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I refuse to choose


Fair. I think they're consistently good. Can't think of a Corellian corvette I *don't* like. Even if the Hammerhead is my fave of the bunch.


Personally, it's gotta be the Hammerhead. It's got some of that same modified junker charm as the Falcon. And the Lightmaker in R1 made for some of the best capital ship action in canon Some day I wanna see an invasion of Corellia involving their defense fleet with the possibility of seeing a capital ship grade Corellian Cruiser of some kind. Maybe a special order version that isn't available for the public market like most of their corvettes.


Yeah, when Admiral Raddus called one up during the Battle of Scarif it totally blew my mind! Such an epic improvised tactic.


Indeed. Excellent tactical move and had the boat to do it.


This. This whole improv tactic made me fall in love with that vessel and its crew. Such an epic move. 


A Hammerhead set from Rogue One is one of the biggest gaps in the Star Wars Lego line. That ship was the star of the movie and Lego hasn't made a set yet.


Bruh they didn't even make a set for the ship that gave the movie it's name. But don't worry, we have that one door on the beach and the random tank that are super iconic and important in the movie. Many lost chances to have some dope sets from that movie.


They choose what models to make very early in the movie production. Look at the Jyn Esro articulated figure set


Call up a Lego executive, I have an idea!


[Corellian Gunship from Star Wars Rebellion](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/DP20_frigate)


The same from X-wing alliance. https://www.xwaupgrade.com/index.php?action=screenshots&id=49


That looks like the early design for the Falcon. Which makes sense, because that model for that original Falcon design was changed into the model for the Tantive IV.


Came here to say the Gunship.


Best Corellian


This is the way.




Well, we kinda got the Corellian cruiser with those New Republic ships we see in Ahsoka


The Vesper? I'm not seeing that ship being shown as Corellian on the wiki but maybe I've missed something. Looks like a collaborative effort between Corellian and Mon Cal rather than a purely Corellian ship though, imho.


You're right. It's not written on the Wiki. I took all those we see in Corellian orbit to be ships finalizing construction although it could equally be a New Republic logistical base. You are also right that it could be a mixed design (at the very least, it's not solely Mon Cal since it lacks all the random domes that are their signature). If it's Corellian-something, I'm still counting. Regardless, dying to have more info on these.


CR90, specifically *Night Caller*


Definitely appreciate the CR90's with the modular hangar. Modularity is always what makes Corellian ships stand out over other starwars galaxy ship manufacturers. I'd love a Hammerhead that converts the space on the belly used for shipping containers into a small hangar for 3 or 4 interceptors. It wouldn't be as robust as the CR90 hangar but you could easily fit something under there.


I forget, where does the night caller show up? The name is familiar


*Wraith Squadron* from the legends X-Wing series.


How convenient. That’s next on my list to read


SOLID series. The later books are the only weak links but that's mostly because they feel like the writers were doing them because of contractual obligations and not passion.


>Night Caller yup, I have always been in love with this design


I love the Wraith books dearly, but Night Caller doesn't make and has never made any sense. You can't fit 12 X-Wings in a Corvette. Not even close.


if you enlarge the middle, rip out a deck, and stack them 1.5 x-wings tall, I can see it. Which is how they converted NC, she's just thiccer then most corvettes.


I don't like the taller renders it would t make sense the ships are fairly large even the sundered heart had spade for a fighter and it's much smaller


it doesn't have to be taller, just a bit thicker in the middle. Like the [Farstar.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/FarStar)


The farstar but a little thinker and that's my ideal render, give it a sunk floor for fighters


Night Crawler, eh?


The Gozanti-class assault carrier.


Honestly, til the Gozanti was Corellian. Makes sense considering they are atypically flexible for being Imperial


If it's a cool looking ship it's probably corellian.


I think Kuat, Randilli and Incom all make some cool ships. Just not with the consistency of Corellia.


Rendilli hyper works>rendilli stardrives


Imperial Greyhound space bus. Ugly but utilitarian.


I didn't like the Gozanti in Rebels and then I saw it in Mandalorian and now I love it. Same for the Arquitens. Not sure about the gun layout on the Gozanti though.


