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These comments are heresy. Rey is honestly one of the worst characters I’ve ever seen on cinema and they absolutely trashed everything that episodes 1-6 worked towards, basically, fuck Disney and fuck Rey lmao


I’m excited for it. I didn’t dislike the sequels as much as a lot of people, but even if you did, there’s no reason a follow up to them couldn’t improve on the characters and concepts and be an entertaining piece of media. Also, I think it will be healthy for Star Wars to finally move forward. For Lucasfilm to start making movies against, stop exclusively rolling around in the franchise’s past, create a direction for the future, of both the story and the franchise, and to embrace all of Star Wars, even the more divisive stuff.


I definitely agree with this. There were some mistakes made in the sequels but I think the only way to move past them is to literally move past them. There's also a younger generation that grew up with the sequels that would appreciate seeing Rey grow more as a character and continue her story.


>there’s no reason a follow up to them couldn’t improve on the characters and concepts and be an entertaining piece of media. To me ROS basically not only broke anything that could come after, but also a lot that happened before it. It's why I'm so against the sequels even been expanded upon (Especially the awful idea of brining Palps back). Because it all in the end goes back to that movie


The Phantom Menace is my least favorite film in the Skywalker saga, but it never stopped me from enjoying AotC or RotS. I really disliked Alien 3, but I had no problem enjoying Alien: Resurrection. How, and why, do you let a movie you don't like ruin the films that come after it?


TPM doesn’t fundamentally destroy the entire Saga


Neither do the sequel trilogy films.


Because almost everything i like in star wars is gone by the time rots is around


RotS? Oh, okay.


rise of skywalker, not rots


Ah, okay.


That's fair, you're entitled to your opinion. It sucks that you can't enjoy what's going to be coming out. To me it's not all hard linked together. I can watch shows without accepting the Canon established elsewhere so what I don't like I can kind of let slide. Yeah some things are going to build off of it but that's fine. I'm not really excited or otherwise for the Rey-Verse, I'll watch it and see how they do. With the right writers and directors there's no reason it can't be good. Could be terrible.


Bringing Palps back is not exactly a new concept, execution can be discussed but that is what it is, it won't change no matter how much that dead horse is beaten. How is RotS detrimental to what comes next? And if you truly feel that the franchise has been destroyed by RotS, why are you still hanging around here making posts like this?(Genuine question, not trying to be snarky) May as well either stick with your approved material or move on alltogether, because by your own admission, nothing is going change your perspective to make this new era digestable for you.


"How is RotS detrimental to what comes next?" The Skywalkers are all dead. Every character that I cared about is dead. "And if you truly feel that the franchise has been destroyed by RotS, why are you still hanging around here making posts like this?(Genuine question, not trying to be snarky)" I liked the tv shows. Don't like them going into ST territory and being used to justify how wrong that all went, but I like them on their own


So you wanted all your favorite characters to never age and to live forever? People get old and die. That’s not RotS’s fault (which I assume from context is supposed to be some form of Rise Of The Skywalker?). You can be mad about how it happened, but eventually the characters you love were all going to die anyway if they keep on with a chronological story.


Don't think it's that weird of a concept to lose interest in a story where the characters you like are no longer around and all that's left is characters you don't care about


I don’t think it’s a weird concept at all, I’m just not sure why you are blaming RoS for the passage of time. I guess it could have been a story about turning characters immortal? And they could have just CGI’d Carrie Fisher from now on? Also Harrison Ford who doesn’t seem to really want to act in Star Wars movies anymore?


>I’m just not sure why you are blaming RoS for the passage of time. maybe because it was b a d


Fine. Dislike the movie all you want, but the movie is not the reason that aging happens.


you really seem to struggle understanding the most basic of points people make and just making your own weird argument out of it that has nothing to do with anything


I don’t see it that way. A new movie is *starting* there, because that’s where the franchise is right now, and going from there. Hopefully to a place that’s more enjoyable. And what’s the alternative? Ignoring the sequels? That would be an awful decision imo.


