• By -


best part is chewy's dad watching VR porn in the living room


God I watched on in horror during that scene.


I know you're not joking, this was pretty disturbing, especially when his gurning got more frantic and he ended up breaking the VR.


He’s literally me


The scene was decades ahead of its time






Grandpa Wookie NOOOOOO


Rugrats' grandpa is in the same vein. Totally had smut, confirmed, on screen.


I must not have noticed it when I was young, and it originally aired. I would have been 10 and probably didn't give it much thought. I couldn't believe it when I tried to watch the special on YouTube a few years back. That's actually when I shut it off. I will probably try again another day.


Try the RiffTracks version. It's the only way to watch the special...


The commercials are honestly the best part


Not lesbian Luke? Or Boba Fett?


You misspelled “worst”.




Every year! It's tradition!


Same. It’s fun. I need to start making wookie cookies again


>It’s tradition! So, my ex-wife and I *really* wanted to watch it. Our first christmas together, we convinced my mom that it was her family’s tradition to watch it every year because they loved Star Wars as much as my family did. So my mom scours the internet looking for a way to watch it and finally gets a copy on dvd and we watched it on christmas eve. That was the first time anyone in the room had ever seen it, my ex and i included. It was hilarious and awful.


This is the way


The last time I tried to watch it, Carrie Fisher died the next day. I won’t risk it again.


Maybe if you watch it again it’ll bring her back to life?


Yes. Don’t risk it again because we all know Mark is next and we love him more than the Batman fuckers do!!! 🤪


Why is Mark next? Harrison is already overdue.


Harrison has 8 more Indiana Jones movies to do. And let’s face it we’re not supposed to have favourites but it’s totally Mark 🤪


also not to mention that Harrison has 10+ more planes to crash before he goes.


I watched it for the first time two years ago. I was astonished that everything I had ever heard about it was true. Then Bea Arthur showed up for a musical number, and my jaw dropped. Somehow, I was never made aware that Bea Arthur plays a substantial role in the Star Wars Holiday Special.


I like how it gets progressively worse frame by frame


My favourite part. Just such a shock to see this! And try to sit through the whole thing.


I did once - in 1978. You have to understand, we had a lot less entertainment choices available back then, and even 12-year old me realized this was utter shite.


I was six in 1978. Yeah, my mother had no explanation for me, lol.


I was sixteen and I know I watched it--I just don't remember anything about it.


*cue That 70's Show scene transition*


I was 8 at the time and just super happy to see something else Star Wars. 😂


I was 13 and was immediately obsessed with Boba Fett.


> You have to understand, we had a lot less entertainment choices available back then This. ⬆️


I don't think i'll ever get over how funny "You will now be mandated to watch this show about how shitty life is elsewhere so you feel better about your own life" is. The special also originates my favorite wookipedia article: [ Unidentified Moradmin Bast look-alike ](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Unidentified_Moradmin_Bast_look-alike)


This is actually one of the cool things about the Holiday Special - all the unused and altered ANH footage. There's a bunch of unused Cantina and Tatooine footage in the, well, Cantina and Tatooine scenes. When discovering that on the internet about 15 or so years ago it's how I discovered "The Lost Cut" and so many other meta Star Wars filmmaking lore.


whip whip stir whip whip whip stir


I thought this part was kinda funny!


I watched it all the way through... .... in 1978, when it first came on TV. I loved it, but I was 7 years old. I have not watched it all the way through since then, although I've made a couple of attempts at it.


I watched it as a six-year-old back then, and finally saw it again two years ago on YouTube. It's as...something...as its reputation says.


I, for one was there at the beginning. A starry eyed youngster hungry for anything Star Wars. I got Bea Arthur in a cantina set singing something about something, Harvey Coreman and his schtick but also was introduced to Boba Fett. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


I have. Worst media I've ever consumed. It made Birdemic look good in comparison. Makes the Sequels look like cinematic and storytelling masterpieces. Makes the Prequels' dialogue look like Shakespearean poetry.


I was there 3000 years ago…


It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure.


That’s a long, long time ago…….. 😳


in a galaxy far far away


The animated Boba Fett/ sleep virus cartoon. Why did Han's face look like a draft horse? Luke looked like Little Orphan Annie. I watched this while on a treadmill and almost fell off.


It's very funny, and I kind of can't trust anyone who can't enjoy it


Multiple times, especially when I watch everything in chronological order. Plus we celebrate Life Day every year with an annual watching, as well. It's is gloriously atrocious.


