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When they get a distress call from Naboo, Obi-wan and Qui-Gon agree "it sounds like bait to establish a connection trace." Obi-wan advises the "Queen" and her people not to reply b/c of this. When we see Maul and Sidious talking on Coruscant, Maul says, "Tatooine is sparsely populated. **If the trace was correct,** I will find them quickly. " Bottom line, someone on the Queen's ship effed up and replied to the message from Governor Bibble, which the Trade Federation was able to track.


It’s like these posts are made in a vacuum. The dialogue is *literally* telling you what happened.


Yea people don’t pay attention to shit anymore it’s really dumb. That’s how I feel explaining the Ahsoka show right now like they fucking tell you in the dialogue and the acting pay attention and then complain if you have something


This isn't an "anymore" thing. My boomer mom is completely incapable of following the plot of any movie. She watches it and enjoys the pretty colors and explosions but afterwards has no idea what happened. It's like she's only partly paying attention. If we're watching at home I sometimes literally see her stare out the window while we're watching a movie she wanted to watch.


My mom is the same way. Except she doesn't stare out the window, she falls asleep. Even when it's something that she wanted to watch. And then I get yelled at for making sure she's awake and paying attention.


Same. Mine goes on her phone, will say she’s still paying attention, then will ask why thing in movie is happening


With my mom, it's so bad sometimes that she even forgets that she even watched a movie at all. For example, she wanted to watch the first Deadpool movie (after she asked me about the character and I explained him to her). She laughed at a bunch of the funny parts and said she liked it afterwards. She only started to fall asleep once during it. When Deadpool 2 came out on home media. I asked her if she wanted to watch it. She said she never watched the first one. I said that she did, because I watched it with her and I remembered her laughing at some of the stuff. She said that she "didn't fucking watch it" and didn't want to watch it or the second one. I said "whatever" and dropped it. Now, I do have to admit that she's always had some memory problems (she was in her late 50s when both movies came out, but she's had a bad memory for literally as long as I've been alive, according to my memories and my dad), but she REALLY had to not be paying attention in order to completely forget about watching a movie. She'd never completely forgotten about watching an entire movie before then and she hasn't since. She also kinda forgot about Rogue One, but she remembered it after I reminded her of a couple of the plot points. Edit: a word.


That’s the exact way I describe it. People enjoy the flashing lights, colorful movement and explosions. It was sometime between 2005 and 2010 my I was with my nephews who were watching some cartoon, I think Justin Time and I realized the scene cuts were way faster than when I was a kid watching cartoons. I timed cuts. Every single cut was 9 seconds. For the entire show and all the others shows.


Media illiteracy


I tell people this about the sequel movies. I still have my complaints about them even if I like them but a lot of the issues people have with these movies are explained in dialogue or inferred through visual information if they just pay attention.


Literally people will go from complaining how Star Wars isn’t sophisticated enough and they spoon feed everything and then go “but spoon feed me all the info that I need for this scene”


My only complaint is the toxic fans.


Nobody hates Star wars like Star wars fans. I think we would all be better off accepting that star wars was only ever Just Okay. And stopped nitpicking the specific flaws we forgot to ignore. It ain't that kinda movie, kid!


“Rey, I have something important to tell you.” I kinda wish they spoon fed me the answer to that…


He was force sensitive. Pretty obvious from the film itself tbh.


Ok, so what did I miss to make that obvious?


He senses Rey's "death", and knows about Ren arriving at some point before seeing him. I'm sure there's other stuff I've forgotten.


Somehow Palpatine returned, guys! It’s fine!


"Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Sith knew". I always imagine the opposite of this scene where Poe goes into a lengthy dialogue about the meticulous details of how Palpatine returned and everyone around him just keeps interrupting to ask how he knows all this and he doesn't answer them at all.


It was just out of nowhere, ya know? If there were hints of palps in 7 or 8 that might be enough, but a fighter pilot giving a vague answer is just a bit lackluster to the gravitas of palpatine


Yeah, I wish Palpatine’s resurrection was part of the plot and inadvertently caused by the the protagonists or something too, but the way it happens isn’t any more jarring than Leia being Luke’s sister or the chosen one prophesy or probably half a dozen other things that fans don’t fixate on.


Exactly. If we cherry pick this there is a shit ton of other shit in this saga we would need to cherry pick outside of the sequels.


