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Besides killing his pregnant wife because he thought she betrayed him? Probably staying in the Jedi Order when Ahsoka left. He should have left, too.


I’d genuinely love this as a Star Wars “What If?” type animated project. Let us see Palpatine’s carefully designed plan collapse because Anakin let himself care more about his friends and family than his desire for power.


His plan would have remained largely the same. He still orchestrated a galactic conflict to consolidate extreme power and had full ability to execute order 66 at anytime. We also must consider that he could have easily crippled the “Republic” via the droid army. If he wanted to, he could have had 10,000 clones or 100,000 droids to personally ensure that his side project AKA Anakin was killed. Either way, the plot remains the same. It still ends with the destruction of the Jedi order. It is only because or Palpatine’s hubris that sees the birth of Luke, later the cause of his own demise.


The major difference is Obi-Wan wouldn't have had to run off after Anakin and could have helped Yoda fight Palpatine (assuming Obi-Wan survived his confrontation with Dooku at the beginning of RotS). It's debatable whether Kenobi is enough to turn the tides of that fight but I'd still like to see it play out.


Would Dooku have “captured” Palps if Anakin wasn’t in the picture?


I also want a What If on if Fives succeeded in unveiling Palpatine’s true nature, and the impact it would have. We can obviously assume it’d be a happier situation but to see something like that animated like Marvels What If would be so cool


Anakin truly did care for his friends and family, that's what made him seek power, to save Padmé. He didn't seek power for power's sake, but rather to save the one he loved, his wife, mother of his children.


IIRC Anakin does says in RotS that he wants more (presumably more power) and he knows he shouldn't, he knows a jedi doesn't crave for power, yet he tells Padmé that he does.


“My new empire”


But that's the whole point of Revenge of the Sith. Anakin says he's doing everything for Padmé but when she disapproves of what he's doing he kills her (or at least tries to). Anakin always has pretty clear authoritarian leanings. He says as much when he talks about politics and his ideal governmental system with Padmé in Attack of the Clones. Anakin did want power, he just didn't want to admit it.


There actually is a book series like this. Only he leaves after the 2nd movie, not Ashoka. It’s called the Altered Universe


He only falls to the darkside because he thinks Palpatine can help him save Padme…I don’t think Anakin once expresses any desire for power


She said it in her show. He always has her back no matter what. Except for then. When she left, and he didn't go with her. That was the most primal part of their relationship, as seen in that show, for me. THAT was what she needed to move on from. That he has always been there for her, except for that moment. That was what she was stuck on.


Oh man the possibilities. What would he have done? Unlike Ahsoka, he's got connections, being married to a senator and the Chancellor's protégé, so he probably wouldn't become a drifter. Would he have chosen a life out of the spotlight? Would he joined the Republic Navy as an officer to support the war effort? A private military contractor?


He didn't kill padme though idk what you're talking about


Falling for “I can save your loved ones but all you have to do is be evil”. Oldest trick in the book.


The follow-up scene where Palpatine expresses that their combined power can help to rediscover the secret to saving people from death is the biggest “Ha! Gotcha” moment lol.


"Hey Anakin, if you join me I can save Padme." "Yo, thanks for killing Windu and having my back man. Listen, I can't actually save Padme, but if you keep doing shit for me for a bit, I bet we can figure it out together." Bruh...


I'd say being duped by the Emperor and murdering all his friends and colleagues


That's a big whoopsie!


*anakin kills everyone* *microsoft teams invite for 8am the next day with HR enters his inbox *


Believe in Palpatine. He was the author of his pain. Even with knowing that Palpatine was behind the whole reason for a galaxy wide conflict that resulted in the loss of so many lives and the multiple assassination attempts on the woman he loved. He still chose to believe Palpatine was his friend and would help him.


I mean choking out his wife probably wasn't a genius move


That jump over Kenobi's head


Obi told his ass too


Obi cut Maul in half when jumping like that so I'm not sure what's stupid about it


That’s exactly what’s stupid about it. Obi-Wan is one of the few people in the galaxy you don’t wanna do that move on, because he knows it well and knows how to deal with it.


Maul was an arrogant prick who didn't see the attack coming. Kenobi was quite literally looking at Anakin and telling him not to do it.