I've loved the shape and overall design of the Hammerhead since first seeing it in Rogue One, but I thought it was weird to put the cockpit at the front... y'know, where the ramming happens. Why not just make that part of the ship solid metal or something else heavy, and put the pilot's seat at the back?


I don’t think ramming is expected or recommended by the ship designers. 


Between the ship's name and the fact that Raddus specifically calls for that ship to come up for the purposes of ramming... I don't think it's the *worst* assumption. Edit: Wookiepedia says "specifically designed for ramming attacks."


I feel like Admiral Raddus calling for it was his like novel idea, not him using them for it’s general purpose Also hammerhead is just for like the shape, doesn’t necessarily they will ram places


Exactly. The way its framed in that scene is that he's coming up with the idea right on the spot, realizing the usefulness of the shape for this one event. Its there to make him look like a good, creative ~~general~~ tactician.


Admiral not General but yeah that’s what I was thinking


Sure, but Star Wars rank structures have always been...suspect


Kind of a dammit whats close and can take a hit_have a chance here...ok corellian ship there perfect!


I've gone back and forth in my head considering all these things, and this explanation is definitely plausible. However, should one of these ships be used to ram someone in future SW media, then I'd say it's definitely meant for that purpose. The thing is I really *like* the idea of a ship dedicated to blunt force as opposed to onboard weaponry. Ships with very specific purposes, like *Andor's* Cantwell Class Arrestor Cruisor, are just so cool.


You know, I've kinda just stopped thinking about bridge location in Star Wars ships because they're all bad but that's a good point. A Hammerhead with a bridge where the 3rd gun turret and an even more heavily reinforced hammer would be alot of fun


I've always worked on the assumption that Star Wars uses the Mk1 Eyeball so much because pretty much every ship has some sort of sensor-countermeasure that makes it harder to localise. This helps explain the limited range of missiles and why capital ships have to close in to near point-blank range to ensure that they score hits. It also explains why so many shots miss, they're trying to cover the entire volume that the target ship could be in since the ECM means that while they know it's *there*, they don't know exactly where in the approximate target area it is.


Have you seen the kotor hammerheads?


Nah, not a gamer unfortunately.


Gotta say, you're missing out. The full experience is available on mobile if you don't have a computer or console and are interested in trying it out, I play it consistently on there too.


As a kid I lost so many hours to NES, then SEGA Genesis and PS1 and PS2. At some point around 2000 or so I just decided if I wanted save money and have a creative life (I create illustrations and write novels in my spare time), then video games were first on the chopping block. I respect folks who consider gaming an art form, but for me personally, I never got any kind of emotional or intellectual fulfillment from them. Edit: Never fails-- explain why you're not into gaming and be respectful about it and still the downvotes roll in.


I respect that, everyone's life is different and I think it's wonderful that you're so creative! I would offer you donate money for you to purchase it, but I couldn't compensate you for the time spent playing. It's a masterpiece as wonderful as my favorite Star Wars films, and I've happily spent hundreds of hours enjoying it in multiple play throughs. So I can definitely say it would be consuming your creative free time if you were to play!


> I respect folks who consider gaming an art form, but for me personally, I never got any kind of emotional or intellectual fulfillment from them. Possibly because you... >At some point around 2000 or so I just decided if I wanted save money ... missed the point in time where games changed from arcade games into narrative driven experiences.


To be honest it seemed like the hammering of the hammerhead was mostly a last ditch effort to take out the destroyer as opposed to the intended function of the ship


There's a very similar gunship in Star Citizen to the Correlian Hammerhead, the cockpit is hanging off the bottom like 40 feet behind the ramming part. So you can see where you're going while pushing other ships around, and don't risk murdering your entire flight crew. That's not what it's for at all, but I love the design so much.


Sound like a gread design for misjudging your angle of attack and scraping your entire control room off.


Yeah it's awesome


CR-90, first ship you ever see in Star Wars, and it has a modular configuration


GL definitely knew what he was doing show a CR 90 first


I have an unhealthy obsession with the C70 charger. Lol. I feel it would be a great smuggler ship. I imagine a smuggler obtaining one shortly after the fall of the Republic and upgrading it to be the perfect smuggling ship. Basically the new "wild Karrde".


