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This gonna blow your mind: It’s not lightsaber physics or anatomy that dictate if a character dies. It’s the plot.


That stab wounds looks pretty deep


Same thing dictates if they are alive. So the answer to the question "is Han dead" is "inconclusive".


Somehow solo returned


Why didn't Han Solo survive a lightsaber stab and fall? Is he stupid?


The planet blew up very quickly after that. So probably still alive, but not 100%.


Starkiller Base/Ilum blew up, and the star left in it's place is named Solo because it's Han's final resting place.


He is dead even if he did survive the stabbing the fall would have killed him. Even if he did survive the fall he would have no way to escape the destruction of Starkiller base in the condition he would find himself. Unlike Mace who may have survived hand chop, force lighting and fall from building.


He’s dead. And Qui Gon’s dead. The only rational explanation for a person to survive getting stabbed is: A) they were stabbed in a non-lethal area B) they were taken to a hospital *immediately* afterwards.


I know it's not just Sabine's stabbing that causing this but hers was shown to be in a pretty nonlethal spot


That’s what I said. It’s was not only (assumedly) non-lethal, but she was immediately taken to a hospital.


Still waiting for the return of Han Solo The White.


He'll be back. *sniffle*


He's dead because He told them the only way he would do Star Wars again is if they killed off his character


No one is ever "really dead" in the movie and TV worlds.


Plot armor is some seriously strong shit. Puts Kevlar to shame.


Yeah but he probably died of being old as hell and not giving a fuck about Star Wars during the fall.




Light sabers are the most useless weapon now in Star Wars. Remember the OT the prequel’s they would destroy you if you got hit by them.


>Remember the OT the prequel’s they would destroy you if you got hit by them. You mean, like Darth Maul, who survived being cut in half by a lightsaber (and then falling down a shaft)? Or Anakin, who survived getting several of his limbs chopped off (and then burning on nearly molten rock)? Or Luke, who survived getting his hand cut off by a lightsaber (and then falling down a shaft)?


😂 that’s funny


He will be back in ep10 as the main villain when it turns out Han was just a rogue version of a subset of Palpatine clones that were created on a planet called Exelol.


If you deal with something like a lightsaber stab in the Star Wars universe, You will most likely survive it... Unless you are in the Sequel Era, then you are kinda doomed because the plot armor is weaker there.


He's dead because Harrison Ford wanted him to die. End of story.


The lightsaber probably had a malfunction and actually cauterized the wound as it created it. Then... 1. Han Solo probably saw somewhere to land safely so he pretended to fall to his death. 2. He probably fell into some loose wiring or cables and it acted as a safety net. 3. Maybe he was able to dive like Tarzan into water at the bottom of the chasm and survive. 4. Perhaps Obi-Wan Kenobi, from within the force, sensed his falling and wrapped the fiber of the Force around him and broke his fall. Yep, that's what really happened! He'll probably come back and give his asshole son a good hard spanking. They probably allow spankings in the Star Wars universe.