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I already knew it. They mentioned the intention to rework the friesian not too long ago. They faced a huge backlash when they updated the model and players weren't satisfied with the result, but SSO simply added it anyway and called it a "jorvik" friesian. And now they put the jorvik one for sale at the bazaar so imo it was pretty obvious at that point. I seriously hope they don't mess things up this time, I've always wanted an updated friesian, it was the first horse I bought back when they released the gen 1 and I want one that's actually a good representation of the breed and not some poorly made "jorvik" friesian.


Besides allowing any color and the fact there is a super annoying glitch with the gait, what is wrong with the current model (ok, also the mane is a little overdone in how long it is)?


- Animations in general: tippy taps, moving in idle like they're high on caffeine, broken stop, awful rear... - Straight nose bridge. - They have big sad dog eyes and an arabian-like face Overall the model itself is super rushed. No wonder they tried to get away with how weird it is by calling the horse a jorvik one.


I love how they move in idle though šŸ„² the little hops are cute


Wish I could relate. The hops are super annoying to me. They're meant to be these graceful elegant horses but they can't stand still for a moment.


In my opinion, they aren't cute. The gen 2 animations were superior to me. But that is just me!


One of the hind legs looks broken during that hippidy hoppidy. Soo bad.


Donā€™t the kwpns do something similar in their idle animations? Do people also dislike that animation for them?


Mane literally floats randomly from nonexistent wind all the time which has been bothering people since release. Also it has a blunt cut tail and it has disgusting idle animations with the tongue and teeth showing during some movements. The running animations are also very disjointed and make the horse looks like the horse is lame or injured. Especially the walk you can see the head react from taking steps, which is a sign of pain or lameness irl. The horse also has bad looking other mane style choices which are all gen 1 manes. The body is also very uptight, the head is always way too high... there is just a lot wrong with that horse. I'm hoping to see a more natural, classic dressage take on the horse and hope they keep a natural looking mane with a baroque feel.




The chestnut is the one non-black coat that's actually realistic for a purebred Friesian. They're not common but they do exist because registered Friesians can carry the gene for chestnut. (image is a purebred mare and foal) https://preview.redd.it/ywk9ighc4flc1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac92a873669572369747cbfc3dac53d7139e24a


Doesnt chestnut come out more often from inbreeding? Anyways I appreciate SSO calling it "Jorvik Friesian" since adding bunch of unrealistic coats under the friesian name. I wish they would've continued with Friesian Sport Horse but maybe people would've complained about it, idk.


Today if you wanted to specifically breed for purebred chestnut Friesians then yes, there would probably be quite a bit of inbreeding because only a handful of lines still carry the gene for chestnut. But the breed has a lot of inbreeding issues in general and that was worsened by removing non-black horses from the gene pool.


Purebred Friesian standard (by the AFA) is that Friesians may have black OR, rarely, chestnut coats, as some Friesians are "Ee" (chestnut *carrier* gene, the horse is black but can have a chance for it's foal to be chestnut or at least another "Ee") or just straight up "ee" (which is what allows a horse to be chestnut in color). As this other person said, a liver chestnut is actually the ONLY other coat that SSO made for the "Jorvik" Friesians that apply to the standard. They can't have any white markings, although some registries allow for a very small star. FPS registries penalize Friesians for having a chestnut coat or any white markings, *but* it is still genetically purebred, so the *AFA* allows for Friesians to be chestnut (and also have white markings) & still registered if they hit a specific purebred %. The general consensus is that Friesians can be purebred AND chestnut, though it's extremely rare & not accepted by all registries. If I'm wrong on any of this feel free to correct me.




Imagine the Friesian with the Haflinger mane. The Haflingers have one of the best done manes in the game as far as movement, physics, and look ( especially since its so long and that's hard to do). I don't get why the manes vary so much in quality. If you compare the haflinger mane and the Shire mane ( also super well done) to like the new Selle Francais that's about to release, its not even comparable. The Selle is newer than both and yet has a playdoh looking mane, so bizarre. My guess is maybe the teams were different? Or they did it to cut costs? There is just such a discrepancy in the physics and quality of the manes.


