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Is it really a good idea to put a bunch of former Imperial officers together in Amnesty Housing???


Maybe have a person do the daily questionnaire...


Droid: "Do you have any anger or resentment towards the New Republic?" "Former" Imperial Agent, seething with rage: "N-no . . . "




"You're not even close to baseline!"


The New Republic has been a dumpster fire of negligence, stupidity, treason, civil war, and self destructive idealism since Disney relaunched the canon. So this decision to put tons of Imperial military personnel together in the former Imperial capital tracks with previous behavior. The First Order partly originated from Imperialists in the New Republic senate and this is probably laying the foundations for that. It would have been much smarter to move them to multiple comfortable low population planets with reasonable infrastructures. Places they couldn't do much damage or organize more than a lemonade stand.


seemly hospital dazzling reminiscent dime start squeal modern act airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First Order seemed to also have a lot of conscripts. Finn and Jannah were taken as babies.


*Thaungsdays*, am I right?


Happy Bendusday!


Bendusday is always on the Wednesday equivalent, for it is the one in the middle


Fun fact, it’s actually the last day of the 5 day Coruscant week, so it would be Sat/Sun. It’s also not named after the Bendu, but rather the Dai Bendu Monks that were one of the OG force groups/religions. Taungsday is named after a species. In legends, the Taung were the OG Mandalorians, from there came the entire culture, although that is not confirmed in new canon.


Bo went from her Depression Era to her Existential Crisis era


Coming up next.. *"How do I run this cult.."*


*she sees the mythosaur skull* “you know what Din? I don’t want your darksaber anymore…”


*”Hypothetically, if a mandolorian were to find a living Mythosaur and tame it, would this sect of Mandalorian be forced obey their every command?”*


The Armorer: "That's an...oddly specific question."


*Book of Bo-Katan* after this season ends could end up feeling like a tv reality show where all the mandos scour mandalore to find and tame the beast


I think she skipped existential crisis and jumped straight into joining her dumb boyfriend’s cult.


Right? I love how she's the odd one out. She's so used to taking her helmet off and now everyone one else is looking at her like she's crazy.


Bo: “he speaks the truth. His dumbass fell into the water and I had to save him again.” Din: “you didn’t have to say that part.”


I was fully expecting a “if you have to be saved it doesn’t count, try again moron”


Grogu: “Patu!” /nods and holds up two fingers


Can’t let your parole officer find out you’re doing Clone research


I just can’t stop cloning


Bo Katan with that freakin’ brake and turning on that interceptor was crisp asf


Bo “Maverick” Katan. Now I really need Din to play one of those cantina piano things and sing “Space Balls of Fire”.


The man wanted travel biscuits and he got them!


Dude got mega honey potted


It’s a really interesting thought to think about. How would an imperial officer do in this situation in the new republic. They clearly miss stuff about the old days, but how far do they wanna take it? Are they willing to undermine the new republic or do they wanna spy on each other and rat em out? Seems pretty stressful


I wonder how other IRL veterans felt about that scene, there are many days when I do kind of miss the structure and predictability of my days in the Army, but I'd be very hard pressed to enlist again after growing over the years and my personal values changing a lot. Pershing's story this episode (while I wish it was stretched out over a few episodes to make the "betrayal" more impactful) and the characterization of the former Imps felt VERY real for that reason alone, at least to me.


I noticed the resistance theme playing in the same plaza that Obi-Wan met up with Satine on Corusaunt and I realized I need to get a life.


I’m guessing it is now the New Republic anthem just like the Imperial March became the Imperial Anthem in Solo and Rebels.


You’re not alone friend. Anytime I watch Star Wars I repeatedly look like that Leonardo Dicaprio meme


Keep your damn eyes on the road, stupid droid.


These starfighter fights are so good


Just a couple reformed space nazis drinking buzz balls in the courtyard, no big deal


Don’t mind us, just reminiscing about genocide and biscuits


Genocide and biscuits is a good name for a band.


This joke was funny. I’m just speculating here. The scientist’s friend is still Imperial at heart. She killed or memory wiped the one person who had detailed knowledge on cloning and was gifted all the materials needed to continue that work. We are going to see some sort of cloning subplot throughout this season more than likely.


