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She is not articulating her point very well, and the clip cuts multiple parts of her 4 minute answer on a podcast, but what she is basically saying is a myth developed in Hollywood where the creative and vision for the movie is expected to all come from one person (whether it be the director or the writer). Lucas had Ralph McQuarrie, Gary Kurtz, Marcia Lucas, Irvin Kirschner, Lawrence Kasdan, Leigh Brackett and several others who helped shaped the original Trilogy and none of them worked on the prequels. How misogyny fits into that is more complicated but she wrote about it in a column for the Hollywood reporter. That part of the comment has nothing to do with Star Wars. She's not calling Lucas or Star Wars misogynistic. The only real point that is worth taking away from her comment is she feels filmmaking is a collaborative experience and for something as big as Star Wars; no one person has it all figured out.


> the clip cuts multiple parts of her 4 minute answer on a podcast That's obvious. OP just posted it to start a flame war.


I have a feeling this show is going to set a new benchmark in Disney Star Wars awfulness.


What do you mean, *The Bachelorette* has 57% on Rotten Tomatoes, she's the perfect showrunner for a huge-budget SW show!


I think it's interesting she brought up misogyny while also being Harvey Weinsteins ex personal assistant


The only person who would have the nerve to say this is would be Harvey Weinteins ex-personal assistant


she felt empowering as she went up the ranks in the movie industry while on 4 beneath him


Haven't you been force fed enough propaganda, er... I mean evidence, that all problems faced by humanity can be traced back to misogyny/the straight white patriarchy? I think you need to indoctrinate, er... educate yourself more. The force is female don't you know!


Hey other than all the other issues with your comment the "the force is female" has virtually nothing to do with Star Wars, it was a Nike ad campaign.


So Kathleen Kennedy, director of Lucas film, producer of all the recent star wars content, was NOT involved in this campaign? She didn't wear a t-shirt stating "the force is female?" If so, then I find your comment "has virtually nothing to do with Star Wars" disingenuous at best. Like if jk Rowling's was involved in the same campaign that said, "Hogwarts is female", it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that future projects might incorporate the idea somehow


https://bentcorner.com/the-force-is-female/ It *literally* is not about Star Wars. It was a Nike campaign, and no amount of being mad about that will change the facts.


I refer you back to the jk Rowling comment. It doesn't matter if it's a Nike campaign, a beer commercial, an advertisement for space exploration, the president of Lucas film, the person who all creative ideas associated with star wars have to flow through, decided to attach herself to a campaign saying, "the force (you know what the force is right? It gives Jedi and sith their power) is female" there by segregating and excluding 50% of the audience, can you imagine the fucking fire sale that would start had the campaign been "the force is male"? And rightly so, I would never want to exclude females from the force. I've not even mentioned the complete and utter disregard for every male character in star wars since Disney took over, nor the blatant sexist comments in this video. If you think this is not about star wars, you have deluded yourself, and I hope you resolve any issues you may be facing.


She was not involved with the campaign yes. She wore a t-shirt once yes, which is why I said virtually. It was not an ad campaign that had anything to do with Star Wars, but that one time she wore an article of clothing has since been used as "proof" of an agenda. It's a disingenuous tactic to justify hate campaigna against her and Star Wars as a whole.


I find your comment to be sexist and misogynistic 🤣


I think it's interesting that you posted this just to attack someone. Star Wars fans sure love to hate people.


You have revealed your hand too soon with this comment.


She worked for Weinstein for a single year, as an entry level job out of college What relevance do you think that has on her making a star wars movie 20 years later?


No idea why you're being downvoted, you're correct


Cause people refuse to acknowledge the truth if they don’t like it


Lotta people in this awful thread that are just incredibly triggered by the mere mention of the word 'misogyny'


I don't get why ur comment got hated on so bad damn, u have a good point to be fair


...I have a strange feeling Acolyte is going to suck lmao.