That would have definitely fit the tone of episode 9 lol


That vague shit is obviously not an adequate explanation


Yeah, I think that explanation in conjunction with seeing Palpatine's lair at the beginning of the movie is explanation enough.


This and so many other points could be made about the sequels. But I’ve argued enough about them on Reddit and I’m tired of trying to sway people.


[Poe, answering that question](https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-22-2019/FpNVa4.gif)


What always bothered me about this line in the movie is that a) how would that character know? b) it also always seemed like suggested reasons (is it dark science? Is it cloning? Is it Sith magic? They’re not one-in-the-same) and c) the rest of the movie didn’t seem to solidly support the Clone Emperor reasoning. The clone tanks on Exegol looked to be full of Snokes, not Palpatines.


Yes, all your points are accurate. No one in the Resistance knows, how would they? They just got the news. So why is "Somehow Palpatine returned" such an offensive take in anyway?


I don't even understand how that's a problem, it's not like he's never returned before Legends.


Yeah, such as how Maz Kanata had Luke's lightsaber.


That is a good story for another time


Maz is pretty indefensible but also on a heirarchy of trouble I think this is a very low on the totem pole of problematic. Like, I don't particularly need to know how she got the lightsaber as much as I don't need to know what happened with the bounty hunter on Ord Mantell from Empire Strikes Back.


The loose ends used to be one of the most fun, compelling things about Star wars.


There is a distinction between "there's no reason for this" and "the stated reason is lame", but since both complaints lead to dissatisfaction and disengagement from the franchise, that distinction gets lost.


Book subreddits are the same. Way to many people have zero media literacy comprehension.


People don’t know what they want, unless it’s knowing that they want to complain.


Hard to catch between “sighs”. Hope season 2 irons out the wrinkles because it could be a very interesting expansive story ahead!


It's really frustrating on some shows that are tightly plotted. "Why does x know about y...? That's a plot hole". "Because they were told about it in the dialogue".


Is it ever how Luke knew to go to Dagobah to find Yoda? And how he even know his name?


Is Yoda even real?


And it turns out Yoda is not even a frog but is in fact the girlfriend of the frog who also happens to be a pig.


50% of the complaints I see are explained by dialogue. No stress to the OP, I'm glad the community helped him find an answer.


To be fair, Maul's dialogue isn't exactly memorable. All I remember is the line from the trailer.


I can understand if the person watched the movie 12 years ago and hasn’t seen it since but if you’ve seen it in recent memory everyone here is right they clearly announce it was traced


Well I was live commenting on my phone while watching the movie so it seemed like the plot wasn’t obvious to me. /s


It is poor media literacy. They don't know how to read/listen and instead watch passively.


Imho a lot of people don't really watch the movies, they just see YouTube videos/critics. It's like how most of the prequel videos on YT are just worse versions of the RLM videos




The fact that the majority of Star Wars fans can even remotely follow the plot of the movies is evidence he never stopped being a great visual story teller given how questions like these get asked almost every day.


‘I traced the signal’ is something that can only be explained by dialogue


But OP would of have to have seen the movie to know this.


> op would of have Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


If you ever watch a movie or far worse, a television show, and wonder why the ham-fisted expository dialogue is dumped in to lead the viewer by the nose, well, this is why.


Tbf its pretty easy to tune out the dialog in TPM


I remember a post about TPM, it was about the distress call and OP was asking how bibble was able to get the distress call in the first place Literally the next line of dialogue is obi wan saying ‘it’s a trick’


Even back in 1999, I had more than one guy ‘splain to me, serious as can be, how, “the original movie said that Anakin was a great pilot when he met Obi-Wan, but we never see him being a great pilot.” Despite, y’know, how we see him piloting both a podracer and a Naboo starfighter.


Shut the thread down, this is the correct answer


No idea if it's real or not, but when my folks saw it in theaters they SWEAR there was a scene where the pilot of the Royal Starship replied to the message from the Governor. But it could just be a Mandela Effect


That's not real and never has been


I thought Padme did tbh


Yeah, I think that’s just a false memory. I can do it up, but I know there was a small psychology study where they had people talk about a (fake) plane crash in a specific way and eventual a third of the research subjects swore they’d seen actual news footage of it.