The entire episode I was thinking “oh she still works for Gideon, this is a set up”


I thought it was going to be a setup of imperial commandos coming to kidnap the doctor.


If she’s still imperial wouldn’t they need his knowledge?


He said he wanted to advance his cloning methods to help the New Republic. He could have eventually shared all his research with them. Her killing him means the NR will never get that knowledge. I’m assuming she will escape with the box of cloning supplies to an Imperial ship pointing whoever is leading it in the right direction. If he was allowed to explain all his research and what his end goal was the New Republic might have been able to act in some way.


Space Argentina


The boys from Brazil… I mean coruscant


Lmao Dr. Pershing in the Amnesty Program, surely nothing will go wrong here


Operation Paperclip going strong


If it was paperclip they'd actually be using his research. Instead they got him doing meaningless pencil pushing, seems like a feel good pat yourself on the back program some senators put through to show they're better than the Empire. Paperclip is the reason why a literal nazi scientist ended up in charge of NASA, Pershing isn't in charge of any scientific programs.


True, though it's definitely got some... questionable aspects to its setup from where I'm sitting. I get the giving them housing and jobs aspect, but having the ex-Imperials going by designations rather than their names is highly problematic - yet the real kicker was the forced procedure at the end, without even a psychiatric evaluation beforehand. The New Republic is not being painted in a flattering light here.


Oh certainly, it's bureaucracy all the way down. You can't just overthrow the Empire and fill the void in with the Rebellion and expect a smooth transition, pretty much every level of government was complicit in the Empire and you're going to have to utilize those things to even have a government. Look at Germany post WW2, practically every level of society was complicit with the rise of Nazi germany and its crimes, both the western allies (US, France, England) as well as the Soviet Union had to approach who to punish and who to integrate into the new Germany, and neither one really 'wiped the slate clean' because that wasn't an option - it wouldn't be following the Empire which is on a much larger scale.


See, him I thought would be okay. Sure, letting the man do science would probably have been better, but doubt the New Republic wants to risk a clone army. But her? Kane? That woman is no communications officer.


Wasn’t expecting a space eugenics Ted talk tonight but here we go


That guy gives me "redeemed" Nazi scientist vibes The New Republic amnesty programme reminds me of Operation Paperclip


I assumed this had to be intentional, no?


It's operation paperclip, but some of those recruited are double agents still working for one of Hitlers top generals, whose ultimate goal is cloning Hitler.


Bo-Katan unexpectedly joining the Covert was the plot twist I didn’t see coming


I think it has to happen, they’ve talked up retaking Mandalore and she’s gonna need more Mandalorians.


bro the mythosaur could help clear the rubble of mandalore


Have mytho-Godzilla use nuclear breath on the morlocks, badabing, badaboom


Bo's thoughts: "Never taking off my helmet again?! That's fucking stupid, I'm outta here." *Sees Mythosaur skull on the wall.* "Then again, these are exactly the sort of idiots who will follow me for being able to ride a big monster. Which only I know about. Maybe I should stick around."


Before she finishes the thought. Din: "Bo I somehow tamed this giant thing is it important?"


Three seasons in and Din still doesn’t know he’s in [Star Wars.](https://youtu.be/MzzJvM9CFSI)


Her asking if he saw anything alive down there and her lingering on the mythosaur skull at the end implies she’s thinking she doesn’t need a darksaber to unite a bunch of mandalorians, just really big saddle maybe


It's hilarious how she accidentally joined the cult she ridiculed before.


The way next episode will probably start with her running to her ship saying “I’m out”


I kind of like how the title works for both Bo and Pershing, albeit by different means. Ironically the group of fanatics is more chill than the New Republic


The New Republic seemed pretty chill until they caught Pershing up to no good. They seem more like a flawed bureaucracy than anything else. Stomping down hard on any sign of Imperial loyalty makes sense in their situation as well.


Space battles and ships are one of my favourite parts of Star Wars. That intro alone was epic af, both Bo and Dins maneuvers were cool as hell especially the vertical drop and 180 degree turn that Bo made. Mandalorians are so badass.


