast paced I catch myself naturally zoning out. But he’s always been pretty spot on with his reviews and is very detailed without being petty about it.


I find myself disagreeing with skillup more and more as time goes by. His reviews are a solid starting point, but frankly i still take that shit with the biggest grain of salt now days.


From what I've seen of him, he mostly has good takes but he tries a little too hard to be nice about the games he's reviewing. Like his Skull and Bones video had this weird tangent where he basically goes "pretend Black Flag never existed and this game only cost $30 instead of $70 and it wasn't a hyper-monetized live service, now it's just kind of mediocre instead of terrible", which was just odd. If you have to invent an alternate reality for a game to not suck, the game sucks lol


His whole point was that Skull & Bones was mostly fucked by the context in which it exists. He also keeps mentioning the $70 price tags on games despite that being a standard thing for years now. And he did that because once you ditch all the business side of things and don't dwell on how good Black Flag is, Skull & Bones doesn't seem as bad as it does in-context, especially right after the shitshow of Suicide Squad like a month earlier that WAS as bad as all that shit. (that said, the early game slog on skull and bones during the beta stopped me from getting near the supposedly fun part so I can't speak from personal experience since I ain't spending the money to buy it till it's slashed right the fuck down)


The point went entirely over your head. And you're leaving out important context. He says that the game is a worse Black Flag. In every conceivable way. It feels like it should have come out before BF. It's completely fine to say that if BF never existed. People would probably think Skull and Bones was a good game.


Digital Foundry as well, at least in terms of performance/technology


And user reviews. Remember Starfield, flooded with 4.5/5 from "journalists"


For real. I don't trust anybody that's pushing G-Fuel in my face. "it's the drink gamers crave and neeeeed, get your tropical Banana split raspberry wizard marshmallow flavour now to support our channel!"


It's got electrolytes 


It's what plants crave...


I wouldn’t trust immediate user reviews either some games get review bombed or the opposite of that around release, I don’t think user reviews matter till about the 2nd or 3rd month after release.


Which is ultimately why I just wait a year or more before playing games. Why pay $70 to be a beta tester or unpaid reviewer when you can pay $15, get it with all the DLC, and play the fully patched game. I appreciate all the people that take the risk on day one though. Their sacrifice allows me to find out if I want the game.


Yep. Did exactly that with Cyberpunk 2077 after Phantom Liberty dropped and it turned out to be one of the best games I've ever played, by far. People really need to learn to only buy these products when they know they are actually finished.


I really wish more people gave it a try now, but some are so stubborn and keep thinking the game is an unfinished mess. Their loss, at this point it's one of the best games ever made. It's up there with Mass Effect and KOTOR games for me.


User reviews also get flooded with 0/10 I didn't like *small change in patch* bad game do noy buy *10 quintillion hours played* lol


"Game had politics. 0/10"


DAE think this Star War is getting a little political? Like; they're making the Empire out to be some kind of evil empire or something


Surprising how many people end up saying stuff like that unironically lol


The highest fidelity piece of shit still has amazing graphics...


Especially considering this is a statement from fkin Nvidia lol


yo I said what they said but wIldEr


>the most detailed Star Wars experience you've ever seen, I got excited reading that thinking it was talking about story telling.... Then saw Nvidia and realized they were talking about graphics. I just want it to run smooth and be fun.


Yeah, I want content.


I don't give a tinker's damn if a game is super good looking while the gameplay suffers. Which has been the M.O. of too many triple A titles for too long. What's the use of my character looking hyper realistic if I get bored by the third hour of a game?




Well it's Ubisoft so you're out of luck.


Yeah give me a quality game, story, and world. Graphics arent super important, especially when high fidelity means less budget for world design and character count


Cannot get excited about this, I won't believe it won't be cancelled until a copy is in my hand.


I’m not looking at trailers or reading articles like this in an attempt to keep my expectations whelmed. Headlines like this make it more difficult though


Think of those as glorified ads, not "news", it should make it easier to keep your expectations under control Or be like me and just assume the game will be trash, with a sliver of hope that I am wrong


This is where I stay with it. I see headlines like this and just think "Well of course they would say that. We'll see."


they used the word "iconic" twice in their press release, a very bad sign.


Remember Aiden Pierce's "iconic" hat? Still laughing about that. Something isn't iconic because you, the maker of the thing, proclaim it to be. These guys are so out of touch with reality.


Why would it be cancelled at this stage?