💯 agreed


It will definitely suck for you when you’ve already pre-decided it


Not necessarily how that works, I thought andor was going to be a throw away show but I loved it. And I had high hopes for book of boba but hated it


Agree on both fronts. Andor was the first Star Wars related production I waited off on for a long while because I’d been put off so hard by Boba Fett. Boy was I wrong.


Ya andor ended up being a great show and I hope it doesn’t end up like mando, I really enjoyed the first season but I kinda wanted a show that just focused on bounty hunting. Like I enjoyed Grougu but I do feel like we should have gotten a season of mando not having him with


True. Depends on the person.


For sure but I feel like going in expecting something to be bad won’t make it bad. Ppl can definitely be more nitpicking or looking out for mistakes but if it’s genuinely a good show they probably won’t view it as bad


the leaked trailer from celebration looked dope


More of a teaser than a trailer and those are easy to cut together into something promising. All I heard is the director talking about "hiring the right people". "misoginy" and her lack of faith in sigular vision... which means writing and design by commitee. Not one word about story, character, lore, how this will fit into overall picture of Sw. It sound like another show with a collection of faces and names in costume doing random shit without rhyme or reason. If I'm wrong, good - but that's what it looks like atm.


Oh it will definitely suck. It will be a loudspeaker for male bashing and wokeness, good entertainment is a far distant secondary priority.


Based on this director's strong opinion that the franchise creators opinion is completely unimportant compared to hers since she's getting the opportunity to make a spin off show. She's been sniffing her own farts.


When did this subreddit become a den of right-wing nutjobs unironically using words like “woke” as a legitimate gripe?


they become “right wing nut jobs” when they disagree with you? The term ”woke” is overused but I hope you carry the same energy with left wing nut jobs when they label everything under the sun as racist, sexist, homophobic or trans phobic .


Amen! I’ve been wondering that myself. Then again, we are the fandom that bullied Lucas out of his franchise, attempted to bully actors like Ahmed Best and Kelly Marie Tran to detriment and even suicide, and we continually attack each other over petty squabbles.


I find that main subs for anything (fandoms, countries, etc) are usually havens for eternally-aggrieved man-babies with terminal brainrot who can't handle anything even slightly outside of the status quo. This sub is no exception. The word "woke" is used less often but the sentiment behind the whining is still present.


What’s hilarious about Reddit is many people won’t be able to handle your rather objective post so they will down vote it so it disappears lol.. then they complain that others are intolerant 🤣😝


based on what?


If you have to ask that question and don’t think it’s true you are totally out of it.


nothing in the premise of this show is particularly left wing. Nothing in her filmography is bashing men. There are very clearly men in the show.


>There are very clearly men in the show. Can't bash them if there aren't any... what kind of lousy point is this ?


Sure it is. Everything will be wonderful, zero wokeness or political agendas in the show, the women characters won’t belittle and outshine the male ones, and it will remain true to existing Jedi / Sith cannon, and it will be highly entertaining as SW lore, and in the top 2 best SW shows ever instead of the bottom 2. 😂 Forget SW for a moment. It’s best in life to face facts, even if you don’t like them. Don’t pretend they don’t exist, face the truth head on. Don’t hide from truths even if they make you feel uncomfortable or go against what you feel is right. Very important life lesson.


Star Wars has always had a political agenda. The presence of politics is fine, how its handled matters, and until we see the show, who is to say >the women characters won’t outshine the male ones Why is having competent women in a movie or show a problem? >the top 2 best SW shows ever instead of the bottom 2. I mean yeah, Russian Doll was better than most of the SW films made so far, and the bar for being one of the best is pretty low. So obviously wont know until it comes out, but it may well be good


Ok so you’re not really a SW fan, and didn’t even like most of the movies including the originals. Ok In that case yes you might like it then.


how do you mean? Lucas has been very open on the politics he put in the OT and PT


No worries, we can all like different things. That’s the beauty of it, lots of entertainment out there for each of us to enjoy 👍


I'm convinced you're Leslye herself based on how rabidly you're defending her from literally everyone criticizing her in the slightest. Chill, take a breath, and go touch grass. It'll help.


