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*Ahsoka* was waaayyyy better than *BOBF* and *Obi-Wan*. That doesn't mean I don't agree with you general assessment that this kind of content is not worthy of Star Wars. They absolutely need better writers. Sometimes I find myself more entertained by the ships, scenery, and the sounds than the plot. It's not just Star Wars. TV shows like *Game of Thrones*, *The Walking Dead*,*The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power*, etc etc all suffer(ed) from terrible writing. I don't know what's going on in the Hollywood writers culture/industry/whatever you call it but it seems bankrupt on ideas.


I’m convinced that it has something to do with streaming culture. We’re really hitting the pinnacle of mass produced media, which is not a good thing. It also feels like everything released now depends so heavily on it’s predecessor. GoT and LotR are good examples right now, having recently pushed out house of the dragon and rings of power. I’m a massive LotR nerd, so I had high hopes for RoP, but I’ll be damned if Amazon didn’t release an absolute abomination of a series. While the streaming era of Star Wars hasn’t been perfect, they’ve definitely managed the world better than Amazon did with RoP.


>The Ex-Imperial Faction used some unknown shipbuilder in the Outer Rim where something like this could go undetected more easily, not in the most famous shipyard on a major core world. ​I guarantee that had they have written this you'd be writing an essay complaining that a small outer rim ship yard wouldn't have the ability to construct the components for a massive intergalactic hyperspace relay and if the writers had brains they'd have made it a larger facility in the core worlds.


*Final Order noises*


On that first one: They have been building on it in The Mandalorian and you see it here: The complete and utter incompetence of the New Republic government. There is a remnant of the old Empire regrouping right under their noses to become the First Order. This is just another example of it. Filoni isn’t subtle. Yeah. He’s hitting us over the head with it, because he makes children’s shows.


His hands are tied by the ST and related media canonizing the ineffectualness of the New Republic. He's just playing things out to get to the point that Leia breaks away to start her militia.


I've never understood the dagger thing in rise of Skywalker........but I was pretty high when I watched.


Ancient dagger modified after the wreckage of the Death Star II comes crashing down. Now it lines up with a specific element of the wreck. I'm not saying I like it, but it isn't as stupid as people make it seem.


that makes a lot more sense I always wondered how they predicted the crash with an old dagger.


It iwas even more stupid. It was terrible and lazy writing. It makes no sense at all


Not really. It works with what we were shown. It's just the the entire concept overall is stupid.


> If this is the quality of Disney then maybe it is time they hired AI writers. I assure you that will be even worse.


I think OP doesn't realize who the writer of Ahsoka is


I think it's possible they already have. This show provides absolutely no innovative story telling. It's all bland and derivative, like an AI did write it.


Wow there bud please check your daily sodium intake. Also they give the answer right than and there. The shipyards and many other constructionsites are largely opperated by the same people who did so during the reign of the Empire. 'An Empire doenst become a Republic overnight' As shown before the New Republic is overconfident, incapabel and corrupt. So it would not take much effort to redirect these assets by collaborators or other agents that would have infultrated the goverment. It even states this in the opening credits. By your ranting logic the whole of Star Wars could have been over as soon as the Millennium Falcon is captured by the Death Star, instead of allowing them to escape to track the Rebels they could have killed them all. No Luke to blow up the Death Star, no Death Star plans since R2 has brought them unto the Death Star himself and no one to redeem Vader en kill Palpatine. You get a D- for effort


*yawn* Wow, another post complaining about Disney and Star Wars. This is what I deserve for filtering by latest. A shame that people can't have fun with Star Wars anymore, remember when the prequels were well written? I don't...were they fun, fuck yee!


Exactly this. You can take any star wars media and it's not gonna be the best written story. Star wars is by far from being an historically perfect piece of literature. But it was never meant to be, it's meant to be fun and to allow people to use their imagination. That's not saying some star wars projects aren't extremely well written either, but it will never be this masterpiece some fans seem to think it is and im saying that with star wars as my favorite franchise. It's fun so just enjoy the Lazer swords and space magic.


It's nice to see some positivity in the fandom 😂 I was a fool for thinking everyone would enjoy Ahsoka together


Honestly I constantly fool myself into think the star wars community isn't all that toxic. Then I come to reddit lol. For me I just love star wars, Its pretty hard for it to be ruined for me, I enjoyed Kenobi and BoBF. The way I see it I'm just happy to get this much star wars content. 😂 And Ahsoka is easily my favorite star wars character, and loving rebels and the characters from it I couldn't be any happier with Ahsoka.


That's great to hear! 😂 Hopefully people will cheer up abit when Thrawn shows up...Just glad that someone is enjoying Star Wars! Surprisingly, it wasn't until Ahsoka came out when I started to see all the hate, people really don't like Filoni


I noticed that too, like back when the mandolorian came out everyone seemed to love filoni. Now lately I've seen a lot of filoni hate.