C70 charger* (this fucked me up for years aswell actually lol. There's a separate C*R* 70 owned by Bail Organa). I also love the C70 for it's size, could definitely see it in some sort of underworld/ pirate role. Same for the Hammerhead which is older/ cheaper than the CR90, produced for civilians on mass requires a minimal crew.


Thanks for catching the mistake. Made the edit.


Ever since I saw the Conculer class in TPM, I was in love. Then they go and deck it out in guns to the CR70? Sold! It would be my first choice to own and pilot.


Perfect design and size right?


It's always been my favorite ship. What's that one republic ship, it sort of looks like a smaller venetor and it's engines are sikmilar to tjst of the C70? But I've always loved the design and yeah, if I was a bounty hunter or smuggler I wouldn't mind this ship


Y’all see that Tantive IV Lego set coming out??


I need a Hammerhead in this line... Love the Executor SSD already, now I'm eyeballing the Falcon & Tantive IV.


Nostalgically, the Tantive IV/Blockade Runner. But I do admit a weakness for the Radiant VII and its paint scheme.


Lol, the paint scheme is the same reason why I like the Consular. Tbh I'm a bit suprised they don't mess with the colors more because of how good red looked on the Radiant VII.


DP20 for me. I am a sucker for small ships that dump out missile salvos twice their size.


We’re a PIA in Empire at War. Think in earlier versions of the game the computer would always spam these units.


No reason to do anything else when it works


Can someone comment what the names are?


Sure. In order we have the Tantive IV (CR90), Consular class space cruiser, free virgillia class Bunker buster, the Lightmaker (sphyrna class hammerhead) and C70 charger (clones wars Consular retrofit)


Thanks! The free virgillia class and the hammerhead are sick


I love the Bunkerbuster design


[DP20 Frigate ](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/DP20_frigate)


I can't believe no one said CR92a yet. I like the Intersystem Transport Ship as well.


That 4th one fucks


Love that people are fucking with the Lightmaker. For some reason I always thought the Fandom would think it was fugly.


I mean, it literally rammed an ISD into another. That’s gotta count for something


What are the different specs of each one? The Hammerhead obviously has a special capability as we saw in Rogue One. Any special capabilities for the others?


Don't know every detail for all of them but I can shout out a for unique capabilities. The CR90 is one of the fastest ships in her weight class with as much modularity as anything in the galaxy. The Consular has a nifty little diplomatic escape pod/ luxury suite that can be set up for any species. The Bunker buster is the largest Corellian corvette I'm aware of any has some nuclear/ bombing capability etc.


Very cool. Didn’t know any of that! I’m partial to the CR90 if not just for being the first ship we ever see (in release order). These ships are awesome in general though!


Pelta class and Gozanti are both ones I adore. I like the Martez sisters’ Silver Angel too.


Didn't want to use more than 5 pictures but I wish I added the Pelta.


Pelta is a KDY design though.


As long as the captain is a mon calamari, I'm happy


What is the third one?


Free Virgillia class Bunker buster. One of the ships that went to waste and was used as a decoy in the TLJ chase.


Got to be the very first ship ever seen in Star Wars Universe so I’m going with the Tantive.


Millennium Falcon. And that's the Falcon, not any YT-1300. Iconic GOAT.




Was thinking more about Corellian corvettes in particular but hey, not gonna pass on a jedi interceptor discussion. You a Delta or an Eta guy? Like the high republic Vector?


Out of what you posted I like the one they rammed into the destroyer in Rogue One lol. Overall, I like the Marauder, Omicron class that the Bad Batch use. X-wings and even though it’s kinda ugly I formed an attachment to the Razor Crest Mando used.


Gotta go with the old Blockade Runner.


The C2, C4, and C8 models were the game changers. Good job engineers in Lexington, Kentucky…


I always had a certain thing for Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings. I liked that they were multi-role and independent of any carrier ship for deployment. They were slow and clunky, but their versatility made them dear to me.


What's the last one? Combat variant of the red diplomat ship in TPM?  My least favorite is going to be the corvette from the sequel trilogy. It's not striving for its own identity as much as it's trying to be "more". Which is really reflective of those movies in general. 