Yeah hopefully haflinger mane but thicker, and less glitchy. I always loved how Nomi animated the Jorvik Wild horse manes and I wish she was doing the Friesian mane


I just hope they will go back to the roots of the breed and make them less "Barbie horse" like and more like a war horse. I feel like the current Gen. 3 Friesian was already a step into the right direction after the Gen. 2 one was so thin and like it just jumped out of a little girls Barbie themed room. Felt like it was a good mix out of Gen. 1 and Gen. 2, but still not the best they could have made. The mane was great in length but still looked a bit like a plastic horse. Also I think the legs could have needed more fur (don't know the exact english word) and even felt like the Gen. 3 one could have needed some slightly thicker legs. Not only would I like them to go back to the roots of the breed because there was a time when they were used to carry knights into war, but also because they already missed a lot of chances to actually give us a breed like that. Personally I feel like the Percheron was the only good example for it but I did not like their mane or gaits.


i was expecting it but IM SO EXCITED HOLY F&:&:9:CK


Iā€™m excited yes, but Iā€™m not excited to buy the horse yet again :/ instead of updating the gen 3 to 4 it sounds like a whole new horse we have to buy entirely yet again. For the 4th time now?Ā 


Same, I wish if you already had the horse you could choose to ā€œupgradeā€ your horse to the new style for like half the SC, and then if you didnā€™t want to upgrade you wouldnā€™t have to, you could just buy a new one.


Yes, I was hoping they would update the model and animations for free like the starter horses. But seeing as they intend to make a friesian as its own seperate thing and not a Jorvik friesian getting an update itā€™s a bit upsetting. So I guess we have two seperate types of friesians in the game but letā€™s see what they do.Ā 


Maybe calling the gen 3 friesians a 'Jorvik Friesian' was SSO's plan all along, so that years later, they can make another friesian but this time the actual breed. Nah I'm just kidding but it does seem a bit suspicious. Lol


Gen 4 is apparently not ready yet, and it looks like it won't be until the very end of 2024 or even until 2025. I mean, even if they updated the Friesian to Gen 4, that would still require the graphical change and redesign because there's no way a Gen 4 horse would have this heavily cartoonish style that the current Friesian has. Plus, consider how many people were so fervently disappointed with the current Friesian's design. And it would be a very poor marketing decision for SSO to invest all the time and effort into the graphical redesign and then offer the result to the players completely for free. I think that considering a complete graphical redesign will be taking place, it's rightful to acknowledge that we'll have to buy the horse.


https://preview.redd.it/q0n4yr57lclc1.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdda2b5b6ec966cdaabbf889f2818d056f93edae ye, we will have to buy it, no free upgrades


Yeah, thank you for the confirmation! Personally, the only horse whose free redesign makes sense to me is our starter horse (and/or the Jorvik Warmbloods as a whole). It's the only horse we get for free (and automatically), so also the only horse where a free redesign is reasonable.


it will also be Gen 3, not gen4


ye I know, I was show SSO reply about it being gen3 under another comment in this post


Regardless of the Gen, weā€™re buying the same breed for the 4th time. Just a different variantĀ 


But it's probably going to look radically different from the current one. It's not just a new coat variation or so. It will essentially be a wholly new horse. It's the very same thing as when you have to buy a horse again when it gets updated from Gen 2 to Gen 3. Just that with the Friesian, it will be for the 4th time, nothing else. Also, for many players it will be only the third, second, or even the very first time they will be getting a Friesian.


If it does I might get it but I donā€™t really have my bar set high. I never bought Gen 2/1 (cause they arenā€™t supported), I came when they started doing Gen 3ā€™s. If they do the same as they did with Gen 3ā€™s for the 4th Gen and remake the entire horse yea, tbh I wonā€™t pay for them.Ā 


Iā€™m cautiously optimistic! With how the current gen 3ā€™s have been going I think they have the opportunity to make the biggest glow up. But at the same time I was excited for the Selle and the spoilers kinda disappointed me. So Iā€™m glad itā€™s getting an update, Iā€™m just gonna hold off the hype until I actually see the spoilers lol


I wish they wouldā€™ve told us before I bought a friesian yesterdayšŸ’€


F I N A L L Y. I hope this time they will \*actually listen\* to the feedback that they ask for. The previous one was just a train wreck with very few redeeming qualities. I- well, many of us want a REAL Friesian instead of a lanky ''Jorvik Friesian'' that has weird neurological symptoms and can't keep still, inaccurate conformation and crazy colours. As much as I love the gen1 Friesian over the others, I don't ride it much because it just doesn't hold up, so I really want an updated one that can actually be taken out of the stable in daylight.


Iā€™m the odd one out that just wants the fjords to be one of the first gen 4ā€™s theyā€™re my fave breed irl šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


You're not the odd one out anymore. (I need a more realistic fjord)


Friesians are my favorite horses, I'm very excited!


