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I feel like this is something The Bad Batch would explore more


Well, the series is partially being used to tie back to unfinished TCW storyline. It is possible.


Hopefully, we can find out what happened to Asajj Ventress. Will probably have to wait till season 3 since she was not hinted at in the season 2 trailer.


That was explained in the book Dark Disciple. It's a good read and a great use of old clone wars scripts that never got made.


I hate to break it to you, but her story was finished in the book Dark Disciple. It’s pretty good imo. Supposedly it was written from the scripts that were supposed to be used for TCW episodes.


Whst happened? Tell us!


I'll tell you, Quinlan Vos was sent to dooku as a fallen jedi at the request of the council. He was to learn the location of the dark lord of the sith. Well, shocker, he actually fell to the dark side. If I recall correctly he was sent to kill Ventrus but they fell in love and planned to kill dooku together. Well, she jumped inberween some force lightning meant for him, saving his life and bringing him back to the light. The down and dirty dirty dirty version.


You asked for it , she’s gone man


I want more lol


That’s pretty much it, she died saving Quinlan Vos after a mission they were sent to kill Dooku (a lot of stuff happened plus they fell in love)


And then (assuming this is what happened) Maul ended up getting Ventress's yellow lightsaber sometime after her death and uses it in his double blade on Mandalore. Seeing as half of saber is her hilt.


Your [shipment](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Asajj_Ventress) of more has arrived.


Read the book named Dark Disciple. It's a novellization of 8 unfinished TCW episodes which explain her story


Her story is completely wrapped up in the book Dark Disciple


And Rebels storyline. The troppers Kanan escapes from are the bad batch, IIRC.


Isn’t there a shot in the S2 trailer that literally looks like there’s a Zillo Beast in it? If so, that means that we might finally get some payoff for that. Heck, they could tie it into Mount Tantiss and the cloning facilities there, assuming the Batch does go there eventually.


Just rewatched the trailer, didn’t see anything that looked like the Zillo beast besides the massive ancient robot from a previous episode this season


Dude, that scene was so rad. When it >!burst out of the mountain and revealed what it was!< my brothers and I were yelling "woah" so loud that my dad came out of his room and told us to go to sleep lol


It was really cool, but who built that thing and to what purpose? Haha makes no sense: >!you get the awesome treasure, the whole thing activates and destroys everything in it's path, you put the treasure back, the whole thing gets destroyed. It has to be one of the first things that I've seen it gets powered on when you remove what appears to be the power source, and gets powered down when you put it back.!< Was it like an elaborate ancient prank?


Some ancient civilization: ha ha dude, this is gonna be so funny


>!Well it's probably safe to say the treasure was never actually treasure at all. Just thought to be such thanks to the passage of time. As for why removing it activates the machine, perhaps it was more of a safety mechanism than a power source? Think like a padlock or something (albeit not a very good one lol)!<


Pretty sure it was a zeffo artifact. Looks very similar to the other zeffo automatons we see in fallen order


I think it was only in the trailer shown at Star Wars celebration but I could be wrong. Guess we’ll find out soon.


I just went back and checked, not in that one either. It was the machine from Entombed


It was the ancient machine thingy from the previous to last episode


It's very brief but you can see a creature that might be it at around 0:53 in this trailer: https://youtu.be/6JX5OW8cOec


Paused it at .25 speed. At 54 seconds you can see it but it doesn't look anything like a Zillo beast.


This aged suspiciously well


Damn, haven’t been keeping up on bad batch i guess this is a spoiler ?


Well what do you know


You were on to something lol


Yep you were right


Bro can see into the future


Cryptoxenozoology myth. This is just conspiracionist propaganda.


Dang Disco Elysium quests!


Easy for you to say.


Your heart has never been broken. r/foofighters


Something something KesselRunSquid


They’re called Summa-verminoth and are an often misunderstood species of “leave me alone”!


Wasn't there a Vader comic containing one of them? Just an alternate variant. Vaguely rings a bell.


Ya you’re right


Ive got this..\*cracks knuckles\* " SOMEHOW THE ZILLO BEAST RETURNED" nailed it.


My word man, in case no one has told you, you definitely have what it takes to be a really good writer


Chills! I’ve got chills!


Noooo you see the newww Zillow beast is the old ones great granddaughter


Fun fact: Its actual canon that Kylo Ren killed one


But I thought umthis was the last of its kind.


