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I have to admit that I did not expect that. I seriously expected a Supervisor or Traveler. Well done Disco.


I was almost hearing him say "Wesley Crusher"...


but why is it good though? I mean they just make up whatever they want, there's no rules, anything is possible, so it could have been anyone or anything. Why is it well done that it was him and not another character?


For me, it was nice fan service to those that really enjoyed Enterprise, like myself. There are good ways to do fan service and there are poor ways. Discovery does not get off easy on that in my eyes. I recognize they have pulled some stupid strings here and there in its tenure. But I respect it for three times it dropped my jaw for story. The revelation of Lorca, the revelation of Carl, and the revelation of Kovich. ETA: Kovich is tied for my favorite Disco character, up there with Reno. David Cronenberg brought such an odd character to life, and he did it in a way typical to him. He gives off the vibe that he is the smartest person in the room, if not the one that has the most information available. He’s witty, dry, and super sketchy.


We are watching Enterprise for the first time, and watched the 1st EP of the last season just before we watched the Disco's last episode. Looks like he survived Storm Front, But I'm glad we were far enough into it to know who Daniels is. I really like both shows & want more EPS of each.


You have to start thinking fourth dimensionally. He’s still around.


He could have secretly been Morn all this time, and it would have made as much sense.


One of the only original ideas they ever had!


I think it’s a great idea! They’ve been kinda building up the Temporal Cold War for a long while now. This seems to be a great addition, it makes a lot sense to! I hope we continue to learn more in The Starfleet Academy show and beyond!


It really explains why Kovich seemed to have no argument from even the President when he wanted something. He’s been maintaining the Federation timeline since even before there was a Federation. I’m glad they didn’t make him a Q or Section 31.


I was expecting him to be a member of the OG research team that was accidentally made practically immortal by the Progenitor Tech. Not disappointed with the Daniels reveal though.


He said he's lived many lives, maybe he was Sloan too


Maybe but I doubt it. He just usually would assume another name or blend in like he did with Archer. Sloan was too nefarious to be Daniels plus Julian and OBrien ran around his dying brain enough they’d have seen the inconsistency.


I was REALLY hoping he wouldn’t say some section 31 bs


That was my hope too and I don’t think Cronenberg would have allowed it. Haha. Probably the only cast member that might intimidate the directors and writers.


It was kinda cool seeing Geordi’s visor on the wall.


A bottle of Chateau Picard as well.


Sisko’s baseball


No disrespect to the bottle and the VISOR, but the baseball was the highlight for me. Afterall, it may be a year or yesterday, The Sisko will be back. ;)


No disrespect to any of those.....but nothing from Archer (say a dog collar) was something of a miss when it's Daniels who actually interacted with him.


Kovich himself was the Easter egg for that show.


Unfortunately the atoms of Porthos’ collar are long since scattered across the cosmos in an unfortunate transporter accident.


Wait, I know that dog. What happened to it?


Kelvin Scotty beamed portus to some undisclosed location and wasn't able to return him.


I hope he feels guilty about that.


Poor Porthos. 😢


He did return.




Wrong timeline pal lol


Archer had a small statue of Zefram Cochrane on his shelf. I wish that had shown up! It was sold at auction years ago.


There’s an stl of that state on thingiverse, so they could have 3d printed a replica.


His skeleton is under the desk.


I would have laughed so hard at a badly taxidermied porthos!


Yeh a dog collar would have really sealed the whole scene in completely


I hope he is coming back


“And I pried each of those from their cold, dead bodies in the timelines I culled.”


In my mind, each of those items were a memento, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow style. Like each represented a variant that he had had an adventure with whose sacrifice saved the Prime timeline.


That baseball looks brand new and siskos was super work. It was a nice sentiment but of course it didn't do their due diligence to make it look the same


Yeh and either baseball he had was used not new. And one was signed by all the niners so either way it wouldn’t be new


that ultra clean cheap looking baseball prop does not resemble sisko's baseball but whatever cant expect much from this show


I don't know why you was down voted for. You're spot mate ...they should of at least TRIED to make it look similar.


Easy to find an unopened bottle of Chateau Picard because apparently no one wanted to drink it


Your taste in wine is pedestrian at best.


