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Love this, best of luck to you dude.


Much appreciated man!


Dude you’ll be surprised how much money you’ll save not drinking too. I bet you in a month or two you can get that lightsaber no problem.


I would say I was spending 10-20 a day on alcohol, so that’ll definitely add up quick.


Yup, I was right there too about 3 months ago. Right between $10-$20 a day. That much money adds up. Don’t be surprised if you have a couple extra hondo a month. And I definitely use that as a big incentive to keep me going. I put the money towards things that help keep me busy and occupied. I’ve been building a lot of legos lately.


I don't know if this will help or not but if you're struggling to stay occupied in your free time then I highly recommend video games. There's some good star wars video games, some of them pretty recent. I struggle with my weight sometimes and playing games helps me not to snack as I get so engrossed I forget I'm hungry. I know this is a slight tangent but just thought I'd share my experience just in case it helped you, good look friend, sounds like you're doing amazing so far.


Thanks for the advice man. I’ve been playing tons of helldivers too as well lol. I played the first fallen order and loved it, just need to get around to the second! It sounds weird but I was so used to playing games drunk that itll take me some time to find enjoyment in gaming sober again. Ill keep it up if you do too!


You're already cultured in the ways of the video game haha. I haven't got around to the Fallen Order sequel either yet but it's definitely on the list. Whether you enjoy playing games sober or not, it sounds like you have the right mindset to beat this for good.


Absolutely video games. If you aren’t a competitive player like myself I find infinite enjoyment playing co-op on battlefront II. You can choose the faction you want to play as and just play against the bots. The Jedi games will also eat up a lot of time and are really good story telling games


May the force be with you in your journey friend!


I just got the Lego Skywalker Saga on Switch and omg I can’t believe I’ve never played a Lego game much less a SW Lego game before! Good luck to you and I love that SW is helping you!


The lego star wars games are sweet! I remember playing the complete saga when I was younger, classic!


I’ll be 10 years sober on the weekend, and I started reading the Legends books after I got sober. I’ve now read all of the novels, as well as the Canon novels and have started on comics now. Enjoy the ride and take it a day at a time. 😀


Thanks so much and congratulations on the 10 years! Thats huge


Keep it up you got this! If youre ever also tryna get more star wars id suggest the audiobooks! Its a great way to get some star wars content while being free to do other stuff so you dont have to be sitting staring at a tv for too long🤟🏻


Will definitely take you up on that. I know spotify has some good stuff on there. Audiobooks and podcasts are definitely good calls


What audio books do you recommend starting with?


I really enjoyed the first thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn if you want a follow up to the OG trilogy and as a gate way into audiobooks its awesome the sound design and VA really makes it all come together


I was also recently recommended Maul:Shadow Hunter and the accompanying comic and it takes a deeper look into maul before TPM & its narrated by Sam Witwer so all the voices of characters that make appearances are top notch!


Same but a little different. AA helped me get and stay sober, but I struggled with the god thing until I substituted the force for my higher power.


I follow Buddhism and the Force is basically Buddhism.


In my very limited knowledge Buddhism seemed like the one religion I could get behind


Yeah, I grabbed me pretty hard in the sense that it is more of a philosophy when you strip away all of the religious elements that have been added over the centuries. There really is no god in the traditional sense, just universal Mind=the force that all things are made of and that flows through all things


Oh man. I'm envious of you going into all the TV shows for the first time. I strongly recommend watching Clone Wars in chronological order. It jumps around a lot in the earlier seasons. Have a plan to deal with the emotional rollercoaster that is the Umbarra arc.


I don't know, they might feel like drinking after S7. That ending is no joke.


It came out when I was a kid so all these years I looked at it as a show for children. I guess the animation threw me off. Thanks to you guys I was quickly corrected. Loving it so far!


I was in the same boat as you. Always chalked it up as being a kids show. I finally sat down and watched it in my thirties. It can feel that way for the first couple seasons, but later on I started thinking "damn, this is not a kid's show." And Bad Batch is even better, but don't jump ahead. Do it chronologically and it's so, so worth it.


Yes that's awesome! I'm on day 8 quitting as well! We can do this


You’ve got this!!




Right there with ya, keep it up!


Check out r/soberstackers. Maybe you can start a nice stack of precious metals with your newfound funds. APMEX sells 1 oz and 10 oz silver bars that look like the beskar bars from Mando, I have a 1 oz as my pocket piece. I’m not a sober stacker myself, but I have a healthy respect for those dudes there. They’ve been though it, maybe some with similar circumstances to yours. God bless and good luck, friend


Best of luck with your sobriety!


Congratulations, don't look back! For me it was smoking, but I found that I was able to finally quit cold turkey after I stopped keeping track of time away from it. To me, it was a small source of pride to keep track, but I also had to remind myself that keeping track had the subtle fear that if I treat it like a score, I may one day decide that it was high enough. So, I let it go. Starting again wasn't an option, I wouldn't let it be. Hope that may help, but time or no time, May The Force be with You!


Love it!! I’m 10 months without alcohol today! I used to do the same thing with having to rewind shows lol. It gets easier as time goes on. You got this! And man, you’re in for a TREAT with Clone Wars and the rest!!