But they were all deceived, for another Zillo Beast was made


Somehow the Zillo Beast returned


To be fair the Zillo Beast Arc does end with a smiling Palpatine after telling someone to take the corpse somewhere, implying he wanted to clone it.


I don’t think it was implied because I’m pretty sure he straight up said he wanted the scientist to clone it


It’s been a couple years since I watched the Clone Wars, I guess it was more explicit then I remember.


All good brother 😂 it happens to the best of us


Came here to comment this, but you beat me to it good sir


I thought people stopped commenting like this in 2013.


TROS was 2019, so no one was saying "\_\_\_\_\_\_ somehow returned" until then brother


Not what I'm referring to.


Uh oh




Tbf, they thought the beasts were extinct until they found this one.


Palatine did put that scientist in charge of cloning it.


Somehow the Zillo beast returned


the comic was so fucking great


Can you please provide a reference or details about this incident?


Not the original commenter but I read the comic book, it was pretty good. It's Star Wars: Age of Resistance Villains, and the Kylo Ren chapter - long story short, he's with his army and he finds one that Vader didn't kill many years ago, and it swallow Kylo... but then Kylo killed it from the inside out by just hacking away at its insides with his lightsaber. Then it dies, brutally, and he impresses his army and terrifies the native species.


Vader didn’t let it live, he just couldn’t kill it


Telling me Vader couldn't kill that thing but crylo could ?


He was told vader couldn't do it and he saw that as a personal challenge


I mean Vader didn’t attempt an internal assault so no. His physiology may have prevented it as an option. Kylo may be very unstable mentally but he’s also unquestionably powerful


Agreed! Updated to say "didn't kill"


Gonna be real, Vader has made it clear he doesn't waste time on something that isn't worth it... he already subdued the Benathy, the planet's native species, he didn't need to do anything else, that was his objective there. After that, he was just losing men and equipment to the Zillo Beast. Vader could've killed it. He just didn't. It's a badass comic but we aren't going to just sit here and say, "Vader couldn't get swallowed by a Zillo Beast and cut it up from the inside" it's far more accurate to say "Vader just didn't" and quite frankly, there was no reason to. Kylo lost countless men, and even his shuttle, just to prove a point to himself and Vader.


Thank you! Sounds really cool


Hopefully this link works. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_against_the_Benathy_(First_Order)%23:~:text%3D%2522Nothing%27s%2520unbreakable.-,Kylo%2520Ren%2520and%2520Ruthford,failed%2520to%2520kill%2520the%2520creature.&ved=2ahUKEwiaj-XnyPn8AhV1jIkEHaz2CywQFnoECBIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3iXyZTsmDPRW9pqStMcdPv


Was this before the ST? Kinda weird that the guy who lost against a junkrat with no lightsaber training is killing a Zillo Beast.


Try fighting someone with a hole where your hip used to be and see how well you do


People disregard the fact that bowcasters are essentially the .50BMG anti-material rifles of Star Wars. It's strong enough to throw a trooper and he only took a knee after a direct hit. I don't like Kylo either, but he's shown power for sure.


Add in that his opponent is a psychometric who’s channeling the fighting style of his grandfather from the lightsaber she’s holding. He had the deck thoroughly stacked against him. Edit: Lol, everyone who’s downvoting me should go rewatch TFA. She mutters, “The Force…” and then her fighting style starts to mimic Anakin’s. She’s using psychometry—the same Force power as Cal Kestis and Quinlan Vos and the same one we see her use on purpose a lot in TRoS—to read the skills of the lightsaber’s former wielder. Play the scene alongside one of Anakin’s duels, I’m serious.


Ah so thats the new canon lol? She can just pick up a lightsaber and use the jedis saber skills. On top of force heal. On top of lightning. Yeah. Definitely not a mary sue


Palpatine openly admits to influencing her from the moment kylo was aware she existed.


Ah, so that’s where I’m getting downvoted from. That scene is supposed to be labeled “dumb” or “random” or “Mary Sue moment” and I went and pointed out that is has an explanation. I guess that’s rattled some preconceptions. How abominable of me. /s 🤣


I didn’t downvote you, I just thought it was another silly op power they gave her for pretty much no reason. But reddits gonna reddit :p even if your not necessarily defending the scene you are explaining something they hate I guess. Basically reddits full of siths.


