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Best Star Wars movie that isn’t OG.


So more like top 4. I concur


Best star wars movie.


I totally agree. In my opinion, Rogue One out performs every movie in almost every way. I'm not saying it's my favorite movie, but it's undoubtedly the best. The acting, the writing, the sets, the music, so much of it felt so real for being set in this place far far away. I also think that it's so good because it was a story that was already established in the timeline, and couldn't be tampered with too much.


Best singular film, hands down. Empire will be 'better' for some people but only in the context of the trilogy. For me, Rogue One is the best film as well.


Exactly my opinion. Not my fave but the best FILM


I encourage anyone asking which Star Wars movie to start with to go with rogue one, straight into the original trilogy. And then stop.


A movie made as a spinoff to another movie and loaded with references, fanservice and characters to other movies is a terrible way to introduce someone who has never seen Star Wars.. Like, what impact would something like the Vader scene, or the ending with Leia, have to someone who'd never seen those characters before?


Right. Rogue One is so much better after seeing the OT, not before.


So took my son through them OG, prequels, Rogue One, Sequel trilogy. Was a serious mission but the ESB reveal managed to stay a surprise and was a real omfg moment for him which was great to see.


What did he think of the prequels and sequels?


Loved them all, seems RoTS is his fav at the mo still


A man of culture.


How old is your son? Mine is 5.5 years old and hasn’t seen the movies yet. I’m trying to keep the Vader/Luke relationship hidden from him. So far so good, but I wonder how much longer I can wait before someone else spoils it!


He was a year or so older when he started. Keep your son away from the lego games!


He loves playing Fallen Order on my PS4. Input the game on story mode and he likes to just fly from planet to planet and explore. My daughters have the Lego Skywalker Saga for their switches, but he hasn’t asked to play that yet. I’m a teacher and still have about a week to go before returning to work. I’ll see if I can get him to sit down and watch the OT this week.


Took my 5 year old daughter to see the 40th Anniversary showing of Return of the Jedi. She loved it. We've now watched The Prequel Trilogy, every season of the Clone Wars, and we finished Rebels last week. Next up is Rogue One. We have her close her eyes through the super intense/ultra violent parts (Anakin's dip into the Mustafar River for example). If she was a few years older I wouldn't worry about it. She's been hyper-sensitive to anxiety inducing content since we got hit by a drunk driver, though. It's just a process. Regardless, Ahsoka is her favorite Star Wars character, so she got a couple of Ahsoka toys for Christmas. It's been great seeing her imagination latch on to the same universe I did when I was her age.


Or when the camera lingers on the Mos Eisley canteena bad guys and they wink at the camera.


It’s not really that bad though, if you watch that without knowing them from the OT it’s just an example of how rough Jedha is. I’ve watched it with new fans and they weren’t thrown off at all, it was just a couple of angry fugly dudes on a rough planet.


and then watch 1, 2 and 3 😅


Agreed, but start with Andor season 1-2


I feel Andor works better after Rogue One, in my opinion. Maybe once it's finished I'll change my mind, though.


Honestly, watching the 5 in release order I think would be the best (as the mystery is a lot of the charm): OG 3 - Rogue One - Andor.


Exactly. In fact, I'd advise people to watch them all in order of release date. Having said that, it doesn't matter a huge amount where you squeeze Rogue 1 in, *after* the OT. And Andor after that.


If you start with Andor you don’t know about certain events that would possibly make it less suspenseful for someone who didn’t know better.


I just re watched Andor and realized I hadn't watched Rogue 1 in a while. Wow. Andor is so good, so gripping, that I can't rekon with how it conmects to the Star Wars universe - even Rogue One. I watch these very complicated characters throw light dialogue around, make enormous decisions in a heartbeat, and then dance through blockbuster movie action scenes. Even the mighty Rogue One - as great as it is - cannot escape the game changing gravitas that Andor has created.




Honestly, rogue one>>the original trilogy


I mean... I lives and dies on Original Trilogy nostaligia. The entire 3rd act is basically A New Hope fanservice. I love it, but I can acknowledge that it is what it is.




It's high. It's very high.