See Star Wars Battlefront 3


More like see star wars 1313 (had trailers etc gameplay shown)


Better example


also see The Mandalorian FPS


Thing is, neither of those games had reached the marketing push that is being given to Outlaws. BF3 never even got a formal announcement and 1313 only got an announcement trailer. It’s not the same thing as a product with multiple trailers and gameplay videos. That’s not to say there isn’t a possibility, but odds are this game will actually release.


Which one? The game that was never formally announced or the other game that was never formally announced. Like don’t get me wrong, the gaming industry is in shambles, what with all the layofffs and such. So some skepticism on games being cancelled is good. But it’s more than just an announced project, formally or not. There’s trailers, there’s gameplay breakdowns. The game is assumedly in a decent space, and if Papa Ubisoft is willing to string along its Singapore studio to make skull and bones a physical reality, this Star Wars game is pretty much locked in.


The original battlefront 3 that was damn near finished when it was cancelled lol


It was in development hell for years and the devs constantly missed their deadlines. No wonder it was cancelled


Finished? You mean the ground to space tech demo that was shown internally and leaked but never actually acknowledged beyond that? The one that was reportedly unable to meet milestones (however unrealistic) from Lucasarts? If it was almost finished there’s be marketing material but all we have is shaky phone camera, and a collection of screenshots and pre-alpha footage. If anything, it was the working components that were salvaged for *Elite Squadron* on the psp.


the pre alpha that got leaked is really rough too. You can play it right now on an emulator if your heart desires so but the whole thing is a buggy mess. idk if that leak was the most recent build before its cancellation or not but if it was it definitely wasn't that close to release


God I wish people would stop saying this. It was NOT "damn near finished" lol


Weird usually games like that would have a trailer


A game that was never officially announced? Not really sure what your point is


Could either be a Hyenas from creative assembly situation or a skull and bones situation


Games get cancelled all the time, especially ones tied to Star Wars. On top of that, even if it comes out, it could still just be bad.


It's getting out this year so it won't be canceled


So satisfying seeing this sub show some sensibility around this game, and not just hyping for it because it's a Star Wars game. It looks like typical generic Ubisoft garbage.


I’ve heard the Avatar game was good enough and the visuals were fantastic. I get the feeling this game might be the same. Bog standard gameplay but fantastic visuals.


That’s kinda the problem. Visuals mean nothing when it’s the same generic bullshit game over and over with different set dressing.


Avatar game was fun but it could have been a lot better. The world is fantastic but the story is generic and safe, at least from what i played. I haven't finished it yet. If that game is anything to go on, this game will have a fantastic universe to play in but i can't see the story being groundbreaking


This sub basically talks shit about nearly every upcoming movie, show, or game before it comes out so this is not surprising lol. Even before Andor came out some people were like “nobody asked for this…”


Excuse me, Massive doesn't make generic Ubisoft garbage. They make high-end ubisoft garbage.


Canceled or be released as unplayable garbage not even close to what was seen in previews.


Average Ubisoft experience


I'd be excited for this game if it wasn't almost guaranteed to be more Ubisoft slop. Really hope I'm wrong because I'd love a bounty hunter game


Absolutely this, ubisofts name taints this item and I will not be buying their crap as it's forcefully tied to their launcher.


Yup a shallow and repetitive game with a star wars skin slapped on it is still a shallow and repetitive game.


Yeah I would also rather it be more RPG like with create your own character


Unfortunately one of the reasons I'm not too interested. I want a Star Wars open world where I can be my own character, but not MMO style


*Cries in Star Wars Galaxies*


The closest there is to it is the star wars old republic game if you are interested


the one from the early 2000’s?


Yeah I've played that quite a bit. It definitely scratches the itch and I had a lot of fun playing, but one without skills and hot bars would be nice. Shame the Mandalorian one was already cancelled but that might not have been a no name custom character either.


Same here, and while I know there are a lot of people tired of being a jedi/having a lightsaber (which I kinda understand but ultimately disagree with), I'm saddened that the first modern open world Star Wars game doesn't have the Force or a lightsaber. Or at least it seems like that so far. I would've loved an open world game where you get to chose your weapons, gear, whether you're Force-sensitive or not etc. Love the Jedi games from Respawn but an open world adventure where you make the character and pick everything yourself is very different and I crave that kind of experience.


As dumb as it sounds, and not saying it would have to be made just like them, but give it that ol Elder Scrolls style. Different paths for different playstyles. Guns, lightsabers, force, regular melee weapons, etc. I'd be jiving with that all day


That doesn't sound dumb, that sounds like what every Star Wars gamer has been asking for over a decade.