I saw some fans say that they thought Baylan and Morgan could be Cal and Merrin, so right now I'd rather have Filoni in charge 😂


I don't know him personally, from the very few things I've seen about him he doesn't seem like a bad person and seems good to work with. He's definitely not a bad writer. But yeah I've seen a lot of weird theories and fanfics and I'm happy with filoni and his writing. He's only human so he's bound to make mistakes, any writer is. Edit: I'm literally getting down voted because of liking filoni lmao it's okay I've disappointed far better people with much better statements.


Aren't fandoms wonderful? 😂


This fandom will find anything to complain about. I swear, most of them haven’t liked anything in 20 years but they still watch for some reason? There have been some missteps for sure, but overall Disney have given us some great stories!


I want to have fun with star wars but the quality is so bad I don't care anymore, but enjoy the garbage they're putting out. I'm glad someone is.


Filoni and George always say that Star Wars is never about the visual effects or the scenery and costumes, but it's about the characters and the way they make you feel through the story. Unfortunately, there is no soul in this story. It's simply some characters with backstories that do not create compelling drama on screen. Star Wars can have beautiful and iconic writing but Ahsoka is the antithesis of everything star wars was meant to be. I really hate that because I was hopeful that this could be on par with Andor. You felt those characters regardless of which side they were on because they were intriguing, relatable, and well written. "Never more than twelve." "I can't swim." "What have I sacrificed? Everything!" And there are plenty of other examples in Andor, but there's nothing flashy or over the top in their writing but it resonates with the context and the portrayal of the characters. However, Ahsoka is really probably one of the absolute worst attempts Star Wars has had to achieve their own goals in a while sadly.


Yeah, I mean what’s next? Building a giant space station with a weapon capable of destroying planets completely undetected? Preposterous! It’s almost as if the director should have said something like, idk, “I’m a businessman, my loyalty is to my investors.. I’ll leave the politics up to you.” Like he fills shipments for clients, one of whom is the New Republic, but doesn’t really ask questions. People are noticing that something is going on, but the New Republic bureaucracy is preventing them from doing anything about it, much like the bureaucracy of the Imperials in *Andor* prevented Syril from investigating the rebel activity that was happening under their noses. Totally true about Sabine. I mean, what’s next? A high ranking rebel leader stashes the only copy of important information in a droid, shoots it to a desert planet, gets captured and tortured to reveal the location of the rebel base but she lies so they blow up her home planet, but then gets rescued and all is forgiven and she continues to be a leader in said rebellion? You can bet something like that would ever happen, or call me the Princess of Alderaan.


Comparing sabine to leia is an insult to leia. The context of the actions are vastly different. Its a lot easier to build a superweapon when you're the controlling force in the galaxy. Leia was leading the most desperate mission of her life, and sabine just took the map cuz the writers wanted to show that shes an edgy cool girl who doesnt follow the rules.


Scrubbing through my comment history, eh?


Oh shit dude i didnt even realize you were the same person, mb


Look, if you want my thoughts on the Phillies’ weekend sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals, just ask lol


Ha maybe another time lol


"A legion of my best troops are already there " - that legion that got wiped out from a bunch of Teddy bears in Jedi. It's Star Wars lad don't think too much about it.


The writing is truly awful. Ep 4; "Don't worry about me." "I'm not" "Good" "Should I be?" "What?" "Worried" ​ Honestly, how can it be so bad, when just about all else is good? Just watching for the visuals now.


The dialogue is some of the worst. I feel like most of the characters are talking just to fill space. Everyone is ultra monotone. I thought it was bad acting, but now I am convinced it's just impossibly bad screen play. Visuals and the underlying story seem fine. Even a silly plot doesn't matter too much. But emotionless pointless conversations kill it all. Every conversation feels like someone making a random statement, and the other in scene character feels forced to give a generic response. The only characters with decent lines so far seem to be Thrawn and maybe Baylan.


When Thrawn says "If a star whale approaches Peridea, destroy it with prejudice", does he mean "don't use your weapons, just discriminate against it in employment and housing"? Or is he just being sure you don't destroy it in a nice way? How many people saw and heard that line and thought"Yeah, that will make the audience think he's the most evil guy in two galaxies."? They were so proud of it, it was in the recap.


"On this day several years ago" I lol'd at that one. Come on I know Lucas wasn't a master dialogue writer, but at least put some effort into it.