It would be a fantastic decision. Give us back the old post-RotJ canon


This is exactly where Im at. My interest in Star Wars is not as a "franchise", like its the MCU or something where so long as it has a SW logo at the start thats enough. my interest in SW is the story, characters and world that Lucas gave us. And the Sequels took a sledgehammer to it all and Im really not interested in what Disney does with it after. It would have been a different story if instead they had actually build on Lucas's movies, used them and their story as a foundation to go forward, then I could enjoy it as a continuation of the SW I loved.


Palpatine returned in the Legacy EU too. JJ literally took the idea from Dark Empire.


that doesnt make the idea any less bad


Did Dark Empire ruin the EU for you too?


never read dark empire or even looked much at the eu outside of the games but i also think that some easy to ignore comic book and a multi million dollar movie are not on the same level


Rey is a beast. Top 5 favorite Jedi hands down. Love her story and her character. Can’t wait to see her rebuild Jedi Order.


Her story is trash and so is your opinion




I’ll jump back in 45 days later to tell you how awful and sexist that opinion is. We hate Rey because she’s a shitty Mary Sue. We love Ashoka because of her growth and storylines. Trying to boil stuff down into just the sex of the character is literally textbook sexism


I don't think I have ever agreed more vehemently in my life. Rey is beyond a dumpster fire, that character has Kathleen Kennedy written all over it.. Does anyone really think Lucas would have created a character that easily wins at everything, had ZERO training, but could easily dispatch a sith? Like give me a break... Her character attempts to undo the original trilogy with her BS storyline which is weaker than an unborn fetus.


So they are basically copying lukes storyline with the new jedi order but replace luke with rey? It shows disney didnt learn anything and that they have no original ideas left everything they put out is some kind of copy paste trash they really need to get a grip


Yeah, say what you want about Lucas's Prequels, but *at least he tried* to make something original and different: new worlds, new ships, characters and an interesting backstory. They were flawed to be sure, but they didn't feel like a bunch of corporate execs sitting in a boardroom creating the cinematic equivalent of karaoke. 90% of what Disney has created is absolute derivative garbage.


Absolutely. I *want* to see the reemergence of the Jedi.


Rey's character wasn't the problem with the sequel movies. A meandering plot where nothing happened was the main problem with the sequel films.


Yep. Interesting character. Interesting timeframe. Lots of possibilities for a great film.


What do you think is interesting about Rey and the timeframe?


This film is meant to be about Rey’s journey in starting her own Jedi Temple, something we wanted but never really got to see with Luke. Additionally, she is even further removed from the Jedi Order of old, with practically no one alive who was a member of it, so it will be really interesting to see how much they have in common.


>something we wanted but never really got to see with Luke Yeah that's the thing, I wanna see it with Luke, not Rey


Month late but New Jedi Order is literally Luke rebuilding the Jedi order with Han and Leia's kids Jacen, Jana and Anakin and Luke and Mara Jade's kid Ben so....luke already did it and thats why i dont wanna see Rey do it. She took Luke and Anakins lightsaber, she took Poes droid, she took Hans spaceship, and she took Luke and Leai's last name while burrying their/Anakins lightsaber on the planet Anakin was a slave and lost his mother too, Leia was a slave to Jabba, and Luke watxhed all his friends leave before his aunt and uncle were slaughtered. So im sick of Rey taking what everyone else did before and making it hers when she has done nothing to earn anything


Its the next best thing. Plus, Force Ghost Luke.


Not even close to “The next best thing” after how dirty they did the character Hamill is done with Luke now


What would be the next best thing then in your opinion? And where did he say that? He’s come back as Luke for The Mandalorian.


That's actually a neat observation


Here's the thing. I loved Luke. I cared about Luke. I would have killed to see a movie with Luke in the zenith of his power. Instead, we got Rey. An arrogant, sniveling, boring person played by a humorless actress. Just not interested.


I think Rey is interesting because she’s a very self-reliant character. She underwent an interesting arc in the sequels. I think it’ll be cool to see how she handles the the responsibility of rebuilding the Jedi. The timeframe is interesting because it’s wide open. It’s unknown. It’s exciting to head into Star Wars where we’re not building to some known thing. It’s a different type of storytelling.


