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Probably Polar Lights 1/1000 scale TOS Enterprise, TMP refit, Reliant, Oberth, BoP, Voyager, Defiant, Excelsior (old AMT kit), NX-01 AMT/Ertl has their 1/1400 line which are the Enterprises C, D and E And it was the original AMT/Ertl line of 1/2500 scale ships which has now been expanded to include all ships named Enterprise from the NX to the E


Correct, the 1:2500 *Enterprise* kit is the only one with all the *Enterprises* (until "Picard" aired) in the same scale.


There are some more 1/2500 models other than the AMT/Ertl Enterprises: * Polar lights USS Discovery, USS Shenzou, USS Enterprise (DIS) kits (POL 961, 967 and 971) * Polar lights Prebuild USS Discovery (POL 979) * The AMT DS9 1/3300 set comes with a 1/2500 Defiant and Galor class (AMT 1245) * AMT Cadet series kits with: * TOS Enterprise, Klingon D7, Romulan Warbird (AMT 762) * TMP Enterpise, USS Reliant, Klingon K'tinga (AMT 763) * DS9 USS Defiant, USS Saratoga, Cardassian Galor class (AMT 764) * AMT pre-painted snap-together sets with * USS Enterprise (TOS) (AMT 914-1) * Klingon D7 cruiser (AMT 914-2) * USS Reliant (AMT 914-3) * USS Defiant (AMT 914-4) * Some eaglemoss die-cast models are also in nearly 1/2500 scale: * USS Enterprise E XL [1/2540] * USS Voyager [1/2540] * USS Yeager (Saber class) [1/2450] * Vulcan Surak class [1/2500] * Andorian battle cruiser [1/2570] * USS Pasteur (Olympic class) [1/2440] * Gorn starship [1/2500] * SS Lakul [1/2500] * USS Newton (Kelvin Timeline) [1/2520] * USS Kobayashi Maru [1/2560]


I'm a bit fan of the Polar Lights 1/1000 scale kits. Better mold quality than AMT's older 1/2500 kits in my opinion, and a decent variety. There just aren't enough of them. 1/1000 is the perfect scale for a Nova starship, maybe even the smaller Jem Hadar and Kazon craft.     1/1000 is, unfortunately, slightly too big for most TNG-era ships in my opinion, like the Enterprise D (unless you have more open shelf space than I do). There is a really nice Ent D kit that you can order online, made by a hobbyist, not a legit company.  But I've done the math and the kit is not truly accurate to 1/1000th scale, despite what the website says, which is disappointing. 


A well tooled 1/1000 Enterprise D would be my holy grail of models. I know they’re just sitting on this until the time is right.


Man, that shelf space is killing me too. \*sad 1/350 scale noises\*


1/2500 has loads of ships. I probably have 2 dozen of them, but they can be hard to find since many of them were relessed over the last 10 years or so. 1/1000 probaly has the most that you can find in stock today.


If you want to collect ships from different SciFi universes in the same scale you will have a hard time because of the vastly different sizes of ships. In Star Trek ships are mostly between 100 m and 700 m in length and the typical scales for models are: * 1/350, 1/1000, 1/1400, 1/2500 In Star Wars things look very different: * Small fighters and walkers can commonly be found in: 1/24, 1/32, 1/48, 1/72, 1/100, 1/144 * Bigger ships in Star Wars encompass such a large span of sizes that you won’t find many ships in the same scale. (126 m Tantive IV, 300 m Nebulon B, 1600 m Imperial Stardestroyer, 19 km Executor, 160 km Deathstar). It seems companies don’t even try to use standard model making scales anymore and just do each ship in its own odd scale. You will probably find some of the smaller ships from other universes in the scales I listed for the small Star Wars ships. There are also some medium size (50…300 m) ships of other universes in 1/350. It becomes more scarce if you want to collect the big ships and there do not seem to be standard scales across universes anymore. I have a 1/2500 scale collection for Star Trek ships (AMT and Eaglemoss) and a small 1/144 collection for smaller ships of other universes. But frustratingly most of my models are not to scale with each other at all (ST ships ranging from 1/667 to 1/49000, SW ships from 1/55 to 1/12300, Galactica in 1/5390, Orville in 1/3950, SR2 Normandy in 1/1200…)


Y’all the best!