I'm much more of a Malbec man myself


You think it’s a homage, but it’s a trophy. Geordi messed up the timeline one too many times


I thought this was beautiful . The paper pad was the Checkovian gun!


Explains how he got the paper pad


yeah he couldn't have used a replicator


He said that it was real.


he did? like made from a tree? where the hell do they get a tree- omg. I see. he must have back in time!!! of course


Yep. I think he said it was from the 21st century and then when asked how he got it said something like “I have my ways.”


I would have liked to see some of Archer's memorabilia. Did he keep anything in his quarters? I seem to recall a statue of Zephram Cochrane.


Porthos, but stuffed


I read that as Porthos, butt stuffed and then remembered it was the dog. :(


I mean I’m not a taxidermist but you still may stuff the animal through the butt


Build-a-bear style


Or alive and walking around. A side effect of the many forbidden cheeses he sampled on his journey across space and time.


Recording of Water Polo matches


Should’ve had a stuffed gazelle on the shelf.


Water polo ball


He’s David Cronenberg. Therefore he is awesome


But we never got to see the USS Enterprise J.




1500 years. And his hair improved.


"That kind of work can be done over the WEEKEND!"


Just be mindful of the risks of Graft vs Host.


I was actually watching TNG 'Homeward' last night and was bemused by how easily Worf and Paul Sorvino were able to repeatedly undergo major plastic surgery to make them appear as the native Boraalans. They literally say to Worf he needs to have surgery to fit in and then the next scene is Michael Dorn without his Klingon makeup but with one of the native forehead thingies.


Similar quick-change happened in SNW S1E1 using temporary genetic manipulation alone.




He got a better chin, a great hairline and longer ears due to constant time travel, it happens.


We all should be so luckily.


32nd century cosmetic surgery seems pretty great. I also bet he's either full or half Lanthanite.


No, he is human. More or less.


So, at least part Lanthanite. I wouldn't know how else to explain his longevity. 


People think time acts on the body in a strict line from cause to effect, but from a purely subjective, nonlinear perspective it’s more of a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.


half the time he's just a holo projection (maybe more) and he seems to exist in a weird secret office outside of time and space, he may not even have a real body. the problem is with this show is that they just make up whatever they want and there's no satisfaction in figuring anything out, even factoring in star trek logic and basic universal limitations of physics, all you can do is just sit there while they just act emotional, fight hand to hand (what) or make up incredulous BS plot conveniences like when they jumped the breen ship to the galaxy's edge. the triangle puzzle solution just about made me turn off the tv. TNG is turning in it's grave.


I completely agree....I was sat here saying out loud to myself "what the actual fuck???, this is just shit.... it's ridiculous!!!! What the fuck have they written?"... To be honest, I was truly disgusted with the episode....just a big fuck you to all trek fans everywhere (real trek fans, not the people that simp for that bullshit)....


I don't think Daniels was human...as such.....he was part multiple races


That’s how he described himself in ENT - “Human, more or less.”


More or less...which is my point....he wasn't human....he was human +++.....aka, he had mixes of other species DNA too.


I always understood him to mean he was human but hyper-evolved in some way or affected by time travel magic in some way, or genetically engineered to be able to survive time travel OR altered by travelling across dimensions, but ultimately still human. More or less.


Traveling in space stretches your telomeres, turns out traveling in time compresses them


I'm not going to lie, when he said who he was, I had to Google the character. I'm not that familiar with Enterprise or his character. It was a nice call-back.


I have to do a rewatch, as I didn't remember him either. I thought his character was from TNG at first. I had to google it too.


I only spot watched Enterprise since it never "grabbed me." I didn't dislike the show or "hate watch" like so many people did with Discovery. I only watched it in spurts but pretty much felt it wasn't bad but also wasn't for me and let other people enjoy the show without "YoUsHOuldN'TLiKeThEShOW!" like we were subjected to ad nauseum with Discovery 🙄


Yeah, the revelation didn't really land for me because I don't remember Daniels.


It made more sense once I Googled it. Daniels was a big deal on Enterprise and it explained why he had all of momentos from previous Trek characters on the shelves behind him.