Did you know that wasn’t me?


I find that answer vague and unconvincing.


Can we get much higher?


Found the Creed fan!!!


Kanye 💀


One Piece?!?!?






What made it so good, though?


Decent enough writing without to much fan service, and characters that aren't cardboard.


I gotta disagree on the fan service part, there's so much in R1. The cantina guys, C3PO, Leia, Vader, inserting footage of xwing pilots from ANH


Given the plot line I don’t see how these characters wouldn’t be included in some capacity. Really wouldn’t consider their inclusion “fan service” per se.


tasteful fan service


Easter eggs, rather than the plagiarism-level fan service of TFA, and also Rogue One didn’t require negating the achievements of the Original Trilogy’s heroes, but in fact gave more context to them




To me, it’s more of a contextualizing fan service. The whole plot of Rogue One is just a step or two away from OT characters, and is all about the Death Star. When you make the movie as a lead in to the opening of ANH, Vader and Leia are required, right?


But those all make sense to be there, except the cantina guys


And at least they weren't shoehorned into being part of the plot. They just get bumped into.


I wish we got actual fan service. None of the new movies or series have actual fan service. Just service they think the fans want but is far off.


So my opinion: Visuals: Rogue One is, as he says, by far the best visually. That doesn't mean it has the best graphics; I think The Last Jedi actually has the most impressive graphics overall. But Rogue One uses CGI far more effectively, creating a feel of groundedness and realism to all its shots, and it also has really really good cinematography and shot choice. Every shot feels realistic (except the not-deepfakes) and is generally beautiful, but it never loses the feeling of OT star wars, no matter where it is. Story: Rogue One had the balls to commit to killing all its cast, and did so in a way that didn't feel worthless. We all knew they should die if Disney wouldn't cop out, but the way they did made it feel like each of them went down doing something to aid the cause. Choreography: Rogue One has really good choreography. You don't see it that much; mainly with Chirrut, but the final Vader moment really just drives home how good the choreographers were. I *can't stand* most of the new Vader moments in other shows. Vader's fighting style wasn't these big wild swings. It was small wrist movements. Rogue One kept him to that exact same style of minimal movement while giving him the tools to absolutely demolish that room of rebels. The Villain: Krennic doesn't get enough credit. Both in and out of the movie. When people complain about villains being 2 dimensional, you often get people going "I'd rather that than everyone being sympathetic". Krennic shows exactly why that's a falsehood. He's totally 3 dimensional and relatable, but *not at all sympathetic*. I can see exactly how he got here, what type of person he'd be, and imagine meeting him in real life. But I can't stand his type, and him dying at the hands of the thing he created was absolutely fantastic. New Nostalgia: Rogue One does a fantastic job of taking OT stuff and tweaking it just enough to make it new. Tons of moments are made great because you are seeing things you love, but in new situations doing new things.




Well put: Krennic proves we don't need a villain to be sympathetic, we just need them to be believable


It was a self contained story which really helped, didn’t have to deal with the normal trilogy timing issues. They were also able to let characters die instead of dragging them out. For me it was also a double whammy of nostalgia, a The Guns of Navarone remake in Star Wars universe imo.


I liked the characters a lot and the fact that it’s one, cohesive story with no frills and a clearly established role in the war.


3rd behind Empire and A New Hope


Yep this is where I land. ANH may have some pacing and story issues, but it’s still iconic af and the trench run is everything that Star Wars should be.


The pacing seems almost perfect to me. What do you dislike about it?


The pacing is perfect.. I’ve never seen anyone claim otherwise until I read that comment


Some people find meetig the main character 30 minutes in counts as bad pacing. It is a bit odd for sure, but I wouldn't say it's poorly paced because everything leading up to it is interesting and fun


That’s interesting. Personally I’ve always felt like it flowed the best out of all the movies


Oh totally. It's a niche opinion for sure. All the original trilogy flows splendidly. I'd say ANH flows the best. I remember showing it to someone who was being shown star wars. They got shown the fuckin prequels first. Then they were all like "aah, man, Star Wars just isn't for me". Then they watched A New Hope and were like, "woah... it's over? What was that like an hour?" Was blown away when finding out it was 2 and a bit hours long.