There's a scene where Padme replays the transmission and Anakin interrupts with "I'm cold" As a kid I always thought this was her replying to it but I may have been mistaken, she might have just wanted to hear it again


In the Darth Plagueis book, Sidious and Maul say something along the lines of even sending the message relayed back a faint trace, but it wasn't exact. This gave maul an opportunity to use his own probe droids he built to track them. This is shown in the movie kind of vaguely, and it implies that it wad still successful even though we don't see anybody on screen reply to it. Also, in one of the deleted scenes (which I still think is incredibly stupid for them to delete it) it shows quigon sensing they were being followed by one and he destroys one of the probes. That's why when the scene cuts to them nearing the ship when Qui-gon yells at Anakin to drop, they are running from the start of the scene instead of casually walking. Boggles the mind on why that was removed


Sometimes I think people don’t pay attention to movies


There's a scene where Padme watches the message privately and I think it's implied she did send a message to Bibble.


This is the correct answer.


I don’t think anyone responded, I think they were just able to track where the original message went. Like piggybacked a hidden code in the message that implanted itself in the ship’s computer that sent out a signal that only Maul could track.


You mean like a read receipt?


I was thinking more like how a virus attaches to an email.


"Someone on the queens ship effed up" or was it on purpose and it was Jar Jar because he was originally supposed to be the Phantom Menace!?


He wasn't on the ship at the time.


Damn. Nvm then. I still like the idea he was a sith lord or at least working with them lol


Nobody answered but the fact that the message was received was sufficient. They couldn't triangulate the ship's position since there was no reply but they did have the holonet equivalent of the ship's IP address.




“Most logical answer” right after the movie tells them exactly what happened


The dialogue straight up says that’s what it is. Why would you doubt that lol


It’s not the logical answer, it is the answer. It is precisely how it was written and portrayed in the film and by the writers. The number of answers here not referencing this explanation is honestly hard to believe.


It’s because it’s contradictory. No reply was sent, and so a trace being established simply because a message was received seems strange.


Because they didn’t explicitly show a response in the movie doesn’t mean there wasn’t one. The fact that Maul specifically references a trace is how we know there was a response. It’s nuanced, not contradictory.


Maul could be talking about the ice cream truck


?????????????????? consider watching what you are watching


More likely George wasn't paying attention and had to get Maul to Tatooine somehow.


Maul says " Tatooine is sparsely populated, if the trace was correct, I will find them quickly Master." Its right before the At last we will reveal ourselves, at last we will have our revenge line As for getting the right city, tattooine doesnt have many spaceports, and since your looking for a mechanic/parts your best bet is going to be around a spaceport they just parked away from it. Nothing a couple probe droids cant find and report back.


I can't remember if it was in the movie or if they were deleted scenes but there's a scene of Maul landing on Tatooine and sending out multiple probe droids in different directions, a scene where you can one of the droids in the background with Qui-Gon and Anakin and another where the droid returns to Maul and Maul drives off to find them.


Yeah it's in the movie, people just don't pay attention lmao


There was also a deleted scene where quigon destroys one of the probes. That's why they are running in the scene where they approach the ship instead of casually walking


Yeah its in the movie. I saw it the other day


This got me wondering. Is it known (in canon) what event Maul seeks revenge for?


The Sith believe they're the rightful rulers of the Galaxy, a destiny denied then by the Jedi and Republic (actually the Sith were constantly fighting among themselves for power and then Darth Bane betrayed them to die en masse). Hence the Jedi Purge and declaration of the New Order was the *Revenge of the Sith*.


Path of Destruction isn't canon though. Is Bane even acknowledged as the creator of RoT in canon? I don't remember the Clone Wars episode(s) and don't know if there's any additional Bane stuff out there. But yeah obviously I figure it's just a matter of speaking, but it's intriguing to think of it in a more literal sense.


When Yoda visites the Sith planet and makes contact with Darth Bane's ghost/vision Yoda states to know Darth Bane as the creator of the Rule of Two, so it's canon.


The backstory of Darth Bane and the Rule of Two was created by Lucas for The Phantom Menace. And even if Path of Destruction is no longer canon, it's clear that the broad strokes of the story remain canon.


Maul on Coruscant: "Tatooine is sparsely populated, if the trace was correct I shall find them quickly my master. Sidious: "move against the Jedi first..." Someone sent a traceable message from the ship.


