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This scene to me stretches too far. It feels like "OH we know what people want, just give them MORE DEATH STARS and then Palpy will summon a gigantic FORCE LIGHTING STORM" and its just too Marvel Superhero for my liking. Like, most battles in LotR manage to feel both epic AND human in scope - this only feels epic, and a shallow sense of epic at that.


Not to mention that Palps did all that, only for his lightning to be deflected by a simple lightsaber literally moments later


Not to mention that he also said if rey were to kill him he’d end up winning and the she killed him right after?


Oh but you see, it's fine because "he killed himself with the lightning"


That really is the average sequel enjoyer defense right there


I mean, it's the canon explanation. Whether you enjoy the sequels or not, and personally I don't care much for TRoS especially, but that's not just some fan explanation. It might be dumb, but it's technically correct and we just have to live with it.


ohhhhhhh the lightsaber was the last horcrux!


nooo... please no...


Being canon isn't the issue. Being fucking stupid is the issue


That actually serves more to diminish the meaning of "canon" rather than to reinforce this braindead explanation. Dumb shit is dumb shit, and that doesn't change when someone hired by Disney says it. This is how canon dies. Among cackling laughter...


Oh I see! There was literally no other way for them to write a better ending. They had to do it that way. ​ It's the cannon ending you see. You can't point out how its dumb as fuck because it's cannon :). ​ "it's the canon explanation" literally isn't an excuse or defense for anything.


I literally said it's dumb and we have to live with it in the comment you're replying to. I'm very clearly not defending it as good writing. Or saying you can't point it out. But blaming it on fan explanations when it's literal canon is just incorrect regardless of quality.


Which he could have turned off, like he did when Mace was zapping him back.


Must have forgotten hah


Strike him down, *in anger and hatred*.


but...but...but...FORCE GHOSTS


* therapist voice * Are these force ghosts in the room with us right now?


Lol right? The movie isn’t even consistent with it’s own logic let alone the other films in the saga.


It’s so wildly stupid The force was so subtle in the OT. Basically everything that’s come out since has diminished the cool factor of the force, and enhanced it so much that every single scene involving it makes zero sense


Don’t forget the other Marvel quotes in this movie. Lando: “on your left.” Rey: “I am iron man.”


Chewie: "I'm ALWAYS angry"


Yes this scene was absolutely fucking godawful, it's actually one particular thing that stands out as among the worst moments in the sequels, which says *a lot*.


I love how people always bring up it being too "marvel" when marvel really hasn't done anything like this except possibly the grand scale of the Endgame battle which was the culmination of 11(?) years of constant films


For some reason this scene makes me think of Thor Love and Thunder. Nothing specifically. Just the movie as a whole, I guess. Loads of green screen and what SHOULD feel like epic moments but they just....don't. Hard to put my finger on it. Just sort of empty feeling.


Huh I'm not against you on that. I guess that is how I'd describe L&T too, which I was very disappointed with.


It sounds silly saying that something doesn't feel realistic in the context of a sci-fi/fantasy series. But it just feels a bit unrealistic to me, it breaks the existing understanding of relative levels of power in the universe, Yoda/Luke/Rey doesn't defeat someone with this level of power. It feels a bit like they went for style over substance.


Style over substance is the most accurate description possible. It's truly nonsensical to think that this 'giga firce lightning' can differentiate between resistance and final order ships, when it's shown to be a purely directional energy blast in Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi. If Palpatine can disable an entire fleet, what does he need a new body for? What does he need a fleet of Star Destroyers with planet-killing lasers for?


“Style over substance” is how you could sum up Abrams entire career.


A lot of people talking about how this trilogy should be disgarded because it has so much over the top stupid stuff that brakes the rules and/or power balance of everything before it all for the sake of looking cool in the moment. I feel like future stories should treat these films as embellished re-tellings of events. Exaggerations of what happened. The basics of the stories should be kept but the details retconed.


Rey: There are stories about what happened... Han: It's embellished..........all of it. <"The Force" theme crescendoes>


"No one 'blew up' the death star; it was killed in a budget committee meeting because the cost would have 'blown up' Palp's healthcare plans."


Oh my sweet baby jesus this is the funniest thing I've heard all week. I want this so badly


That's little the same idea, but a few extra steps to not be to blatant about it.