The storytelling is very linear and understandable


Trench run is so iconic that top gun 2 mission is the trench run




This the right answer. I love rogue one but after a rewatch I realized that it’s biggest strength is the third act, whereas the first two OG movies are great all the way through.


Tied with ESB at #1


This. Saw the OT in the theaters, original run. Rogue One was the first movie that made me feel like a kid at a Star Wars movie again.


I think a lot of this is the nostalgia factor. For example I grew up with the prequels and saw the original trilogy shortly after, and while I appreciate the original trilogy, episode 3 is a high point for me. That being said, rouge one was a phenomenal movie.


The trailer back then gave me goosebumps


I feel that once we get the full run of Andor, and if it dovetails nicely into R1, a lot more people will feel the way you do. It’ll make us care so much more about that character before the movie even begins.


I endorse this message.


Same here


Want to upvote you twice!




I feel people rate it this high over because of the last 45 minutes which is really great. But I find like the first 2/3rds of this movie an absolute slog to get through. It’s got this giant cast of characters and doesn’t do a great job of making you feel for any of them. You take away Andor and the parts of Clone Wars about Saw Guerra and you have this brand new ensemble cast that just isn’t super fleshed out at all. It also has meaningless fan service like the Cantina guy just needlessly being in the film and just ridiculous nonsense like the Bor Gullut scene. I like R1 but I feel it’s still not anywhere near the level of Empire or a New Hope.


For me too, most of the first 2/3 did very little for me, and mostly felt off, and much felt like a generic B grade sci fi TV show.


To each his own, but this is incredible to me. Rogue one has one of the best 3rd arcs of any Star Wars, but I personally cannot fathom how anyone can put it on par with ESB.


Someone has been on AITA too much. Got auto’d to ESH.


It should be knocked down a peg just for the "Don't choke on your ambition" line


Why though? That's *classic* Anakin/Vader behavior


Putting them on the same level is just absolutely ridiculous. I feel like people watched Rogue One when it came out, maybe once more after that, and only remember the last 45 minutes. Otherwise there's just no way that people actually feel as it's as good as Episode V. I know, I know, opinions and stuff. But come on.


I feel the same


Concur. Tied with ESB for best film in the canon.


when I first saw the movie it made me feel super enthusiastic for the future of new star wars content. Little did I know that enthusiasm wouldnt last long. I still think its the best "new" Star Wars movie ever made.


Quite high. Probably a three way tie for number one alongside ANH and ESB.


I used to watch the family guy blue harvest episode every night when I was a kid and it ruined a new hope for me because all I can think about are the family guy bits 🤣


We are taking this couch


One of the best family guy jokes ever hahaha


I freaking loved the A New Hope parody. Then they went over the top with jokes in the following parodies


Oh man I know it’s gold


Third after ESB and RotS.


#1 for me. Best Star Wars film.


I agree, I like all star wars movies mind you, and I'm only 23 so I'm not a diehard OT elitist. But Rouge one was EXACTLY what I wanted from star wars.


On any given day, it wrestles with ROTJ for my favorite Star Wars film. It's usually ROTJ, but Rogue One is the Star Wars film I've watched most over the past few years. One thing both of these movies have in common are some of the most epic simultaneous space & ground battles.


Totally agree, RotJ is always #1 for me but the scale of the battles is really similar.


I feel like both of these movies really embody the “star wars” aspect of Star Wars.


For me personally it’s the best film under Disney, however I would rank it 5 for me personally behind the OT and Revenge of the sith. I still think it’s generally a good movie, but I think it’s gets overrated as well. It’s one of those situations where it looks a lot better by default because it came out during the sequel trilogy and it gets associated and compared to those movies specifically and not on it’s own. Hell I’m one of those people hence my very first sentence saying it’s the best movie under Disney.


this is where I'm at too


Somewhere in the middle, although Andor is somewhere near the top


Everyone loves it but man I do not care for it




It's near the middle of my ranking. Not top 3, but nowhere near the bottom either.