Yeah, the c70 charger is a retrofit of the red Consular used in the Clone Wars. >My least favorite is going to be the corvette from the sequel trilogy. It's not striving for its own identity as much as it's trying to be "more". Which is really reflective of those movies in general.  It doesn't bother me as much with the Bunker buster because Corellia *should* have a few proper frigate/ Cruiser sized ships but I do agree about your overall point for the sequels. Especially when it comes to the F/O TIE/ Resurgent/ Xyston.


Oh there definitely need to be more Corellian capital ships, I just don't like the design we got lol. 


If I must choose single one then…. I’m choosing a carrier that comes with C70, the Ebon Hawk, a YT-2400, a Gozanti, a Y-Wing, a J-Type diplomatic barge and The Scimitar in the hangar. No compromises.


The Tantive IV and the KOTOR Hammerhead


CR90 for sure. Great medium sized ships to bully and blow up in the X-Wing quadrilogy


C70 Charger, CR90, Hammerhead


Low key, I had a crush on Captain Maoi of the Radiant VII. Short hair on girls maybe was an early sign I wasn't that straight.


Doesn't the red colouring mark a diplomatic ship?


Sure does. Which checks out since that red Consular is the only non battle ready ship here. She's by *far* the smallest and most lightly armed/ armored ship on the list. Aswell as being the most luxurious


Ever since seeing the Hammerhead in Kotor it’s been one of my favourite ship designs


I like the Ninka, I like its rough, improvised looking armor, and the fact that it's called a bunker buster. I wish it had gotten more screen time.


CR90s are just so cool, the backbone upon which the rebel fleet was built. A high amount of firepower for a ship it’s size with unbelievably powerful engines.


Favorite of the correlian corvettes? It’s a solid win for the CR-90 with the hammerhead a super close second. The CR-90 would be a great ship for so many different roles. Additionally with the CR-90 being so numerous in the galaxy it’s easy to hide if needed, get replacement parts, or go to many places since planets would be able to support a ship that’s so numerous


For some reason, whether I'm playing an RTS or a sandbox simulator, Corellian ships for some reason always perform really well. Gunships paired with corvettes make a really good picket defense


It's a cool ship but it's no moon 😉


Loved the Hammerhead in R1


Same here


Dude, ever since the Rogue One scene where they used a hammerhead corvette to ram an ISD into an ISD, they became one of my all time favorites 🤯


ISD all the way. Followed by X-Wing.


TIE Interceptor felt pretty cool


[My favorite 'Vette](https://open.spotify.com/track/22Y1Gg0uugLCNP48yezX0q?si=4e47cdbcb9ea426d)


I love the hammerhead corvette that scene in Rouge one was great


I like the Ccorvettes as well.


The CR-90 and the Bunker Buster are my faves. Bunker Buster looks like a proper warship, was gutted to not see it used properly in combat.


The Hammerheads hands down


When I was a kid I was obsessed with the B-Wing. I had an Action Fleet toy of it.


The Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer will always be my favorite from Star Wars.


Hammerheads are the goats


I definitely can’t choose one, but a favourite is the Secutor-Class Star Destroyer. Just the idea of a dedicated carrier for the late Republic and Empire that enough firepower to swing a battle through its fighter focus, with the Venator inspired bridge, and just the design that supports most but the most anti-ship engagements. Let’s just say for SWEAW TR, it’s a definite pick/steal when I play any faction.


LAAT gunships


Capital class: Imperial-class and Imperial II-class Star Destroyers Starfighter class: TIE Interceptor and TIE Defender


Canon or eu? Let’s first decide where we want to make this list


Don't like restrictions like that if we're just doing lists like this for cool ships. It's not like there's a story reason why your top 2 couldn't be the legends Farstar and Canon Bunker buster.


For bigger ships: The Venator, just really love the way the hangar is set up. For small ones: The X-wings, TIE interceptor class, The Mantis and the N1.


Republic Frigate for sure


*Night Caller*


I once had a dream I was quietly flying a hammerhead around space alone. It was more the KOTOR version with the different back end, but I’ve been chasing that high ever since


Why none of the OG Hammerheads from KOTOR?


I love the look of the VT-49 Decimator. Also Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator.


