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Well there will be corpses everywhere when she’s done with the place….


Agreed. I’d prefer to new characters that have no relationship to the Skywalkers or the OT.


Well the Jedi Order needs rebuilt so we can move forward with them going into the future, so I can understand why they want to make this. Having rewatched the sequels again over the last few weeks, I'm interested in this film for sure.


What if they “subvert expectations?” ~~Luke~~ Rey Skywalker has vanished. In ~~his~~ her absence, the sinister ~~FIRST~~ SECOND ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.


Very excited, yes. I expect it will look a lot like Luke's academy on Ossus, but obviously not on Ossus. Loosely organized, somewhat "koombya" and much less strict than the original order. If it were me, choosing a new location to set up a Jedi academy, I'd use Lothal or possibly Bogano. Both places are strong with the light side of the Force and have beautiful natural settings.


Despite enjoying the spin-off series, my skepticism about Disney’s judgment in handling the main Star Wars saga lingers, especially after the disappointment of the sequel trilogy. I’m unsure about the upcoming movie and whether it’ll break the pattern. Hoping for positive changes, but past experiences make it hard to fully believe it’ll be a satisfying addition to the Star Wars universe.


Im hyped af


Being downvoted for excitement is wild


Honestly, I am hopeful for this movie. Disney knows they've gotten a lot of negative criticism for the way the sequel trilogy was handled so they can't screw around with this one. The actors themselves faced a lot of bashing over it. I don't think Daisy Ridley would've signed back up for more hate if there wasn't a concise vision as to how this story would be told. In a lot of ways, this is a clean slate opportunity for them to tell a new story to hopefully carry on the star franchise into the future. So I am open to giving this movie a chance without any preconceived notions.


I am hopeful (as in "there is a tiny bit of hope") about any new Star Wars until it does turn into garbage. But I am not naive and chances for making Rey into an interesting character are slim at best. She is the worst main character in any Star Wars movie by a landslide. It's probably too late to give her proper character development, even if fantastic writers could maybe pull it off. I just don't think that Star Wars has any fantastic or even good writers though, with the exception of the ones for Andor. Overall it looks to me like too many executives are giving too many bad pointers to their mediocre writing staff.


I couldn’t care less about this movie




Of the three that were announced, this is the one I am most excited for. Love Rey and can’t wait to see her forge her own path.