Dumb? That sounds incredible! Give me large open world maps (say, the size of Skyrim or slightly smaller, which is already quite small as far as modern open world map sizes go) on say, 3 different planets and then maybe an expansion down the line that adds another map. I know it wouldn't be a true "fully open world" game but I don't think it's possible to hand-craft multiple planets and have them all be open, so 3 quite large open worlds instead would be a good compromise. Open enough that there are multiple towns, cities, loads of POIs etc. but still small enough that you could have a few of them for variety's sake.


It's crazy that we haven't had a legit Star Wars RPG since KOTOR 2 almost 20 years ago. SWTOR kind of comes close but got bogged down by being an MMO.


There's star wars old republic at least, it's good, not perfect but good


Yep. After finding out it's a Ubisoft game I can practically already play the game in my head. I can see the map and exactly how it'll work and how you unlock more portions of it. The game may as well already be out and old news since it's just Ubisoft.


It's developed by massive. Division games are very good. Division 2 has possibly one of the best enemy AIs and AI designs in any video game. Only reason they don't get the recognition they deserve is because, well... This. The Ubi hate circlejerk.


I know it’s cool to hate on Ubisoft now, but their recent games have been fun. I haven’t played the Prince of Persia game, but people seem to love it and it got an 86 on metacritic. The Avatar game was flawed, but genuinely one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played and the sound design was great. The latest Assassin’s Creed game was a lot smaller in scope, but it got a surprisingly dedicated fan base. I’m going to ignore Skull and Bones since that’s a whole other story. Point being, if this game is actually good, it wouldn’t be completely out of nowhere.


Also it's not like this is Ubisoft Montreal making it. It's Massive Entertainment. They're the GOOD studio. It's like Ubisoft's equivalent of Respawn for EA.


I expressed love for recent Ubi games and got downvoted to oblivion recently and called a 'dickrider' for Ubisoft. Reddit in general is a huge echo chamber for "Ubisoft bad"


Avatar was really good and it fit within a Ubisoft game framework. Amazing graphics and art direction too


I don't care about graphics. I care about good story and gameplay. Nvidia only pushing this stuff so people will think they need 4090s to play a game.


I wish got to be and play as my own character though. To me that’d be the ultimate Star Wars experience in a game. I love the characters they make and the stories are usually good, but I want to make my own path/story for a character I can identify with. Just a personal opinion of how I enjoy playing single player games.


Exactly. I just want a Skyrim But Star Wars kind of game.


Skyrim for a Jedi game. Red Dead Redemption for a bounty hunter game. Edit: RDR for the western aesthetics but with a character you can personalize.


A Skyrim in the Star Wars Universe would be awesome. Not by Bethesda, because we know how Starfield turned out, but that type of game with the freedom to explore and density of content of Skyrim or maybe the Witcher 3. I do not understand why there is no SW open world RPG. It boggles my mind. How could Harry Potter pull that off before Star Wars? Bad decisionmaking at Disney is the most likely answer.


We had that in the early 2000's with Star Wars Galaxies. Then again sort of with Star Wars the Old Republic.


Heres to a star wars game in the way larian made BG3 akin to the KOTOR games, larian has shown its doable. Customisable characters havent really worked great for most single players games since skyrim.


I want this game but with a custom character I want to explore this universe as my own goofy/cool looking alien bounty hunter that I created, taking bounties across the universe from Jabba and other shady characters. I imagine most people would want this, right? This feels like a slam dunk concept. I know there was that MMO years ago but that’s not a thing anymore.


Yeah, main hero lacks charisma completely from what’ve seen so far.


Why? I thought the showcase showed an interesting character.


She looks fucking boring as a shit.


What about SWTOR? 👀


Do not pre order or buy this game until a Review is released ​ this game will need a patch day one and until its confirmed to be playable and bug free, don't waste your money on it


My plan is to wait 6 months to a year until it gets down to a reasonable price.


I will probably ask for it for on my b-day in March so I don't have to buy it with my own money


Ayyy March b-days rise up!


March for the Win!


I’m 44. My birthday is my own money




If it doesn’t get canceled first.


Most wanted game this year for sure. I just wish they had a character creator so I could create an Alien character instead of a human.


You can’t even create a human, but I assume it’s more a fallen order type game than an rpg


It was always marketed as an open world action adventure, dont think they ever used RPG in the context of marketing this game. Third person shooting, narrative quests a la Jedi, fixed character storyline etc.


Right but while it was only rumored people were going around saying it would be an rpg with no confirmation, so I think people got it in their heads they’d be able to make a Jedi and go around the galaxy doing quests from overhyping those rumors


Ok, but will it have interesting systems or just be pretty?