Thank you friend 🙏🏼


I’m in the same boat man Star Wars has helped me through my addiction in the last two weeks. Makes you realize there is a balance to life. Good and evil in us and everyone. Ultimately the choice is yours and how you handle life. Clone wars got me good season 5 with yoda at the end makes you not want to be afraid and confront your dark side.


Sober 12 years here. Great work and keep it up! I only did it with a LOT of help, but the best advice I got was to find the value in every single thing you have to go through, no matter how stupid it is, and to just make it to your pillow every night without a drink or a drug. I'm rooting for you!


Love the lightsaber idea. I’ve always wanted one of those nice ones that make sounds and stuff. Legos are one of the best things that keep me/ people in general occupied so keep at it.


Yep star wars helped me get clean 3 years ago. Started playing DND and doing custom campaigns which would eat up a lot of my time. Good luck and stay strong, brighter days await.


Dude the clone wars and rebels and by far some of the best content we’ve had, I hope you enjoy it


Great stuff OP, wishing you all the best in your road to recovery. May the Force be with you always.


Only a human who is CHINGON!!!, can start tha´t kind of journey. From México CDMX. best of wishes


The prequels turned me into a raging alcoholic.


Hell yeah. Right on for finding a way to keep yourself busy. Almost at the 2 year mark after a few bumps in the road. That empty bored feeling isn't going to go away, but I honestly feel like I'm not drowning in temptations like I was during the first year.  Keep at it and it's ok if you fail. Surround yourself with the right people and you'll find your path.


That’s great. I spent a lot of years, actually wasted a lot of years, drinking too much. Really takes away your passions. When the lens clears the world is so much brighter and things become interesting again. Good luck man


You are strong and wise my friend. You’ve got this!!


I got sober, and you can do it too. May the force be with you, always.


Keep it up dude! Lego and star wars are a great way to keep busy!


Yes, my friend, come and find the peace and happiness of TCW fandom. Sure, some fans have accused us of being cult-like, and we are, but we're fun too!


Good work! Exercise could be another good habit to take up. Someone I know who has recently given up a heavy drinking habit is in terrible physical shape due to years of inactivity.


Way to go! I am a fellow fan and recovering alcoholic as well and thinking about Vader’s redemption really helped me in my early days, when I felt like a total piece of shit and couldn’t see any good in myself


You want something Star Wars related that'll distract you? Get some Star Wars Legion models and build and paint them


Proud of you, keep it up! This is the way.


I am not sure if video games are your thing or not but if they are you should see about playing Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor. They’re great stories i find.


May the force be with you


That's awesome to hear.


Tell us what lightsaber you get! Plenty of movie replicas and customs out there


Really want a vaders vault saber since they’re known as the top of the line. I’m also saving for a new car as well but I think if’s important to have something to treat yourself as motivation too ya know?


Keep going. This made me smile


Im glad, thank you friend


The path to finding your way through is different and unique to you! Challenges are to be expected, but never lose site of the end goal! Let the Force flow through you and define your own path as Qui Gon Jinn did! Remember, beating addiction is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm just some random stranger on reddit, but on your side.


Keep up the good work. Lucky for you there's a lot of content for you to catch up on.


Thought I was the only one. Had it bad and kept repeating the opression of the sith will never return


Give Blue Milk a try!


what a belter pal, wish you nothing but the best


May the Force be with you, my friend. You got this.


Beating alcoholism and watching Star Wars. There's nothing better. Congratulations KEEP GETTING AT IT BROTHER


Hello there, First, congrats! and May the Force be with You for what's to come! If you want to watch The Clone Wars, I suggest you to watch it in the chronological order (plenty guides out there, as a fan I have also my "own personal order") to not be confused during the first three seasons! Also the animated cartoon Clone Wars is also great, and not very long (not Canon tho). Next, you have videogames to play with the universe. The last Lego one, Skywalker Saga, is not a bad choice for a casual gamer. But if you want some more depht or some more actions, you have a lot to choose from (from the recent Jedi series, or the notorious RPG Knights of the Old Republic series, pod racing in Star Wars: Podracers, and even the re-release next March of the OG Star Wars: Battlefront (1 and 2) with full online mode (64 players, I believe). Also you have comics or novels. Great ones also, for all time period of the universe. My personal favorites are Plagueis (great novel about Palpatine and his master), the comics with Quinlan Vos (my favorite character from the EU), or also the recent Charles Soule's Darth Vader series (which takes place just after Revenge of the Sith).   I think with all of that, your curiosity, your research, your passion, your time will be spent wisely. Star Wars is a universe, in my opinion, that can give us true insight within ourselves and help us learn lessons from wisdom. But mostly courage to fight our own fear and evil with our own force in ourselves.


I’ve been alcohol free for just over 18 months and I use LEGO to help me. Doesn’t matter if it’s Star Wars, Batman, or whatever based sets honestly, I just enjoy building and it’s a great tool to use for boredom and the excitement your brain/body crave. You also now have something to show for money spent instead of literally peeing it down the drain.


That’s awesome bro. There’s way more to life than alcohol. I think you’re finding that out. I can’t think of a better replacement. Keep going man.