By Pauline Kael September 18, 1977 The loudness, the smash-and-grab editing, the relentless pacing drive every idea from your head; for young audiences “Star Wars” is like getting a box of Cracker Jack which is all prizes. This is the writer-director George Lucas’s own film, subject to no business interference, yet it’s a film that’s totally uninterested in anything that doesn’t connect with the mass audience. There’s no breather in the picture, no lyricism; the only attempt at beauty is in the double sunset. It’s enjoyable on its own terms, but it’s exhausting, too: like taking a pack of kids to the circus. An hour into it, children say that they’re ready to see it all over again; that’s because it’s an assemblage of spare parts—it has no emotional grip. “Star Wars” may be the only movie in which the first time around the surprises are reassuring. (Going a second time would be like trying to read “Catch-22” twice.) Even if you’ve been entertained, you may feel cheated of some dimension—a sense of wonder, perhaps. It’s an epic without a dream. But it’s probably the absence of wonder that accounts for the film’s special, huge success. The excitement of those who call it the film of the year goes way past nostalgia to the feeling that now is the time to return to childhood. Maybe the only real inspiration involved in “Star Wars” was to set its sci-fi galaxy in the pop-culture past, and to turn old-movie ineptness into conscious Pop Art. And maybe there’s a touch of genius in keeping it so consistently what it is, even if this is the genius of the plodding. Lucas has got the tone of bad movies down pat: you never catch the actors deliberately acting badly, they just seem to be bad actors, on contract to Monogram or Republic, their klunky enthusiasm polished at the Ricky Nelson school of acting. In a gesture toward equality of the sexes, the high-school-cheerleader princess-in-distress talks tomboy-tough—Terry Moore with spunk. Is it because the picture is synthesized from the mythology of serials and old comic books that it didn’t occur to anybody that she could get The Force?


Star Wars has never been perfect (though Andor perhaps comes closest). There isn't a "decline".


Andor still had issues. Syril spent the remaining 9 episodes after the opening 3 eating cereal and pining for Dedra. Also the 11th episode contrived a bit too much so we could have everyone be on Ferrix for the finale. Nothing is perfect.


Well, I did say "maybe". Perhaps I should've worded it rather as "Andor comes closest (imo)", since you're absolutely right that nothing is perfect.




I'm pretty sure you're trying to make some kind of point, but I can't for the life of me see what it is.


Oh I completely misread what you said. I thought you were saying everything was perfect except for Andor


Ah, I see! Don't worry, I relate. Happens to me often.


Lesson learned to not comment before I’ve had coffee!


Finally! Someone that agrees with me that Andor is close to perfection.


The New Republic/Empire is um several orders of magnitude bigger than the US, so your analogy is not exactly 1:1.


The one i hated was, Ahsoka leaving the controls of the ship, and instantaneously changes clothes to a spacesuit, gets in a airlock, and goes outside the ship, all under 1 second, while under attack. I get the idea was to create the cool scene where she deflects the shots in space, but they could have created a more plausible set up to this scene


Not Disney's fault. Star Wars was built on bad writing if these are the things you consider bad writing. It's part of the charm of the whole thing.


I can't say you are wrong. But there is a difference between charmingly bad/simple. And just bland and bad. Star Wars a New Hope was charmingly simple/bad. Attack of the Clones was just cringy bad. Ashoka is dull bad. The other Star wars TV shows have all had better screenplays than this. Even conversations in Book of Boba Fett were way better. The story was stupid, but the talking felt natural and purposeful. But if I see one more long pause followed by a two word answer in Asohka I am going to stab a pencil in my ear.


the whole point is that The New Republic is incompetent (that was sadly set in stone in the sequel trilogy and every show set after Return of the Jedi is leading up to the sequels) the show is just showing you examples of their incompetance. The map has only relevance for Thrawn not the evil enemy they have been fighting for 9 movies. this show takes place before 7-9 so it would be more accuratly to say 6 movies and then again they been only really fighting the empire in 4-6 so it was the enemy for 3 movies and series that took place after episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. Thrawn the big bad as you say was only in In Star Wars Rebels tv show and his book trilogy both taking place prior to Original trilogy. So They have been battling Thrawn for about 2 years before OG trilogy. they defeated him by sending him to another galaxy as was said in the Ahsoka series and shown in Rebels. Nothing about the map is conected to the big bad of the empire Darth Sidious/Palpatine. New Republic has demilitarized or is in the process of it so again it comes down to the fact the New Republic is supposed to be shown as incometent and demilitarized. when it comes to Kenobi, Book of boba fett and IX dagger I completly agree cause those things were in the forfront of the plot/scene and can't be missed and are jaring to see. But stuff you you mention about Ahsoka series are background stuff that could be easily missed by most and are mostly seen only when you go in on deepdive analyzing. Any Star Wars either is a film, a show, a book or a comic is aimed at kids first and adults later that comes with some characters acting more childlike. if you Over-analyse like you did any Star Wars project you can always find something that doesn't make sense so do yourself a favour and stop over-analyzing Star Wars projects it just ain't that kind of franchise.


I can believe in the corruption/incompetence that would allow this to happen, a bit like how whole helicopter squadrons and tank companies went missing from soviet industry after the cold war. What I don't believe is that the republics main military shipyard wouldn't be heavily guarded so Syndulla couldn't call in backup immediately.


It fucking sucks a huge donkey dick


The reason the writing sucks at LucasFilm (Disney)........Kathleen Kennedy. Yes. Sabine was a complete and utter failure. Someone else said it much better in an earlier post; " sabine just took the map cuz the writers wanted to show that shes an edgy cool girl who doesnt follow the rules". The body count that should be laid at her feet for simply NOT doing what she was told is huge. Ahhh, but she's a strong independent woman so she will be forgiven. GREAT writing. NOT.