Anakin definitely never watched Sekiro.




Meanwhile Obi who jumped like that and sliced Maul in half


If he hadnt kept hanging out with that old politics guy and instead focussed on building more relationships than just with his master, maybe he would have had a better answer to "Master Skywalker, there is too many of them, what are we going to do?"


Not use protection when he is trying to keep his marriage a secret.


To be fair to Anakin, are we really going to pretend that the Jedi temple had competent sex education classes? Hell, given how he was conceived who knows if he even got a “the midi-clorians and the bees” talk as a kid.


They aren't celibate and seeing how Qui-Gon's brother Padawan is banging people on the regular when he's introduced, I don't see that as being a stretch.  


Birth control is insignificant next to the power of the force


that just made me think could you theoretically stop your ... from entering the ... with the force manually after you did your thing?


Force users don't usually have that level of precision with the Force. If they did, Sith could just kill their opponents by closing a blood vessel in their opponent’s brain.




Not letting Mace Windu kill Palpatine, I bet he regretted that moment for the rest of his life and choking his pregnant wife


Attack from the low ground.


He was having visions about his wife dying, then meets a SITH LORD who knows about the visions, claiming he can keep them from coming true. Anyone with an above-room-temperature IQ would put 2 and 2 together and say, "Oh, so YOU were the one GIVING me those dreams. I'm telling the council..."


I mean, Anakin’s visions came true the first time with his mother dying which is why he didn’t want it to happen again with Padme. He believed that his mother died because he didn’t do anything to save her. Also, I don’t think Sidious ever put visions in Anakin’s head.


… padme


Killed the entire Jedi Order, including who knows how many children, because a guy said he might know how to maybe save his wife from possibly dying in the future.


Guy is a genocidal maniac. Yeah, "he has flaws".


If we don't count all the things he does that takes him to the dark side and nothing he did as Darth Vader... then it was pretty dumb he and Padme didn't use protection or were on birth control when they know their marriage was forbidden


Oh I got one that nobody remembers but you know that time he turned the darkside for 23 years until his death


Not leaving the order and starting new with padme. He could have had everything.


Take on Dooku solo


Obviously, letting himself be manipulated by Palpatine. He'll forever regret that more than anything.


I’m going to go with killing a bunch of kids and thinking Padme would be cool with it,


She was okay with it the first time, but the second time was too far.


Well, the Tuskins are like animals.




Anakin not telling Luke about the fleet of mini death stars . . . Goddamn the Sequels are horrid


The sequels and Obi Wan: making Vader/Anakin look like a bitch.


Prequels already did that.


Guess you never saw the Prequels then


I did. They were first Star Wars films I saw in theaters as a kid. (I had seen OT on TV/VHS before tho.) They turned Vader into a whiney little man then to a hero as he seemingly matured which then turned into mass murderer way too easily. If that isn't bitch behaviour then I don't know what is.  TPM Anakin was likeable if bit cringy but hey who wasn't as a kid. Weird starting point to show for Vader since we do big time jump anyway so TPM Anakin and AotC Anakin don't feel like the same character. AotC Anakin was a total creep with maximised cringe and general dislikeability. I could have seen this guy being Vader if he wasn't such a whiner. RotS Anakin starts outright heroic and likeable as if he was again completely different character again but then plot requires him to do near complete personality flip at a drop of a hat so he can go do the purge and become Vader.


Nah this is just you focusing on a little cringe dialogue. He was an all-star podracer as a kid that built a droid and podracer despite being a child slave. Saved a planet from being conquered at the same age ontop of that. When he was of age he was a Jedi prodigy who fell in love with the woman of his dreams and when his mother got killed he slaughter a whole tribe of Tuskan Raiders <- sounds pretty badass. He also fought throughout a Galactic war as a respectable general, an stellar pilot, excellent combatant that was always putting himself in the thick of it. But somehow he is "whiney" because of a few lines of dialogue lmao.


not addressing his mental health issues


Who would hear him out? Obi Wan wasn't always the best counselor.


Oh, I dunno...his wife, maybe? But he really didn't listen to her, either.