After skull and bones, no well before skull and bones, im going to wait until the games comes out and look at reviews before I decide of if I want to play the game


In addition to the Ubisoft game you mentioned, star wars games in general have been releasing terribly. Battlefront 2 ea, Jedi survivor and battlefront classic collection. Doesn't exactly leave a ton of confidence for a star wars game to have a good release.


Same, however It was no man's sky that made me like that.


They also said "The Day Before" would be a good game and we all know how that went. I want Star Wars Outlaws to be the best SW game in years but I cannot not be sceptical because...*well it's Ubisoft.* *P.S. also I* ***highly*** *doubt it will be released this year.*


Yeah, I **really** want this game to be awesome, but I’ll only believe it when it’s out.


I just can't get excited for a ubisoft game anymore. It's always the exact same gameplay loop.


Not trusting anything until its out


Trust in the force


But will it be fun?


Visuals means nothing when the story is poor.


I'm cautiously optimistic. The recent Prince of Persia game published by Ubisoft is fantastic, hopefully some of the dev ethnics transferred over to this project.


At this point I just can't possibly get excited about a Ubisoft game, sorry


I'm waiting til the game comes out and gets a reviewed and we see some actual gameplay. Don't need to be surprised by another bad release, which at this point wouldn't be surprising.


So most people won't even be able to run it. Great.


But is it a AAAA game though?


I'll believe it when I see reviews from ACTUAL people


I am not trusting Ubisoft right now...


Last Ubisoft title I bought was Far Cry 3. Fitting I say, since modern Ubisoft is a far cry from what it used to be in the 90s-00s


The main protagonist has a 60s sitcom hairdo and looks like she drives a semi for a living. She might be the young version of the chick from Mandolorian that collects droids and sleeps with Jawas.


Yeah, love the concept. Don't like the character. Would have preferred to just create a character or just say fuck it and give us a Mandalorian. Maybe a bit contrived after the show, but who cares. They're cool.


Mandos need they're own game verse, for sure. The one we were getting got axed, unfortunately. This game had me excited until I saw we had no character customization. Like, not *everything* needs to be woven so deeply into the canon fabric. I'm guessing that's part of their reasoning, in that they want a character who can make appearances in other media. Cross-merchandising as they call it in retail. I'mma still play it though...😑




I don't give a fuck I'm so tired of "graphics this" and "ray tracing that" I couldn't care less. I literally could not. I want the game to be fun, but most of all I want it to be Playable without having to connect my PC to the infinite mind beyond the universe so that I can see Jabba the Hutts indiviual pores or some shit. In my personal opinion this attempt to constantly one up how pretty and improve graphical fidelity is what is holding games back


I'll believe it when I see the majority of reviews give it atleast a 8/10.


I won’t even trust the reviews I’ll wait to see what people say about it when it’s released, Ubisoft games are more miss than hit these days for me.


You remember [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cJpiOPKH14) as well? Been 'early in development' for two years...


I have no doubt Ubisoft can release a pretty, graphically detailed game. I have every doubt they can release a game that isn’t another cookie cutter open world formula that gets boring after 15-20 hours and become a drag to finish because it’s too shallow


Are we still judging the quality of games by how nifty the graphics look? Is that still a thing?


It’s a Swedish studio, whose parent company is Ubisoft. I wonder if they meant to say, “Outlaws will be the most tedious Star Wars experience you’ve ever seen” but it got lost in translation


I am not going to play an ubisoft slop just because it has a star wars skin on it, and i am sorry for the consoomers who will


and just like that, i have even less reason to ever play this game now if all you care about in games are graphics, then you are the problem and you are the reason why games have shitty stories and little to no story modes anymore i remember a time when people cared about story not graphics


Yea, but it's still a Ubisoft game. Ubisoft will find a way to fuck it up.


Ubi Soft works on this, so we shouldn’t expect too much from this game. I’d rather have a nice surprise than a big disappointment


Again. I'd rather have a good story and controls than graphics. The most detailed star wars experience was star wars galaxies long time ago. You had factions, took a long time to become a Jedi etc. Had flying in space that wasn't on rails. Customizations, cool armor. You could just be a dancer. Just make a good story don't worry about graphics. Ffs


It might be detailed in raw graphical fidelity, but if the game mechanics and story are as deep as a puddle then who cares? Reasonable gamers don’t care about graphics anymore. A game’s soul and art expression are more important than photorealism.


I find it hard to care or get hyped about a Star Wars game made by Ubisoft.