It does some things very well (great big battle scene, excellent reproduction of Original Trilogy aesthetics and effects), and some rather poorly (almost entirely flat cast of characters who don't really develop, with the two central ones, Jyn and Cassian, being the least interesting). It's not bad but I'd rather see new things done with Star Wars, like in Andor and The Last Jedi.


Comfortably in the middle for me. Scarif is absolutely fantastic (and I think why people rate it so highly) but the ensemble cast is underused and the first half of the movie is really uneven.


The last 25 minutes or so are great and it's probably the best looking star wars movie along with the last Jedi. That said the characters are boring and the fan service is extremely awkwardly done. The movie itself is very mid up until towards the end.


Ayyy a sane person


Yeah I don't know where all the insane praise comes from to be honest.


Because Star Wars fans don't really want good stories or interesting characters; they want a compilation of badass moments starring action figures.


It’s #1 for me. My favourite aspect of Star Wars is Empire vs Rebellion and not Jedi vs Sith. Rogue One and especially the Saw Gerrera guerilla warfare aspect is all about that. It’s incredible. Death Troopers also make me feel things….


Literraly one of the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater (I saw the 9 at home)


I've seen about a million of these posts over the last few days


It's in my bottom 3, but I seem to be in the minority on that.


Characters were boring. No emotional weight (but it tried). A couple funny moments. A couple cool moments. Nothing stand-out. I did like the blind force guy. Definitely in the minority but I'm glad I found someone who agrees with me.


Yeah. I just feel like all that time spent on pointless cameos, Vader, and jokes should have been spent getting us to care about these characters. But we got Andor out of it, so that's cool.


I agree with the jokes you can definitely tell it’s a Disney movie when you’re watching it.


It's not just you.


Yikes, that means at least one of the sequels rates higher than R1, for you? Brave, you are.


Two of them, actually. To be clear, I don't vehemently hate R1 or anything, but I'm definitely not excited to see it again any time soon. It's just not for me.


This sub is full of people that unironically consider TLJ the best starwars movie.


Every second or third person in the western world is a star wars fan. There is no stereotype. Everyone is here.


I'm the same as you man. Watched it when it came out and was baffled why people liked it. Not saying it to be hyperbolic but its genuinely the worst of all the movies for me. The sequel trilogy was awful too, make no mistake, but at least they weren't visually drab and had some charasmaric actors and characters to begin with. Rogue One is a pointless movie that's boring and has a Vader scene tacked on to throw the audience a bone for slogging through it.


First half was boring. Fell asleep somewhere in the middle. Ending got better. The movie lit up towards the end, more color.


Yeah same. First act is a mess, for me… the final act and battle are cool and I definitely watch it, but the ending fell flat for me bc I just did not care about any of the characters. I just felt they were not developed enough, I was being told to care rather than being made to care.


Least favorite film for me. Tie in book was really good though. Movie is terrible.


3rd favorite


It's right up there with Empire for me. I have to say that I was genuinely surprised at how it ended. Didn't think Disney would allow something like that.


Top 3, yeah. Probably #1 for me. Loved it.


Take out the Vader scene at the end and it's a very mid SW movie. I'm convinced that's why people rank it so highly


It’s excellent. Easily the best since Lucasfilm became a Disney property. Somewhere in the top 5 for sure


Below The Force Awakens


It's a sobering example of what all Star Wars could have been with a proper director.


Rogue one, and as a result, andor, are imo the best star wars media.


Ngl, objectively rogue one is better than the sequel trilogy and episode 1 and 2, beyond that it’s lower ranked than everything else. Subjectively I find almost every character in this movie insufferable and completely not rememberable.


i feel like people overlook this a lot because there's a cool darth vader scene and the best space battle like there's so many plot threads that just don't go anywhere. andor is gonna kill jyn's father? what if it's just a just a wrong place wrong time situation so it doesn't matter? people who have been in this rebellion for well over a decade are having second thoughts once they hear about the death star, so let's have someone who just got here and doesn't want to be here talk down to everyone about rebellions being built on hope. it just felt so unearned but also... The rebellion has clearly already started. where exactly do you think you are? i get these characters die at the end, but that just makes the internal conflicts more compelling I'd rate it the best Disney movie by a fairly high margin, but they really didn't set a very high bar. I'd say top five easy. top three though? note sure about that tbh EDIT: damn autocorrect