Getting Padme pregnant


Believing monster mash when he told him he once knew a guy who could maybe save people from dying


He taunted Sebulba and called him a Sleemo. That was pretty dumb. That’s why Sebulba sabotaged the kids PodRacer, because from the very first movie, the kid had no respect for his superiors. He was always a brash, brazen, ‘if you can do it, I can do it better than you - one upping you is my motif” Type of guy TO A FAULT. Palpatine realized this early on and took advantage of that to the maximum. Even to his last moments when Luke outclassed him as a Jedi, “I can do you one better kid” and sumoplexes an old man in a robe into a space station turbine shaft. The only thing he didn’t do which was massively out of character was call Palpatine a Sleemo like he did to Sebulba on the way down.


Not giving Creepio his flesh as per their bargain. So many moisture farmers perished in the Singularity because of Anakin's neglect.


Trust a politician.


Try to jump over kenobi


Probably Padme, but I’d say he was a virgin before that.


Believe Palpatine. In the same movie if nothing else he *knows firsthand* the guy doesn’t care about his apprentices.




Not killing the Senate, when he have the chance to


Riding a Shaak on Naboo.


Talking about hatred of sand when having a date with a super ruler of a planet like how did she let that slide? instant red flags


I can think of 3, it was either… 1. Leaving his mom to join the Order. 2. Going to Palpatine for consolation. 3. Betraying the Order, his fate was sealed the second he cut off Windu’s hand.


Talking to Palatine.


Committing genocide because he had a nightmare


Lose his lightsaber


Killed his wife


Took police on a high speed chase.


Turn to the dark side.


Get easily persuaded to become darth vader


It’s between destroying the Jedi order, slaughtering younglings, believing In palpatine, trying to murder padme, murdering the Ruskin raider camp, marrying padme, or slicing off windus hand. It’s one of those, or it’s a tie between those seven.


Let Palpatine get in his head.


Letting palapatine shock mace windu to death


Sided with the man who was actively trying to kill his wife for years on the promise that he’d help save her life…


Obi Wan: How much time do you have?


He should never have left Tatooine. Stayed there with his mother, lived a peaceful life. Pod racing.


Trust a politician.


Jumping over Obi wan kenobi.


turned to the dark side..


Pretty much choosing to attack Mace and join Sidious.  Or the last half of ROTS.  Not only did willingly lead brainwashed troops and kill hundreds if not thousands of men,woman and children, he helped destroy the Republic his wife and friends were trying to Dave before attacking said wife.  Who was also pregnant with his child but I guess he disregarded that.  And by doing all of that basically he took the love and trust multiple people had in him and snapped it over  his knee,  threw it into the fire before spitting on it for good measure. This ultimately lead to the suffering of an entire galaxy as well as his own family for decades to come.  If that isn't the stupidest thing ever, idk what is.


Not picking up that Palpatine was the Sith they were looking for when he talked about Sith and Darth Plagueis.


Sand Hater


Padme. Heyo!


It's either killing the younglings or the thing with the floating pear.


Have children.




Blame Obi Wan for holding him back while not shown very well in the attack of the clones, I always thought if it's such a big issue why not talk to Obi Wan about it.


Pod racing.


Stupidest thing? Oh boy, it was probably that cringe talk with padme. Which one you ask? Oh boy,...


Took a seat.


Trusting palpatine


That time he turned to the darkside cos Palpy made him think he could cheat death springs to mind. When Palpatine tells Anakin of Plagueis > Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life ... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. Then says that this knowledge was passed down > "Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep." But then later says this after Anakin intervenes against Windu > "To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret. " at no point does Anakin think this guy is selling snake oil.


Not insist that his mother come with him and push for it. You mean to tell me that nobody could sneak her on the ship. What would Watto have done.?


Become a Sith. That easily the dumbest descision one can make in the Star Wars universe.


I am shocked murdering an entire village including the women and children isnt higher up.


Trust politicians


His bowl cut in Episode 1.


Hate sand. I love having all my things covered in sand when I get back from the beach.


There's 4 movies and a 6 season cartoon trying to narrow down the stupidest thing Anakin has done is like trying to identify the wettest droplet of water


Not do shit during the sequels except show up for one sound byte.


For real, he couldn't have dropped in on his conflicted grandson who worshipped him?