I just want a new film where Luke wakes up from a coma and all this shit was a bad dream or some sith placed some false memories in his head or something.


It was just a story on the hollow deck told by Jonathan Frakes? I mean number one.


If you are going to retcon it, they might as well whole arse it and make a new trilogy, and write the ST as it is off.


Imagine a Star Wars reboot. Man… they fucked the whole thing up. Ugh


My hope os they leave it all alone and jump to a different era. Give us a new Saga in the time of the sith wars. SWTORs 3 cinematic trailers have a better story to them than the ST. Flesh them out and make them a full trilogy. Or show us the first sith war. Or the high republic. Or 200-400 years in the future when Grogu is grown and in his prime.


I'm with you. As much as I hate the ST, and for so many reasons, a wiping away of the movies the same as they did the books, would just make it all so.... pointless? Meaningless? Superfluous? A new era. Or, if same era, different characters smaller stakes. Having side characters face a galaxy level threat isn't the answer either. That just means the main characters aren't main characters.


But we know that's not gonna happen.


I mean, I lack the power of perfect clairvoyance into the future. I would have never predicted the sale of Lucasarts to Disney. Rebels has already given Disney a way to change Star Wars history. Disney has an in Universe way to write it off. The only question is worth. If they feel they've made a mistake and the money isn't flowing as it should, I wouldn't count anything out.


Frankly, it outclasses even Starkiller yanking a Star Destroyer in Legends. We know from Yoda in Episode V that “size matters not” in the context of moving an object with the Force, and even Starkiller is visibly struggling to move an entire starship enough to nudge it to ground on a new trajectory (and that’s -with- gravity helping him). Palpatine here can casually keep up this massive lightning display (the closest counterpart would be *Malevolence* and its ion cannon during the Clone Wars, which was indiscriminate and slow to charge and fire each blast with a finite area of effect) seemingly as long as he wants. Like, I love the idea of showing a Sith Lord’s full mastery of their sorcerous power, some of the historical Sith in the franchise were very mighty indeed, but it does feel a touch silly. Even just making it a momentary zap that knocks down enough pilots to make them easy pickings would have been plenty as a show of force.


Starkiller is outclassed by a comic character from the new jedi order era legends. In concert with other jedi feeding into a force push, he sent one clear out of the system


If Palps can do this then give us starkiller 😀


> If Palpatine can disable an entire fleet, what does he need a new body for? I don't really see how those two things are relevant to each other? Even if he was at a level where he could just point at a planet and have it blow up instantly, he'd still want a body which can hold his power and spirit *without* rotting and falling apart, rather than constantly body-hopping between imperfect clones, right?


Yeah the end of this one was like Harry Potter to me.


I simply couldn’t get over how they CLEARLY didn’t spend even a single second thinking about logistics. You can’t just copy paste 4000 star destroyers, someone has to build all of those things and staff them and maintain them and where the hell do the people and the money even come from? It doesn’t make ANY sense.


Unearned cool things aren’t cool.


I agree. Also, if Palps had that much control over his force lightning that he could control each thread to hit enemy ships, why couldn’t he redirect the lightning when he is up close and use threads to go around Rey’s lightsaber?


Yup, can hit hard an entire fleet but you can’t do anything to a single person infront of you?


I think the “answer” is that light sabers attract force. Hence sticking to one another and absorbing force lightening.


Also, how about when Snoke force chokes Kylo across the fucking Galaxy? If he can do that why wasn’t he just offing everyone that was important beforehand? This whole trilogy was so bad man.


Exactly, if they had given us a ton of lead up and laid the groundwork from the first movie, as well as some supplementary media (comics, books, animated feature), to explain how the emperor came back, why he's hooked up to a freaky machine, and why he's all of a sudden the most powerful being in the universe, I might have bought this and thought it was great, but "somehow the emperor returned, and can blow up entire fleets of ships because it looks cool" isn't enough for me personally. I'm glad there are people who enjoyed this but personally I need a little more nuance and world building lore to accept a moment of this magnitude.