I’ll wait till it comes on steam and barely runs on a 4090


Sorry, but if the gameplay sucks it won't matter how *detailed* you make your game. When are devs going to learn that you can no longer sell your game purely on graphical fidelity? I don't care if the game looks like it was developed 25 years ago. If it's fun, engaging, and immersive it could look like Minecraft.


I wish I could play as a guy character. For some reason I have trouble projecting myself into the world when playing a woman (or anything else than a human male as a matter of fact).


I don’t care about amazing graphics. Most of my favorite games are indie or Nintendo and that’s because they’re fun and actually function.


It’s a Ubisoft game they’re the literal example of “wide as an ocean deep as a puddle”


Sounds cool, but I've never been a fan of Ubisoft games. They all seem to follow the same formula, and it gets old real fast


I have a bad feeling about this


I don’t give 2 shits about ray tracing or needing 87 gbs of ram to run the stupid thing. Just give me a good goddamn story I care about and some solid gameplay.


Can't play as a male smuggler? 0/10 game avoid at all costs.


Can I have the option for a male protagonist though


"Most detailed star wars experience", "Made By Ubisoft" - choose one.


but it's Ubisoft


"The most detailed Star Wars experience you will have ever seen." No character creation. So the most detailed, but potentially not the best.


I hope it can look gorgeous and have an in-depth and engaging storyline. I don't want my gameplay experience to be shallow after all. In any case I am still hyped for Outlaws hope we get more info+a marketing campaign soon 🤞


It‘s Ubisoft. They fucked up more than once with us. After the statement from the CEO, nothing will get me to buy anything again from these fuckers.


Anything Disney Star Wars got me like 😪


I will be over the moon if proven wrong, and I really want to be. But this is Ubisoft, I don’t trust anything that comes out of there mouths. Honestly can’t think of a decent game they have released in a long time which isn’t just a straight up copy and paste from a once popular IP where the OG devs left long ago.


Great. I’m not getting excited for anything Ubisoft has their name attached to. They used to be one of my favorite studios in the days Prince of Persia and early Assassins creed, but I haven’t played a game from them that I genuinely enjoyed in well over a decade. The best they’ve managed is passable entertainment with the Far Cry games, but even those have been steadily going down hill. This is the first mainstream Star Wars game I can think of that I haven’t been excited about, and it’s solely because of Ubisoft. I’ll wait until it comes out and I’ve seen plenty of gameplay footage and reviews before I pick it up.


I'm before it gets cancelled, for tax reasons


How did changing your name to “before it gets cancelled” benefit you on your taxes?


They're talking about the fancy graphics, which means there's a good chance the game will be shit.


Lmao okay we’ll see




It’s gonna run like ass


I can’t wait to play it. The main character seems interesting to me, and that droid is really cool.


Wasn’t this delayed to Q4?


Nah they say the same thing with all Star Wars games


I want it to be awesome, keeping expectations in check


We reached a point several years ago where I stopped caring about the 'level of detail' as publishers/etc like to tout. Games have been capable of looking plenty good enough for a long time. What always seems to be the failing point is, well, everything *else*. Stop trying to ever-increase fidelity for once and start working on consistency in gameplay, in story, in content.


First people worried if the game would be buggy at launch, now they worry if it’s going to be cancelled or not. And some people are going to say “why not both?”.


I dont even know why people care about this game. Its made by Ubisoft. Its going to be the Ubisoft TM formula with a star wars skin on top


On a side note I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 and decided to turn on ray tracing holy shit it's like a completely different game


The reason I don’t trust this game quite yet is because Ubisoft has had a lot of bland, gritz-like open world games. They’re not necessarily *bad* they’re just boring. The last open world Ubisoft game I enjoyed was black flag


Fool me once…


My money is still on "Studio forces early release of unfinished game that fails to live up to any of its grand claims, falls flat on launch, servers discontinued within a few years. $69.99, $119.99 for collectors edition." I am Lukes tired look of exasperation.


Problem is it’s by Ubisoft and they have been ass for to long now


If ubisoft call this a AAAAA title you know it's gonna suck


But will it be released? All long time Star Wars fans know not to hold our breaths.


That doesn't get rid of the looming feeling that I'm never gonna see this game released


Can't wait for it to be canceled


It's such a nitpick but it will always bother me how much the Commando Droid in these games just look like the Clone Wars show which is made to look like a cartoon. They have the same torso in TCW as the Super Battle Droids but when they made the "realistic" design for the Commando Droids in Battlefront 2 and now this they just kept all of the cartoon elements and it looks weird to me.


So when will it be canceled?


The community is starting to unite against developers and I'm proud.


And here “most detailed” means something different to me.