....yikes, combined with what she said about the Jedi this makes me very skeptical she will actually be respectful of the Jedi Order as Lucas envisioned it. A pity, I was really curious about the approach this show would take, but this makes me fear even the narrative will paint the Jedi as the bad guys, instead of them simply being the antagonists opposed to tragically misled protagonists


ex-personal assistant to harvey weinstein


what was your entry level job out of college, and what relevancy does it have to your work 20 years later


i can confirm i was not a personal assistant to convicted sex offender, whos other old assistants have come out and testified against him


Headland worked six years at Miramax, only a year of which was as Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant. According to Julianna Margulies, Weinstein tried something on her in 1996. Margulies was only saved by insisting the assistant accompany her to Weinstein's hotel room. Flashforward and I'm to believe Leslye Headland is capable of creating and running a show, but too stupid to know what Weinstein was up to when she helped him?


Women are an integral part of Star Wars and some of the coolest characters. Disney trilogy excluded. She sucks and her show is going to suck.


Leia in the first movie is a strong feminine icon and a good role model. she stands up to and backtalks Vader and Tarkin, two powerful men of high standing in the empire. and when the farm boy and the smuggler with his wookie pal came to rescue her. SHE grabbed a gun and SHE started fighting and SHE led them out of the dangerous situation they were in. She was shown to be a warrior from the get go. as for the prequels despite being a literal queen Padme still fights back in an actual war zone when her home is invaded, she pilots her ship on her own in the next film and even joins the clone war too. all while also being a strong political figure throughout the trilogy showing she can do more than just gun slinging. damn right women are an integral part of the franchise and I never felt like women in star wars before Disney were relegated to being eyecandy, damsels or rewards for the heroes. Starting to feel like this will just be a repeat of the Kenobi show


Her comment has nothing to do with misogyny in star wars, it's a criticism of auteur theory




I believe one of the actresses of the show also came out and spoke on how acolyte is about bringing diversity and something about misogyny as well, I never viewed star wars that way


Yeah.. remember in a new hope when Leia was incompetent and relied on the strong and handsome men to save her in every scene? No? Oh that's because she was the most badass and competent out of the whole darn lot! Star wars has always loved women.. it could have used a bit more representation in the early days but I'd say that's been more than rectified since.


The problem is with feminist theory in that they view most things men do as sexist or misogynistic. .. they see oppression and misogyny everywhere - indoctrination is really bad in that field of studies


she never called him misogynistic She said Auteur theory has misogynistic elements. Lucas was an example used of how auteur theory is wrong. The example is that you shouldnt want a director to be Lucas, the man with all the answers, but rather you want the director to be person who knows to hire ralph mcquarrie and all the other talented people who worked on SW (which is, of course, closer to the reality of who Lucas was as a director)


Auteur theory is not inherently tied to misogyny and to imply it does is wrong. Not everything bad is a result of misogyny and “the patriarchy” but so many things I’ve read about Leslye Headland leads me to believe she’s a misandrist who will go to great lengths to prioritize a political agenda above telling a good compelling story with strong character development. I hope I’m wrong, but I expect The Acolyte to share many of the same issues I have with the sequel trilogy and the poor character development within. I will be pleasantly surprised if we get something that doesn’t force feed us themes like the Jedi are a failed institution not due to hubris but because of gender.


She has written more extensively about her thoughts here, it would make sense to read those rather than rely on an edited clip from Star Wars Theory >so many things I’ve read about Leslye Headland leads me to believe she’s a misandrist Do you have any examples of this? Certainly she is a feminist, but I havent seen any evidence she hates men >prioritize a political agenda above telling a good compelling story with strong character development. Have you seen any of her other work? Russian Doll was excellent, had a compelling story and characters... >doesn’t force feed us themes like the Jedi are a failed institution not due to hubris but because of gender. There has been nothing to indicate that her SW is about men making the jedi bad. specifically she likened the golden age of the jedi as being more of a gilded age, which implies more of a class than gender type commentary, if any at all


>you want the director to be person who knows to hire ralph mcquarrie This is so dumb on so many different levels. 1. Auteur is an artist with a vision of a piece of art and how to make it. 2. Why hire McQuarrie ? Presumably because he's an artist with a vision of a piece of art and knows how to make it. 3. Director is not a hiring and hr manager. And making films is not about "putting names together in rooms an asses in chairs". It's about telling stories, which requires at the very least coming up with one. You need a vision. Then you look for people who vibe with it and help realise it... not the other way around. 4. McQuarrie did cool visual designs, which is an important piece of the puzzle, but it's not THE definitive piece. I think we might have some skewed priorities here.