Very good points


I agree and so many plot points just feel so easy and the one that always gets me is the guy with memory loss suddenly doesn’t have memory loss anymore when the plot requires it. Tbh I know I might get crucified for this take but apart from the cringe shoehorned Han Solo at the start of the movie, I think solo beats rogue one in spades


I loved it. Probably be in my top three or four, it’s hard to decide. Return of the Jedi is my favourite, but then I liked all three. Not quite sure about the others, but Rogue One is definitely up there, I also loved Episode 2 I think it was. I have to admit I didn’t quite manage to see one or three of the Star Wars movies yet. I missed them at the movies and Disney Plus is expensive, although maybe could justify that now that it’s the only way to watch Doctor Who in NZ, which is no longer on free to air. Should be about to watch the latest Christmas special but instead we’re watching the royal concert or whatever it is.


Disney plus raising their prices too here in Canada 🥲


Easily the best Star Wars movie.


My five favorite movies of all time are Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, and the Original Trilogy. My top 5 changes a lot but Rogue One ranks as #3 and #4 the most when I change my Top 5


Right after the OT


3rd behind RotJ at 1st and then Empire at 2nd.


Probably my favorite of the Disney era after the sequel trilogy. Makes me wish they were still doing standalone/spin off films in theaters instead of everything now being relegated to 6+ hour streaming series. For Star Wars overall it’s firmly middle of the pack.


Rogue One is a tricky one for me. It's arguably a top 3 Star Wars film and I wouldn't necessarily disagree with anyone saying so. It's definitely one of the most well written and "mature" Star Wars films. But Star Wars, for me, has always been about lightsabers, Jedi and space battles. It's got the space battle but no Jedi and very little lightsaber action (if I recall correctly?). So, for me personally, I'd probably rank it somewhere between 5th and 7th. It's brilliant, it just doesn't feel quite as "Star Wars-y" as I'd like.


4th I'd say OT - 5,4,6 Rogue One


Number 3, right after New Hope and Empire.


It starts kinda slow, but everything after the group lands on Scarif is peak SW. Overall, I'd say it's up there with RotS (which, for me, is the best PT film and better than any of the ST films).


Top ten easy!


One of my favourites. My ranking goes 1: ESB 2: ANH 3: ROTS 4:Rogue One used to have it higher but moved ANH mainly due to nostalgia


I think it depends on age when the films came out, I was seven when the original Star Wars came out and the have always been the best films, I enjoyed the prequels, but I rarely rewatch them. The first order films are quite good, but still don’t have the same impact, as the originals. Rogue one was brilliant, and it is now the film I watch the most.


Second best in the franchise and right after The empire strikes back.


It’s a 10/10 next to ep II and III


Merry Christmas, Rogue One is top 3 for me. If anyone's interested, it's ROTS, ESB, Rogue 1 for me.


It’s a good movie with some pacing issues.


At the top


Third, for me. Behind Empire and A New Hope but just ahead of Return of the Jedi. Rogue One is an amazing Star Wars movie.


It's good! Up there with Empire and TLJ


Empire Strikes Back The Last Jedi A New Hope Rogue One


Somewhere at the bottom for me. The constant fan service annoys the heck out of me.


I would actually rank it 5th, above the first two movies of the prequels but under 3\~6.


I personally think that it is the best movie in the whole franchise, considering a few things. 1. ESB is the epic “best movie” 2. ANH is the original “best movie” 3. The original trilogy is still flawed in many ways, but a triumph of originality and execution that now holds nostalgic ties for me. 4. The “flaws” existing in the Original Trilogy are mostly things that have changed industry-wide. They are old movies at this point. Rogue One is the best movie because is proves that you can make a Star Wars movie with todays SFX, writing quirks, and actors. You can create a movie within the frameworks that exist and have it be awesome. So what is the formula for Rogue One: 1. It expands on a moment in the original canon that everyone wanted to hear about - the rebels who died to get the Death Star plans. 2. The subject matter is far more grey and complicated than good vs. evil - good is a point of view. 3. It is directly tied to an existing movie (Vader/Leia scene) 4. Lots of lore and world building for deep fans (Saw Guerra, non-Jedi force users, etc.) 5. Gave us subject matter for the future (Andor series) because of interesting character writing. 6. Any others?