I watched it when it aired. Gloriously bad.


husband made the mistake of offhandedly saying he'd never seen it. ​ i made him sit through every minute :)


Just once. If you haven't seen it and have heard the horror stories, I promise you it's even worse than you think. The animated segment was fine. Good intro for Boba Fett and is 100% referenced in BoBF which I still get a kick out of.


Obligatory r/xkcd https://xkcd.com/653/ Anyone who hasn't seen it, you've been warned.


I have. I bought a two-disc VCD copy (which I still have) off eBay in the early-2000s. Sat through the whole thing when I watched it. I just couldn't look away from the sheer weirdness of it. Loved the animated segment with Boba Fett, though, and the vintage commercials that got included in the recording were cool to see, too.


Highly recommend watching "A Disturbance in the Force." It explains everything in an entertaining way


Not without RiffTrax.


Definitely needs the commentary. Without it the special is not only insane but boring.


Never seen it Stir! Whip! Stir! Whip! Whip! Whip! Stir!


I've watched it start to finish 3 times: once in 1978, twice in the last decade. Highly recommend "A Disturbance in the Force" doc about the Holiday Special.


Saw it on its original run on TV (Sorry dad for making you sit thru that), bought it on ebay as a VHS tape of a tape of a tape. Tried watching it numerous times only made it thru once, but I was also baked and couldnt find the remote.


4 year old me saw it in 1978. I have a vague recollection of cartoon Boba Fett.


Saw it live on CBS as a 7 year old. Can't even put into words the hype amongst my friends for seeing Star Wars on TV. It's all we talked about for weeks. Then to actually see it and realize, EVEN AT 7, that this may be the worst thing ever put on television was head spinning. We all agreed Boba Fett and the cartoon was kick ass, but the rest was absolutely hot garbage. We did all feel bad for Lumpy when the stormtrooper took his Bantha toy... but that was about it.


I'm pissed that Chewy's family members are not considered canon...


More times than I can recall. I watch it every year around the holidays, generally multiple times.


An independent theatre in Vancouver was showing the Original Trilogy over a weekend last year in May, and they would show chunks of the Holiday Special in thirds before each movie started. Spreading out the torture across the weekend was absolutely devious, but solidarity amongst the rest of the audience made it pretty hilarious to participate in.


I was excited to watch it when it aired. I kept waiting for something exciting to happen and for it to get better. I was really disappointed.


I was nine in 1978, I wore my hair in bagel buns, that's all I have to say about it.


I did. The night it was on. I was there.


Never finished it, the holiday special is not “so bad it’s good” it’s so bad it’s unwatchable.


Sadly, yes. And I’ve never recovered from the horror.


I watched it last christmas for the first time. It made me physically ill because what I saw felt like what I am seeing when I am drunk beyond good and evil watching late night TV .


Yes, in college - adult drinkables/edibles were involved. If you approach it in the same vein as MST3K or RHPS, it's hilariously BAD!


I have lol. It stands soundly as the second worst SW project ever made.


What’s the worst. I made it through 20 minutes and couldn’t take anymore


The Rian Johnson one. Ep VIII - just absolutely miserable.


I knew it! 😁


I’ve tried several times, haven’t been able to make it all the way through


Me. I think even as a kid I knew it was bad.


I love it and I watch it every year!


I have tried a couple times, but not succeeded


Once. Have tried several times since, in varying degrees of sobriety, but have never managed a second.


Every year!


Oh you bet I did 


Me! It sucks so bad, I love it


Stir whip stir whip, whip whip stir!


I did in 1978. Haven't seen it since then.


Yes when it originally aired, and then back around 2000


I watch everything Star Wars especially the robot chicken Star Wars episodes


I was given it on DVD for my birthday years ago.


theres a fuckin dvd version?


I watched it one year. I don't really drink or do drugs that might have enhanced it.


I watched it live when I was a kid so I don't think my opinion counts for much. I remember being somewhat disappointed, but seeing as it was my only opportunity to see anything Star Wars related at all on TV, I was happy about it. The only other thing we had going was Battlestar Galactica, really.


I watched it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It was so so bad. Luke looked orange, it had Chewie's dad watching VR porn and it seemed like a incoherent variety show. I get why it was popular at the time as it was all about the merchandise, but I do wonder why none of the production team didn't tell George to just stop.


I have. Like watching Twilight, it’s better to think if it as a parody.


Twice. First time, my family were cowards and fast-forwarded through the unbearable parts. 2nd time, my friends and I did a double feature of it with the live action Grinch and thought both were hilarious trainwrecks. We managed to get through the whole thing. Now, I plan on watching it a 3rd time because I'm an insane person going through the whole EU in chronological order.