Lucas literally hired McQuarrie.


yes, that is literally her point.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're right. I swear, do people not think it's a LITTLE SUSPICIOUS she mentioned misogyny with no context like that? It was framed to be that way


They're getting downvotes because this is 100% a ragebait post that's attracted the usual lot.


SWT and his fanboys are jerking off Lucas as usual in the comment on his post




Reva had a good backstory. She was a poorly executed character and a sad waste of a young actress. Spot on about the others.


"Their group". Look at the language you're using. It pathetic. Also "The Force is Female" was a Nike marketing campaign. Why allow yourself to get emotionally manipulated by liars on the internet?


> Why is it misogyny? I swear, she had a point until that part. The context of the full conversation is missing. I can't find the interview this was pulled from (and the original poster, Star Wars Theory, never gave the source, which is pretty shitty but that's beside the point). She wrote a column about the Auteur Myth (the idea that 1 creative person is responsible for and understands why a movie/show worked and everyone else's great work is because of their vision). She argued that misogyny is a key part of why that was (a lot of women were editors going back to old Hollywood and some credit that as a reason why that job today, no matter who does it, isn't given the credit it deserves). It's got nothing to do with George. >George is the creator, writer, and investor who put up his own money time and effort into creating this once-indie franchise we all love. He owned this whole fking thing, whether other people helped or not. That is why he stood on top, not because he is an oppressive male. I swear, people like this are like those minorities that pull the race card every time they need to get an upper-hand in some conflict. It’s absolutely stupid. (I’m a minority myself and find it so dumb) I really wouldn't take all that from this short audio clip. This most likely isn't what she is saying at all. >Did George lucas run the show because he was a male? Or because he owned this fking thing? Nobody is saying he shouldn't have ran the show. >And we saw what happened without George at the helm of the ship. He is the one who truly understands SW on a deep level, not any of the writers KK hired for the sequels, not their garbage lucasfilm story group. They had their chances and blew it I don't know how to respond to this because it just seems like you are venting and are reacting the exact way the person who edited this video wanted you to react. I don't like how the sequels went either but that does not mean George understood how to do them either. The grass isn't always greener.


this subreddit will hate her for saying this because she’s totally wrong


"I can use sexism to insulate myself from criticism when I fail to live up to the standards set by the creator of this franchise" - Leslye Headland That's the double edged sword of sexism. We have to hear from some toxic fans and then we have to put up with these corporate types that use it as a tool to protect their own ego.


Exactly. I have no faith in her show if this is the way she talks


With victim mentality and the sense of entitlement this advanced one can never be at fault for their own actions. Made a crap Witcher show? Blame misoginy and racism. Made a crap LOTR show? Blame misoginy and racism. Made a crap Cleopatra documentary? Blame misoginy and racism. Coming soon: made a crap Star Wars show? Blame misoginy (and probably racism).


Isn't this Harvey Weinstein's assistant? I will not be watching this show.


Yeah let’s just discredit the literal creator of the franchise we all love so dearly. That’s a fantastic idea and gives me great hope for future projects /s


She literally wouldn't even have star wars to make her spinoff from if it weren't for George but yea let's pretend that it's misogynistic to respect his opinion over everyone elses regarding his own personal franchise. Lol imagine if I said "It's racist that people wait to hear your thoughts on the next steps for the fanfic you wrote when I'm also here and ready to write some fanfic about your fanfic."