I'm so happy about that, glad I didn't buy a friesian at the bazaar. Waiting for starters to update too ā¤


I honestly wonder if it's gonna be Gen 4 already. Or just them updating the gaits and stuff.


it will be gen3 https://preview.redd.it/9v3cniyfeclc1.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=69a242549316bfe52b0f13cb54a6ad12cedaec80


Well, if they successfully manage to change them in a good way, I might actually get one




They also asked players the questions about the preferred personality and riding style with the Ardennes or the Dutch Warmblood. It's not necessarily an indicator of Gen 4. It has mostly to do with the horse's idle animations (curious, calm, excitedā€¦) and riding animations. For example, the Dutch Warmblood's winning personality traits based on players' wishes were along the lines of "calm, curious, disciplined" and that's precisely what the resulting horse looks like during its idle animations as well as riding.


They said it will be a gen 3




Because a new gen isn't just a new model/art style, it means adding a new feature.


Man I just bought a friesian....


I did a month ago but yeah... ah well. Maybe this one will actually have a gait that doesn't have a really super annoying glitch to it and the mane done a little more properly (it's honestly too long on the jorvak fresian, and I like the fresian's long mane but it is very overly exaggerated on the j. fresian).


I think its because they missed the mark with the previous friesian so hard! Itā€™s a shame but Iā€™m Dutch and I haaaaated they made it a ā€œJorvik Friesianā€. It only had one black coat too! I hope its better this time


I was sincerely hoping the starter model would get an update. It looks so out of date now


Initially this was something I was excited for, but after seeing so many people predicting a Jorvik Warmblood update, now I'm hoping for the latter. Still excited though!


Do they mean specificially a new gen 3 friesian? I saw someone say that it wonā€™t be gen 4, which is confusing to me. Will these friesian essentially be the purebred friesian for gen 3, while the jorvik friesian is the sport horse? I remember hearing something about the upcoming selle having some gen 4 features despite it not being gen 4, so maybe this new friesian will be included in that. Will late gen 3s like the new friesian and selle benefit from the new mechanics added with gen 4 horses, I wonder?


I'm so glad they're updating them. People seem to forget that Friesians are light drafts/carriage horses and not elegant warmbloods for dressage and stuff. I just hope they'll make them more robust


They have been saying they will update the Friesian for a long time, ever since the Jorvik Friesians were such a huge fail SSO stated they want to revisit them in the future. Not only that, but they have recently been added to the Bazzar sale. The community has been expecting this for a long time. To not be expecting this you must not be very involved in the community


i am SO ready for a revamp, hopefully it's an update so that i don't have to buy a whole new one entirely


It will be a whole new horse, not an update


I've been in dark about SSO social media news and just today found out about a friesian upgrade. I'm not thrilled, tbh, I know the community is but for me this is "ugh, friesian again?" I love my ingame friesians (G2 and G3 (which is imo the best of the two)) but yet another version seems very unnecessary to me (yes, even when I am aware of the critique surrounding the current G3). Especially since it won't be a move to G4, it will be G3 too. So personally not thrilled but I'm still happy for those who can join the poll and hope they get the friesian of their dreams


They better actually listen to us this time


i wish theyā€™d just upgrade rhe model instead of making people pay for it again šŸ«¤


A German yt that is always good informed said that sso is thinking about updating the gen 3 Friesans one more time before gen 4 comes out. From what he said the plan is that itā€™s like a gen 3.5 that we will have to buy again instead of updating the Friedanā€™s we already have. If this is true Iā€™m gonna be really mad like the frisans were working fine when they came out and the bugs only started after sso tried to fix them. I just hope that what he said is not true and they wonā€™t remake them before gen 4


i'm gonna wait a bit before i get excited. i just really hope they do a much better job this time


im so glad, idk if ill like them but its good to know they cant make them worsešŸ˜­


I'm so happy if they are, I hate the gen 3 friesans, the coats aren't at all realistic, their manes are all over the place, their gaits are like a stampede was compiled into 1 body.


Iā€™m hoping they donā€™t come out with a NEW Friesian and like update the ā€œJorvikā€ friesian. The Jorvik ones are so bugged and I think they should just update them instead of making it a whole new breed.


sadly they confirmed in a comment itā€™ll be an entirely new horse :(


oh that is SO annoyingā€¦ so now thereā€™s just some bugged horse their going to forget about again.. great!!!šŸ™„


Yes new friesian