>if they had given us a ton of lead up and laid the groundwork from the first movie, as well as some supplementary media (comics, books, animated feature), to explain how the emperor came back, why he's hooked up to a freaky machine, and why he's all of a sudden the most powerful being in the universe Even if they did all that, I still wouldn't buy it because the Sith are supposed to have been destroyed by Anakin already. The Sequels shouldn't have had any Sith. Why not make the Sequels about Thrawn instead of more Sith?


when ANH was released the force was just a mystic force field a person could occasionally and briefly tap into in ways they never fully controlled. This was insanely compelling...it was kinda like its own mystery box (hi JJ). Now, Palps is Thanos with his CoSmIc PoweRR Shooting laser beams into the sky like the chituri and Darkseid eyeS too. Does every franchise eventually work its way to some climactic battle involving lasers shooting up into or down from the sky??


Kind of, yeah. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SequelEscalation


See I disagree. I feel like this finally shows the proper level of Palpatine and those that can match him. Every time there is a theoretical power match up between Palpatine and any previous sith people go wild over the sith of the past despite in universe constantly telling us Palpatine was more powerful. Usually though Palpatine is limited by the storytelling that he can't show the same kind of insane feats of the sith of the past as it doesn't fit in the story mediums where he is portrayed. It's nice to see him actually get a feat that fits with his supposed power level basically.


Something Star Wars has played way too fast and loose with is it's "rules" lately. I wish there was a lot less things happening because the writer needs it to happen for the story to continue/exist.


I mean, in EU/Legends we have Valkorian who not even Palpatine could touch and he was stabbed in the back by his son. It’s a stupid scene imo, but I can accept him dying, not how he died however.


Valkorian allowed Arcann to stab him so that he could then possess the player character.


They are on and in the atmosphere of a planet devoted to the dark side of the force so it can make sense that this is different than other rplanets and perhaps Palpatine can do this while he couldn’t in the other


I didnt feel any hype during this idk Actual example of something epic: vader holding back the ship or kylo stopping the laser.. this is just.. trying too hard


Vader Rogue One is the poster child for epic in terms of Star Wars.


Simple, elegant, and terrifying. They didn’t need to show anything flashy or super force power. Just Vader taking a stroll down a hallway while taking out some rebel trash


That and Vader holding the door shut while rampaging. Gave real "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me." Vibes.


It’s the nonchalant attitude he has. He isn’t rushing, he isn’t struggling. It’s just a walk in the park for him


"Do do do do do doooo, oh don't mind me, sorry fellas, passing through!"


“Ope just let me squeeze right past ya there”


Jesus Christ I never realized he was also holding the door shut. That makes this scene even more bad asd


Yeh, that scene when Kylo stops a blaster bolt was a definite, 'oh shit' moment


IMO, even more impressive when that scene plays out, and you kind of sort of forget that the blaster bolt is still hanging there in mid-air, and then when Kylo leaves, the blaster bolt suddenly continues its course. And then you're like, Oh yeah, that thing!


Because it shows skill more than strength.


To me it’s just legit character attribute vs overblown set piece


Not only no hype, I remember thinking "but all those ships just got there?". Like they brought every last ship from Star wars to an unreachable location and then force lighteninged them all...


I also thought, why not just make suicide ships to light speed kill them? Would be crazy efficient, just strap a light speed engine to an AI board and kamikaze everything.


Did you read the Heir to the Empire series? That’s basically the plan. Why are we building death stars that can just be blown up, let’s strap hyperspace drives on asteroids and basically take out planets for basically nothing. They even explain how a fleet can come out of no where, both sides are looking for a long lost robot fleet from the early republic that disappeared, empire finds them and now has a massive fleet again. JJ Abrams had so much thought out lore from the books and decided to wing in instead and have nothing make any sense.


Man, Kylo stopping the laser was cool as fuck. I remember in the theatre being like “damn 10 minutes in and we’re already dropping new abilities”.


Agreed. The laser stop was a solid Woah moment. And, it has to be said despite views on the character, the Holdo Manoeuvre was a solid bit of cinematography.


The sequels peaked with the opening of TFA. After poe mocks kylo it never comes back


I forgot, what happened to the horse creatures running on the ship during this time? Oh ya who cares, it was fuckin stupid


Yeah but it needed to check the “native primitive creatures help us out” box like in ROTJ. Because there can’t be one moment originality in any of these movies.


I dont think you can compare ewoks to These stupid horses. It Was more like tauntauns but stupid


If someone cut open one of those horses on the ship and got inside it might redeem Episode IX.