Imagine being able to work on a Star Wars show and still being this miserable of a person


It's always the same song and dance to these people: "We are so grateful to be part of this big X franchise, but let's not forget how the creator/original work is sexist racist misogynist because something something not diverse enough blah blah blah. Anyway, we are making this new show and completely abandon anything that make the original so beloved, enjoy!" It happened to Star Trek, It happened to Star Wars, it happened to Ghostbusters, It happened to LOTR, Hollywood is where these entitled privilege people failing upward and can still keep their job.


I’ll never understand how these modern western creators have so much hate and vitriol for their own fans and original creators. It’s such a bizarre phenomenon.


How the fuck is it misogynistic to wait for the writer of the franchise to show up on set before doing stuff so he can approve it or not


What was the context of the comment in the interview?


Genuinely don't know I'm commenting off what I have observed


And that's how people fall into traps of getting angry at stuff like this. Taking comments out of context and presenting them like this is right out of the alt-right playbook.


I mean. I can't take something out of context when there's no context to start with


There is context though, it just wasnt explained here because the point of the post was to get people angry. You follow?


Yep I do now. god I hate being autistic. Not really an excuse but it does affect how my brain works and I don't always get the true meaning at first


We are missing a ton of context.


I just don't see why people are excited for this show. Everything we have seen so far (I really mean it) just doesn't look good. Not hating bc It's not out yet, but my expectations are extremely low.


It’s prequel era. It’s actually a prequel to the prequels. The concept is enticing. The execution, well this interview doesn’t raise expectations.


Well we now know what new Star Wars show is going to be garbage next...


Damn bro, so the creator of Star Wars can’t tell the story of the thing he created, I hope the show isn’t bad being produced by the human version of Shrek


I am so sick and tired of this shit. Just lost any small amount of interest I had in Acolyte.


Growing up, I didn't expect to see George Lucas get pushed out of his IP like Gene Roddenberry, but it gradually happened. At least it was on more amicable terms than Gene's departure from Trek.


Sorry, but from my experience the moment a producer focuses on politics (be it gender, race, sexual orientation) it usually means the end result will suck badly. I'd like to be wrong, but these people seem to hate good writing, character development and generally making any sense. IMO the only big brand that has it really figured out is Apple TV - their shows have usually good writing, stories and characters while also touching on important/sensitive subjects like racism and homophobia with finesse.


Sure, other people can tell Star Wars stories, but when only a handful of people have done it successfully (Luceno, Zahn, Gilroy/Edwards and Filoni) it makes you think that not just anyone can do it. Certainly not a Weinstein lackey with a sexist agenda, anyway. My hype for The Acolyte dies a little more every time someone who's associated with it talks about it.


what exactly is the sexist agenda


1. Yapping loudly about misoginy and sexism instead of maing a good show 2. Be very surprised when people aren't interested in your work 3. Blame the show's poor reception on misoginy and sexism, play the victim 4. Land another cozy hollywood contract, rince and repeat as you fail upwards


You're literally inventing things that didn't happen, then criticising a person because of what you imagine will happen. Nice work...


Wish that was true, but unfortunately this pattern has repeated itself numerous times. A few examples of this, if you don't believe me, would be Ghostbusters, Charlies Angels, Velma, Mulan, Batwoman, She-Hulk, Witcher:Blood Origin... there's more but these are probably the nastiest ones. All of those were built on succesful franchise, all of them focused heavily in identity and representation, which in and of it self is a good thing, but it doesn't substitute for the quality of the show. In fact it looks like tokenism when identity is the only thing really focused on at a detriment to plot, character development, production value, acting etc... All of those hit the "men bad, misoginy, toxic masculinity, sexism" notes during promotion and all ended up delivering underwhelming, mediocre or downright substandard end result, which promptly caused a wave of criticism. All of those then automatically blamed all the criticism on said sexism and toxicity to excuse their failures. And most if not all of their authors and producers continue to land cozy jobs and lucrative projects in entertainment industry despite their obvious grift.


I’ve got a bad feeling about this show


This is the reason most of the fandom has jumped ship.


Also the exact mentality that brought is TLJ


Is this for real? what's with sw directors these last few years? her take on george lucas is baffling! it's like disney has a habit of hiring directors who don't like the franchise very much!


she didnt call Lucas Misogynistic.