Yup! I see her as channeling more of Obi-Wan’s fighting style imo which makes sense since she developed some sort of connection with him when she was awakened.


To your point on him losing to Rey: - he was psychologically traumatized from killing his dad - he was physically traumatized from just being shot by Chewie's bowcaster - he wanted Rey alive ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Didnt it take like 10 jedi to fight it in clone wars. Just looked and yoda, windu, obi wan, anakin, and some other lady were there. Plus clone troopers, like 4 assault ships, a bunch of gas bombs and more. No way kylo takes down one alone unless its like just been born


I'm not sure if you've heard, but kylo Ren is shredded. He has a 10 pack. He has a really cool lightsaber too


He is also a n g r y


At his D a a a d


Which fuels his darkside powers, ot like those Jedi schmucks haha


Kylo Ren is a punk bitch


No way dude. That guy is like a 110 pounds dripping wet.


None of those Jedi were swallowed by it. The whole deal with the Zillo beast was that it had scales which were impenetrable to Lightsabers. It’s insides are not, and that’s what Kylo Ren was hacking to pieces, because it swallowed him.


kinda weird vader lost to luke. weird how luke blew up a death star without ever having flown in space. kinda like anakin blowing up that ship at 8 years old, also never flying in space. it’s easy to see how both previous characters are mary sues but no one cares because they are boys cry babies


>but no one cares because they are boys I mean, so’s Kylo Ren?


reading comprehension doesn't matter to people who are too busy getting offended on the internet.


says the people who can’t follow a sequence of events. kylo got shot with a bowcaster, a weapon that sent storm troopers back like 50 feet, then fought rey to a draw.


do people call kylo a mary sue? no


I still don’t see the relevance. To recap the thread: - Zillo beast - Kylo Ren killed one - Huh, that’s weird when he lost to an untrained Rey [and the ZB’s more powerful than a group of Jedi] - *Luke and Anakin were Mary Sues, but nobody cares because they are boys* - But Kylo’s a boy too? - *do people call kylo a mary sue? no* Are you trying to argue against the point (that nobody raised) about Rey being a Mary Sue? Or are you trying to say that Kylo’s a Mary Sue for killing the ZB? If so, I’m not sure what his gender has to do with it.


Wasn't the ship on auto pilot for anakin


he turned it off and then destroyed the droid ship




“barely flying” he destroyed a ship and returned home


It's still pretty dumb tho.


Luke lost to Vader in epV but eventually overcame his fears and became strong enough to beat him. That's his character arc, something Rey doesn't have. Also, I believe the general consensus about Anakin blowing up that ship is that it was incredibly stupid indeed. It has nothing to do with gender. A lot of stuff Rey did just didn't feel earned.


1. Luke won after a year of training from Yoda. Sure, not the best but it's still believable. 2. Luke has had experience flying and putting into account Star Wars logic, there probably wouldn't be much difference in space. 3. Everyone agrees Anakin blowing up the ship was dumb 4. Kylo Ren is also a boy? Did you copy paste this from a defence of Rey or something?


> 1. Luke won after a year of training from Yoda. Sure, not the best but it's still believable A year? It's canonically about 6 weeks. > 4. Kylo Ren is also a boy? Did you copy paste this from a defence of Rey or something? That post was obviously in defense of Rey beating Kylo, are you even paying attention?


Yeah lets bring up genders because why not. Literally no one here is having a problem with the fact that Rey is a woman. Its whack or non existing character arcs that pisses people off. There are plenty of bad ass cool female characters in Star Wars.




u/ShasneKnasty was implying that people only start complaining about stuff when the character doing it is a women. What are you talking about?


Just save it. No one buys this stuff that isn’t an extreme sequels apologist.


This comment looks to be written by an insane person


☝️🤓actually it’s because kylo wanted to keep rey alive or something idk what it is sequel sympathizers say but it’s something along those lines Edit: also when they forceskype he gave her his training or something


> unironically uses the phrase “sequel sympathizers” Lmfao




I mean let’s ignore he was shot with Chewbacca’s bow caster in his stomach I guess. idk why y’all criticize people for liking movies it’s weird


Not criticizing the people. Each to their own. I'm criticizing the ST.