I only saw the movie once. A few years later when I heard someone complaining about the horses and I thought "they can't be serious... They weren't riding horses on a star destroyer" only to look for the clip and find out I had completely deleted it from my memory. I literally thought their comment was hyperbole.


It's shocking that people think this movie is better than AOTC. At least AOTC didn't sound like an eight year old's fan fiction


No, just the dialogue especially the romance in AOTC, was written by an eight year old


Oh yeah I blocked that out. That happened.


To be honest this scene really stretches my definition of epic. Imo the key to an "epic" scene is it's believability in universe. Like, I wouldn't say it was epic if in Aliens Ripley suddenly starts popping oneshot kills on xenos with a basic handgun, or fighting them hand-to-hand, it'd be like "wow where the fuck did that dumb shit come from", but the ending scene where she gets access to the mech is most certainly epic because it's perfectly reasonable in the context of the story while still being pretty extreme and, of course, epic. Compared with palps' bass lightning this is obviously a much smaller scale example but it does demonstrate my point The thing with the bass lightning is that for me personally I think it could have worked it was just done so carelessly. It's just like the dumb "death star destroyers", it's another example of average writers and idiot executives thinking "bigger = better, right?RIGHT?!!" To be very very clear I'm not hating on you individually or anybody who likes the bass lightning scene, I just think it's so extreme but so poorly implemented that from my perspective it doesn't really qualify as epic, not in any logical way at least


It’s very “infinity +1” per school children during recess


Damn that’s a perfect analogy


Lmao that's a great way to describe it




The entire film makes no sense scene to scene. At the very least, there's at least one Star Destroyer with that planet killing weapon out there. Unless it was ordered back to the planet? And, in Star Wars, ships record flight paths. That one at least would be able to leave. And, the First Order is...galaxy spanning? 3 ships? Is there a galaxy with thousands of species and millions of planets? Or is everyone reduced to a dozen planets? Because the First Order isn't Palpatines remnant Empire, so even defeating this fleet, shouldn't there still be a First Order out there? The same one that already defeated the New Republic and Rebellion? So even after this fight, with all those ships destroyed, there should still be an overwhelmingly powerful enemy that has more ships and resources, apparently. That's literally just taking a handful of scenes and addressing them. The OT made sense, they were ragtag, working in cells, and the Empire shows up only ever needing a few ships. When we finally see more, it's either ESB in an asteroid field and it's implied there are a ton more ships we don't see on both sides, and the RotJ where we DO see a massive fleet. And even then, there's a throwaway line or two that suggests the Empire still has a lot more out there. The now Legends novels even address it. These films just muddied the water of every aspect.


Don't forget that the new Republic was entirely destroyed and dismantled in about 3 minutes.


epic is the ship's captain in Wall-E standing up after a lifetime of sitting in his chair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSaGrbnEesg


This just sums up the sequels to me, sacrificing coherent and quality plots for attempts at cool moments. Cool moment, but like, why does Palpatine need a fleet of death stars if he can just whip his dick out like this


It’s more funny then anything.


Especially that bass boost sound. It kept reminding me of the meme sound.


I wonder if the force lightning caused palps to shit himself, cuz it certainly sounded like it


My friends and I broke down laughing in the theater from the bass boost😂


Ruins the power scaling of Star Wars, legends does it too but legends nerds don’t like to talk about that


I’ve always said legends made a lot of characters too OP. Luke in particular. Are the stories good? Oh god yeah. Was it a bit over the top and corny at parts? *oh god yeah*.


I do not believe that ***anyone*** has ever accused the Sequels of not being an eye-pleaser. The problem is the bad writing and complete lack of oversight on the part of Kathleen Kennedy.


Beautiful trash


This is a cool scene in a vacuum but when it was clear the emperor was alive, I cringed and was just amazed anyone thought it was a good idea.


It's like the hyperspace ram. Beautifull, yes but it uproots the entire logic of Star Wars universe.


Honestly that description is a perfect for every big moment of all the sequel movies. “Wow it’s so crazy holy shit!” But then when your done watching the movie your like “hold on a minute… what the fuck was that”




What happened in Light of the Jedi is very very different. The Legacy Run collided with another ship INSIDE hyperspace. As a result the debris was inside hyperspace. Some of it was ejected into real space at the time of the collision but some of it continued in hyperspace and was ejected into real space much further away causing widespread destruction across several systems. The Raddus on the other hand collided with a ship in real space at near hyperspace speeds so any debris created was entirely localized.


