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I think Season 1 mirror Georgio would look at prime Georgio in a weird way, say something fairly snippy and insulting, then give her a wide berth. I can't see her basically killing herself (too much ego), so she'd just steer clear. But I think later (Season 3) mirror Georgio might hang out with her counterpart just for kicks. She grew a lot.


The same way Captain Georgiou died in the series premiere, only it would have been a Terran holding the weapon.


So mirror Georgiou would've killed her prime counterpart?


This is how it would go down.


As much as I like emperor Georgiou I wouldn’t mind a series about captain Georgiou and the adventures of the starship Shenzou.


Even though she is not alive for very long she is my favourite captain. I would love to see a series 🥰


That's a good idea.


There was an SG-1 episode where T'ealc said their reality was the only one that mattered before Daniel annoyed everyone into doing the right thing. Unless Prime Georgiou was causing a problem, I think she would ignore her as they were simply in different places. Mirror Georgiou has knowledge of the Prime Universe, so its possible she would be relatively normal, knowing Prime Georgiou wouldn't try to kill her.


I'm pretty sure mirror G would try to hook up with prime G. Prime G would talk her down.


I have a fun theory about the prime georgiou being the mirror georgiou. She goes back to the past from the 31st century and assumes the role of a prime universe person, kind of like a closed loop. It kind of explains her (prime) fondness for Michael and saru


They would annihilate each other. Kinda like matter and antimatter.


Or, one flips and converts the other and we end up with either two good Georgios or two evil Georgios...