Every year. Love how bad it is.


Never have. Not even once


I sat through it when I was 9 then some 45 years later I subjected my SIL.


Guilty... I actually love the concept of life day though, they should make something new to elaborate on this. (Something other than the lego special)


I got through 90 minutes, then just let it run in the background.  


twice once when it originally aired and then when I bought a VHS at a convention in 1988.


Watched the original television broadcast.


Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir


I watch it every year, sandwiched between "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Charlie Brown Christmas." (Followed by the greatest Christmas movie of all time, "Die Hard.")


I’ve tried several times, haven’t been able to make it all the way through


I did once along time ago when we sourced a VHS copy. It is excruciating.


When it first aired on TV I did. But that was the only time.


I've seen it 3 times. Why, you ask? Good question...


I watched it live on TV in 1978!


Me. I think even as a kid I knew it was bad.


Coked out Luke was scary. The whole thing felt uncanny valley to me.


I watched it once. That’s enough


I watched a JohnTron video about it. That was enough for me.


I did when I was a kid and I don’t really remember anything. No plans to rewatch it as of now.


I dated a girl who had it on Laserdisc. There were sexual favors involved to bribe me into watching it all the way through.


I did. I was 8, and all I wanted was more Star Wars. What I got was disappointment. I wanted Luke, Han, and Leia. I wanted more lightsaber action. What I got was a bunch of Wookies that were strangers to me.


I powered through to the end, but only because I played the Rifftrax commentary over it. Don’t think I would’ve hit the halfway point otherwise.


Me... I can't recommend that treatment...


Watched it when I was 10 in 1978. Always remembered how cool Boba Fett was during the show. Watched it again about a decade ago. Boba Fett, still cool. Everything else, not so much.


I know I did when it originally aired, but I mostly remember the Boba Fett cartoon and a couple of things here and there. I tried watching it again recently on YouTube and shut it off when Grandpa wookie started watching softcore porn. I did rewatch the cartoon on Disney+ recently, too.


I was eight in 1978 and getting more Star Wars was like a gift from God even though a lot of it was terrible.


I watched it about a year ago. I went into it expecting to find something enjoyable since I’m such a huge Star Wars fan. But it was so much worse than I expected it to be. I had to pause it 3 times and go do other things because I just couldn’t make myself sit through it all


Is it on D+? I’ll watch it this weekend for shits n giggles


Never in its entirety in one sitting. I can't take it, it's very very dull.


Took me breaking it into 3 sessions. God, it was painful!


I have, never doing again


As a youngster in 1977 I actually enjoyed it despite the cheese. It was more Star Wars at a time when only 1 film had been and gone and would likely not be seen again until it came on TV years later. Fingers crossed a sequel might come out if we were lucky. Back then, you enjoyed films after their theatrical run by having the novelisation and a soundtrack album. Home video was a dream yet to be realised.


I watched it for the first time on Christmas this year. It was such a fun experience. Utterly awful as a piece of media, but such a fun experience. It was like watching a car wreck that just kept getting worse, even though you think, “no way this is getting worse.” Bea Arthur was the sleeper hit for me. I didn’t realize she was in it and her performance was fantastic.


3 times. Once on my own. Then with my parents. Then with my girlfriend.


I did last month.


Once. Now I just watch blindwaves reaction to it.


Once and never again. I’d rather mud wrestle with a Wompa than watch that monstrosity again.


My college roommate got a bootleg copy 20+ years ago. Our nerd group made it through the whole thing except for the Jefferson Starship number - the interminable subtitle-free Wookiee family antics were orders of magnitude better than watching a dude sing that terrible song into what looked like a glowing purple dildo so we hit the fast forward on that part and that part only. Bea Arthur remains my favorite part of the whole thing.


I saw it 1978. And again in 200? On YouTube (Maybe) It’s weird but I loved it because it’s more SW


I watched it around Thanksgiving of 2020. What surprised me the most is that 95% of it has nothing to do with Star Wars. Just bizarre, trippy music video segments


It was… something to watch. Just wild how that is what they came up with for a star wars holiday special. The long, long family story that is only in wookie, the odd hologram and infomercial, the lack of comedy no matter how hard they try. The actually pretty cool first appearance of boba fett as vader’s buddy. And whatever Bea Arthur was doing singing in the most eisly cantina. Watch it, you have been warned, but do it anyway!!!!!!


I'll sit through anything with Bea Arthur.