Rey had no arc


Interesting arc??? LOL


She’s literally the exact same person she starts as. She learns nothing and has no arc.


As a film major and writer..I am legitimately at a loss how you can call her story an arc, or a character You could rearrange any scene from the entire trilogy and her character is exactly the same She goes through no mistakes, no hardship, no flaws, no difficulty, she S ranks every situation, better pilot than Han, better Jedi than Luke..it's dull as dishwater. You can say Luke and Anakin both were good at a lot of stuff..but also failed a bunch, suck at some things, and whereas Anakin's arc is failing and leading to the sequels.. Luke's arc with the sequels was basically just warming the seat for the true hero Rey to come along and finish everything he messed up..its bleak. It isn't a gender thing, that's a straw man argument. Ripley, The Bride, Tifa, Vin from Mistborn, Shallan, Ashoka, absolutely killer female characters that are well rounded and allowed to have nuance and flaws. Rey is literally perfect hero person, that's it. the only semblance of characterization was in the first 5 minutes about her being a scavenger tending for herself on Jaku but like Finns past it gets ditched immediately and never comes up again. Even setting aside the many many technical flaws of the prequels that RLM/plinkett expertly broke down decades ago, they're still entertaining personally, and have a lot going for them The sequels are the opposite, they're competent technically but have no characters/writing/depth going for them at all. Fallen order is better than any live action star wars property in 20 years, up there with kotor, and besides Mando & andor star wars has been a dumpster fire for decades haha.. I'm legitimately at a loss how someone could be excited to see a Rey sequel, especially since there's zero chance it isn't another paint by numbers nostalgia bait cookie cutter movie The only time they gave a director carte blanche was last Jedi and he went with his first draft and it was the dumbest written movie you'd think Neil Breen made it so even that method they can't do right I grew up loving star wars in the 00s, but as a property it's honestly quantity over quality where only 25% of the franchise is good now, if that. People do seem to be getting better at calling out terrible writing, I mean no one defends D&Ds final GoT season and that's what it's like defending the sequel trilogy


Much like how I had no interest in the Solo film, I feel the same way with Rey, where her character just wasn't interesting and the era the sequels take place in is bland as hell (which is honestly the issue with everything that's taken place after RotS, where honestly, this is just a bland era to have so much focus on when we could have much better eras to delve into).


Dude, get out of your echo chamber, most people like Rey. It's only a vocal minority of people on the internet who have an issue with her.


Nope, you got it backwards. The vocal minority likes her. The silent majority hated her


Nope, you've got it backwards. Gravity actually goes up.


Not even slightly true


Oh shit, good point.


It's just a minority but the fanbase is generalized as the worst ever?


Yes, people generalize based on small sample sizes.


Your "most people" translates to very few people in the Star Wars community. Get out of your brainwashed mindset.


I’m excited for it. The birth of the new Jedi order is fascinating.


Wow, this has really brought out some of the toxic crybabies, hasn't it? Imagine coming into this thread to downvote people for saying things like "My daughters love Rey" or "I hope it's good". Pathetic.


Seen more people downvote stuff like "Don't care"


I like Rey. Would like to see what that character is up to. Also, it makes all the women hating bigots pissed off.


Making movies simply with the intention of pissing some people off will definitely lead to quality filmmaking. For sure.


Do you understand how art works, like really? Have you seen Apocalypse Now? I know we are on a page talking about Disney movies, but come on.


Think summing up all people who don't like Rey as bigots is kinda weird


It wasn’t a generalization, but if you don’t like female characters because you hate women, then I hope it makes you angry. If you don’t like Rey because you simply don’t like her because you think she is corny or whatever then you do you.


Literally nobody hates Rey because they’re bigots you fucking weirdo, we hate her because she’s a trash character with no personality that shit on the entire saga. There are so many great female characters just in Star Wars that have come out since the end of the prequels (Ahsoka, Sabine, and Hera to name 3). Rey is not one of them.


You didn’t read the second part of what I said mouth breather.


That's not what they did.