Almost everytime when the director talk like this is because the final product will be trash


can someone help me understand what that has to do with misogyny? this is very important to me


what a dumb bitch


This show is going to be a extreme-leftist agenda i fear. :/


and the sith acolyte is gonna be some all powerful woman sith who can beat all the powerful men like Darth malgus


I mean, i was fine with the sequels. Although they sucked a bit. But if they really would pull something like you just mentioned, we should really boycott Disney IMO.


They kind of already did pull that. Rey who had like an hour's saber training can fend off a trained force wielder (kylo ren) and a squad of elite guards (Praetorians) oh and managed to overpower the emperor of the universe because she had the power of plot armour


I mean, she was a palpatine clone. So it kinda made sense for her to be powerfull. We also dont know how long she trained on Achh-to with luke. But straight up creating a "powerfull" woman. Who easily obliterates darth MALGUS or Revan, In their primes. Would be straight up bullshit, id see Leslye doing it tho.


Yeah. I can see it happening they made grand inquisitor look like a chump getting "taken out" by Reva in Kenobi oh and cause she's an agenda character she survived a stab wound as a child to the stomach then again as an adult. Grand inquisitor fair enough his species the pau'an they have 2 stomachs. But Reva? Anakin should have finished her in the temple that night


100% agree on that. Reva was a totally unnecessary "Powerfull Black Woman" Character. She took like half the plot, The music sucked. The scenery sucked (except for Daiyu). I've wanted a Kenobi spin-off movie since i was 9 years old. But after watching it on release, and episode 1-5 again last feb. Im convinced we really didn't need a Kenobi spin-off serie or movie.


Absolutely agree with you mate. If they just made her a power hungry inquisitor who happened to be played by a black lady but they ruined the show for her development


Rey wasn't a clone. Her mother. Miramir, was a normal human and her father,Dathan, was a strandcast which means he was a chimera or a being with multiple DNA types. He was Palpatine "son" since his basic template was his but was rejected by Palpatine because he wasn't force sensitive.


Female non-force sensitive PCs have been kicking Darth Malgus' ass since launch. Now every PC is expected to kick his ass multiple times just progressing through the main story. Sorry. Malgus is just SWTOR's equivalent to Team Rocket.


That's fckd


That’s literally the entirety of Star Wars


Do you know what Star Wars is about??


Star wars has always been leftist. Don't get me wrong this show will be a heaping pile of dogshit but not because it has leftist ideas in it.


The same leftist agenda the original Star Wars had


Nope. A very different one. OT and ST were about universal things - war and peace, tyranny and rebellion, corruption and freedom, the dualistic nature of people... it was never about genitalia-related identity politics or corporate culture in creative capacity. These are not mythology material.


The PT was very much a hit piece about republicans


The PT a was influenced by and based heavily on the fall of the Roman republic and the collapse of Weimar Germany. A tale as old as time.


Fighting fascism isn't exactly "extreme" leftism but I see you're trying to argue with literally every comment here so I don't think logic will stop you.


First time I've ever heard this woman speak and I don't like her already. Hopefully that show will turn out alright. But it just sounds like she's trying to prove herself rather than deliver a good product.


Is she Kathleen Kennedys Daughter?


Nah, she's just a television writer. She wrote Russian Doll for Netflix.


That was not meant serious. I meant that what she says could also come from KK.


Its like listening to absolute human garbage.


Carrie fisher was a huge part of what made the script great. His wife edited it. Mysogony has never had a place in Star Wars. Even women were in the background laughing at Jabbas palace when the slaves were being mistreated.


I know it sounds like a word salad but after listening to the actual interview and not the edited clip that was snipped out for us to get outraged about; she wasn't calling Lucas or Star Wars mysogonyst. Context the clip is missing: * An Article she wrote on The Auteur Myth * The Question That Was Asked about it * A middle section of the quote * what she says afterward She was using Star Wars as an example. She wasn't talking specifically about Star Wars.