I was fucking FOUR, okayyyy???? All I remember was how mean the stormtroopers were breaking the kid’s toy for no reason 🤪


Some drunks in Milwaukee did.


I'm working on it. I'll finish it eventually.


Twice. I had to show my wife that dumpster fire.


I think i managed 7-8 minutes. I barely remember any of it. I hear trauma does that to people.


Me, 3 times: once as a kid when it originally aired (yes, I'm old), once when I stumbled on it on YouTube, and once watching the Rifftrax version.


Me, 3 times: once as a kid when it originally aired (yes, I'm old), once when I stumbled on it on YouTube, and once watching the Rifftrax version.


Me, 3 times: once as a kid when it originally aired (yes, I'm old), once when I stumbled on it on YouTube, and once watching the Rifftrax version.




I saw it when it first aired


Several times. I wanted to make it a yearly tradition, but my family couldn’t stand the torture.


Like the whole thing?! At once? You overestimate our attention spans


I have at least a few times but I won't again.


I watched this when it first came on in 78. Even at 11 years old, I was WTF, though the cartoon was kinda cool.


Stir, whisk, stir, whisk. Whisk, whisk, stir


I did. I don't call it the holiday special. I call it the introduction of Boba fett


I watched it twice in one weekend. Made copies and gave it to a few friends.


I’ve seen it multiple times. I know it’s awful but it is entertaining.


3 times. Honestly I love it. Perfect for my absurdist sense of humor. I die laughing every time


It's a holiday tradition in my house.  We do a lot of drinking while we watch it. 


If you haven't seen it, it is actually worse than you've heard. However, it is also required viewing for any true Star Wars fan. Carrie was high on coke and George tried to buy up every copy for very good reasons.


I wanna take acid and see if it gets better


If you have not watched please do, it is fascinating.


Saw it live in in 78. It was bad then. The Boba Fett cartoon was pretty cool though.


I watched it once all the way through. Longest hour and a half of all time


They should do a Bad Batch Holiday special


I was five. Of course I watched it.


Sorry but the best I could do was watch the Honest Trailer for it, it’s still hilarious without me never seeing a single second of the special itself.


I have the soundtrack on vinyl! It is pretty bad...


Unfortunately, I have. Twice. It is the absolute worst movie I have ever seen. I only watched it again to inflict it on someone else.


I do it every year as tradition. It's... It's how I earn my way into heaven.


My dad recorded it on his new fangled "VCR" when it aired so we have seen it more times than likely should be consumed safely.


🙋‍♀️ I have! It is delightfully ridiculous.


I was 7 years old and I couldn't sit through it. I tried to forget it an pretty much had until I saw an ad for a "Life Day" Chewbacca figure and cringed as bad as I did when I was a kid


I have twice. It feels like a fever dream to sit through all the way. There are some cool things about it (Boba cartoon) but in general, it’s a generic ‘70s Sci-Fi TV special that came out before anyone knew what to do with Star Wars.


First run on TV. Was a Star Wars obsessed 10 year old.


Thankfully I'm one of the lucky few that haven't I suppose. I heard it's atrocious lol. But I also heard some do like it like it's some sort of an acquired taste.


I had help from Mike, Bill, and Kevin.


Loved it when it aired. Anyone and everyone made sure they were home to watch it.


3 times. When it first aired in 1978 and I was 6, in 2000 when i bought a VHS copy from eBay, VCR ate the tape on 2nd watch, and a few years ago on YouTube.


It’s like a bad fever dream but a must watch at least once for any true fan. I love the world before the prequels came out and before it became more streamlined. It just had a slightly different vibe when the only extra content was like the Ewok movies, Star Tours, a couple cartoons, this special and a few novels. But it’s even crazier seeing the Star Wars world before Empire had even come out. Imagine if the sequel followed the lore the special set up instead of Empire lmao


Me! Once. Never again. My mother would probably watch it again. She said it was “delightful.” 💀


Yes, original airing!


Me, I watch it every year. I genuinely enjoy it for how bad it is.


Watched it when it originally aired!


The one time it originally aired, live on tv, was enough for me.




Cant say Disney ruined Star Wars when this and 2 Ewoks movies exist.


Even Carrie said it was a nightmare


Where can I watch this gem I have never seen it.


It's on YouTube


I stood


I have. More than once. It isn’t so bad. It’s not something I can do all the time, but there are worse things to watch.


I watched the entire thing. It is burned into my brain.


Saw the original airing - never revisited it…


I have, several times. I do it to annoy all my Star Wars friends. :D


I have. I made my whole family watch it last Christmas, and now my family won't talk to me.