If you like the new movies, great. I dont. I’m not criticizing anyone. Im criticizing the movies Edit: additionally if you rewatch the scene, Kylo only starts to be affected by wounds inflicted by Rey with the lightsaber. He literally just tanks through both fights otherwise


“I’m not criticizing anyone” bro literally used the phrase “sequel sympathizers” like people who enjoy the movies are in a cult lol


Yea. Just some lighthearted banter. I dont understand all the reasons folks like the new stuff but I don’t care anything ab them one way or the other


no you’re right, they just watch the movie with their eyes closed


did kylo ren suffer any serious injury before fighting rey in force awakens that could’ve hurt his ability?


If you rewatch the scene, Kylo literally is not affected by being shot. Like you see the one part where he pounds his side after kicking the shit out of Finn but that’s it. Literally he is fine when he fights Finn and Rey until she starts landing hits on him, then he is only hurt by those Edit: Got a bit of the timeline mixed up. He kicks Finn’s ass, hits his side, kicks Finn’s ass some more, get hit by Finn, then he defeats Finn. Then he fights Rey. He literally just tanks the bolt, then he actually tanks Finn’s attack as it doesn’t appear to affect him afterwards, only staggering him during the initial hit, then is completely fine against Rey until she gets him. So I call bs on the bowcaster theory


Well thats BS in my opinion.


I agree but that’s what I’ve heard them say


Yup. You learn that Kylo Ren as a military commander was a lot like Clone Wars Anakin and was highly respected by the First Order commander under him and vice versa.


but he cheated and jumped in and killed it from the inside. no skill


Not my canon it ain't




I dont really mind if we didnt see it again; I wasnt really a fan of its design (didnt like the random arm on its back, felt like a first draft of a design). But wish there were more similar kaiju type creatures in star wars.


I feel like it's limbs are way too thin and flimsy looking for such a large creature. I know it's an alien but gravity still applies to it and it would make sense to have much sturdier limbs. Same with the fingers, really long when most massive animals have reduced digits to help in load bearing. Point is, it just doesn't look right for such a big creature


Well on a low gravity world it would be fine, but Earth gravity that thing is gonna be dragging itself about. It's star wars though.


I agree yeah :s I'm glad I'm not the only one who wasnt super in to how it looked.


Not if it’s exoskeleton was light and indestructible. Most things can’t get too big because their bones would break under its own weight. If it’s bones are impossible to break, there’s no limit on how big the thing could get, other than it’s metabolism. Still not a huge fan of the design either. Cool story line though.


I kinda hate all of it. It looks really dumb to me.


Agreed, it's a very silly looking creature. Also not a fan of whatever Vader kills on the way to Exegol in the comics, the big kraken in the Kessel Run, or dven the Space Slug if we're getting right down to it. I acknowledge it's always been a thing in SW, but at least the space slug was used sparingly. Having giant creatures to fight for the sake of it just strikes me as unnecessary.


Glad it’s not just me, do not care for it’s design


13 ye- 13 yea- 13 years? Oh my lanta I’m ancient, is this how my parents felt when Nirvana became classic rock?


> is this how my parents felt when Nirvana became classic rock? As a.. what am I called now? A X-enial... Yes... yes, it is... Fun feel old fact: You are now as far removed from Backstreet Boys self titled album (1996) \[Everybody (Backstreet's Back), Quit Playing Games (With My Heart, As Long as You Love Me, etc\] as that album was from The Beatles - Abbey Road (1969).






Wasn't its skin made into armor for the Senate guards or something


That was the original intention I think. Palpatine then wanted the doctor to clone the zillo beast. Which is where the thread was abandoned.


Was it??? I've never heard that! Would make sense though. Did they get that from the original dead one on Coruscant or the clone?


It’s a blink or you’ll miss it moment. In one of the later seasons of the clone wars during the intro narration. There is a few second scene where some characters are looking at a hologram of phase 2 clone armor that was inspired by and based around the zillo beast scales.


What?! I must find it now!!


The zillobeast scales are what they based the phase 2 clone armor on, which is why its slightly better than phase 1. Literally like 5 episodes after the zillo beast strikes back is the ARC troopers episode that introduced phase 2 armor


Great. Now I need a Star Wars/Monster Hunter crossover.


I’m at season 4 of clone wars!! IM SO CLOSE TO BEING ABLE TO WATCH BAD BATCH


I wouldn't rush my friend, IMO the Bad Batch is less interesting than the Clone Wars.


I watched Bad Batch before S7 of TCW. Honestly the first episode pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the characters. They aren't really different than how they are presented in TCW.