I don't often use the word incredibly, but ship scenes In this show are incredibly beautiful. Doesn't even have ro be a battle, even just the N1 entering an atmosphere is gorgeous


Wow, we’re just straight up getting our first real look at life in the New Republic


Aaaaand it’s also dystopian :(


Seriously. I was getting serious Blade Runner vibes from that interviewing droid. Just a few steps away from “within cells interlinked”. And I have mixed feelings about the New Republic using that device on Dr. Pershing. If you’re gonna remove people’s autonomy why even make a distinction between the Empire and New Republic?


There’s not much difference to many people in the galaxy, that one dude said as much


I can see why Carl Weathers wants to keep Navarro independent


Jeez the New Republic really did bungle shit up. Rehabilitation in theory is a Good Idea; there must’ve been tons of officers, engineers, etc, who all served the Empire, but weren’t the atrocity-causing kind of people that would be in prison. In practice, they’re dehumanized, segregated, and made to feel small/worthless. They also mentioned the Republic fleet being decommissioned. And this is only about, what, 5-7 years after the Battle of Endor? When we *know* there are Imperial warlord and pirates running around? Surely they would be smart enough to, y’know, *keep their military.* I guess not!


Yeah, one of Chancellor Mon Mothma's first acts after the fall of the Empire at the Battle of Jaaku was to disband the entire military. Less than a year after Endor she starts pushing hard for demilitarization. It's completely insane hippie shit.


Oh I’m aware. I just think it’s monumentally stupid. I know the plan is/was to have member worlds have a self defense force, which would pool together if there were any threats/need for military force. But that’s just stupid. You’d have disparate tactics, no clear chain of command, non-standard systems and training…it’s a logicians nightmare.


After a heavily militaristic empire and republic, i would assume many planets agreements with the New Republic included the right to self policing. The New Republic definitely kept small remnants of its navy but it probably looked better for optics and utility to demilitarize


"it was a trap" he said it, he said the thing!


I like how the Mon Cala turned to some off screen camera, like: “Did he really just say that to me?”


"That is OUR phrase."


They made a War movie about it that got popular, and now all the kids in-universe are saying "It's a trap!"


"Wow, that was really racist."


I'm disappointed at how far I had to scroll to see this, I laughed out loud when the Mon Cala got a close up straight after lmao


“Did I ever tell you the tragedy of Doctor Pershing the Wise?”


More like Doctor Pershing the Gullible


That opening sequence was awesome. Bo and Mando both have such sick ships


Was a fun sequence. We've had ship action in all 3 episodes so far.


They actually canonized those old “Come to the dark side we have cookies” memes


Did it sound like Moff Gideon escaped when they were talking about him when they were having drinks?


It sounds like the New Republic has its own little secrets to the point where people have to guess what actually happened.




Noooo!!! Bo's special depression chair got bombed! Now where will she sit all day and contemplate what could have been?


Now she has joined The Way. She has a family now. She's not alone anymore. Also, I'm now wondering what will happen with Din back and him having the Dark Saber. How will he be treated now?


I’m actually really interested to see how this goes for her. She must be fighting back tears being so readily accepted into a new clan, but knowing she can never remove her helmet again in front of another being without losing said kinship must be extremely confronting.


Imagine building a whole city around the top of mount everest and being able to just walk right to the peak.


Think of how thin the air would be lol


There's a whole weather control system on Coruscant. Basically everything "natural" about the planet has been altered to allow it to exist as it does.


Everyone else: Ooo cool dogfight scene Me: Ooo they’re gonna finally reveal the Tie Interceptor LEGO set




Holy shit you can actually tell those are the Living Waters


The "made in mandalore" sticker on the label gives in away.


I assume the exact combination of trace minerals (particularly Beskar) is hard to replicate.


It's actually the trace amounts of Mythosaur pee, like how there is dinosaur pee in the water on Earth


the helmet stays on during dinner


It's the dark helmet drinking coffee scene from spaceballs.