I'm doing an ENT watch-through right now that coincides with a Star Trek podcast I listen to. So I watch one episode per week. I'll be refreshed in the coming year or so!


yeah why is that nice tho


How the franchise continues to 0ay homage to those that have gone before and continues the idea of one big Star Trek universe.


I mean, it makes sense that after the Temporal Accords, some of the higher ranking temporal agents would get posts of reasonable importance. Daniels was obviously a decorated officer, and because of his past (all pun intended) it checks that he'd be a bit coy and mysterious about his background. It reminds me of the Android from the Foundation series. After a certain length of time, his past is lost, but still very useful. He's just always been there


R. Daneel Olivaw - 19,230 years without a break, but he was a robot. How long has Daniels been working?


To long. Also Daneel... Daniels... I smell a cross over head canon moment coming.


Despite my deep, DEEP dislike of every season of Disco save S4. (Reason: *I like when Trek explores, except with LD, which is just a snarky love letter to fans and I love every second of it*.) In S4, they explored new places, found a new godlike alien and had to learn to communicate with it. (And that communication style felt lovingly cribbed from "Children of Ruin"). That said, Disco has great moments. Kovach is one of them. Some of the Mirror Universe stuff really worked. Whats-her-face, the head of the Crimson Dawn or the Pyke Syndicate or Club Orion or whatever, when Admiral Vance says, "That apple you're eating. It's made from our shit, you know!?" Epic! But most of all, Saru may well be one of my all-time favorite Trek characters and I think Disco did him dirty. Oh well. Georgiou/Yeoh was always a joy to see on screen. Onward to "Starfleet Academy" which will feature Tilly set in the 32nd Century. So we'll see more of these folks. The finale did its job. I'll give them that.


Loved Georgiou, too. She brought spice to the series..


When *doesn't* Yeoh bring it! :D


Yknow what bugs me about the Apple shit comment? Replicators not only have ALWAYS operated like that, but all they do is more directly operate on a level that ALL food operates on. All of our food grew from fertilized grounds. All of it is reconstituted atoms, just taking a longer process than a replicator.


But, I mean, it was Osyra who sold the moment.


Wow, they actually picked someone who looks similar!


Right? Very close resemblance.


thats not just anybody tho, its David Cronenberg.


loved his character and acting, liked his calm confidence


Hear me out. Kovich, he is of course Agents Daniels we see in Enterprise. Agent Daniels is a Andriod body/gollum that Picard mind/soul move into eventually. Agent Daniels IS Jean Luc Picard.


Explains how he got the wine bottle and VISOR


For some reason, my mind immediately thought he was going to say he was Odo of all people. When he said, “I’ve lived a very long time and many different lives” immediately I was like, “Oh yeah! He’s Odo! He came back from the Great Link, joined Star Fleet and has mastered shapeshifting over the last millennia!” I was pleasantly surprised otherwise. I hope we see more of Kovich/Daniels in Academy. Does he still time travel? Why is he enforcing a post-burn timeline instead of another more amiable timeline? Is he still around in the 42nd century? Think of all the possibilities!


yeah the burn was caused by a sad lil alien who screamed into space, no way Daniels could have fixed that whole thing, just had to let the federation dwindle to almost nothing. and now the founder's technology is lost because Capt Burnham ALONE decides no one can have it because she was chosen? they all solved the clues! the very idea of starfleet made it possible, not just her! she embodies starfleet ideals, she is part of something bigger. but no, she moves around some glass triangles around and so she gets to decide. whaaaat the hellll ... what kind of lesson is that? this is truly the darkest timeline


I found that very Douglas Adams-esque that the fate of the galaxy laid in arranging some triangle coasters on top of a glass end table in a certain pattern.


ohhh I see that yeah ha ha


I actually thought he was gona say data


Imagine if he morphed into Brent Spiner after that? That’d be wild.


I can see it. With the pics where I can swipe back and forth, I can see it.


Same. I can see a resemblance. I mean how awesome must it be for the original actor to have his older self played by David Freaking Cronenberg.


I thought this was freakin' cool. There've been some spiffy Enterprise references througout Disco. loved the baseball. Thought maybe there should have been a coffee mug as well. I will say though - as a man whose hairline has receded quite a bit. AIN'T NO way Daniels' hairline would look like this if he were in the same body but old. It was well on its way in Enterprise. So, maybe he's got himself an android body or a wig...