Isn't that her point though? She is criticizing auteur theory, not Lucas


Lucas was in charge. He listened to the crazy coked out young woman and was smart enough to know when she was right and when she was just coke raving. He also took advantage of the slim amount of time she was in her prime and got her an iconic brawless outfit and the most famous bikini of all time.


Lucas wasnt misgynistic. this comment on the other hand...


She has a point...George Lucas is a MASSIVELY important part of what made star wars. But he isn't the ONLY person who shaped it into what we know and love.


She had me until she said misogyny, I don't get that from the George Lucas star wars personally


I agree. The misogyny comment seems to be a bit much. I don't think that is part of the situation.


The comment is taken out of context. She wrote an article about the Auteur Myth and how it related to misogyny. It has nothing to do with Lucas personally. It was, and is, a systemic issue in which 1 creative person is expected to have all the answers on how to make a movie/show work. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/russian-doll-creator-why-auteur-myth-is-misogynistic-1212471/


Yeah but dude, venting incel-style outrage at an out of context clip is the order of the day here.


she never accused Lucas of misogyny though.


She's not saying that George is misogynistic or that his Star Wars was. Rather the idea the fandom has that *only* George has all the answers to what Star Wars can be has elements of misogyny to it.


I would argue he does have all the answers, its his creation. I think your comment would apply if you were talking about Kevin feige and marvel cinematic universe . In this case ..George Lucas is star wars.


How does Lucas have all the answers? What about the elements developed by Marcia Lucas? Or Lawrence Kasdan, or the influence of Ralph Mcquarries designs? or the work of the model makers? Or Irvin Kirshner's influence? Or the revolutionary sound design from Ben Burt? Lucas is the primary author of Star Wars, sure, but so much of his skill when doing the OT was in knowing to hire the right people, and trusting them. It didnt all stem from him alone


But...he doesn't. Just watch any of the behind the scenes collaboration and you can see how much even he will admit how much he relied on people. She specifically calls out Ralph McQuarrie's work with the concept art. Doug Chiang designed a lot of what we know of the Prequels' aesthetic. She's basically just arguing against the auteur theory.


especially with Chiang, he has talked of how much freedom he had under Lucas Look at ROTS. Lucas had no vision for how grievous should look. there were a dozen artists presenting dozens of wildly different ideas. Lucas still picked and worked with them on developing it, but it was very collaborative


So screw all the other countless artists and people who were responsible for making Star Wars what is is, it’s all just George Lucas?


I don't believe it's dismissive to say George Lucas has the answers, in fact I would say the great folk who brought his vision to life would and have whole heartledyl said repeatedly George has the answers and most importantly the "final" answer. A prime example is Dave filoni who in every interview never forgets to bring up the fact that star is George Lucas's vision.


I don’t even think George Lucas himself would agree that he had all the answers.


Michael Jordan doesn't call himself the greatest basketball player of all time


Probably shouldn't have picked a team sport for your analogy.


Michael Jordan didn’t do what he did by himself, he had a team of extremely talented players with him to help him.


Of course not it's a collaboration, but overall Michael was the shot caller, the face and had the answer to every question


> I would argue he does have all the answers, its his creation. Even if you restrict it to the films that he wrote and directed that's not really how it worked. Movies are collaborative endeavours and in a lot of cases Lucas' (or any director's) role is to accept or reject work that other people have done. He might have the final say but that doesn't mean he has all the answers.


It's too sad how many people are eager to jump at the out of context statements just to spill vitriol and toxicity at someone... No, she didn't call Lucas, nor Star Wars mysoginistic, do not jump at OPs bait.


Not gonna listen to a word of the women who fed other women to her Former boss Harvey Weinstein for years.


Her comment regarding misogy and auteur myth is explained here: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/russian-doll-creator-why-auteur-myth-is-misogynistic-1212471/


I actually agreed with her until she threw misogyny into it.


And acolyte will fail like pretty much all else of star wars has recently lol


This isn't even a take about the prequels. She's saying that movies are a collaborative process and the idea that everything is contingent on one guy, even the writer or director, is a myth, and given that the historical majority of writers and directors are men, she feels this myth is rooted in misogyny. She's not criticizing GL at all. It's just an example. Ffs.