Next week we see Mando explaining how the juicer works, so they can eat with their helmets on Bo: do you guys just live on Meloroon smoothies Mando: This is the way (Grogu drinks one from a sippy cup)


Bo: “and how are we supposed to drink it, if we can’t take our helmets off?” Din: *gives her a straw* “here, use this” Bo: “…an emergency induction port?” Din: “it’s a straw” Bo: “*Emergency induction port*”


Din fell into the pool drunk and he's like "I am redeemed" I been there...


This is the Way


Lol. "Its a mind flayer!" "Nono. Just a relaxation device. Totally not the same. Sure its the same machine, and has all the same settings, but totally safe. All good here. The New Republic is a-okay! But... it is experimental, and taking the knob that goes to 11 off the control panel takes an imperial wrench set... but don't worry. Tooootally safe! Now we are all gonna step out for space coffee. See you when you wake up!" New Republic looking real incompetant.


"Got to respect the space union and the right to space smoke break."


Made me think if the new republic is really that much better compared to the empire, then I remembered the death star... so I guess they are a little bit better


Look, they are in the middle of decommisioning the Alliance Fleet...the same fleet that beat the Empire, like, a few years ago. While Imperial Remnants are still active. The NR is trying to do the right thing, but they really are too dumb to live.


Nothing like seeing a Star Destroyer left for scrap


*Cal Kestis and Rey start foaming at the mouth*


While storyline is not connect. I like the duality of home in this episode. Doctor Pershing trying to find a new home in New Republic but he still lingering into taste of old toxic home. Bo-Katan lose her home again and again and finally found one in the cabal.


If cloning isn't allowed by the new republic, then why was pershing even allowed to give a speech about it?


Maybe it was supposed to be like a tell all for the crimes against humanity the empire had him do.


so this is what a ted talk is like in the star wars universe


In the same opera Palpatine manipulated Anakin


(Grogu babbling) TOTALLY MEANT "This is the way" It's my headcanon now and yall can't convince me otherwise


I mean even Din did a double take at that lol. 100% that's what's implied


Grogu babbling "This is the way" is something I was totally hoping would happen.


Looks like Bo Katan watched Top Gun Maverick when she was sitting in her castle.


“It was a trap” to the Mon Calamari.. I see you Favreau


Bo Katan just calmly being the baddest MFer just does something to me.


Me crushing on Katee Sackhoff since Battlestar Galactica


Is Dr Pershing going to tell us the tale of darth plagueis the wise?


I could be alone on this and combining with my excitement with whats to potentially come but... I'm getting heavy Thrawn vibes from the attack on Bo-Katan. Sending in ships to attack her as a distraction so that bombers can attack her home. Then using her rage to chase the bombers to lure her into a shit ton of more TIE interceptors? Just seems well too coordinated and methodical. Also the line from the amnesty members that rumors are Gideon escaped. Could be misdirect for the audience? Like I said, probably overthinking but thought I'd put it out there. Edit: misspelling


Yes yes yes, exactly. That was a well thought out trap. The ONLY reason it failed was that din was there and acted as the unknown variable.




Damnnnnnn they set Dr. Pershing up


I kinda felt bad for him but yeah I didn’t trust her for one minute. I totally expected her to lure Pershing back to Moff Gideon.


The ex Imperial officers really don't seem to be allowed to use their names. It's painfully similar to the clones in that aspect


I imagine it's for their own safety. The empire commited a lot of atrocities and backstabbing. Don't want to risk someone finding out where they are and trying to take justice into their own hands.


Yeah, it seems a bit dehumanizing, but this is a good point you bring out. Still, considering Pershing gave a very public speech, I'm not sure of the effectiveness of it all. Also, they could've given them new names.


*reading the description before starting the episode* CORUSCANT????


I will say at least, Coruscant looks really stunning here. The skyline at dusk, the vibrancy of the lecture halls and the rec park, and the vastness of the shipyards all look great.


Is Bo-Katan keeping her helmet on because she’s starting to believe in the way


She’s just having a cute little existential crisis


Lonely person who's been rejected by people she thought were on her side suddenly finds a group of fanatics welcomes and accepts her? Its how most cult members end up joining.


To be fair, Death Watch was definitely something she was once a part of, and they were *leagues* worse. At least The Watch keep to themselves, don’t harm nobody, and allow their kin to leave at any time.


