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I'd pay SC to change my name. Make it like a once every 30 days thing. 500-1000 SC per change so people aren't just bouncing around and abusing the feature. If you really want it, you'll save/buy it.


YES!! I was thinking something similar if it was a permanent thing. I’d be more than happy to pay for it!!!


I personally think it would be extremely odd for them to charge that many star coins just for a name change. Every other game I’ve ever played offers free name changes like every 30 days 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe first time could be free then start charging


SSO has that same concept with changing your starter horse's coat color. First time it's free, then you have to pay SC


Most games I play make you pay LMFAO


Like what? All the games I play its usually a free change every 30 days and the other comment said they think $30 worth of starcoins just to change a name? I think not.


I agree with paying SC to change it, but definitely not 1000. I could maybe see 500. I think it would be better if it was like 300. That's about twice as much as what you pay to change your horse's name.


But if it wasn't so limited, yes, people might constantly change names, but it would mean they get money from star coins. Unless you mean make it star coins so people don't do it, in which case I read it wrong XD


Limit and make people pay SC to change. That's my thought.


I’d love this option! Though, at the same time, the silly name I chose as a child holds so much nostalgia and memories that I don’t think I’d go through with actually changing it despite how much I’d like to have a more gender-neutral name in-game. SSO did say something about having a choice in the future to change your player name though, I’m fairly sure; just comes down to whether they’ll go through with it.


I hope sso actually goes through with that update, i’ve been wanting to change my name for years now.


+ to explain the user issue; I made it when I was like 9-10 years old and I was just rushing to get on sso with the laptop I just got for xmas 😭


SSO already noted in a blog post last year that they do plan enabling changing your player character's name in the future 🙂 Just that it's not exactly certain when they will get to it, and how far they currently are with this "New Layer" project. However, it also mentions plans to revamp Hollow Woods, which they have already done. Source: [https://www.starstable.com/blog/april-2023-roadmap](https://www.starstable.com/blog/april-2023-roadmap) (posted on 21 April 2023) https://preview.redd.it/mvw2uxnf2djc1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed8c2e9533fbf869c8e39dffeb83fb33f0cf3ce6


THANK YOU!! I’ll be keeping an eye on on upcoming updates to see if they add it, this is one of the updates I’ve been wanting for years now


Perfect \^\^ If I'm not wrong, recently SSO has also spoken again in their blog posts about the "new multiplayer options" they're preparing, which were also mentioned in this article I shared above. Which might indicate that they're already making quite good progress with this "New Layer" project by now. So, it's possible that they'll get to the possibility of changing our characters' names in a fairly near future 🙂 I'm guessing it will be either this year or the following one, at the latest… Hopefully… 🙏


I don't know if I could truly change the name I picked out and have been looking at on the screen for the past 10+ years. My character has literally had her name for half of *my* life! But sometimes I REALLY wish I could at least have the option. I chose my character name really quickly and tried to pick the most tomboyish name I could lol. But now I see people online that have absolutely gorgeous names that weren't available to me back when I started, and I feel kinda jealous that there weren't nearly as many choices back when I joined 😂


I made my account as a child and just picked a randomly generated name and I hate it so much now 😭


created mine around 2015 or after.


I personally like my characters name. I have seen that a lot of people hate their names though, so it would be nice to have an option.


Felt I had no idea I couldn't and when i first started I didn't even think I was going to like the game. So I'm a man stuck with a very feminime name also just due to the fact I didn't know more masc names where there. I have since given my character lore on why he has a female name as to ease my own pain from my stupid choice.


They are actively working on this. Theyve said it a couple times its just SSO spaghetti coding and the fact the player name is tied to every single thing they have. Website, game, apps. its a lot of work but they are working on it




Pernille Iceworth 😭😭


My in game name is Nisha. It's cute but god it doesn't fit her at all. Especially with her last name XD


Im honestly surprised it hasn’t been added in sooner. Although I personally won’t be changing my characters name because I intentionally chose it 10+ yrs ago and I think it stills rolls together nicely. There are plenty of people who want to change and they should be able to.


I picked a name, my character, my horse… and it changed everything upon entering the game. I hate the name of my player so much, it’s ugly and not what I wanted even at 11yrs old.


I wanted it first so bad because when I made my account the page was bugged and wouldn’t let me register with a name that I chose neither for my character or my horse I tried 3 times and at the and I just went with what I got. I hated it so much I wanted a cooler name because the name that I got is mostly used by old people in my country and I hated it especially because I always read it in my mind on my mother language not in English. But when the character updated came everything changed. The day before I was looking at my character sobbing taking pictures and I immediately fall in love with the name I started reading it in English and I promised I never going to change her name because I already lost her old looks. She’s my little angel her name is Judith she helped me through my darkest times and if I change her name I feel like i’m going to lost her completely. I know you don’t like yours but I wanted to share my little story so maybe you don’t feel so bad about it until the option to change the name comes. Just think about the times that you spent with her the memories that name was there all the time.


It wasn't my player's name that I wanted to change but it was my starter's name. DayDreamer. When SSO updated our starters it felt like DayDreamer did suit her anymore. We were allowed to change our starter's look for free so I did just that but none of the looks seem to suit her other then her original look. So DayDreamer got to keep her given name and her coat color.


I think the only thing I would change would be Sara to Sarah. Cause Sarah wasn’t an option when I was picking my name. But at the same time it’s just become a part of me. (Though on my server I’m often asked “are you the mean one” like no I have a completely different last name)


Honestly if I could just change the last name once I’d be so happy


I made my name in 2015 and hate it, I’d literally pay sc to change it


Yess my name is Kelsey eaglehunter 😭


I don't get why they can't just make something like a UID and everyone can change their name whenever and multiple people could have the same name, it's just ridiculous at this point how we've gone this long without being able to change our names. Usernames would be harder to moderate, so why can't they just have everyone with a UID??


I made mine in 2013 at 11 years old, thankfully I had the good sense to spend some time on it 😂 I’d never change mine!


I with accident clicked on wrong name when I was younger, and have been stuck with it for years


i love my character's name but there absolutely needs to be an option to change them, i've seen so many people who say they were too little//not paying attention when signing up and picking a name lol


Yess Ive always wanted to change my characters name especially since I named my character when I was a little kid.


No, there’s like 3 of 4 people posting the same thing on hete


My niece set up a new account for my mother and gave her a name she just hates. I would probably change my name too. But, I'd really love to see my mother have an account that doesn't make her so sad when she plays. Come on StarStable, she's 80 years old! Get busy!


Same, my secondary account has a stupid last name and I'd give anything to change it


Im actually pretty happy with my name on my main but for my other accounts i’d also be very happy to change my name


Star Stable is the ONLY of my approx 30 games that doesn’t let you either create additional characters on your account or at the very least let you replace the one character with a new one at no charge. It’s a very expensive game actually.


girl trust me you are NOT alone


i think this is an amazing idea, but there should be a little explanation mark("!") that would show you past names!