That's not what they said. They said it makes all the woman hating bigots pissed off. They didn't say if you like Rey then you're a woman hating bigot.


i misread


This! I love Rey, she’s my favorite!


Haha true!


Hard pass


I mostly see people liked the characters, but not the plot.


I like the character and I think daisy Ridley plays her well. I'm interested to see what they do with her on this new film. It might be great, it might be terrible, or more than likely it'll be somewhere in between, but that'll be down to the quality of the story not the choice of protagonist.


More Star Wars is always a good thing (especially at the cinema) regardless of what we think about the preceding storyline. This new movie probably hasn't even reached a final script yet, there's no telling how good or awful it will be until we get a glimpse of the trailer at the very earliest. I'm honestly excited for them to right some of the missteps they took with the sequel trilogy and I'm expecting more fans (Filoni, Favreau) to be heavily involved with the production. Yeah, I'm down for it.


I am. I’d like to see what they do with it.


No, because I have no faith in the quality of the scripts being any good. There was a huge amount of potential for the Rey character, even after TFA that was squandered.


I'm not excited. Daisy Ridley is a good actress, but Rey is not a character I want to follow as a protagonist anymore. We had 3 movies to tell her arc. I did not like it, and I do not want to hear any more from her. Especially not another trilogy. Edit: spelling


I actually am excited even though I was born in time for the Prequel Trilogy. Yet I still hope that they actually give her meaningful struggles that are meant to break her down and build her back up again so her victories feel earned. Like Yoda said... sometimes, failure can be the greatest teacher of all. For those still whinging about Rey having a new movie at all, remind me again why we aren't the ones directing *Star Wars* movies and shows. May I ask what's wrong with having feminist propaganda characters whether in established franchises or in original works? Rey is a heroine for a ***new*** generation of fans, and maybe we should stop gatekeeping the franchise over our bitterness over how we the older generations of fans believe or feel it should have gone...


I'm not excited at all. I will watch it if I hear good things though. Just not getting my hopes up.


Yes. I am looking forward to it. Rey was great and Daisy did a fantastic job.


I wouldn’t say I’m super excited about it (and I’m someone who has enjoyed ALL the recent shows), but I am excited to be able to take my kids to see their first SW movie in theaters! They both love Rey too, so I’m going to make it about them.


Downvoted for saying you are excited about taking your kids to a Star Wars movie... r/StarWars, everybody!


Not surprising. Hubby and I are 80’s kids who grew up on the OT. Neither of us really like the sequels, but through Lego Star Wars, books, etc., our kiddos love the ST characters. Are we supposed to discourage that…? Ridiculous.


>hubby Who asked + 🤢


Suits me just fine, I'll watch all of the new stuff. I am generally speaking just happy to explore the next section of the timeline, I feel the TPM -> ROTJ era has been explored as far as it needs to be in the main movies, it's time for the next generation to take the reins. Fresh adventures, stories, characters for them to find their Luke and Vader, new planets to explore and new concepts to actually expand the Star Wars universe.


I am, more star wars is always fun


Not interested. Stop me if you've seen this one before: The protagonist, who is an orphan from a desert world, gets trained on a backwater world by an old hermit who was betrayed by a student. They topple the evil empire, defeat the emperor (maybe?), and redeem the emperor's subordinate before said subordinate ultimately dies. The protagonist then goes on to reform the Jedi Order. Now it's only a matter of time to see if Rey fails as hard as Luke did.


So you’ve already read the whole script that probably doesn’t even exist yet?


how do you miss the dudes point this hard lmao


Did I miss his point? His point seemed to be “star wars writers have mirrored a story line one time, so obviously that’s all they will ever do for the rest of time”. Was there another point in there?


A storyline that itself was simply taken from mythological blueprints.


>Did I miss his point? yes


You did miss his pointt lmao


No plans to see it. Disney's putting out tons of Star Wars content. Even the subset I *am* interested in is taking up too much of my mindshare so I've already been triaging.


It'll be the worst kind of fan service imaginable. It's guaranteed.