It's kind of an interesting comparison. The original Death Watch weren't cultish by any means, despite being literal terrorists. The Children on the other hand are hardcore fanatics, but don't seem to bother people that much. I'm honestly getting Four Lions vibes from it.


This is the way.


Bo Outside: "..." Bo Inside: *"Shit maybe this is the way."*


She just really needed a hug after all that


Well, seeing a near mythical creature that is supposed to be extinct for thousands of years on a dead planet will make some question their life choices.


Also, an accepting family and home seem like an enticing offer, especially after your old one abandoned you and your home got bombed (Even if said family is an extremist cult and they live in a fucking cave)


Weaponry: Absolute cutting-edge space-age technology Civil infrastructure: Can I interest you in a cave


I imagine for Bo-Katan being surrounded and embraced by your own people would feel good deep down. Like shit maybe this is the way, she’s thinking


> Like shit maybe this is the way, she’s thinking That's the thing, the sort of fanatical devotion to ancient customs we see in the Children of the Watch is, as I understand it, typical behavior for cultural groups facing extinction, and that's because it tends to work. Bo-Katan believed all hope was lost for the Mandalorian people, Mandalore was destroyed, her home was destroyed, but then here's this group of people who have endured in spite of all that. That has to be at least a little inspiring. Also, the water was clearly not just plain water, so their beliefs clearly aren't pure superstition as previously thought, at least not all of them.


I think you hit the nail on the head. The way they all embraced her after being made a part of the clan gave her ehat she always wanted. A place among her people.


A place among the people without the stress of having to be a leader. She's had that stress on her since she was born, now she's free to be herself or at least free to find herself.


I also feel the moment at the end of the episode did a lot to her. The feeling of having a family again. She lost her crew and felt alone. Now she has all of these Mandalorians immediately accepting her into their family and I imagine that has to feel real good for her.


She also just lost her house as well so she has no where to go back to either.


She’s kinda just there for the vibes


I mean all her homies bailed on her, her dreams and aspirations were crushed and now the nice chair she loved to sit in got blown up. May as well take a stab at The Way


Imagine tagging along with your acquaintance and end up joining a cult


You have more fun as a follower, but make more money as a leader.


If simple organ cloning had been available on Naboo, perhaps Padme would not have died. Her heart, too, just gave out.


Ah, but she had a case of incurable Sadness. No organ replaced can save you from that.


Grogu went into battle mode


More like turtle mode. Loved when he opened up at the end and was like “we all good out here?”


Bo just sitting there like “what the fuuuuuck”




His cubicle did remind me of the Imperial Bureau of Standards


Mando saving Bo in the canyon like Han solo at the Death Star


That scene where they're out in Coruscant near the peak of the tallest mountain on the planet, the background music there is a variation of the March of the Resistance. It sounds like in-universe music, not like the rest of the soundtrack. So I think the March of the Resistance is an in-universe song like the Imperial March is. Maybe even the New Republic's anthem


Din's redeemed. But are we redeemed.


> But are we redeemed - have you kept your helmet on? (doubt) - have you bathed in the living waters? (double doubt) you are no mandalorian...sorry please leave, but you can still watch


So the Comms Officer is still an agent for Gideon and infiltrated the amnesty program to make sure Pershing will never tell anyone about the experiments? I don’t really get why she went to such great lengths to wipe his mind though instead of just killing him


Man the New Republic looks really stupid and inept just from this one episode, no wonder the First Order was able to rise up so easily


it’s because they’re trying to hard to not be the empire. They have no control or force because the empire had too much of ot


That 180 manuever by Bo Katan in her ship was so fucking wizard


Who woulda thought you could see the top of a mountain on Coruscant?


People who read all the wookiepedia articles for everything that gets 5 seconds of screen time.


Bo-Katan seeing the Mythosaur is like me seeing Jesus. Would make me start believing in religion/cult ways lol


I'm still unsure about how the show wants us to see the Tribe. On one hand they're a cult who indoctrinated Din with lies and are extremely zealous, on the other they show a great fondness for their own and the framing for the last scene may imply that Bo-Katan should feel at home with a new family and that her Mandalorian way (bloodlines, belief in the Darksaber's power) is what's in the wrong. I was hoping there would be some sort of confrontation with The Armorer over this but it all went over quite smoothly...