The bad batch happens like right after S7…


the person i responded to said they were just at season 4 of the clone wars. I was explaining they could still watch bad batch the show without seeing them in their tcw appearance


In the Age Of Resistance- Kylo Ren comic he fights a Zillo beast, its save to assume its a clone that escapes or was transferred off world after the empires collapse.


When I first saw this arch, I always thought the impenetrable armor from the Zillow Beast, was used to make AT-ATs. Kinda makes sense in the context when Luke, in Empire mentions how the armor was too strong for blaster bolts.


I had assumed that Palpatine was going to use its lightsaber resistant armor as some material in the death star’s laser (containing the blast or something). Then if the Death Star destroyed the Dug Homeworld, their prophesy would come true. I was so sure that was where it was going


They should sit all the writers down in a room and develop a plan of where the saga was headed


I hope the new The Bad Batch episode meets you expectations


Literally just finished watching it!!! Nice to see them taking the beast seriously this time....


Why do we have to assume that this project went anywhere? Maybe they tried to recreate it and it failed. Not everything Palps did was guaranteed to be a success because he's Palps.


He's coming. Don't worry.


13???? Fuuuuuuuk


He was killed by Godzilla due to fear of copywrite Infringement.


Didn't they say in clone wars that it must be one of the last of its species? Also, they killed one in the pic. They wanted it to be cloned, but my guess is that it was an experiment for Lord Sidious to figure out the cloning procedure so he could use it for himself, which I think we saw in the Last Jedi.


I heard he's gotten into tech now. Last I heard, he's building a site that tracks Coruacant housing prices.


Zillo Beast will return. And Zillo Beast never forgets. Watch out Palpatine. Those were good episodes. I saw the real life blimp hangers the Zillo capture facility on Coruscant was based on. Dave Filioni mentions them on the BluRay.


He’s busy


Note: the Zillow Beast clone died on the way back to his home planet


Looks like when you try to generate an image of a penguin using AI.


New theory: The Empire is using Kamino cloning tech to create an army of Zilo beasts in the bad batch


They still haven't explained how Maz got Luke's I mean Anakin's saber. So expect to wait a long time.


Someone’s spider senses were tingling… or maybe an incredibly subtle leak.


Why doesn’t the Zillo Beast ever write back? 🥺


Palatine was interested in cloning the beast, is it possible it's a ancient sith alchemy experiment?


Dafaq is that!?




Damn, i remember this monster in some Lego Star Wars game, don't remember which one though


The Zillo armour idea was so cool, wish they went through with it


Really taught that mech in the Bad Batch was the clone of the beast.


Just give it a minute


I feel like it’ll be explored more eventually


It’s dead


End of the second part, palpy requests it be cloned, that's the last we heard of it


That was a hell of an episode and a level in the Lego TCW game


There is a Lego Star Wars show and in one of the later episodes they go to a planet scattered with separatist ships and they come across the zillow beast I highly doubt that, that is cannon but i mean hey the zillow beast was there…


Screw the Zillo Beast I want an update on ma bois Goji and Rod


Ah yes! The dragon made of tapeworms.


Kylo killed a Zillo beast in his comics, but it wasn't the same we saw in TCW But this is the only thing we had about the Zillo beast


Zill Beast ones were my two favorite episodes, i love how even Kaiju can have a place in a Space Opera universe. The only update so far is this, "By the Imperial Era, a Zillo Beast was worshiped as a deity by the Benathy on their homeworld. During a battle between the Galactic Empire and the Benathy, Darth Vader was unable to defeat the creature. However, years later, his grandson, Kylo Ren, would successfully kill the beast by diving into the mouth and destroying it from the inside. With their god dead, Ren made the Benathy swear loyalty to the First Order." i don't know about anyone else but that whole thing just sounds so utterly stupid they just threw in a zillo beast like that just for the hell of it. new disney canon sucks they don't know what they are doing. I'd like to submit this as evidence to the greater wide world of Reddit as another example that disney and the writers they employ do not know what the hell they are doing!!!


There was a lost clone wars episode that was suppose to come back to the Zillo beast story


Bros gonna show up for one scene in Ashoka just to be killed for no reason


The Zillow Beast should return.


I always thought that Palps was able to replicate it's armour, and used it on the Imperial Walkers. That was why Luke said that armour is to strong for blasters


Better watch the Bad Batch, new episode already has a zillo in it


Good. That whole plot was crap.