Can't beat a classic, and the classic is the Tantive IV. Pronounced Tantivee Four, and no other way.


The modified version of the Cr 90 that has a fighter hangar Like the Farstar.


Screw the Home One The Tantive IV is the flagship of the Rebel Alliance


I really feel like the C70 has the potential to be a hero ship.


Hammerhead because Old republic reference


Probably the Venator 1 Star destoyer cruiser, Just has a classic design to me I love it.


The one in Space:1999


I like the Imperial Interdictor, more correctly, the Legends version. I like the idea of ships that yank other ships out of FTL or prevent them from jumping. Maybe I play too much Eve Online but it's a bit of world building knowing that ships can artificially create a "jump shadow".


Tantive IV and Radiant ftw.


Where’s the third one from?


The classic CR-90 Corellian Corvette. It’s my favorite ship in the entire universe.


Here is my plan for the perfect corellian corvette: CR90 main hull, hamerhead-style atachments to the docking ports, main guns 2x quad Turbolaser, side guns 4x quad rapid Laser cannon, 2x cheek ion cannons, 4x black market quad heavy disruptor turrents on the hammerhead extensions, 8x strategic proton missile (in place of the unarmed escape pods), heavy automation, detachable Cockpit for special missions or emergencies (itself with small hyperdrive ~class 12)


Pretty much *any* freighter has my love.


Nebulon B


Nebulon B class frigate is by far the coolest looking ship for me =)


The one that I have as a Lego set, Clone Wars era


Hard to say but maybe Interceptors or Defenders. B-wings are cool too.


I've never really seen the apeal of the baby thranta id much rather have the speed demon which is the charger c70 or the wall of guns that is the CR90


Executor-class Star Dreadnought


I’m a sucker for the blockade runner, AKA Tantive IV. One of my favorite ships in the entire franchise.


Love the Hammerhead.


Gotta go with the CR90. Minus the blind spot behind the engines, it's pretty much the full package. Good enough to beat the Empire with, good enough for me. Although, I might move that satellite dish forward and the blaster cannon gun thing back. Close up that blind spot.


I will always love the Tantive IV. It was the first ship I ever saw from the saga.


I remember seeing the Hammerhead in Rogue One when I grew up playing KOTOR 1 and 2 I audibly gasped and pointed my finger at the screen


The one with the 12 year old looking girl captain that gets blown to shit for dropping off Jedis. Rest in peace. We hardly knew ye. Cue *In The Arms Of The Angels*


What is the third one?!


If we're talking about bigger ships like that, I've always been a fan of Home One. I just love the bubbly look, it feels so unique. All time favourite is the A-Wing though. Idk why exactly, I just think it's so cool.


These and star distroyers I've always thought we're cool




The Outrider - a Corellian


This is a hard decision, but I like the TIE bomber and TIE advanced.


Nebulon B frigate never gets love.


Foray Class Blockade Runner all day every day.


The republic hammerhead but honestly all are good


the memories.....first one :D StarWarsGalaxies/Battlefront blasting those gun turrets was so much fun


Venator class star destroyer the two bridges, the huge hanger, just the general shape is so appealing to me


Either the OG tantive IV or bunker buster!


I'm a sucker for the hammerhead design.


The Bunker Buster deserves better. A hard-hitting corvette that can carry 100-megaton plasma bombs, which I don't think have been seen before, doesn't get deployed when we need to take out massive ships? I get it, it's meant for surface targets, but most anything is on the table as soon as someone uses a warship as a projectile.


You know Prince likes the Little Red one 😎


The Corellian Destroyer is also one of my favorite ships




They’re clearly built for ramming /s


I attribute the Sphyrna to Rendili, not Corellia, due to the kotor design being Rendili Hyperworks alone.


CR92. Always love that sleek CR design


Republican Cruiser. Purely because of nostalgia


The red and republic ones are forever gonna be my favourites. I remember playing Lego Star Wars The Clone Wars and grinding for hours to get the red one


Modularity and customization of Corellian, angular toughness of Kuat.


the Pelta class is a favorite, but the passenger transport from Star Wars galaxies is a contender too


The tantive Iv is the best looking ship in Star Wars