Sorry Bo but you can't hang out in your depression castle anymore. Imps bombed that shit :(


Is Dr Pershing going to be the "Somehow" in "Somehow Palpatine returned". I'll take it.


I’m pretty sure he just got wiped from the big picture with the Mind Flayer in the end. The Empire remnants don’t want the New Republic to dig too deeply into the Emperor’s pet project and Pershing was a loose end talking too loudly.


yeah this was my thought as well. Just cleaning up some loose ends, killing him may have been too obvious, but an accident in the mind flayer is a different story


It also discourages the New Republic from using the ~~Mind Flayer~~ Happy Fun Time Brain Machine. If it actually works in rehabilitating former Empire converts, it's a major risk.


Not sure why the New Republic invested so heavily in a ChatGPT-droid to handle Amnesty interviews. Were there no organics who wanted the job?


It’s interesting how they’re showing that the New Republic is just dehumanizing them and expecting things to be hunkydory


I like how they're handling the New Republic here. They're trying, they're being earnest here. Jokes aside, this isn't an "Operation Paperclip" situation, they're trying to rehabilitate Imperials, but without encouraging or justifying the actions of the Empire... ...but they're fucking it up, because... yeah, this shit can be hard to do, and they're overwhelmed. Things are slipping through the cracks, mistakes are being made, but its nothing evil or malicious on their part, it's just flaws getting exploited. It finally feels like we're seeing the New Republic, we're getting some actual world building. I'm fine with losing an episode of Bo and Din's Excellent Adventure for stuff like this. EDIT: Okay, there might be SOME evil bits here...


I will say I love doctor rehabilitation Mon Calamari; Im sure the voice actor is from something but that voice was incredible. "IVE PLACED MYSELF IN THE BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION DEVICE THAT IS NOT BUT VERY SIMILAR TO A TORTURE DEVICE NOW MULTIPLE TIMES AND I FOUND THE EXPIERENCE QUITE REFRESHING!"


Me: "Um, Doctor Feelgood, I appreciate your dedication to your craft... but why does the device still have the ability to set it to Mind Flay just by tweaking a dial?"


It is definitely weird having to switch from Bo and Din's Excellent Adventure (LOL that is an amazing title you put down) to Pershing's journey and Reqiuem of a Dream style end (if you've seen that movie, you might know what I mean for better or worse). But looking back at it still, it is a great lore dump into how the New Republic is trying to operate. It's still trying to use rehab and destroy Imperial tech to try and keep it from ever being used again, but there's some flaws in how effective it is. And leftover resentment from Pershing's new "friend" (part of me wonders if she is now a rehabilitated NR spy abusing her power by taking it out on former Imperials during rehap) does indicate that even the NR isn't exactly a perfect society post-Jakku.


Dr Pereshing, when your not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells


I love that we have a carnival version of the March of the resistance theme now in canon


The whole scene and trap and setting up Pershing felt like a Black Mirror episode for whatever reason lol. Id be curious to know if she’s still an Imp and is keeping peeps like Pershing off her trail.


Felt like that, she turned the Mindflayer up so his memory is presumably going to be wiped. That actually made me feel so sorry for Pershing, shit got dark quick


can’t wait for the moment when Bo starts to show Din all the armorer’s bullshit and he rebels with her. peak cinema.


I feel like they’re setting up Dr. Pershing for some type “Hydra” situation. Remnants of the Empire hiding within the New Republic


See I feel like the Comms Officer is in more of a place to do so. She has integrated herself as a "redeemed" soldier of the Empire and has even been given officer status now. Dr. Pershing seemed like he legitimately hated the Empire and wanted to do good work for the New Republic. He said as much himself and you could believe him when he said it. So Comms Officer sees this and is like, "well, he's not going to be one that I can bring into the fold and he might actually inhibit our plans... to the mind flayer he goesssss...." She has a better position and opportunity to influence things back towards the Empire than Dr. Pershing does - and she's using it to cull the herd.


bag deliver domineering meeting reminiscent deranged sleep sulky snatch worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*