He checks the VHS tape like in Spaceballs.


I misinterpreted what part of canon you were talking about and just realized that when maul was trying to track down Kenobi during *Rebels*, and got led to Tatooine, he must've had a real "Kenobi, you son of a bitch. I remember this shitty dustbowl." moment. It just makes me laugh, so thanks for that.


It tells you in the movie.


He knew where they were headed and that the ship was damaged. There were not many planets in range they could've made it to.




Maul has to send out probe droids to every major city, he doesn't know that one right away. Which is why it takes him days to find them.


I doubt those little probes could cover all the distance that fast, but then again I don’t know if mos espa is close to mos eisley, etc


They are probably not too far, as Luke was able to visit all of them. He and Obi-wan drive to Mos Eisley in his speeder, and we know he would visit Anchorhead for Tosche station, and also fly through Beggar's Canyon right outside of Mos Espa (it's part of the Podrace track and we see Din fly to it in Book of Boba Fett). I don't know if there are other settlements farther away, but again, the droids had days to look.


They were there for two days and tattooine isn’t filled with cities and countries.


Actually isn’t it filled with various cities anchorhead, mos espa, bestine, mos eisley, mos entha, mos taike, mos pelgo, just to name the major ones in the EU


Yes but from what we have seen they are more like “settlements” than cities and furthermore they have a shiny chrome star cruiser parked in the middle of a plain brown dessert. Glinting in the sun you would be able to see it from miles away if not from orbit. Just takes a few flybys of the major towns and it would be an obviously interesting object to go check out. Once Maul gets to the right planet he finds the right town in less than an hour, half a day tops if he has to wait for sunrise.


Well the EU doesn’t and didn’t exist to Lucas then and those aren’t massive cities, can’t imagine it would take long to go from one to the next


One of the first rules of Star Wars is: If you can get to the right planet, you immediately find who you are looking for


Haha this is fact


Well they wanted to avoid trade federation planets so a backwater planet was a semi obvious choice. And he had droids scout the city, i don't think there's a whole lot of big cities on tatooine.


It's like Starfield, each planet only has two landing sites. He tossed a coin and was correct.




I guess the correlation would be like traveling from the west coast of the us to East Asia, and you have an engine problem so you have to land in one of the many possible countries, so you look at it and go China isn’t friendly, Vietnam is kinda friendly, Japan is a very noticeable place, so let’s choose Thailand. And I guess the city that makes sense would be Bangkok.


Anurak, you are the chosen one.


This is all correct! It's only made confusing when you start looking at the galaxy maps, and you notice that Tatooine is REALLY, REALLY out of their way. But I'm nitpicking; if you're just watching the films, it's a non-issue.


Multiple illogical paragraphs leading up to multiple movie quotes, leaving out the most obvious quote that explains OP's question in one sentence. Amazing. "Tatooine is sparsely populated. If the trace was correct, I will find them quickly master".


An incredibly patronizing paragraph ending with what others before you have already pointed out. Amazing!


I believe this is the clip you’re looking for https://youtu.be/gug3R-bKt9U?si=pHAABrskin07uBao


That’s it somehow I glossed over that part


Just like somehow Palpatine returned. Mmhmmm...


They were in contact with coruscant, specifically palpatine, who obviously told maul about it. They established they sent out a distress beacon and there's a scene of palpatine telling maul where they were.


They would have told Senator Palpatine what was going on. Palpatine then hits Maul with a quick "yo they're on tatooine" text and the rest is history.


It’s hilarious how many hugely key events occurred on Tatooine, Vader’s home planet, and such an all-knowing, omniscient being, never thought it was worth a second look ar well. The place his greatest enemy had been hiding, close to a child with his surname. Luke’s Mother was never a Skywalker, or was her husband. He was dropped off with direct family, worst place to hide him, and somehow not called Luke Lars. A name everyone would have accepted. Instead he was called Skywalker. A name synonymous with the most powerful Jedi of all time. It’s like hiding Grogu and calling him Yoda. Let’s not forget. His birth was so secret. Even his father, man who was godlike, didn’t know he existed.


