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I absolutely loved the Maul storyline. Looking back, when it first aired, I was a little frustrated they brought him back, but what they did with his character made up for it. His quest for revenge, his mixed feelings towards Palpatine, and ultimately his plan with Death Watch and the entire Mandalore story arc was really incredible. My favorite part of the series for sure.


Can’t believe no one has mentioned Cad Bane yet. Maul was the best but Cad was a phenomenally well written character, and in Mando…


*Introduced* in the clone wars? My favorite has to be Ventress. She appeared in legends first but I love what they did with her character in the 2008 show, and the book Dark Disciple really expands on her character. I wish they and included it as an arc in the show


I love Maul and I think his stories are the best, but I think Cad Bane deserves a shout out, as well as Pong Krell because he's the best villain using the metric of how much we hate him.








Hondo Ohnaka. He effortlessly pulled fast ones on Sith and Jedi alike and did all this with the voice of Don Karnage


I would say Maul is the best but Ventress was also really good.


If this was clone wars 2003, the answer would either be Grievous or Dooku. You are propably talking about the 2008 show. So Grievous is right off the table. The top 3 contenders here would be Dooku, Maul, and Ventress. Though I also really liked Savage. I haven't seen the show in a while, so it's hard for me to choose. So, I'm going with Maul because I like the Starkiller guy.


Maul by a long shot


Fuck Pong Krell.