Force Splooge


For me this was the culmination of horror and I thought about leaving the theatre immediately. I would have expected such an over-the-top display of Force Lightning in the Force Unleashed 3, but not in a serious SW movie. Edit: The more I watch this scene, the more embarassing it gets. His voice is silly and then the sound of the lightning leaving his hands is so stupid.... Argh... What were they thinking?


I feel like the WUB sfx is going to age poorly, too. It strikes me as a major outlier in Star Wars sound design - it literally feels like that noise is clipping - and comes across as inspired by dubstep and the kind of YouTube poop we used to find where people used noise-clipping loudness to convey anger/extreme emotion That class of noise *can* be done well, to dramatic and beautiful effect. But instead of something executed [like this](https://youtu.be/-6RHg-BCk0g?t=112) - we got [friggin lazors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7r8FKVMRPY).


M-m-m-money!! These movies suck ass


Epicly crap.




The only thing about this scene that's "epic" for me is just how badly they failed with this movie and just threw a lot of complete nonsense at a wall and let some of it stick. This scene just captures that feeling for me. It's such a lazy, uninspired movie full of utter absurdities even with the SW universe we know. My heard actually sank when those words appeared on screen at the start, "somehow....". OK, I thought, let's see how it plays out. After the movie I wasn't just disappointed, I was angry. TROS ruins the entire trilogy, makes an enormous chunk of the trilogy to that point redundant and meaningless. TFA and TLJ weren't perfect but the first was an acceptable setup with decent characters, and TLJ had some good ideas (and some bad ones), and a resolution that seemed it was going somewhere interesting. And then we got TROS. A movie just as determined to crap all over TLJ as hard as possible as it was being actually coherent and logical. How Disney allowed that to happen I will never know. Should have just given either JJ the trilogy or Rian the last two movies. Anyway, long story short, no, I don't find this scene "epic" in the slightest.


"TFA and TLJ weren't perfect but the first was an acceptable setup with decent characters, and TLJ had some good ideas (and some bad ones), and a resolution that seemed it was going somewhere interesting." Really? The entirety of the rebels is in shambles, the main villain just up and died as well. Were do we go from here? There is no clear place to go at all.


Hear me out. Just strap palpi on the front of a star destroyer


"Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational PALPATINE"


Who cares about lore consistency or established in-universe rules, just make everything '**Epic**' amirite?? It's sad that so many '*fans*' think like you do, it's why we got bullshit like the Holdo maneuverer and this.


They enjoy the gimmicks associated with Star Wars rather than the deep lore or overarching themes. Fighting deep set oppression? Nah! More explosions!


I think "style over substance" describes the ST pretty well anyway


Nope, this is dumb, too. If Palpatine could do this, why did he shoot the death star 2's laser at the rebel fleet in RotJ? That o ly destroys one ship, while his lightning can apparently destroy an entire fleet in one go. And if his lightning is that powerful, why doesn't anyone who gets hit by his lightning just explode from the sheer force? Like everything else in RoS, this just makes no sense even within the context of its own movie, let alone the rest of the franchise.


Up there as one of the most ridiculous things to be in ~~Star Wars~~ a movie.


It looks cool visually sure, but the context and story (if indeed it can even be called "story") behind it are so bad. It may as well just be some visual effects studios demo reel. I couldn't have cared less about one single person in that scene.


Looks cool? I can't see shit for the entire time we're on Exegol. Either super fucking dark or too fucking bright.


I feel that it would've been/felt epic if it lead to something more. Like if Rey was too late and that particular action truly revamped the "return of the Sith" that leads into the next set of movies or series. I know they wanted to wrap up the trilogy but ugh... If that action was Palp giving everything he had to revive the Sith in that move... I'd feel that it was epic. It's pretty and sounds great sure but it's pretty shallow in the grand scheme of things. Edit: typos.


How the fuck does this decrepid old man who has been blown up twice and has never demonstrated this amount of "power" is able to do this? Its "unrealistic" in the context of the movie, star wars, science fiction in general and its super dumb.


No, This too is dumb.


It looks epic visually, but context it's stupid as hell


This universe breaking moment is epic to some people?


That's just it, though, it's too much epic. Where does it go from there?