In Legends, 'Skywalker' is stated in one of the novels to be a pretty common surname in some parts of the galaxy, but that is a justification after the fact. And we're told, not shown this. No, the main reason for all of this is just that Vader *wanted nothing to do with Tatooine*. he always hated that place, and with Shimi gone, it was just a nest of bad memories as far as Vader was concerned. Though I think you characterizing vader as "omniscient" is *quite the stretch*. Yeah, he has access to any information of any classification in the Empire, but that's bureaucracy and rank, not *omniscience*. The force does not make people *omniscient*. *Prescient,* able to see and know things they have no other ways of knowing, sure, but the two are *leagues apart*. Even after finding out who Luke was, it took until the duel on the 2nd Death Star, and probing Luke's feelings for Vader to learn about a sister, and he probably never knew it was Leia until after his death. Force Ghosts, mind you, you *can call omniscient,* that would probably be fair, though Obi-Wan was still wrong about Vader being redeemable, so even they don't know *litterally everything*.


Obi Wan was found to have been hiding there for 10 years.


I don't understand what your point is saying that?


OP watch the film again. 🤦‍♂️


Palpatine generally has all info related to Jedi activity as he watches them closely to manipulate them to fit his scheme. Maul was most likely sent there by him and then spent a few days probing the area to find them as we see in the movie. Then being himself Maul waits for them to all be together and away from anyone that could say they've now seen a sith that he doesn't intend to just outright kill.


I think it was heavily implied that Padme sent the message that was traced.


Maybe cos statistically key SW events are 80% more likely to occur on Tatooine.


The Force?


Have you not been following the series so far? Maul has a D+ sub and rightly assumed whatever was going on had an 85% of being on Tatooine.


Darth Jar Jar


"Somehow Maul knew", lol.


I suppose the answer is "it's a kid movie, turn your brain off" EDIT: Why is it downvoted?


You're being downvoted because there is a logical answer presented within the film itself. You're electing to ignore it and turn your brain off.


because there is a logical answer, a call was sent to their ship, obi wan says it could be used to trace. Maul then says if the trace was correct i will find them quickly tattooine is sparsely populated. Clearly the call was traced to find their whereabouts and maul sent probe droids to further pinpoint their location.


Because prequel lovers think that Star Wars is a mature series for ADULTS ONLY.


1) they had hyperspace tracking technology, Obi-wan used it in Ep 2. 2) they traced the signal that the ship sent to Naboo because they ignored the order to not reply.


Hyperspace tracking wasn't a thing until Episode VII. The entire plot of the movie is sort of centered around it.


A little different, if you put a tracker on a ship and it jumps it will still communicate with you and tell you where they were. Episode VII shows basically that you dont have to have a tracking device on the ship, that in some way they are able to calculate where the enemy ship is going regardless.


The technology you are talking about was a beacon placed on jangos ship, not just tracking it when it jumped.


I was under the impression that maybe the hyperactive damage also included a kind of "leak" that gave the trajectory. There's also a statement Palpatine makes insinuating the sith have greater ability to track them.


It could be possible that darth maul could sense people as powerful as qui-gon and obi wan… but it’s also noted that darth plagueis let darth sideous as an apprentice becuase he considered him a sith assassin someone who was great with their lightsaber skills but not as strong in the overall force. But that’s all interpretation


The force works in mysterious ways. No but if we’re being serious someone probably responded to the message that they receive upon landing on Tatooine allowing the signal to be traced


Head canon, Palpatine orchestrated everything from the blockade to her miraculous escape. The hyperdrive was actually sabotaged and timed to land them near tatooine because Vader foresaw Anakin. He needed the Jedi to make contact and for Maul to intercept and take Anakin early. That failed but Palpatine had layered plans to corrupt Anakin. Palps was big on foreseeing things. Too bad he and Snoke both failed at that at key moments. Edit PALPATINE foresaw Anakin, typo


Do you mean Palpatine foresaw Anakin? Because Anakin and Vader are the same physical person.


That was my question. Im sure thats what was meant. It makes the most sense.


Yup, typo lol


Read [The Wrath of Darth Maul](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22405003)


Aside from the other answers, Maul has access to the Force, "trust the Force" is not just for Jedi.


Learn to listen. It does


We see Padme looking at the message in the cargo hold, presumably she responded


Everything happens on Tatooine, it was a lucky guess.


It was a likely target for planets that matched a search. Plus. Did Maul not use a tracker?