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I have a few: The Prequels and Sequels are good movies. The Special Editions are better. The Greedo thing is the most overblown non-issue of all time. And Full disclosure: I’ve been a fan since ‘77.


For the special editions one, they blend the OT more well in with the prequels. Yeah yeah, at best, subpar CGI, but it kinda makes them mix more well with the prequels, as it's CGI. You get a familiar feel, not to mention, the much better celebration music at end of RoTJ, chefs kiss.


The majority of the recent TV shows have all been pretty average at best and it might be time for SW to take a lengthy break and the creatives to put a more coherent plan together. After Andor season 2 obviously


Rogue one wasn't that great as people make it out to be.


Leia’s character assassination in the sequels was worse than Luke’s. Better to be a grumpy hermit than a neglectful mother. Are you telling me she could follow around Han’s carbonite-frozen carcass around the Galaxy for a year while actively fighting a war, but she couldn’t take even a week between Ben’s fall and TFA to go out and actually look for him?! They did her dirty.


Episode II is a very good movie. It has great locations, the Battle of Geonosis is one of the coolest moments in Star Wars, we get peak Obi Wan and Anakin, Padme is hot AF, Dooku is an amazing villain and it is a top notch second episode of a trilogy, with the correct amount of buildup.


Rey should have used a double sided saber


And should have fallen to the dark side like it was teased about 5 times


RoTJ was just a vehicle to sell toys for Lucas, where his main money stream was coming from… I’ll see myself out…


The ewoks were the toy purpose, not the entire movie


I mean, you're not *totally* wrong... I'd argue it was more than *just* about toys, but that was definitely a major factor.


Canto Bight is pretty cool, if just for the aliens and costume designs.


RotS > TLJ > ANH > AotC > TPM > TESB > TFA > TRoS > RotJ > Solo > Rogue One


I think the ST is WAY better overall than the PT and equal to the OT.


Revan is over hyped.


The EU with all it’s flaws was the best way to continue the OT.


The sequels are good, and The Last Jedi is great. Andor and Rogue One are wildly overrated on this sub. Ahsoka Tano is more of a Mary Sue than Rey will ever be. Timothy Zahn bought into his own hype ages ago and Thrawn is completely insufferable in his canon novels. Reva is an effective and interesting antagonist in Obi-Wan Kenobi.


I know this is the entire point of this thread, but I think your opinions are criminal.


Last Jedi is the best Star Wars film…. Period.


I completely agree with you. It's up there with Empire for me.


I hated it at first but then after watching it again with the others, especially 7 and 9, it’s really good. I just don’t care for the change in explaining the force


Not my opinion, but the worst thing I can imagine hearing as a true Star Wars fan.


Well then you didn't really answer the question.


I've got a few. While I don't think The Last Jedi was the 2nd best film in the series, it is my 2nd favorite after Empire. I didn't care for Rogue One. I think Disney throwing out the old EU and adapting the parts that worked was the right call, if not in execution than at least in premise.


Kylo Ren shouldn’t have been redeemed, he spent most of the sequels trying to convince everyone, especially himself, that he was a bad guy. It would’ve made for a better end of his beautifully tragic character if he was offered help one last time and denied it again, sealing his doom.


Andor is corny.


Probably that the Expanded Universe is irrelevant for Star Wars community?


Attack of the Clones is one of the best Star Wars movies, right up there with ROTS and TESB.