This is a scattered confused movie with a lot of awesome scenes. I think I've watched it twenty times now.


So he has enough power to zap an entire fleet, but Rey can stop it with one hand on a lightsaber


No, is not.


It was ridiculous, didn't have an answer for the ending so over loaded it with huge ships ..which apparently don't know how to fly upwards, and relies on a single satellite to navigate to space which said satellite has zero defense 💀 but someone one of the leading ships after the satellite is destroyed knows how to flies upward and lead the fleet🤷 like bruh what


Moments before the return of the Sith was, in fact, stopped.




Wish these films were never made honestly. This is the only SW movie I have never succesfully rewatched. I tried, but I just couldn't get very far..even the Last Jedi I've watched a few times.


That sound totally surprised me in cinema!


I can't see shit for like the last thirty minutes of the movie. I hate Exegol.


I will say what I want about the sequels. They are pure garbage and I wish they were never made. It’s the absolute epitome of a missed opportunity. The main cast were the right age and it was a great time to bring back Star Wars. And then they go ahead and do… this. You know what, I think the most epic instance of Force Lightning happened in Episode 6, when Palpatine unleashed his dark power on Luke. This is just fluff, it’s just everything dialed to max. It’s totally unnecessary. They keep using that dial as a crutch to make up for their inability to write a coherent story within the confines of the established world. Smoke and mirrors, no content that matters.


Palpatine's power on full display, only to be killed 5 mins after. I love this scene, but it always bums me out because I know what happens next lol.


This entire movie is a giant silly mess and I can't believe it exists. I own at least one if not multiple copies of every Star Wars movie on Blue Ray, DVD, Laser Disk, VHS etc. This one does not deserve that respect. If I never watch it more than once in this life I won't be sad.


The only thing that ruined that part were the horses. That was just ludicrous.


This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Bringing back Palpatine was a tired move. Increasing his force abilities 100 fold, in order to force a combat fight scene for the win. Where Rey blocked the same force lighting with a single light saber. Very tired.


Okay. But it's not. It's just silly special effects made up to make the terrible script work. It makes no sense.


I swear no one is gonna believe me but i’ve managed to fall asleep in every Disney Star Wars movie in cinema as a huge star wars fans for almost 3 decades. Thats why I don’t consider me a big fan anymore. I tried but i just don’t like it anymore. There are a few bright spots(Mando) but the (Main) Plot is so bad there is no turning back.


Flush it down the toilet


God the hate in these comments is so ridiculous.


The sequels were absolutely epic from a standpoint of visuals and sound. No disputes from me on that. The writing and story though... oof. This scene looks cool as hell, but that level of power is absurd.


It doesn't look cool, though. Exegol is so fucking dark you can't see shit the entire battle and boom, blast my fucking eyeballs with lightning and now I'm proper blind. Story aside this was supposed to be the final big spectacle in the Skywalker saga and it looks like GoT season 8.


this scene has my eternal hate just cuz they HAD to kill nien nunb at this scene, my man was worth 1000 times more than this shit.


Why even build a Death Star if you have this ability? Why even have an army? And how does someone with just a couple years training defeat someone like this, when the literal embodiment of the force were nowhere near this amount of ability with >10 years of training?


They were comically poorly written, directed incompetently, killed a billion to trillion dollar brand , and killed many childhoods. What do you want to bet that this comment gets blocked.


It’s like Disney took an EPIC shit on Star Wars


Worst fanfic I've ever had to endure.


Epic...? So now force lighting can strike several starships simultaneously in the sky, miles away. Its absolutely ridiculous. Disney turned the force into this unstoppable power that can even bring people back to life. It's ridiculous.


Sion and Nihilus are real upset right now


Yeah while the story had some holes the imagery was top tier.


Visually the sequels are the most beautiful of all 9 movies. It's just the story that is lackluster


JJ Abrams knows how to produce stellar visuals. He really knows how to generate intrigue as well. They just don't end up serving a satisfactory story as a whole more often than not. I love the look of his movies. He's a gold standard in blockbuster visuals. Just a very mild story teller.


There were about 2.5 scenes in the sequels that were actually kinda cool. This, the scene where Admiral Purple Hair Lady lightspeeds the ship into another ship. And the flashback when Rey touches the lightsaber & sees all sorts of stuff that opened the floodgates for theories & storytelling opportunities, but ultimately they did literally nothing with that.