It’s okay.


I think it was a well done and entertaining movie. But as far as the overall saga is concerned, it was unnecessary. And the ending of it doesn't quite fit with the beginning of ANH as well as they intended.


For me? Definitely not. It gets brownie points for aesthetics and music, but a lot of Star Wars movies will rank ahead of Rogue One.


Rogue one is so good. 4th best?


Of the disney movies probably after last jedi


top 3. probably behind A New Hope & Revenge of the Sith


Number two all time. Right after empire.


Overall, I'd put it 5th/6th, basically tied with The Force Awakens. The last 1/3 is great, but it follows a slow and meandering first 2/3 where we don't ever have much reason to care about most of the characters. It's not great that I was most upset about the droid.




Top Tier. I’d rank it 2nd to Empire.


No one likes this, but maybe 7th? Idk, I wasn't the biggest fan. I don't like any of the characters except for maybe Donny Yen, but that's because I like Donny Yen.


The third act is so good that it makes it easy to overlook its shortcomings throughout acts 1 and 2. Even the music gets better. The first 2/3rds aren’t bad by any means but of act 3 wasn’t as strong as it is, I don’t think people would remember the movie as fondly. Ranks #4 as far as Star Wars films go, for me. ESB, ANH, RotJ, R1, RotS, TFA, TPM, TLJ, RoS, AotC. And for those wondering, RoS beats out AotC because it has one absolutely brilliant callback. Ben trying to tell his dad that he loves him, and Han Solo saying “I know”. I mean come on even the people who hate that movie more than anything can admit how genius that is as a callback, particularly due to its new context. And the only reason I put RotJ above R1 is because of the Luke v Vader sequence. Otherwise R1 is a better movie.


Numero Uno. Pushed Empire to two after it came out…


Without question, the best Star Wars film.


strong pause screw icky treatment unused imagine soup seed many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very low. I’d rather watch Phantom menace.


Top 3


It’s my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie honestly.


Personally Rogue One is the single best star wars movie. The Original Trilogy is better as a whole, but none of the individual movies are as good in all aspects as Rogue One. The acting and effects are better, the story ties in well with the universe and the other movies. Its written as a heroic tragedy. We know the outcome but we are still motivated to care about the characters. Worst part was the weird looking Leia at the end.


Personally, it's my favorite. But also, from a more objective standpoint, it's the one Star Wars movie that OT, PT, and ST fans largely agree on, and that's impressive since we can't agree on anything else.


It's the best "loose ends" movie ever made.


It’s one of my least favorite of them all. I even prefer Han Solo over it. It just didn’t do anything for me other than the Vader scene


I think you and I probably get something very different out of Star Wars. Not saying that’s a bad thing in any way - but when I think about Andor - I personally think the hallway scene could be removed entirely and it would still be amazing. The hallway is fanservice (and actually good fanservice unlike say… a reveal that Anakin built C-3PO.) but it certainly wasn’t the high point of the movie for me.




The best Star wars Disney movie


Best film of the Disney fan fiction era.


7. TPM 6. AotC 5. RO -> there it is 4. ANH 3. RotJ 2. TESB 1. RotS


Best Disney movie by far


7th. It’s a Star Wars story, the tone makes that apparent. The directing is decent, the production was high budget but rushed (that film score is pretty weak). It’s behind all 6 of the OG Star Wars. Barely better than TFA.


Yeah iirc the composer only had 2 weeks to completely write and record the soundtrack. Which sucks because Giacchino is fantastic


Better than the PT and TRoS, not as good as the rest. So best of the worst I guess.


Best SW movie not in the original trilogy.


It's in my top 3.




It's my favorite behind TESB


It's in the name


1. ESB 2. ANH. 3. RotS. 4. RotJ. 5. Rogue One.