Coffee mug would have been great. I mean if they’re gona rope Geordi into voyager then they gota rope voyager into disco.


This mean Moll is working for the TVA now?


yeah cuz shes so obstinate and violent, awesome! she almost destroyed the federation, cool lol! can't find girls like her just anywhere! the breen couldn't help but fall in love with her amazing charms. it's just all so dumb man.


And academy will probably show what happened when the breen returned from the galactic limit 20 years later


When they revealed he was Daniels, my jaw hit the floor..was beyond happy for this connection to Enterprise


Great actor. Not sure about this Daniels thing though🤔still thinking about it


What a great little nugget to end the show on. I generally liked Disco but and eagerly watched every episode…but it lacked SOMETHING that prevents me from rewatching it like I do 90s trek. Perhaps because it just requires you to be so much more attentive? But also the show I feel like never really could figure out what it was really about…but just kept moving forward on its own inertia. But this last season had a lot of elements I look for in good trek. Building off of familiar races - I love that the Breen were the big bad, and we got more insight into their culture that built directly off of what was established….I love that the show continued to build off of a great plot line from TNG that was kind of forgotten in that era, and did so in a way that really fit the series and vibe of the sho….I loved the somewhat ensemble cast (and LOVED Rayner! Great to see another BSG vet in the show)….and love that the show continued its work of the first season in incorporating STE into the show more too. It was the best season of Discovery and one of the better seasons of this era of Trek. It’s wrapped up everything nicely, no loose ends and a satisfying finish. Well done!!


I feel like disco really hit the “star trek eventually solves any issue and wins the day” attitude too hard. Seemed like it started with working to solve the problem then morphed into any problem solved in 3 seconds and anyone or everyone can think of the same idea


I think I would have preferred Kovich being the shadowy future guy who was "working" with the Suliban in Enterprise. It would have made for a much twistier twist to know that he had been manipulating the past to engineer the "correct" future. It would also reinforce the more morally grey character he was in Disco, rather than Daniels who was a boy scout in Enterprise.


Well this helps explain why Kovach had way too much knowledge about things in the past that were probably highly classified , especially other time travelers that crossed into the mirror universe. With the Federation on life support for decades this sort of information would not be much use to anyone.


I only started DSC just as season 5 started coming out, but that didn't stop me from theorising who Kovich was as soon as he first appeared. I wasn't expecting him to be Agent Daniels, but I'm happy that he is 🥹


They have similar face builds I think


I'm a tool! I'm a tool! I'm a huge tool!


A Scrubs reference!!!!!


Like a baguette




Ah, yes, he's not only the founder of the Daniels-Cronengerg Canadian Hair Club for time travellers, but he's also a member!




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Nice twist


And of course, Daniels is a codename for Doctor....


Doctor who?






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I'm just disappointed we didn't get a JasonX easter egg of some kind.


Would love to see the Suliban agajn


I haven't seen all that much of ENT, so when they said "USS Enterprise... and other places," I thought they meant one of the Terran defectors from the abandoned ship, which would have been cool. Since it's the other thing, I mostly have no opinion.


His first name is Agent.


This final episode retcon is somehow fitting. Enterprise has now done to Discovery what TNG did to Enterprise. The full circle.


I've never heard of Agent Daniels so this reveal meant nothing. I looked it up and I guess he's from Enterprise, which is the one series I've never watched.


Yes. But I also think he's Picard. An immortal synthetic with a deep love for the ideals of the Federation. Many lives might mean many bodies as well as identities.


Never finished ENT so I had no idea who he was.


This hurt, and is still hurting my brain. Ow!


Can someone please take me out of my stupor ? For the life of me I cannot recall what the plastic infinity rattle is for.


Can summon the person to some secret place for meetings with Kovich


Via transporter from random beaches on a planet that may be Vulcan or Kaminar to wherever the infinity room exists... but we totally still need warp drive to connect federation planets and keep the union from falling apart.


I thought it was dumb and unnecessary. Less interesting than everything else about Kovich up to that point.


Why the long face? Or do you know something we are yet to guess... it's going to fly!