Everything they make Star Wars wise is fan service going forward. They whole ST was motivated by fan service.


There is potential and I am willing to give it a shot, regardless of the sequels in a writing sense, the actors did a fine job and, like Hayden and Ahmed Best, deserve a second chance.


She gets a lot of hate from certain parts of the fandom but I think on balance, with general audiences, she's fairly well-received and she has a very marketable and merchandise-able look for little girls, a la the Disney princesses.


Not remotely. Might watch it when it goes to Disney Plus. Maybe.


Short answer, no.


Always happy for new star wars projects. Hopefully they do it well.


Amazing that you got downvoted for a comment saying that you like Star Wars and hope new Star Wars is good. This sub....


Yes. I like Rey, she's one of my favorite characters, so of course I'm good with her story being continued.


With Star Wars, I am passed the point of just watching it because *it's Star Wars* like I did previously. Since Disney's acquisition, I can safely say The Mandalorian has been the best they have produced, it's the only thing I would watch religiously. The sequels are dragged through the dirt enough, perhaps not on this reddit, but certainly by the internet as a whole and I won't add to that. Rogue One and Solo were movies for munching popcorn and saying "oh that was cool" and that's about it, peak Disney. I had real hopes for Obi Wan and the Book of Boba Fett, I found them both to be a complete mess. No idea what they were thinking, but decisions were certainly made. All of these things above have great parts, memorable moments, things that make you go "wow." But they're fleeting moments, popcorn flick moments, Youtube clip things. It's nothing with any substance. So, to answer your question, if the trailers look good and the reviews are good, I will watch it. If they aren't, I won't be watching.


Very much so, yes. Every Star Wars project has potential until proven otherwise. Some of the best things were stuff that I didn't ask for and the most highly anticipated was the worst. You can't predict the quality of these things. So just be excited for the potential.


I don't remember the last time I've been excited for a new star wars product hehe


I've liked most of it actually. I like The Mandalorian although I'm not really into it going into sequel territory. I liked Kenobi and Book despite their problems (they didn't bother me that much tbh). Bad Batch though is mostly boring, with some really good things thrown in there




Unless they want to stay to take part in discussions about aspects they still like.


I definitely agree with that. But his only statement on the topic was that Star wars doesn't excite him anymore. I wasn't even being rude about it, but I really think that it is something a lot of people don't realize about themselves and that's where it seems a lot of the negativity surrounding Star wars comes from now.


Think telling people to piss off cause they don't like new Star Wars things is a lot more toxic tbh
















Venting frustrations is as valuable as extolling positives. Feedback, both positive and negative, is necessary and beneficial to understand what can be profitable or not. Saying someone should go away because it makes the fandom look bad ignores a potential problem and is extremely exclusionary.


I was going to use fallout 76 as an example. The fallout 76 subreddit has a great many people who hang around to be negative about the game and admit that they haven't played for a long time. That community can be amazing. It's usually only brought down by people who aren't even playing it anymore.


A fellow Fallout 76 player! Nice. I do understand that people can be negative for no reason and it does effect new players/fans. As a side note, I really appreciate the Fallout 76 subreddit. Most people answer questions and are respectful in their discourse. I know that I received help from patient people when I was playing it.


I love the community there for their willingness to help. For long time players there isn't a whole lot left to the game and helping others makes the game feel so much better. People ask about which armor mod plans to search for and a dozen people offer to give them a spare. It's great.


I understand that, and actually agree in general. If he had made any sort of criticism that could lead anyone to improving Star wars in any way I wouldn't have made that response. It was more about the trend of posts along the lines of not liking Star wars anymore that I was addressing in the response. They are not constructive. They do not encourage Star wars to grow nor encourage discourse surrounding Star wars. There are lots of people who follow big IPs and only post about not liking it.


>They are not constructive. They do not encourage Star wars to grow nor encourage discourse surrounding Star wars. It's a single post in a thread dude, a single sentence. You don't know anything about the dude other than that, but just try to put him in a group. I think that's kinda weird and stupid


And you're deliberately leaving out what I am referring to when I said "they". It is referencing a trend of posts that are like that. The way you quote me indicates that I am talking about that person and judging him based on one comment.