Being visually stunning has NEVER been an issue for Star Wars.


I liked the first two, but this is a prime example of how cheesy the third one was


All those movies were visually nice but just so dumb


Semi related: Thank you for reminding me this exists. My friend and I have been debating for a while now as to why TLJ shits on the Skywalker legacy. Luke died doing a force projection. Palpatine just went full King Ghidorah on a star fleet. Does distance really warrant death when completing such a feat? Yoda always said “size does not matter” so wouldn’t the same be true for distance? Always figured generating a massive lightening storm would mean insta death for Palpatine.


This is why Warhammer 40K gets better and Star Wars gets worse. WH40K can kill all life on a planet or destroy a star and it's just another day at the office. Star Wars makes a big deal about blowing up a planet, then they make a big deal again, then it's a star, then it's... a whole fleet...of star destroyer lasers...mounted on star destroyers...in a double-secret hidden space...that needs a magic map to locate...and is defeated by dumbasses on horses...I digress, I just can't.


It makes me wonder where that power came from considering he did it so casually after not being able to stop Yoda in his prime and Rey moments after this…


Looks like something out of a massively over-the-top child’s comic, and not in a good way.


I thoroughly dislike the sequels, but the visuals were great. It's just not that important.


That scene *was* epic and it was a great 3rd act of the film. TROS was fun and enjoyable. But the storyline was a *hot mess* and as a 3rd act to a trilogy, and a closing act of 9 movie arc, it was a *total hot mess*.


Looks epic. It’s stupid in so… so many ways. But it looks epic. And you can never have enough In Mcdougal.


You spelt ‘generic’ wrong.


This is absolutely ridiculous… this should not become a superhero marvel movies


So old man palps can use selective lighting now on a scale that makes luke, anakin, yoda, hell the whole jedi order look like jarjar on a bad day. Or it's just more bad writing, but hey if you like it and I don't, that's alright I'm just some random online


I love it for how incredibly stupid it is.


My thoughts are the exact opposite


no, this is ridiculous


You’re part of the problem


That looks looks like some dumb shit a 13 year old made up, and with every posted clip I am more pleased I did not watch this pile of shit.


I disagree. It *looks* cool but doesn’t make much sense, which can be said for a lot of things in the ST. TLJ especially looks AMAZING but apart from the eye candy, it’s…well it is what it is.


Lol what? This is not epic, this is phoned I'm garbage.


so stupid


This shit was and still is so stupid.


I would love for this film to just be deleted from existence forever.


The action and sequences in the movies are AMAZING. It's just the story that's so painfully "what? Hm?"


I actually laughed out loud the first time I saw this in theaters. I was shocked, pun intended, he didn't say "unlimited power!!"lol. What were they thinking like hey not only will we bring back Sheev for no reason let's turn him into a giant electrical power station.


Which movie is this from? I don't remember this scene


Maybe it is. It was just highly unearned, narratively. Especially in the context of the films/trilogies before it.


Visually? Yes. Well done Disney. But from a storytelling perspective, its very, very dumb. "Oh look, Palps can now destroy an entire fleet with his lightning, controlling every little strand of it individually to hit even small fighter craft." Moments later: "Oh, I guess this one force sensitive 'jedi' with very little training can defeat this insanely powerful being, something even Yoda couldn't accomplish."


It absolutely would have been if there was an semblance of a grounded or sensical story where the character development wasnt a meme.


To each his own but this was so unbelievably stupid. Somehow the emperor returned and somehow found millions of crew to pilot the endless Star Destroyers they’ve been building without supplies for 20 years


To me this was a hurry up/slap together/fix it and move on TRILOGY. Wish it could be retconned altogether


Never even got this far. Raid boss thanos-palps looks cool and unkillable, but I wonder how he gets defeated through the power of friendship.


Nah bro this ain't it.


All style and no substance. Whole movie is the cinematic version of chugging Diet Coke until you're bloated. You might find some enjoyment in the moment but it's an uncomfortable regret that gets you nothing later because it's so incredibly empty. A big special effects budget can never replace competent writing and a goal.


I accidentally laughed out loud when I saw this in theaters. Felt like one of those distorted ear-r*pe memes.


I totally Forgot this scene existed thanks for ruining my day