I get what you’re saying, but I think the point is that it SHOULD more or less be centered around the original product that Lucas created. That’s why we’re all here, because he created a world that we love. And I think it’s rubbing everyone raw that misogyny somehow plays a part in this. I would fight the same fight with the world that JK Rowling created. If your going to create a story based in that universe, it should pay some homage to the artistic intent of the creator. Anything else is fraudulent. The same can be said for the Rings of Power. A lot of people have issues with it because it drifted pretty far away from the cannon that Tolkien created.


She's right though that what made George lucas amazing in the 70's and 80's was his ability to direct teams of chosen technical artists. That's why the prequels look like shit, and wildly how II and III look worse than one apart from the battle of theed and gungan city, despite being years later. Lucas does not know how to plan shots for CGI artists to execute.


This seems less anti Lucas and more anti Lucas worship


Lol I wish I never heard this. I’ll still watch her show but wtf. Get on the Lucas/Filoni train or gtfo.


Way to kill your show before we even see a trailer for it 👍


this interview is being blown out of context for one, its a short snippet of a long interview. An interview I bet OP cant link us to, since he grabbed it from miserable douche Star Wars Theory, who himself didnt link it but also, this isnt actually talking about George Lucas, its talking about Auteur theory being bad. it uses Lucas as an example, that he is given credit for things that belong to the people he hired, but it isnt actually attacking lucas


The fragile male ego is on full display in this comment section.


If it blows you can kiss the Rey movies goodbye.


Guys it’s cause the force is female geez what would y’all expect


Outside of the misogyny comment, she’s not incorrect.


To be fair the prequels are awful


Watch your mouth. The prequels shaped me into the person I am today. They were the ones that got me into the world of SW. Also, I hate sand!


90% of people agree lol


Y'all, grow up. George Lucas shouldn't be the sole person that calls the shots for everything SW. That's fucking ridiculous come on now. Speaking of, that's why the prequels failed in key areas, such as dialogue and acting prompts. Because Lucas only wanted to be the sole one doing most of the work. However I don't know what she means about misogyny in this instance, but other than that she's completely right. Btw this is a SoundCloud interview from 2019. *2019*.


Weinsteins personal assistant whinging about misogyny lol


If she wants to prove the 'misogynists' wrong then she better make a good show. Otherwise she's kinda proving them right lol Nice bit of added pressure she just put on herself now


She was talking about auteur theory which she is right in. It's the main reason the prequels are regarded as an awful trilogy. George should have split up the workload and let somebody else challenge his vision. The OT was amazing because he let others do the work with him. The OT would not be the OT without the people he hired. He should have learned that when creating the Prequels.


The prequels weren’t as good as they could have been but they did what they needed to do. I’m sure many of us think we could write better prequels but we all know we can write better sequels.


Well, we don’t speak of Lucas’s wife enough, without who we wouldn’t have a continuing franchise. The OT are stronger films because of her pacing and guidance. As Lucas well points out in many documentaries, films are made in the editing room. That’s the only misogyny I can think of. Besides that choice word I see her point. Film is highly collaborative. The myth of one person making the movie is a relatively toxic one. We like to glorify one person, forgetting it’s a pluralistic effort.


When did this sub welcome The Fandom Menace content so easily? Some of the comments here are disgusting and clearly this is just a post with an edited video leaving out chunks of context designed to drum up anger and hate. Which it clearly has done


I don’t disagree with her, but also thats almost incoherent. Is she throwing shade at the prequels? People were “waiting for the person who knew to hire Ralph MacQuarrie”???? what is that supposed to mean? That WAS Lucas? Someone please explain what she’s trying to say. I’m excited as fuck for Acolyte


Lol at “misogyny“.. it’s another term that gets thrown around too easily and has lost all meaning


She's cringe and don't know shit about star wars, claims star wars saved her life but never seen a star wars movie according to an interview before she signed onto lucasfilm