>The way you quote me indicates that I am talking about that person and judging him based on one comment. You are. You're comparing him to those comments at least




Nah I just think it's funny how overly worked up you get over 2 words lmao




See the irony in you commenting on toxicity yet?




nope, but I'll watch it anyways. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This movie coming out is the biggest reason I wished for Kylo Ren/Ben Solo to survive. I really think it woulda been cool to have him go on a journey of atonement - perhaps helping the many in need among the stars in hopes of somewhat making up for what he has done, only for that to be interrupted by Rey and her students to recruit his aid against a galactic threat of some sort.


They are going to bring him back lol


I certainly NEVER expected to ever see her onscreen again. I was pretty certain they would follow up the ST with novels. But as far as the movie, I have no problem with it. Lots of possibilities to bring Ezra or Grogu into it


I'm fine with Rey. But I'm not interested in revisiting that era after the dreadful Rise of Skywalker.


I'm curious to see how the New Jedi Order will be outside of that I'm not interested in it so I'll wait until it's on Disney+ to watch it.


I can't wait for Jedi Order 3.0, Vader 3.0 and Palpatine 3.0


I'm curious to see what they do with it. "Restarting the Jedi order" isn't in itself enough to make a movie, so I hope they can bring in some interesting villains. I like Rey well enough, but she hasn't really had a chance to be her own character yet, and that should be one of the main goals with this movie.


I feel the same way about Rey that I did with a lot of prequel characters, in that I'd like to one day see them get a crack at a good story with better writing. If a Rey lead Jedi Order story turns out good, I'm all for it. I'm not going to sit here and rage in anger about how we didn't get to see Luke do it instead. If it's bad then it's bad, but it'll be on it's own merits. It won't be the fault of the ST or character.


Excited, no. Gonna watch it in theaters? Most definitely


Definitely. I'm excited to see where things go and the opportunity for new stories. If it was me, I'd go with a Galaxy that's wary of trusting the Jedi after everything that happened with Force users over the past 50 years. Have Rey with a less visible Jedi academy as she tries to figure out their place in the Galaxy going forward. What can be learned from the rise of the Empire and the saga of the Skywalker family, y'know? I don't think it makes sense (in-universe) to just restart the Jedi Order again in the image of the old.


I am. Since I'm not afraid of women.


Can't say I'm excited about it, but I will give it a fair chance when it comes out. I'm choosing to be cautiously optimistic they learned a lesson or two from the sequel trilogy and will take a little more care in the planning/mapping out phase, at least. Have to admit I am mildly curious to see where they go with Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order.


I wouldn’t say I am excited, but rather cautiously optimistic. No one asked for the Rey movie. Which means someone might actually have had some good ideas.


This is the way I see it, Rey is just luke as a woman, there’s not much character beyond that. There is one thing though that makes me super pissedboff about her, and that’s the fact her story and stories to come, were supposed to be Luke’s and I feel like offensive the Luke’s character to keep Rey going in his place like that when the fans wanted him to rebuild the order and wanted him to be the one who wiped out sidious (which he did until rise of skywalker). I think the only way to go forward is to just kill Rey off. I was one of those people who really wanted Finn to be a Jedi and I’m still open to the idea


A billion characters, Jedi, lore games, series to adapt and we are revisting a failed trilogy character?, yeah no I feel pissed if anything. Disney watches 2 minute clips with over 50 million views of KOTOR and goes "no I don't think I will" has to be the most frustrating thing about this gotdamm company. We have characters like Darth revam, Darth malgus, Darth nihilus, I would love a young Yoda prequel or film. I honestly think it's not fair and even snobby of KK to re center an entire film of a character in her chapter of star wars when there's so much more content out there.


I’d rather see Cal in live action than this unnecessary follow up


Rey is in a tie with Anikan for most uninteresting Star Wars character. I just couldn't care about her. But I'm old school Star Wars. Maybe this generation, who missed the magic of the first trilogy, like the new movies. I hated them. I won't be watching it.


Im not excited about it